Papers by Numan BİLDİRİCİ

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi tarım ve doğa dergisi, Jun 30, 2020
Bu araştırma 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Bursa-Gemlik ekolojik koşullarında birinci ürün olarak yetiş... more Bu araştırma 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Bursa-Gemlik ekolojik koşullarında birinci ürün olarak yetiştirilen Azkan nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşidine farklı fosfor dozu (0-4-6-8 kg da-1 P2O5) uygulanarak verim ve verim öğelerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf blokları desenine göre dört tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin varyans analiz sonuçları dikkate alındığında fosfor dozlarına bağlı olarak iki yıl için bitkide boy, dal sayısı, bitkide bakla sayısı ve dekara tane verimini önemli ölçüde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Yapılan uygulamalarla tane verimi ortalamaları 2014 yılında 156.9-202.5 kg da-1 , 2015 yılında ise 159.4-197.4 kg da-1 arasında değişmiştir. Fosfor dozları açısından deneme sonuçları incelendiğinde; iki yıl için en yüksek tane verimi sırasıyla 197.4-202.5 kg da-1 ve 6 kg da-1 fosfor(P2O5) dozu uygulanan parsellerden elde edilmiştir. Artan fosfor dozlarının bir noktaya kadar verimde pozitif yönlü bir artışa neden olduğu görülmüştür.

Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Apr 30, 2009
The objectives of this study were to evaluate potential benefits of intercropping of corn with ru... more The objectives of this study were to evaluate potential benefits of intercropping of corn with runner bean for a smallsized farming system, based on land equivalent ratio (LER) and silage yield and quality of corn intercropped with runner bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in arid conditions of Turkey under an irrigation system. This experiment was established as a split-plot design in a randomized complete block, with three replications and carried out over two (consecutive) years in 2006 and 2007. Seven different mixtures (runner bean, B and silage corn sole crop, C, 10% B+90% C, 20% B+80% C, 30% B+70% C, 40% B+60%C, and 50% B+50%C) of silage corn-runner bean were intercropped. All of the mixtures were grown under irrigation. The corn-runner bean fields were planted in the second week of May and harvested in the first week of September in both years. Green beans were harvested three times each year and green bean yields were recorded each time. After the 3rd harvest of green bean, residues of bean and corn together were randomly harvested from a 1 m 2 area by hand using a clipper when the bean started to dry and corn was at the dough stage. Green mass yields of each plot were recorded. Silages were prepared from each plot (triplicate) in 1 L mini-silos. After 60 d ensiling, subsamples were taken from this material for determination of dry matter (DM), pH, organic acids, chemical composition, and in vitro DM digestibility of silages. The LER index was also calculated to evaluate intercrop efficiencies with respect to sole crops. Average pH, acetic, propionic and butyric acid concentrations were similar but lactic acid and ammonia-N levels were significantly different (p<0.05) among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn. Ammonia-N levels linearly increased from 0.90% to 2.218 as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio. While average CP content increased linearly from 6.47 to 12.45%, and average NDF and ADF contents decreased linearly from 56.17 to 44.88 and from 34.92 to 33.51%, respectively, (p<0.05) as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, but DM and OM contents did not differ among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn (p>0.05). In vitro OM digestibility values differed significantly among bean-corn mixture silages (p<0.05). Fresh bean, herbage DM, IVOMD, ME yields, and LER index were significantly influenced by percentage of bean in the mixtures (p<0.01). As the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, yields of fresh bean (from 0 to 24,380 kg/ha) and CP (from 1,258.0 to 1,563.0 kg/ha) and LER values (from 1.0 to 1.775) linearly increased, but yields of herbage DM (from 19,670 to 12,550 kg/ha), IVOMD (from 12,790 to 8,020 kg/ha) and ME (46,230 to 29,000 Mcal/ha) yields decreased (p<0.05). In conclusion, all of the bean-corn mixtures provided a good silage and better CP concentrations. Even though forage yields decreased, the LER index linearly increased as the percentage of bean increased in the mixture up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, which indicates a greater utilization of land. Therefore, a 50:50 seeding ratio seemed to be best for optimal utilization of land in this study and to provide greater financial stability for labor-intensive, small farmers.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020
Bildirici-Oral: The effect of phosphorus and zinc doses on yield and yield components of beans (P... more Bildirici-Oral: The effect of phosphorus and zinc doses on yield and yield components of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020
This research was conducted under the ecological conditions of Van-Gevaş, Turkey in 2015 and 2016... more This research was conducted under the ecological conditions of Van-Gevaş, Turkey in 2015 and 2016 in three replications according to the Random Parcel Trial Pattern. This study is a flowerpotting trial investigating the effects of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) doses applied in increasing amounts to the bean plant grown in the hydroponic system. Four different copper doses (0-200-400-800 mg Cu kg-1) and four different zinc doses (0-2.5-5.0-10.0 mg Zn kg-1) were applied. This study was conducted in drybean varieties on different doses and interactions of Cu and Zn; characteristics such as plant height, number of pods in the plant, number of branches, grain yield in the plant, harvest index and protein ratio were examined. According to the results of the research, while the of 400 mg kg-1 Cu and 5.0 mg kg-1 Zn dose applied to Yakutiye-98 variety in the first year increased the seed yield (36.32 g plant-1) in the plant; in the second year, 200 mg kg-1 Cu applied to Yakutiye-98 variety and 5.0 mg kg-1 Zn increased the yield (28.45 g plant-1). In general copper-zinc interaction; Co-administration of Cu and Zn doses led to increases in yield and yield parameters of bean varieties compared to the separate administration of these doses and was found statistically significant at 1% level.
Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, Sep 30, 2016
In this study, the effects of heavy metals on the bean plants have been investigated. Heavy metal... more In this study, the effects of heavy metals on the bean plants have been investigated. Heavy metals cause environmental pollution. Various drugs and fertilizers in agriculture and in particular fields can lead to heavy metal dirty thereto. Heavy metal elements are essential nutrients for plants. Normal concentrations of heavy metals serve as a cofactor necessary for the structure of proteins and enzymes that play an important role in plant grow than development.

