Penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketidaksepadanan makna dan strategi memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan m... more Penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketidaksepadanan makna dan strategi memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan makna menurut (teori Baker :1992) pada subtitle film Me Before You dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggunakan strategi yang dapat memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan makna yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data menurut teori Miles, Huberman dan Saldana (2014). Strategi ketidaksepadana makna terdiri dari delapan strategi, empat diantaranya tidak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, terjemahan dengan cara memparafrase/mengarang ulang dengan menggunakan kata terkait, terjemahan dengan cara memparafrase/mengarang ulang dengan menggunakan kata tidak terkait, terjemahan dengan cara menghilangkan, dan terjemahan dengan cara ilustrasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, ditemukan sebanyak 15 ketidaksepadanan makna pada teks ujaran subtitle film Me Before You berbahasa Indonesia. Secara rinci strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk m...
Innovative work behavior is a significant factor for business success, including in the creative ... more Innovative work behavior is a significant factor for business success, including in the creative industry. This paper aims to explore the effect of self-efficacy on the innovative work behavior of employees in the creative industry sector. This study uses a quantitative research approach. It was conducted on small and medium enterprises in the creative industry sector in Labuhanbatu and South Labuhanbatu regencies, Indonesia. The participants in this study were employees and managers in the creative industry. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 216 questionnaires were returned. Therefore, the samples in this study were 216 respondents. After the data were collected, they were processed by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, which uses a multidimensional approach to testing the hypothesis. The results revealed that innovative work behavior was influenced by self-efficacy. Based on the results of the multid...
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE), 2021
Every company must have financial reports that record capital, profits, losses, production wages,... more Every company must have financial reports that record capital, profits, losses, production wages, salary payments, which are related to the whole business. This report is called a financial report or financial report which records all information about a company's finances. The financial report is the final result of the process of recording financial transaction activities in a company that describes the company's financial condition in an accounting period and is a general description of the performance of a company. Where the purpose of making financial statements is to communicate the economic resources (assets), and obligations of an entity at a certain time, and the capital owned by the company. One way to get good financial reports is to compare the numbers in the financial statements. In making comparisons known as financial ratio analysis. The financial ratios used are profitability ratios and liquidity ratios. The results of these financial ratios will show the hea...
Penelitian ini berawal dari keresahan peneliti terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas VIII-E... more Penelitian ini berawal dari keresahan peneliti terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas VIII-E SMP YAS Bandung terkait dengan tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Permasalahn ini merupakan temuan dari observasi yang dilakukan beberapa kali pertemuan ketika peneliti melakukan praktek mengajar. Indikator permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah masih kurangnya keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPS, sehingga peneliti memilih Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan desain penelitian model Kemmis & Mc Taggart yang dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dipilih yaitu penggunaan metode Problem Solving. Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar menggunakan metode problem solving sebagai alternatif mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPS dapat dikatakan berhasil. Adapun peningkatan keterampilan tersebut dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikator memfokuskan pertanyaan, menyusun inti permasalahan, mencantumkan su...
Dari penelitian awal yang peneliti lakukan, kebijakan dividen cenderung menjadi salah satu elemen... more Dari penelitian awal yang peneliti lakukan, kebijakan dividen cenderung menjadi salah satu elemen yang paling stabil dan dapat diprediksi oleh perusahaan, dan sebagian besar perusahaan mulai membayar dividen setelah mereka mencapai tahap kematangan bisnis dan ketika tidak ada lagi kesempatan investasi yang menguntungkan perusahaan persentase dari laba yang akan dibayarkan kepada pemegang saham sebagai cash dividend disebut Dividend Payout Ratio. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah net profit margin, debt ro equity ratiodan return on equityberpengaruh terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio pada Perusahaan Sub-sektor Aneka Industri yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 17 perusahaan selama kurun waktu penelitian 3 tahun sehingga memiliki data observasi sebanyak 51 sampel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa net profit margin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap...
Supporting factors that are presented are the quality of human resources, work competence, and wo... more Supporting factors that are presented are the quality of human resources, work competence, and work commitments analyzed how they affect the performance of employees of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, both partially and simultaneously. Data collection uses interviews, questionnaires and literature study. Work on data analysis methods using SPSS 22.0 for Windows software. This study used a sample of 30 employees taken using total sampling techniques. The results of the study based on the F test showed that the quality of human resources, work competence and work commitment simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Labuhan Batu employees, where the value of Fcount (17.583)> Ftable (2.98) with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. T-test results show that the quality of human resources (X1) has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) K...
