Papers by Ntsame Sima Murielle

The impact of job demands, climate, and optimism on well-being and distress at work: What are the... more The impact of job demands, climate, and optimism on well-being and distress at work: What are the mediating effects of basic psychological need satisfaction? Les effets des demandes au travail, du climat et de l'optimisme sur le bien-être et la détresse au travail : quels effets médiateurs de la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux ? a b s t r a c t Introduction. – Psychological health at work, a multidimensional concept grasped by the absence of negative states and by the presence of positive states, is here approximated in terms of distress and well-being. Objective. – This study was aimed at examining the extent to which job demands, individual resources (optimism), and organizational resources (climate) are linked to well-being and distress at work. We looked at whether these links are mediated in satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs posited in self-determination theory (competence, relatedness, and autonomy). Method. – The participants were 298 French elementary, middle, and high school teachers who were asked to answer a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Hayes and Preacher's method for testing multiple mediations. Results. – Satisfaction of the psychological needs for competence and relatedness fully mediated the links between job climate and psychological health at work (well-being and distress). Optimism turned out to be an important factor of health, not only because it had a strong impact on well-being and distress, but also because its effects were partially mediated by satisfaction of the need for competence. Conclusion. – The present results confirm the relevance of the variables used to predict psychological health (particularly optimism). Job demands directly affected well-being and distress levels. The climate — by way of satisfaction of the need for competence and for relatedness — plays a critical role in matters of occupational health.
La présente étude teste l’effet médiateur de la motivation autodéterminée sur la relation entre l... more La présente étude teste l’effet médiateur de la motivation autodéterminée sur la relation entre les facteurs organisationnels et le bien-être psychologique au travail auprès de 393 enseignants. Elle se base sur la théorie de l’autodétermination [7] traitant des types de motivation pouvant avoir un impact sur la santé de l’individu. Aussi, l’étude stipule, que la motivation intrinsèque, plus autodéterminée que la motivation extrinsèque, favorisera le bien-être au travail chez les enseignants. L’hypothèse générale soutient que les exigences, ressources et la justice organisationnelle influenceront la motivation au travail, qui médiatisera le lien entre ces variables et le bien-être. Des analyses de médiations montrent une médiation partielle par la motivation autodéterminée entre les exigences, les ressources et la justice organisationnelle, d’une part et le bien-être, d’autre part.
Papers by Ntsame Sima Murielle