MAS Journal Of Applied Sciences, 2022
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of different vermicompost applications on som... more In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of different vermicompost applications on some yield components in bread wheat under Mardin conditions. The trial was established in 2017-18 in dry conditions, using two bread wheat varieties and four different vermicompost treatments in three repetitions according to the factorial experimental design in randomized blocks. According to the data obtained at the end of the experiment, the observed parameters were determined as respectively, the number of days of spiking (111.0 - 114.3 days), plant height (82.6 - 100.6 cm), plant spike length (7.2 - 10.3 cm), grain number per spike (29.8 - 55.9 pieces/spike), chlorophylls number (46.2 - 50.5 cci), vegetation temperature (21.8 - 22.6 °C), leaf area index (0.70 - 0.78 LAI), grain yield (4355.3 - 5360.7 kg ha-1) and crude protein (11.4 - 12.9%). As a result of the research, it has been determined that vermicompost applied in increasing amounts in all the properties studied except for veg...
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020
Bildirici-Oral: The effect of phosphorus and zinc doses on yield and yield components of beans (P... more Bildirici-Oral: The effect of phosphorus and zinc doses on yield and yield components of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020
Plants employ multiple layers of innate immunity, which result from a coevolutionary arms race wi... more Plants employ multiple layers of innate immunity, which result from a coevolutionary arms race with pathogenic microorganisms. 1 A first layer of the innate immunity involves the perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are usually common among microorganisms including pathogens such as bacterial flagellin, comprising the flagellum and fungal chitin of its cell wall (PAMPs-triggered immunity, PTI). 2 PAMPs are not found in host plants. Binding of PAMPs to pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) usually provokes stereotypical protective reactions, including ion fluxes, oxidative bursts, the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases, protein phosphorylations, several gene activations, and callose deposition. 2 All PRRs identified so far for bacterial and fungal PAMPs are receptor-like kinases/proteins (RLK/ Ps) 3 (Fig. 1). RLK/Ps are anchored on a plasma membrane of plant cells and monitor microorganisms in the apoplast. No RLK/P that can detect plant viruses has been identified to date, perhaps because plant viruses are obligate intracellular parasites; i.e., they directly invade plant cells by means of mechanical wounding or through the feeding behavior of viral Plants and animals can recognize the invasion of pathogens through their perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Plant PRRs identified have been exclusively receptor-like kinases/ proteins (RLK/Ps), and no RLK/P that can detect viruses has been identified to date. RNA silencing (RNA interference, RNAi) is regarded as an antiviral basal immunity because the majority of plant viruses has RNA as their genomes and encode RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) proteins to counterattack antiviral RNAi. Many RSSs were reported to bind to double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs), which are regarded as viral PAMPs. We have recently identified a tobacco calmodulin (CaM)-like protein, rgs-CaM, as a PRR that binds to diverse viral RSSs through its affinity for the dsRNA-binding domains. Because rgs-CaM seems to target RSSs for autophagic degradation with self-sacrifice, the expression level of rgs-CaM is important for antiviral activity. Here, we found that the rgs-CaM expression was induced immediately (within 1 h) after wounding at a wound site on tobacco leaves. Since the invasion of plant viruses is usually associated with wounding, and several hours are required for viruses to replicate to a detectable level in invaded cells, the wound-induced expression of rgs-CaM seems to be linked to its antiviral function, which should be ready before the virus establishes infection. CaMs and CaM-like proteins usually transduce calcium signals through their binding to endogenous targets. Therefore, rgs-CaM is a unique CaM-like protein in terms of binding to exogenous targets and functioning as an antiviral PRR.

Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2009
The objectives of this study were to evaluate potential benefits of intercropping of corn with ru... more The objectives of this study were to evaluate potential benefits of intercropping of corn with runner bean for a smallsized farming system, based on land equivalent ratio (LER) and silage yield and quality of corn intercropped with runner bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in arid conditions of Turkey under an irrigation system. This experiment was established as a split-plot design in a randomized complete block, with three replications and carried out over two (consecutive) years in 2006 and 2007. Seven different mixtures (runner bean, B and silage corn sole crop, C, 10% B+90% C, 20% B+80% C, 30% B+70% C, 40% B+60%C, and 50% B+50%C) of silage corn-runner bean were intercropped. All of the mixtures were grown under irrigation. The corn-runner bean fields were planted in the second week of May and harvested in the first week of September in both years. Green beans were harvested three times each year and green bean yields were recorded each time. After the 3rd harvest of green bean, residues of bean and corn together were randomly harvested from a 1 m 2 area by hand using a clipper when the bean started to dry and corn was at the dough stage. Green mass yields of each plot were recorded. Silages were prepared from each plot (triplicate) in 1 L mini-silos. After 60 d ensiling, subsamples were taken from this material for determination of dry matter (DM), pH, organic acids, chemical composition, and in vitro DM digestibility of silages. The LER index was also calculated to evaluate intercrop efficiencies with respect to sole crops. Average pH, acetic, propionic and butyric acid concentrations were similar but lactic acid and ammonia-N levels were significantly different (p<0.05) among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn. Ammonia-N levels linearly increased from 0.90% to 2.218 as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio. While average CP content increased linearly from 6.47 to 12.45%, and average NDF and ADF contents decreased linearly from 56.17 to 44.88 and from 34.92 to 33.51%, respectively, (p<0.05) as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, but DM and OM contents did not differ among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn (p>0.05). In vitro OM digestibility values differed significantly among bean-corn mixture silages (p<0.05). Fresh bean, herbage DM, IVOMD, ME yields, and LER index were significantly influenced by percentage of bean in the mixtures (p<0.01). As the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, yields of fresh bean (from 0 to 24,380 kg/ha) and CP (from 1,258.0 to 1,563.0 kg/ha) and LER values (from 1.0 to 1.775) linearly increased, but yields of herbage DM (from 19,670 to 12,550 kg/ha), IVOMD (from 12,790 to 8,020 kg/ha) and ME (46,230 to 29,000 Mcal/ha) yields decreased (p<0.05). In conclusion, all of the bean-corn mixtures provided a good silage and better CP concentrations. Even though forage yields decreased, the LER index linearly increased as the percentage of bean increased in the mixture up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, which indicates a greater utilization of land. Therefore, a 50:50 seeding ratio seemed to be best for optimal utilization of land in this study and to provide greater financial stability for labor-intensive, small farmers.

