Papers by Nur Handayani Utami

Indonesian Journal of Health Ecology, Dec 16, 2013
Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth experienced in human life. Adolescent girls will experienc... more Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth experienced in human life. Adolescent girls will experience an increase in body fat in•order to prepare reproduction. That makes the body more far from the ideal shape. These, sometime make adolescent girlsfeel dissatisfied with their body shape and eager to have an ideal body shape. The desire to have an ideal body shape is also influenced by the surrounding environment such as peer group and media. This study discusses the determinant factors of body image and efforts to achieve ideal body shape among adolescent girls in Bekasi. This is a quantitative research study with cross sectional design. Respondents in this study were 80 girls aged 11-19 years old in Bekasi. Data analysis was performed using descriptive, bivariate and multivariate. Chi square analysis was conducted prior to the multiple logistic regression test to determine the determinant variables of body image perceptions among adolescent girls. The results showed that 73.8 percent of adolescent girlshad a negative body image perception. The main determinant factors of body image perceptions on adolescent girls were having a peer group (OR 5.09 ; 95% CI 1.02-25.42) and monthly allowance (OR 3.61; 95% CI 1.22-10.73). Efforts made by respondents to achieve the body image were diet and physical activity, but the results of chi square test showed that there were no relationship between the diet and physical activity behavior and perceptions of body image. •

Fruits and vegetables (FV) contain essential vitamins and minerals for children's growth and deve... more Fruits and vegetables (FV) contain essential vitamins and minerals for children's growth and development. Introduction of FV in young children can improve their preference for healthy food. The purpose of this study was to develop FV combinations based on children's preferences and balanced diet recommendations. This study used a school-based cross-sectional design and was conducted in four phases, including market surveys, group interviews, the development of FV combinations, and a hedonic test. The market survey's goal was to compile a list of FV availability and pricing. Forty-two children aged 10-12 years from two schools in Central Jakarta, Indonesia, took part in six different group interviews to determine FV preferences and serving size. FV combinations were developed using Linear Programming for Nutrisurvey. The hedonic test of FV combinations was followed by 80 children aged 10-12 from the same schools. This study developed five optimized FV combinations from six fruits (papaya, banana, guava, mango, dragon fruit, and red apple) and five vegetables (broccoli, carrot, yardlong bean, beansprouts, and spinach) with serving sizes ranging from 300-400 g; a price of IDR 5,000 or less; meeting the minimum daily requirement of energy, fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C; and having at least three different colors in each combination. The combination of papaya, banana, guava, broccoli, and carrot provided the most energy (157.1 Cal). Meanwhile, the combination of papaya, mango, yardlong bean, carrot, and beansprouts contained the most vitamin A (428 µg) and vitamin C (103.2 mg). The children preferred all FV combinations that contained approximately 21 g of fiber (children's preference score ranged from 4.25-4.65 out of 5). Color, taste, aroma, and texture preferences of children can be met by optimized FV combinations. These optimized FV combinations should be incorporated into health promotion messages to promote FV as nutrient-dense foods available in the local market and affordable for children aged 10-12 years. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these optimized FV combinations on nutrient intake and nutritional status of children aged 10 to 12 years should be assessed.

Gizi Indonesia, Sep 30, 2015
Household food security in some previous studies were found associated with the occurrence of mal... more Household food security in some previous studies were found associated with the occurrence of malnutrition in children. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between household food security with stunting in children under 2 years of age (6-23 months) in Kebon Kalapa Village, Central Bogor. This was a cross-sectional study in Kebon Kalapa, Central Bogor Subdistrict. A total of 216 children under two years of age (6-23 months) and their mother were selected as samples in this study. The dependent variable in this study was the nutritional status of children (HAZ), whereas the main independent variables, was household food security. Food security was measured using an instrument called Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Results showed that more than half of the households had food secure (63%), and other households which were classified as mild, moderate and severe categorizes of food insecure were 17%, 11% and 9%, respectively. The study concluded that household food security is a risk factor for stunted children under two years of age, where children with food insecure household were at risk of 10.9 times become stunted after corrected by the child's age, birth weight, breastmilk consumption, use of a bottle feeding, food diversity, maternal age, maternal education, maternal nutrition knowledge, food hygiene practice, father's education and father's work.