Indonesia began to face the Industrial 4.0 era, where all systems began to be connected digitally... more Indonesia began to face the Industrial 4.0 era, where all systems began to be connected digitally. This condition is inseparable from the rapid development of industrial scientific knowledge. Through a literature study, this paper aims to look at the data quality approach regarding how the emergence of Industry 4.0 is related to the development of industrial engineering science, what challenges are faced and how the government should direct the development of industry 4.0. The results of this study indicate that in its development, the 4.0 industrial revolution had an influence on human resources to evolve to the emergence of the idea of Industry 4.0. The idea brought the concept of combining digital technology and the internet with conventional industry which ultimately aims to increase productivity, efficiency and reduce the number of unemployed significantly. However, aside from that, some of the consequences faced are related to the negative impacts of Industry 4.0 in which impa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi penerjemahan pada terjemahan subtitle bahasa Ind... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi penerjemahan pada terjemahan subtitle bahasa Indonesia dalam film ‘Good Will Hunting’. Masalah penelitian ini adalah Strategi penerjemahan apa yang paling sering digunakan dalam hasil penerjemahan subtitle Inggris – Indonesia dalam film ‘Good Will Hunting?’ dan Bagaimana keakuratan Strategi Borrowing diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia?. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah subtitle film “Good Will Hunting”. Strategi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikemukakan oleh Molina & Albir (2002). Metode riset yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah subtitle film Good Will Hunting. Data adalah 103 dalam teks subtitle yang terdiri 25 temuan (100%) dan terjemahannya ke dalam BSa, pada BSu ditemukan 3 (12%) Amplifikasi (Penambahan), 13 (52%) Peminjaman (Borrowing), 6 (24%) Deskripsi (Description), 2 (8%) Padanan Lazim (Established Equivalence), 1 (4%) Penerjemahan Harfiah (Literal Translatio...
Sejarah revolusi industry dimulai dari industri 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, hingga industri 4.0. Fase industri... more Sejarah revolusi industry dimulai dari industri 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, hingga industri 4.0. Fase industri merupakan real change dari perubahan yang ada. Revolusi industri saat ini memasuki fase keempat dimana sedang mengalami puncaknya, dengan lahirnya teknologi digital yang berdampak masif terhadap kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Melalui studi literatur, tulisan ini bertujuan melihat dari pendekatan kualitatif data mengenai bagaimana kemunculan Industri 4.0 dikaitkan dengan mahasiswa serta perannya dalam menghadapi revolusi industry 4.0. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, revolusi industry 4.0 membawa pengaruh terhadap sumber daya manusia, terutama bagi mahasiswa. Muncul berbagai tantangan bagi dunia pendidikan, ada beberapa yang mesti diperhatikan untuk menghadapi dampak negative dari munculnya revolusi industry 4.0 bagi Mahasiswa, diantaranya peningkatan kompetensi penguasaan teknologi komputer, keterampilan berkomunikasi, kemampuan bekerjasama secara kolaborati...
The research is done in order to improve students' reading comprehension achievement. The writer ... more The research is done in order to improve students' reading comprehension achievement. The writer uses Know-Want-Learn (KWL) strategy, and the data are obtained from the experimental group and the score of the control group, from the fifth semester students of English department, Faculty of Education of HKBP Nommensen University Medan. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula and it was found that students' achievement who were taught by applying KWL was higher than those who were taught without applying KWL. The data obtained that the ability of fifth semester students were taught by KWL is better and effective in the experimental group , than the score of the control group .It was found that students' achievement who were taught by applying KWL was higher than those who were taught without applying KWL.When doing treatment in four meetings to the experimental group the students were active and the score in the post-test of the test, they got higher than score in the pre-test. The researcher thought that, if KWL used in teaching reading more than fourth, it would increase the students' reading comprehension. It means that the application of KWL strategy significantly affects on students' reading comprehension The mean score of the students who were taught by applying KWL strategy is 73,36 it is higher than mean score of students who were tauhgt without applying K-W-L is 68,73, The t observed (3,56) is higher than t table (1,992) at the level of significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. It mens that H a is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on students' reading comprehension achievement.
The objective of this research was to discover whether the application of Concept Attainment Mode... more The objective of this research was to discover whether the application of Concept Attainment Model could in Grade VIII students. It was conducted by applying CAR (Classroom Action Research). The subject of this study was Grade VIII B Private Junior High School ( Sekolah Menengah Pertama : SMP) Swasta Prayatna Medan which consisted of 38 students. The instruments used were quantitative data (vocabulary test) and qualitative data (diary notes, interview, and observation). Based on the data analysis, it was found that the students’ score improved; it can be seen from the score in pre-test, post –test in Cycle I and post-test in Cycle II. In the orientation test, the mean of the students’ score was 59.3, in the post-test of the Cycle I was 69.5, and the mean of the students’ score of the last pos-test was 79.2. Based on the diary notes, interview, and observation, it shows that the expression and excitement of the students were also improved. It was found that teaching of vocabulary thr...
