Papers by Novri Y Kandowangko

Agrosains : Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi, 2021
Suruhan plant is one of the plants that has properties for treatment in various diseases such as ... more Suruhan plant is one of the plants that has properties for treatment in various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, headache, fever, and rheumatism. In addition to traditional medicine, people usually use plants as an alternative food that is consumed by sautéing or consumed directly. The plant contains antioxidants, antimicrobials and anticancers. The leaves have flavonoids, alkaloids. Proximate content analysis is important to be used as data on the content of a foodstuff. One way to increase the content to be more useful is by cultivating using organic fertilizer. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of organic fertilizers on the content of proximate, minerals on the plants. the method used was descriptive quantitative. Based on the results showed that on the content of proximate and minerals in the commission plants given organic fertilizer obtained water content of 26.60%, ash content of 16.80%, fat content of 2.58%, protein content of 13.86%, carbohydrates...

Salah satu produk turunan dari tanaman kelapa (Cocos nucifera, L.) adalah minyak kelapa. Kualitas... more Salah satu produk turunan dari tanaman kelapa (Cocos nucifera, L.) adalah minyak kelapa. Kualitas minyak kelapa yang baik memiliki nilai bilangan peroksida dan kadar asam lemak bebas yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bilangan peroksida dan asam lemak bebas pada virgin coconut oil (VCO) hasil fermentasi yang disuplementasi dengan kunyit dan menentukan konsentrasi optimum penambahan kunyit untuk mendapatkan VCO kualitas baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan lima kali pengulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah variasi volume penambahan kunyit (0; 50; 100 dan 150 mL). Metode titrasi digunakan untuk menganalisis bilangan peroksida dan kadar asam lemak. Data nilai bilangan peroksida dan asam lemak bebas dianalisis secara deskriptif naratif dan analisis statistik menggunakan uji Fisher (F) dan uji lanjut dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penam...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Kandowangko NY, Latief M, Yusuf R. 2018. Inventory of traditional medicinal plants and their uses... more Kandowangko NY, Latief M, Yusuf R. 2018. Inventory of traditional medicinal plants and their uses from Atinggola, North Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 2294-2301. Medicinal plants have been used by the people of Gorontalo as a hereditary tradition. But this knowledge has not spread to the wider community because the traditional wisdom about medicinal plants has not been documented, stored and managed properly by employing digital tools. The purpose of this study is to prepare an inventory of the traditional medicinal plants and the details of their uses in Atinggola, North Gorontalo district, Indonesia. Data has been collected by ethnobotanical survey method and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The study has shown that 38 species of medicinal plants, belonging to 20 families, are used to cure many diseases by the traditional healers of Atinggola. Among them, 6 species are used to treat fever, 5 species to treat skin diseases, 2 ...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Gorontalo is among the coastal areas in Tomini bay with diverse varieties of local maize. Despite... more Gorontalo is among the coastal areas in Tomini bay with diverse varieties of local maize. Despite that, the population of local maize has seen a steady decline over the years. A literature study reports that local maize has adapted well to the environment in which it grows. Local maize is also hailed by the commu nity as a source of food, animal feed, and the main ingredient of traditional medicines. The present study aims to investigate the morphological characteristics and nutritional value of binthe kiki local maize variety. Employing a quantitative descriptive method, the data of morphological characteristics were collected by referring to the maize descriptor guidelines, while the data of the nutritional value of maize kernels (regarding the proximate and mineral contents) were analyzed by referring to the Indonesian National Standard and Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC) standards. The findings show that the morphological characteristics of binthe kiki variety are as follows: (i) an average plant height of 161 cm; (ii) each stalk has three cobs with an average height of 119 cm; (iii) an average stalk circumference of 6.35 cm; (iv) an average of 12 leaves per stalk; (v) 71.12 cm of an average length of leaves; (vi) 5.21 cm of an average width of leaves; (vii) the direction of the leaf blade, on average, is slightly curved; (viii) the average leaf tip is pointed; (ix) an average cob length of 8.4 cm; (x) an average cob diameter of 2.74 cm; (xi) an average cob weight (without husk) of 0.054 kg/cob; (xii) an average of 24 kernels per row; (xiii) an average weight per 1000 kernels of 145 gram. Binthe kiki variety has high contents of protein, carbohydrate, zinc, and calcium, yet it is low in fat contents compared to other varieties.

HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2009
Plants that undergo drought stress perform a physiological response such as accumulation of proli... more Plants that undergo drought stress perform a physiological response such as accumulation of proline in the leaves and increased content abscisic acid. A research was conducted to study proline and abscisic acid (ABA) content on droughtstressed corn plant with Azospirillum sp. and arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) inoculated at inceptisol soil from Bogor, West Java. The experiments were carried out in a green house from June up to September 2003, using a factorial randomized block design. In pot experiments, two factors were assigned, i.e. inoculation with Azospirillum (0, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50 ml/pot) and inoculation with AMF Glomus manihotis (0, 12.50, 25.00, 37.50 g/pot). The plants were observed during tasseling up to seed filling periods. Results of experiments showed that the interaction between Azospirillum sp. and AMF was synergistically increased proline, however it decreased ABA.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Maize (Zea mays, L.) or corn, locally called milu or binthe (Gorontalo language), has been a popu... more Maize (Zea mays, L.) or corn, locally called milu or binthe (Gorontalo language), has been a popular crop among Gorontalo people for a long time. People mostly use baby corn as the main ingredient of binthe biluhuta, famous traditional food in Gorontalo. momala is a local maize variety of Gorontalo the cultivation of which is decreasing. The cause is a shift in farmers' preference of the crop, most of them preferring hybrid variety over momala. Decrease in cultivating local maize has also led to a decline in the local farmers' traditional knowledge of the crop. Therefore, initiatives to raise awareness of the importance of cultivating local crops are essential for their popularization and conservation purposes. This research is aimed at (i) exploring the traditional knowledge of local farmers pertaining to agro-management of maize or corn, (ii) describing the utilization of momala, and (iii) investigating the nutritional composition of momala, both by qualitative and quantitative methods The results revealed that the corn farmers apply the principle of huyula or gotong royong (communal work) in their agriculture activities. The people are using momala corn as the main ingredient of local food preparations, such as binthe biluhuta (clear corn soup), balobinthe (corn rice), and kokole (soft, pudding-like corn cake), in addition to some traditional rituals. Nutritional analysis indicated that its ash content is 1.34-2.86%, crude protein is 9.09-11.67% crude fat is 4.29-4.96%, and carbohydrate is 67.68-68.16%. Furthermore, the composition of nitrogen-free extract ranges from 57.85-72.96% and metabolic energy content ranges from 2896.94-3352.77 Kcal/kg. Measures to conserve and improve momala are necessary to promote food security of people.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Limboto Lake is one of the main lakes in the north part of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. This lake ... more Limboto Lake is one of the main lakes in the north part of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. This lake is categorized as a tectonic lake, which currently undergoing a serious degradation, due to many residences built in the area. Thus, the depth of the lake is quickly shrinking. A large quantity of poisonous kale (Ipomoea carnea L) grows in the around of the lake. This study aims at finding out the accumulation of copper (Cu) in the poisonous kale that grows in the around of the Limboto Lake. This study is a descriptive quantitative study using survey method with purposive sampling method in three observation sites, the estuary of the Alopohu river, the estuary of the Biyonga river, and the estuary of the Talubongo river. The variable being measured in this study is the level of Cu in the root, stem, and leaves, as well as the rhizosphere of the poisonous kale. The calculation of the Cu is carried out through Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). This research shows that the range of Cu accumulation in the root is (3.61-36.00 mg/L), stem (0-15.00 mg/L), leaves (0-42.94 mg/L) and in the rhizosphere of the plant is (0.12-26.00 mg/L). The poisonous kale plant can be utilized as the Cu accumulator.

Students in learning, especially in biology subject, can use local resources. This research focus... more Students in learning, especially in biology subject, can use local resources. This research focuses on training student process skills (SPS) using inquiry-based teaching material that integrates local resources. Furthermore, this study employed an experimental study using post-test only control design. As many as 185 students were involved as the sample. They were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group (88 students) and control group (97 students). The data were collected using the SPS test. These data were further analyzed using a t-test. The results show that P < 0.05, meaning that the integration of local resources in an inquiry-based teaching material can help students' SPS training. Considering this result, teachers are able to incorporate local resources (from the environment) in teaching material to help students practice SPS
Penelitian Unggulan Pusat Studi, Apr 28, 2014
Papers by Novri Y Kandowangko