Jurnal Ekologi Kesehatan, Mar 3, 2016
Infants are at higher risk of iron and zinc deficiency because of their rapid growth and higher i... more Infants are at higher risk of iron and zinc deficiency because of their rapid growth and higher iron and zinc needs. The infants’ iron and zinc status are directly affected by their dietary intake. The aims of this study were to measure the average and the deficit of iron and zinc intake in infants aged 6 – 11.months in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka Kota Bekasi, 2014. The research was conducted in 10 Integrated Health Service in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka, Bekasi City, 2014. Eighty pairs of infants and mothers were selected as samples. Infants’ intake were assessed by 2 x 24 hours non-consecutive dietary recall. Independent T test analysis were conducted to identify the differences in iron and zinc intake between underweight infant and infant with normal nutritional status. Analysis showed that iron and zinc the total of average of breastfeeding infants were 2,3 ± 1,2 mg/day and 1,7 ± 0,7 mg/day. Iron and zinc The average deficit of of breastfeeding infants were 4,7 ± 1,2 mg/day and 1,3 ± 0,7 mg/day. There was significant difference on the average of iron intake between underweight infant and infants with normal nutritional status. But there was no significant difference on the zinc intake. However zinc intake the average of of underweight infant was lower than the normal infant with normal nutritional status. Nutrition counseling about good complementary feeding practice to the mothers of infants is needed, especially complementary food from animal source. Multi micro nutrient supplementations to the infants need to be considered, regarding low consumption of complementary food from animal source.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2015
ABSTRACT Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the ... more ABSTRACT Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the other hand, the prevalence of overweight and obesity also increases. The result of the situation is double burden of child nutrition status, both stunted and obese/overweight at time same. The objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of children under two years of age who are stunted and overweight at the same time and its associated factors in Indonesia. The study used secondary data from the National Basic Health Research in 2010. The samples were 2116 under two year of age from all provinces in Indonesia. Anthropometry indices were generated using 2005 WHO standards for children. A child that categorized as stunted and overweight were those with a length-for-age z-score 2SD from the median of the reference standard adjusted for the relevant sex and age group. Logistic regression and sample weighting factors were performed for the data analysis. The result wasthe prevalence of stunting with concurrent overweight 19.8 percent. Factors that significantly associated with stunting overweight were fat intake and maternal education. Low fat intake was associated with stunting and overweight (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.94). Mother with no schooling is also associated with stunting and overweight of their children (OR 3.24, 95% CI 1.35-7.78). This analysis emphasizes that there had been double burden of child nutrition among children in Indonesia. However, eventhough low fat intake was one of the factors associated with stunting and overweight among under two children, restriction of fat intake in first year of life is not recommended. Keywords: stunting overweight, factors, under two years old children, Indonesia ABSTRAK Gangguan pertumbuhan linear (pendek) masih lazim di negara-negara berkembang. Namun, transisi gizi telah membuat prevalensi gemuk dan obesitas juga meningkat. Ini membawa efek pada masalah gizi ganda pada anak-anak. Mereka menjadi pendek dan obes/kelebihan berat badan (pendek-gemuk) pada saat yang bersamaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi anak di bawah dua tahun yang pendek dan gemuk pada waktu yang bersamaan dan faktor-faktor yang terkait di Indonesia. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2010 sebagai bahan pengolahan dan analisis, dengan sampel 2116 anak dibawah usia dua tahun dari seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Perhitungan z-skor dilakukan menggunakan acuan standar WHO 2005. Anak yang pendek-gemuk memiliki panjang badan menurut umur (TB/U) 2 SD dari median populasi acuan untuk jenis kelamin dan umur yang relevan. Uji statistik menggunakan uji regresi logistik dan faktor pembobotan sampel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan prevalensi anak di bawah dua tahun yang pendek dan gemuk sebesar 19,8 persen. Faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan adalah asupan lemak dan pendidikan ibu. Asupan lemak yang rendah berhubungan dengan terjadinya pendek dan gemuk (OR 0,52, 95% CI 0,29-0,94). Ibu yang tidak bersekolah juga berhubungan dengan terjadinya pendek dan gemuk pada anak (OR 3,24, 95% CI 1,35-7,78). Analisis ini menekankan bahwa telah terjadi masalah gizi ganda pada anak berusia di bawah dua tahun (baduta) di Indonesia. Walaupun asupan lemak berhubungan dengan terjadinya pendek dan gemuk pada baduta, namun berdasarkan beberapa literatur pembatasan konsumsi lemak pada tahun pertama kehidupan tidaklah dianjurkan.[Penel Gizi Makan 2014, 37(1): 1-10] Kata kunci: pendek-gemuk, anak berusia di bawah dua tahun, Indonesia

Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi, Sep 5, 2016
ABSTRAK Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immun... more ABSTRAK Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immunization program. Some studies indicate that sustainability utilization of maternal health care will improvematernal health and the quality of child care including immunization. Objective: The aim of the analysis is to determine the relationship between sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services with complete immunization of children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia. Methods: Secondary data analysis of Baseline Health Research 2013. The samples in this analysis werechildren aged 12 – 23 months of mothers aged 10 – 54 years who has history of immunization recorded onKMS / KIA / infant health records. The main independent variable was the sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services. The dependent variable is the immunization status. Odds ratios and 95%Confidence were calculated by logistic regression. Result: Pregnant women who were not sustainably utilize maternal health services were 1.58 times morelikely to not provide complete immunization to their children compare to women who continuously utilizedmaternal health services adjusted by economic status and number of children in family. Conclusion: The sustainability utilization of maternal health care significantly related with completeimmunization of children aged 12 – 23 months in Indonesia. Latar Belakang: Upaya untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian karena infeksi pada anak dapatdilakukan dengan program imunisasi. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kesinambungan pemanfaatanpelayanan kesehatan maternal akan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu serta kualitas perawatan anaktermasuk didalamnya imunisasi. Tujuan: Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanankesehatan maternal dengan pemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia. Metodologi: Data yang digunakan di dalam analisis ini ialah data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013.Sampel di dalam analisis ini ialah anak umur 12 – 23 bulan dari ibu umur 10 – 54 tahun yang memilikiriwayat imunisasi yang tercatat pada buku KMS/KIA/catatan kesehatan bayi. Variabel bebas utama ialahkesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal. Variabel terikat ialah status imunisasi dasarlengkap. Analisis regresi logistik dilakukan dengan perhitungan odds ratio dan 95% Confidence Interval. Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil yang tidak berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal, memiliki kecenderungan 1,58 kali untuk tidak memberikan imunisasilengkap kepada anaknya dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal. Kesimpulan: Kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal berhubungan signifikan denganpemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia.

Penelitian gizi dan makanan, Dec 29, 2015
ABSTRACT Stunting reflected nutrition inadequacy in long-term period. Birthweight is one of the p... more ABSTRACT Stunting reflected nutrition inadequacy in long-term period. Birthweight is one of the predictor of stunting. The objective of the study was to determine cut-off point of birthweight as a predictor of stunting in children aged 6-23 months in Indonesia and to assess the association of birthweight with stunting adjusted by confounders. The samples of this analysis were 6333 children aged 6-23 months, taken from Baseline Health Research 2013. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variables was birthweight and the confounders were birth length, age, sex, infectious diseases, mother’s and father’s education, mother’s and father’s occupation, economic status, mother’s stature, and place of living. Cut-off point of birthweight was determined by Relative Operating Characteristic Curve analysis. Odds Ratio and 95 percent confident interval was calculated by logistic regression. The result showed that birthweight 3150 grams or less could predict stunting in children aged 6-23 months (Se 56,2% and Sp 52,8%). Children with birth weight 3150 grams or less were 1,24 more likely to become stunting than children with birth weight 3150 grams or above. It is concluded although birthweight was significantly associated with stunting but birthweight was not a strong predictor of stunting in Indonesia. Keywords: birth weight, stunting, toddler ABSTRAK Kondisi stunting menunjukkan ketidakcukupan gizi dalam jangka waktu yang lama (kronis). Berat lahir merupakan salah satu prediktor kejadian stunting pada balita. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai batas berat lahir sebagai prediktor kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-23 bulan yang lahir cukup bulan di Indonesia serta menilai hubungan antara berat lahir dan stunting setelah dikontrol variabel perancu. Sampel pada analisis ini ialah data sekunder 6333 anak 6-23 bulan yang lahir cukup bulan sampel Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013. Variabel dependen ialah stunting dan variabel independen ialah berat lahir. Variabel perancu ialah panjang lahir, jenis kelamin, umur, penyakit infeksi, pendidikan ibu dan ayah, pekerjaan ibu dan ayah, status ekonomi, tinggi badan ibu, dan tempat tinggal. Nilai batas berat lahir ditentukan dengan analisis kurva Relative Operating Characteristic. Odds Ratio dan 95% Confident Intervals diperoleh dengan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan berat lahir 3150 gram atau kurang dapat memprediksi kejadian stunting (Se 56,2% dan Sp 52,8%). Anak dengan berat lahir 3150 gram atau memiliki odds 1,24 kali untuk menjadi stunting dibandingkan dengan anak dengan berat lahir 3150 gram atau lebih. Dengan hasil ini disimpulkan bahwa walaupun berat lahir berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian stunting, tetapi merupakan faktor prediktor yang lemah terhadap terjadinya stunting pada anak umur 6-23 bulan di Indonesia. [Penel Gizi Makan 2015, 38(1):79-85] Kata kunci: berat lahir, stunting, baduta