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketidaksepadanan makna dan strategi memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan m... more Penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketidaksepadanan makna dan strategi memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan makna menurut (teori Baker :1992) pada subtitle film Me Before You dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggunakan strategi yang dapat memperbaiki ketidaksepadanan makna yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data menurut teori Miles, Huberman dan Saldana (2014). Strategi ketidaksepadana makna terdiri dari delapan strategi, empat diantaranya tidak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, terjemahan dengan cara memparafrase/mengarang ulang dengan menggunakan kata terkait, terjemahan dengan cara memparafrase/mengarang ulang dengan menggunakan kata tidak terkait, terjemahan dengan cara menghilangkan, dan terjemahan dengan cara ilustrasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, ditemukan sebanyak 15 ketidaksepadanan makna pada teks ujaran subtitle film Me Before You berbahasa Indonesia. Secara rinci strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk m...
Innovative work behavior is a significant factor for business success, including in the creative ... more Innovative work behavior is a significant factor for business success, including in the creative industry. This paper aims to explore the effect of self-efficacy on the innovative work behavior of employees in the creative industry sector. This study uses a quantitative research approach. It was conducted on small and medium enterprises in the creative industry sector in Labuhanbatu and South Labuhanbatu regencies, Indonesia. The participants in this study were employees and managers in the creative industry. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 216 questionnaires were returned. Therefore, the samples in this study were 216 respondents. After the data were collected, they were processed by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, which uses a multidimensional approach to testing the hypothesis. The results revealed that innovative work behavior was influenced by self-efficacy. Based on the results of the multid...
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE), 2021
Every company must have financial reports that record capital, profits, losses, production wages,... more Every company must have financial reports that record capital, profits, losses, production wages, salary payments, which are related to the whole business. This report is called a financial report or financial report which records all information about a company's finances. The financial report is the final result of the process of recording financial transaction activities in a company that describes the company's financial condition in an accounting period and is a general description of the performance of a company. Where the purpose of making financial statements is to communicate the economic resources (assets), and obligations of an entity at a certain time, and the capital owned by the company. One way to get good financial reports is to compare the numbers in the financial statements. In making comparisons known as financial ratio analysis. The financial ratios used are profitability ratios and liquidity ratios. The results of these financial ratios will show the hea...
Penelitian ini berawal dari keresahan peneliti terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas VIII-E... more Penelitian ini berawal dari keresahan peneliti terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas VIII-E SMP YAS Bandung terkait dengan tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Permasalahn ini merupakan temuan dari observasi yang dilakukan beberapa kali pertemuan ketika peneliti melakukan praktek mengajar. Indikator permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah masih kurangnya keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPS, sehingga peneliti memilih Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan desain penelitian model Kemmis & Mc Taggart yang dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dipilih yaitu penggunaan metode Problem Solving. Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar menggunakan metode problem solving sebagai alternatif mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPS dapat dikatakan berhasil. Adapun peningkatan keterampilan tersebut dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikator memfokuskan pertanyaan, menyusun inti permasalahan, mencantumkan su...
Dari penelitian awal yang peneliti lakukan, kebijakan dividen cenderung menjadi salah satu elemen... more Dari penelitian awal yang peneliti lakukan, kebijakan dividen cenderung menjadi salah satu elemen yang paling stabil dan dapat diprediksi oleh perusahaan, dan sebagian besar perusahaan mulai membayar dividen setelah mereka mencapai tahap kematangan bisnis dan ketika tidak ada lagi kesempatan investasi yang menguntungkan perusahaan persentase dari laba yang akan dibayarkan kepada pemegang saham sebagai cash dividend disebut Dividend Payout Ratio. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah net profit margin, debt ro equity ratiodan return on equityberpengaruh terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio pada Perusahaan Sub-sektor Aneka Industri yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 17 perusahaan selama kurun waktu penelitian 3 tahun sehingga memiliki data observasi sebanyak 51 sampel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa net profit margin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap...
Supporting factors that are presented are the quality of human resources, work competence, and wo... more Supporting factors that are presented are the quality of human resources, work competence, and work commitments analyzed how they affect the performance of employees of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, both partially and simultaneously. Data collection uses interviews, questionnaires and literature study. Work on data analysis methods using SPSS 22.0 for Windows software. This study used a sample of 30 employees taken using total sampling techniques. The results of the study based on the F test showed that the quality of human resources, work competence and work commitment simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Labuhan Batu employees, where the value of Fcount (17.583)> Ftable (2.98) with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. T-test results show that the quality of human resources (X1) has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) K...