This research was conducted to determine the yield and yield components of some dry bean varietie... more This research was conducted to determine the yield and yield components of some dry bean varieties (Yunus-90, Noyanbey-98, Topcu, Onceler-98, Goynuk-98, Akman-98, Karacasehir-90, Yakutiye-98 and Aras-98) in the ecological conditions of Hakkari. The experiment was established in Randomized Block Design with three replications. In this study; plant height of bean cultivars, number of branches, number of pods, number of seeds in pods, number of seeds in plants, seed yield in the plant, one hundred seeds weight, seed yield per decare were examined. According to results the following findings were determined: the plant height 38.80-59.16 cm, the number of branches 4.03-5.40 pieces plant -1 , the number of pods 7.90-14.95 pieces plant -1 , the number of seeds in the bean 3.00-4.50 pieces pods -1 , the number of seeds in the plant 27.26-48.30 pieces plant -1 , hundred seeds weight 16.47-52.16 g and seed yield per plant 7.46-21.38 gr plant -1 , seed yield per decare of 79.78-345.41 kg da -1...

This research was carried out in 2014-15 to determine yield and yield components of Azkan chickpe... more This research was carried out in 2014-15 to determine yield and yield components of Azkan chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties with four different phosphorus doses and rhizobium bacteria in Van-Gevaº ecological conditions. The experiment was established as a randomized block design with three replications. The results of the research indicated that inoculation and phosphorus doses affected plant height, height of first pods, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of grain per plant and grain yield significantly. Grain yield averages ranged between 1556.10-1682.30 kg ha-1 in the first year and 1628.90-1677.30 kg ha-1 in the second year. When the results of inoculation and phosphorus doses were examined, the highest grain yield in both the years (1894.90-1867.70 kg ha-1, respectively) was obtained with 80 kg ha-1 phosphorus doses applied to inoculated plots. Increases in inoculation and phosphorus doses increased the grain yield.

In this study, it was aimed to determine the yield and yield components of some dry bean (Phaseol... more In this study, it was aimed to determine the yield and yield components of some dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties and 1 Ahlat local population in Van-Gevaş ecological conditions. For this purpose, a total of 11 different dry bean types including Adabeyazı, Şeker-98, Göksun, Karaman, Rib-Weighing, Zülbiye and Yunus-90, Göynük-98, Topçu and Akman-98 beans and 1 local bean population obtained from the Van Lake basin were analyzed. The study has been established as randomized block design trial with three replications. At the end of the trial; plant size 40.42-56.74 cm, number of branches 6.42-7.14 number/branch, number of seeds 6.31-7.84 number/plant, number of seeds per pod 4.26-6.82 number/pods, number of seeds per plant 21.92-35.32 number/plant, one hundred seed weight 39.90-50,30 g, seed yield of per plant 8.83-17.77 gr/plant and decare seed yield 273.93-350.89 kg/da measurements were determined.

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
Bu araştırma 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Bursa-Gemlik ekolojik koşullarında birinci ürün olarak yetiş... more Bu araştırma 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Bursa-Gemlik ekolojik koşullarında birinci ürün olarak yetiştirilen Azkan nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşidine farklı fosfor dozu (0-4-6-8 kg da-1 P2O5) uygulanarak verim ve verim öğelerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf blokları desenine göre dört tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin varyans analiz sonuçları dikkate alındığında fosfor dozlarına bağlı olarak iki yıl için bitkide boy, dal sayısı, bitkide bakla sayısı ve dekara tane verimini önemli ölçüde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Yapılan uygulamalarla tane verimi ortalamaları 2014 yılında 156.9-202.5 kg da-1 , 2015 yılında ise 159.4-197.4 kg da-1 arasında değişmiştir. Fosfor dozları açısından deneme sonuçları incelendiğinde; iki yıl için en yüksek tane verimi sırasıyla 197.4-202.5 kg da-1 ve 6 kg da-1 fosfor(P2O5) dozu uygulanan parsellerden elde edilmiştir. Artan fosfor dozlarının bir noktaya kadar verimde pozitif yönlü bir artışa neden olduğu görülmüştür.
Papers by Numan BİLDİRİCİ