Paediatrica Indonesiana
Background Many children in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) have reduced cognitive abiliti... more Background Many children in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) have reduced cognitive abilities, but few studies have explored the influencing factors. Objective To determine the determinants of children's low cognitive development at 4 to 6-year-old. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study in year 2021. The data was obtained from Bogor Longitudinal Study of Child Growth and Development (BLSCGD) that started from year 2012. For this analysis, we considered 165 of children aged 4-6 years. The dependent variable in this analysis was cognitive development as measured by the Indonesian Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) with the indicators of full-scale IQ (FSIQ), verbal IQ (VIQ) and performance IQ (PIQ). The independent variables were determinants of children’s cognitive development at 4-6 years, consisted of socio-demographic factors, determinants from early life (0-23 months), as well as determinants from current conditions. Multivariate analysi...

The complexity of infant feeding practices made a single indicator is not easy to analyze the rel... more The complexity of infant feeding practices made a single indicator is not easy to analyze the relationship between the quality of infant and young child feeding with nutritional status. Objective of this study was to implement the child feeding index (CFI) among 6-23 month children in Kebon Kalapa Village, Central Bogor. The research design was cross-sectional. The subjects of this study were under two children (aged 6-23 months). Data was collected through interviews using a structured questionnaire, anthropometric and food consumption measurements. Child Feeding Index constructed using variables: breastfeeding, bottle feeding, frequency of eating solid/semi-solid food and dietary diversity. Analysis was performed using bivariate analysis. Internal validity indicated that CFI was associated significantly with most of its constituent components. This study also showed that the CFI has good internal consistency (reliable) with Cronbach's α coefficient >0.6. Child feeding index...

Latar belakang: Gagal tumbuh pada anak-anak di Indonesia sudah berdampak pada semakin meningkatny... more Latar belakang: Gagal tumbuh pada anak-anak di Indonesia sudah berdampak pada semakin meningkatnya penyakit tidak menular pada usia dewasa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran utuh kecenderungan dan permasalahan pendek di Indonesia dan strategi penanggulangannya agar kejadian penyakit tidak menular pada usia dewasa dapat dicegah. Metode: Kajian ini menggunakan metode literatur review dan analisis korelasi data sekunder. Sumber data yaitu SKRT (2001, 2004), Riskesdas (2007/08, 2010 dan 2013), Susenas (2007, 2012), Studi Kohor Tumbuh Kembang Anak (2010 sampai sekarang), SDT (Studi Diet Total) tahun 2014; Studi IPKM 2013; Disertasi para doktor Indonesia sampai tahun 2015, dan literatur lainnya. Hasil: Tidak terjadi perbaikan prevalensi pendek pada balita tingkat nasional yang berlanjut pada anak usia sekolah. Prevalensi terakhir tahun 2013 sebesar 37,2% (pada balita), pada anak usia sekolah 31,7%. Bayi lahir dengan panjang badan pendek pada tahun 2013 tercatat 20,2% yang ber...

