Other by The writer noordan
Taken to its extreme, cultural relativism poses a dangerous threat to the effectiveness of intern... more Taken to its extreme, cultural relativism poses a dangerous threat to the effectiveness of international law and the international system of human rights. If cultural tradition alone governs State compliance with international standards, then widespread disregard, abuse and violation of human rights would be given legitimacy. " Referring to at least two human rights, critically evaluate this statement.
Redistribution is the reallocation of wealth from individuals to other groups of individuals. The... more Redistribution is the reallocation of wealth from individuals to other groups of individuals. The manner in which this can be carried out is by the state through taxation. Whether such action is justified has led to much debate. Two thinkers that have disputed on this issue are Nozick and Rawls.

Headlines relating to crime figures are inescapable in contemporary society, the reason for the g... more Headlines relating to crime figures are inescapable in contemporary society, the reason for the great time and attention given to issue of crime is because of the importance of crime to the general public1. For this reason political parties have attempted to drive down the crime rate. 2 Crime statistics have become a central tool in assessing the crime rate; this is because crime figures are useful instruments in demonstrating criminal patterns. If particular patterns in crime emerge this can mean resources being targeted to exposed areas. 3 The official crime statistics are entirely based on records of 43 police forces within England and Wales. The Office for National Statistics now collects the official statistics. 4 The official statistics suggest that crime is decreasing, however whether this is reflective of society is doubted. This is because of the " dark figure " of crime. The term relates to the unaccounted crimes within the official statistics. The reason for crimes not being registered can vary depending on the offence and the victims. The impact of the dark figure is that firstly that the official figures are not reflective of the real criminality rate. A second issue that the dark figure of crime creates is that areas that need addressing are ignored, as they do not appear on the figures. 5 If particular crimes are not being accounted for and ignored the state is failing in its positive obligation in protecting individuals. 6 Therefore accounting for these crimes is vital in gaining a genuine picture of crime within England and Wales. The Crime Survey for England and Wales has produced figures that have attempted to address the dark figure of crime. The studies are conducted upon a survey-based methodology meaning victims' experience is accounted for rather than just crimes that are reported to the police. This means crimes that may not appear within the official police records will be accounted for within the crime survives. Both figures show that crime is on a decline from the peak of the 1990's however the police records fail to account to near 5 million offences a year. This essay will progress to critically evaluate whether the official figures are truly valid in reflecting the level of criminality in England and Wales. Firstly the essay will examine the limitations of the official police recorded statistics, addressing issues within the figures of reporting, recording and counting rules. The essay will advance to identify police culture that specifically creates dark figure of crime with a link to gendered victimisation. The essay will conclude with an in depth look at gendered crime against women such as rape and other sexual offences and why these offences are underrepresented within official police crime statistics.
Other by The writer noordan