Indonesia began to face the Industrial 4.0 era, where all systems began to be connected digitally... more Indonesia began to face the Industrial 4.0 era, where all systems began to be connected digitally. This condition is inseparable from the rapid development of industrial scientific knowledge. Through a literature study, this paper aims to look at the data quality approach regarding how the emergence of Industry 4.0 is related to the development of industrial engineering science, what challenges are faced and how the government should direct the development of industry 4.0. The results of this study indicate that in its development, the 4.0 industrial revolution had an influence on human resources to evolve to the emergence of the idea of Industry 4.0. The idea brought the concept of combining digital technology and the internet with conventional industry which ultimately aims to increase productivity, efficiency and reduce the number of unemployed significantly. However, aside from that, some of the consequences faced are related to the negative impacts of Industry 4.0 in which impa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi penerjemahan pada terjemahan subtitle bahasa Ind... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi penerjemahan pada terjemahan subtitle bahasa Indonesia dalam film ‘Good Will Hunting’. Masalah penelitian ini adalah Strategi penerjemahan apa yang paling sering digunakan dalam hasil penerjemahan subtitle Inggris – Indonesia dalam film ‘Good Will Hunting?’ dan Bagaimana keakuratan Strategi Borrowing diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia?. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah subtitle film “Good Will Hunting”. Strategi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikemukakan oleh Molina & Albir (2002). Metode riset yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah subtitle film Good Will Hunting. Data adalah 103 dalam teks subtitle yang terdiri 25 temuan (100%) dan terjemahannya ke dalam BSa, pada BSu ditemukan 3 (12%) Amplifikasi (Penambahan), 13 (52%) Peminjaman (Borrowing), 6 (24%) Deskripsi (Description), 2 (8%) Padanan Lazim (Established Equivalence), 1 (4%) Penerjemahan Harfiah (Literal Translatio...
Sejarah revolusi industry dimulai dari industri 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, hingga industri 4.0. Fase industri... more Sejarah revolusi industry dimulai dari industri 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, hingga industri 4.0. Fase industri merupakan real change dari perubahan yang ada. Revolusi industri saat ini memasuki fase keempat dimana sedang mengalami puncaknya, dengan lahirnya teknologi digital yang berdampak masif terhadap kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Melalui studi literatur, tulisan ini bertujuan melihat dari pendekatan kualitatif data mengenai bagaimana kemunculan Industri 4.0 dikaitkan dengan mahasiswa serta perannya dalam menghadapi revolusi industry 4.0. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, revolusi industry 4.0 membawa pengaruh terhadap sumber daya manusia, terutama bagi mahasiswa. Muncul berbagai tantangan bagi dunia pendidikan, ada beberapa yang mesti diperhatikan untuk menghadapi dampak negative dari munculnya revolusi industry 4.0 bagi Mahasiswa, diantaranya peningkatan kompetensi penguasaan teknologi komputer, keterampilan berkomunikasi, kemampuan bekerjasama secara kolaborati...
The research is done in order to improve students' reading comprehension achievement. The writer ... more The research is done in order to improve students' reading comprehension achievement. The writer uses Know-Want-Learn (KWL) strategy, and the data are obtained from the experimental group and the score of the control group, from the fifth semester students of English department, Faculty of Education of HKBP Nommensen University Medan. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula and it was found that students' achievement who were taught by applying KWL was higher than those who were taught without applying KWL. The data obtained that the ability of fifth semester students were taught by KWL is better and effective in the experimental group , than the score of the control group .It was found that students' achievement who were taught by applying KWL was higher than those who were taught without applying KWL.When doing treatment in four meetings to the experimental group the students were active and the score in the post-test of the test, they got higher than score in the pre-test. The researcher thought that, if KWL used in teaching reading more than fourth, it would increase the students' reading comprehension. It means that the application of KWL strategy significantly affects on students' reading comprehension The mean score of the students who were taught by applying KWL strategy is 73,36 it is higher than mean score of students who were tauhgt without applying K-W-L is 68,73, The t observed (3,56) is higher than t table (1,992) at the level of significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. It mens that H a is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on students' reading comprehension achievement.
The objective of this research was to discover whether the application of Concept Attainment Mode... more The objective of this research was to discover whether the application of Concept Attainment Model could in Grade VIII students. It was conducted by applying CAR (Classroom Action Research). The subject of this study was Grade VIII B Private Junior High School ( Sekolah Menengah Pertama : SMP) Swasta Prayatna Medan which consisted of 38 students. The instruments used were quantitative data (vocabulary test) and qualitative data (diary notes, interview, and observation). Based on the data analysis, it was found that the students’ score improved; it can be seen from the score in pre-test, post –test in Cycle I and post-test in Cycle II. In the orientation test, the mean of the students’ score was 59.3, in the post-test of the Cycle I was 69.5, and the mean of the students’ score of the last pos-test was 79.2. Based on the diary notes, interview, and observation, it shows that the expression and excitement of the students were also improved. It was found that teaching of vocabulary thr...
Papers by Nova Harahap