Introduction: Stunting remains a predominant global health problem and Indonesia is no exception.... more Introduction: Stunting remains a predominant global health problem and Indonesia is no exception. This analysis aims to determine the major factors of stunting among children aged 0-23 months, using data from the Bogor Longitudinal Study on Child Growth and Development (BLSCGD). Methods: The BLSCGD was conducted by the Center for Public Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Indonesia. This analysis used part of the BLSCGD data. A total of 320 children aged above 23 months were included. Anthropometric measurements were performed by trained enumerators each month from the first month of birth until 23 months of age. The analyses of survival resilience was conducted using survival statistics test using life table and Kaplan Meier, whereby the case for this survival analysis was the occurrence of stunting. Factors affecting stunting (including children and maternal characteristics) were tested using cox proportional hazards regression. Results: Determinants of stunting w...

Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the other han... more Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the other hand, the prevalence of overweight and obesity also increases. The result of the situation is double burden of child nutrition status, both stunted and obese/overweight at time same. The objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of children under two years of age who are stunted and overweight at the same time and its associated factors in Indonesia. The study used secondary data from the National Basic Health Research in 2010. The samples were 2116 under two year of age from all provinces in Indonesia. Anthropometry indices were generated using 2005 WHO standards for children. A child that categorized as stunted and overweight were those with a length-for-age z-score 2SD from the median of the reference standard adjusted for the relevant sex and age group. Logistic regression and sample weighting factors were performed for the data analysis. The result wasthe prevalence of stuntin...

Anaemia is still a serious health problem among pregnant women. Iron is regarded as one of the mi... more Anaemia is still a serious health problem among pregnant women. Iron is regarded as one of the micronutrients contributed to the occurrence of anaemia. Deficiency of iron in advanced stage can cause anaemia, called iron deficiency anaemia. This study aims to analyze the difference between protein and micronutrient intake and calculate the odd ratio (OR) of anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia due to protein and micronutrient intake among pregnant women in the study area. This was an analysis of the first year data of Child Growth and Development cohort studies conducted in Kebon Kalapa and Ciwaringin Villages, Bogor District that analysed with case control design. There are 47 pregnant mothers as the sample. Anaemia was categorized as the hemoglobin (Hb) level ≤ 11 g / dL. Iron deficiency categorized when serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) above 4.4 mg / L. Iron deficiency anemia categorized if they had hemoglobin levels <11 g / dL and sTfr> 4.4 mg / L. One way anova was used to...

Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
Malnutrition has a role not only to increase morbidity and mortality, but also to psychosocial as... more Malnutrition has a role not only to increase morbidity and mortality, but also to psychosocial aspects and intellectual development. Three criteria for malnutrition are: underweight, stunting and wasting, reflecting both past and present growth failures. Growth failure in children under five that occur simultaneously is strongly influenced by the socio-economic conditions of the family. This analysis discusses how disparities in malnourished children in Indonesia are seen from the socioeconomic dimensions of the household. The analysis was done by using Riskesdas 2013 data that was processed by using the HEAT (Health Equity Assessment Toolkit) program issued by WHO 2016. From the analysis, the prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting simultaneously CIAF (Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure) was 2.5%. The lower the economy the higher the prevalence of underfive children experiencing CIAF, under-fives with CIAF mostly live in rural areas compared to CIAF children under fi...

Food consumption is one of the vital things that can determine the nutritional status of children... more Food consumption is one of the vital things that can determine the nutritional status of children. One indicator of the dietary quality of children is dietary diversity. This analysis was carried out to analyze dietary diversity and its relationship to the nutritional status of under-five children in Indonesia. The analysis was carried out on the data of the Individual Food Consumption Survey (IFCS). A total of 5,395 children were sampled in this analysis. Food consumption was collected through 24hr recall. The dependent variable in this analysis is the nutritional status of children (weight for age). The main independent variable is dietary diversity. The results of the analysis show that the types of food consumed most by children under five in Indonesia are cereals, roots, and tubers while the types of food groups that are the least consumed are fruits and nuts. The results of the analysis also show that the higher the age, mother's education and the economic level, the more diverse the consumption of food. The diversity of consumption is also higher for children in urban areas. The results of the analysis show that the diversity of food consumed by infants is related to nutritional status. Less diverse consumption mainly increases the risk of children experiencing severe underweight, even though this relationship is weak. Conversely, less diverse consumption reduces the risk of overweight.

Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research)
The problem of undernutrition and overnutrition among underfive children is still a challenge in ... more The problem of undernutrition and overnutrition among underfive children is still a challenge in improving public health in Indonesia. Public Health Development Index (PHDI) has been developed based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013. This analysis was carried out to determine the role of PHDI and its constituent components with the nutritional problems of children under five in Indonesia. The 2013 PHDI consists of 7 indexes, namely underfive children health, reproductive health, health services, health behavior, non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, and environmental health. One-way ANOVA analysis was carried out to analyze the mean differences between the prevalence of undernutrition based on the category of PHDI values, while the analysis of overweight with the PHDI value category was analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis. Analysis of the association between the prevalence of undernutrition and overweight with the PHDI was done using linear regression. ...

Household food security in some previous studies were found associated with the occurrence of mal... more Household food security in some previous studies were found associated with the occurrence of malnutrition in children. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between household food security with stunting in children under 2 years of age (6-23 months) in Kebon Kalapa Village, Central Bogor. This was a cross-sectional study in Kebon Kalapa, Central Bogor Subdistrict. A total of 216 children under two years of age (6-23 months) and their mother were selected as samples in this study. The dependent variable in this study was the nutritional status of children (HAZ), whereas the main independent variables, was household food security. Food security was measured using an instrument called Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Results showed that more than half of the households had food secure (63%), and other households which were classified as mild, moderate and severe categorizes of food insecure were 17%, 11% and 9%, respectively. The study concluded that household food security is a risk factor for stunted children under two years of age, where children with food insecure household were at risk of 10.9 times become stunted after corrected by the child's age, birth weight, breastmilk consumption, use of a bottle feeding, food diversity, maternal age, maternal education, maternal nutrition knowledge, food hygiene practice, father's education and father's work.

Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan
Mental health care services need to be integrated, starting from the central level to the basic l... more Mental health care services need to be integrated, starting from the central level to the basic level (Puskesmas) so it can develop community mental health care services. This study was conducted to find out more details about mental health care services in the city of Bogor. This study is part of the study of Mental Health in several parts of Indonesia which is carried out by cross sectional design through a qualitative approach. The informants are the mental health programmer in West Java Provincial Health Office, Bogor City Health Office, Health Centers in Bogor city, and a psychiatrist at the Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital (RSMM). The variables excavated include promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts in mental health program. Data were analyzed thematically according to interview results. The results of the study show that mental health promotion efforts are carried out through socialization of mental health in the community and also in schools, while for preventive...

Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi, 2016
ABSTRAK Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immun... more ABSTRAK Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immunization program. Some studies indicate that sustainability utilization of maternal health care will improvematernal health and the quality of child care including immunization. Objective: The aim of the analysis is to determine the relationship between sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services with complete immunization of children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia. Methods: Secondary data analysis of Baseline Health Research 2013. The samples in this analysis werechildren aged 12 – 23 months of mothers aged 10 – 54 years who has history of immunization recorded onKMS / KIA / infant health records. The main independent variable was the sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services. The dependent variable is the immunization status. Odds ratios and 95%Confidence were calculated by logistic regression. Result: Pregnant women who were not sustainably utilize maternal health services were 1.58 times morelikely to not provide complete immunization to their children compare to women who continuously utilizedmaternal health services adjusted by economic status and number of children in family. Conclusion: The sustainability utilization of maternal health care significantly related with completeimmunization of children aged 12 – 23 months in Indonesia. Latar Belakang: Upaya untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian karena infeksi pada anak dapatdilakukan dengan program imunisasi. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kesinambungan pemanfaatanpelayanan kesehatan maternal akan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu serta kualitas perawatan anaktermasuk didalamnya imunisasi. Tujuan: Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanankesehatan maternal dengan pemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia. Metodologi: Data yang digunakan di dalam analisis ini ialah data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013.Sampel di dalam analisis ini ialah anak umur 12 – 23 bulan dari ibu umur 10 – 54 tahun yang memilikiriwayat imunisasi yang tercatat pada buku KMS/KIA/catatan kesehatan bayi. Variabel bebas utama ialahkesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal. Variabel terikat ialah status imunisasi dasarlengkap. Analisis regresi logistik dilakukan dengan perhitungan odds ratio dan 95% Confidence Interval. Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil yang tidak berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal, memiliki kecenderungan 1,58 kali untuk tidak memberikan imunisasilengkap kepada anaknya dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal. Kesimpulan: Kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal berhubungan signifikan denganpemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia.
Papers by Nur Handayani Utami