International journal of pharma and bio sciences, Apr 6, 2017
Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for ... more Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that cultivated worldwide and used as a dietary supplement or whole food. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of Spirulina on blood and kidney in mice. Methods: Twenty Swiss Albino mice (Mus musculus) were randomly divided into 4 equal groups' viz., A, B, C, and D. Group A was kept as control and fed only normal diet. Group B was supplemented with acetaminophen where as group C was supplemented with acetaminophen and Spirulina, and group D was treated with Spirulina. Results: The application of Acetaminophen did not have significant effect on hemoglobin and uric acid content. But the addition of Spirulina to the diet increased significantly (P<0.05) hemoglobin and uric acid level. Histopathological examination revealed that no significant changes were found in the kidney of all of treated groups in comparison with the mice of control group. Conclusions: The research work suggests that long-term ingestion of acetaminophen does not exert a significant change in hemoglobin or uric acid level but spirulina supplemented diet may be associated with the rise in hemoglobin and uric acid level without affecting renal tissue texture in a significant manner.
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, Jan 30, 2018
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Altering climatic conditions and water stress drastically affects the chilli crop yield. In this ... more Altering climatic conditions and water stress drastically affects the chilli crop yield. In this scenario we adapted a strategic approach for screening of elite chilli genotypes, by exploring role of seed antioxidants in stress tolerance during vegetative phase. A total of 20 chilli genotypes' seed antioxidant potential and its effect on water stress tolerance were studied at three water regimes, namely, control (100% Field Capacity), moderate (80% Field Capacity), and severe (60% Field Capacity) stress conditions. Drought tolerance traits relative water content, chlorophyll content, and activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes were measured. A strong correlation was observed between seed antioxidants and water stress tolerant traits in seedlings. Genotypes KCa-5, KCa-6, and KCa-10 showed low quantity of HO and Malondialdehyde in seeds and maintained high membrane integrity and chlorophyll content in seedlings. High content of proline in KCa-5, KCa-7, and KCa-10 s...
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2017
Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for ... more Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that cultivated worldwide and used as a dietary supplement or whole food. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of Spirulina on blood and kidney in mice. Methods: Twenty Swiss Albino mice (Mus musculus) were randomly divided into 4 equal groups' viz., A, B, C, and D. Group A was kept as control and fed only normal diet. Group B was supplemented with acetaminophen where as group C was supplemented with acetaminophen and Spirulina, and group D was treated with Spirulina. Results: The application of Acetaminophen did not have significant effect on hemoglobin and uric acid content. But the addition of Spirulina to the diet increased significantly (P<0.05) hemoglobin and uric acid level. Histopathological examination revealed that no significant changes were found in the kidney of all of treated groups in comparison with the mice of control group. Conclusions: The research work suggests that long-term ingestion of acetaminophen does not exert a significant change in hemoglobin or uric acid level but spirulina supplemented diet may be associated with the rise in hemoglobin and uric acid level without affecting renal tissue texture in a significant manner.
Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant... more Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant for its survival, eventually to cause severe food security problems. Host resistance is an eco-friendly approach which requires a depth understanding on host–pathogen interactions. During these interactions, a cascade of defense responsive antioxidants was induced by a pathogen with respect to the type of cultivar while causing a disease. These array of enzymes can be biochemically detected and aid as markers to identify the ability of the host to restrict the pathogen. This study was conducted to detect the Colletotrichum truncatum elicited defense responsive antioxidants among the seedlings of G-4, LCA-353, BSS-355, and S-2 chili cultivars. Materials and Methods: Chilli seedlings of 25 days old were spray inoculated with pathogen and after 7 days of infection their antioxidant potential was analyzed by estimating few enzymes, viz., phenylalanine ammonia lyase, polyphenol oxidase, supe...
The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions.... more The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions. Development of stem borer undergoes following stages like egg, larvae, pupa and moth. The egg incubation period ranged from 3 to 6 days, larval stage was observed in five instars. The mean value of I, II, III, IV and V instars showed 3.8 ± 0.16, 5.2 ± 0.02, 6.1 ± 0.06, 7.35 ± 1.5, and 10.12 ± 0.29 days, respectively and complete larvae period ranged from 42 to 49 days. Pupae stage was observed in 8-9 days. The pre-mating and mating period was found at 9.10 ± 1.20 and 5.14 ± 1.08 h while egg laying period in 4.1 ± 1.32 days respectively. Fecundity rate of stem borer is from 262 to 657 eggs. The life span of adult male (3-7) and female (3-8) days was observed with a mean of 6.30 ± 0.85 and 5.10 ± 0.69 days respectively. Life cycle of stem borer gets completed in 47 to 51 days. Development of quality insects in required quantities at different developmental stages and their timely supply plays an inevitable role particularly for insect-breeding resistant programs. Hence to meet these challenges we had tried to standardize an artificial diet with cost effective to rear Chilo partellus under in vitro conditions.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease ... more Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum species is one of the chief hindrances for chilli production. Colletotrichum is a large genus of Ascomycete fungi, containing species that cause anthracnose disease on wide range crops of economic value. Though disease is being managed by chemical control agents, environmental concern calls for the usage of ecofriendly methods. Inspite of extensive research, anthracnose resistant chilli cultivar has not been developed and commercialized. Breeding for resistance is still challenging because of presence of several Colletotrichum species in a given pathosystem. This paper reviews importance of chilli, anthracnose disease and causative organism, plant pathogen interactions, disease control strategies. Emphasis is laid on molecular approaches for disease management.
Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely g... more Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely grown in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world. Capsicum seeds consist of different types of soluble proteins. In the present study we analyzed the biochemical relationship among the sixteen genotypes of Capsicum annum L. Seed protein profiling was generated in sixteen genotypes of chilli seeds through SDS- PAGE. The analysis showed 92 bands and considerable variation in banding pattern. Dendrogram was constructed based on protein profiling score using NTSYS software. Total sixteen genotypes were grouped into four clusters. Based on this diversity study, CA 1, 2 and 5 are highly diversified with CA 12, 13, 15 and 16 genotypes. Based on this study, highly diversified genotypes could be utilised for chilli breeding programme.
Anthracnose is a well-known disease caused by Colletotrichum capsici/truncatum resulting in both ... more Anthracnose is a well-known disease caused by Colletotrichum capsici/truncatum resulting in both qualitative and quantitative yield loss of a commercial vegetable crop chilli. Variability among the C. truncatum species with respect to geographical distribution remained as a major constraint to chilli production. Hence present study was aimed at identifying the genetic variability existing among the species within Andhra Pradesh region. Eight different isolates were characterized and confirmed as C. capsici with species specific marker. Variations among the isolates exist in their cultural and morphological features including aerial fluffy cotton to submerged felty type colonies at a growth rate of 3.8-9.8 mm per day while conidial size varied from 18.1-22.36 μm in length to 2.8-4.0 μm in width. Mode of virulence and pathogenic ability of eight isolates were clustered into high (C.c1, C.c4 and C.c7), moderate (C.c2, C.c5 and C.c6) and least (C.c3 and C.c8) based on their disease score. Genetic relationship was analyzed using 40 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Based on similarity coefficient by un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA), isolates were distributed into two clusters (I and II) confirming their genetic diversity. No correlation among pathological and RAPD grouping of isolates was observed. Results showed that RAPD-PCR is a valuable technique for evaluating inherited variation within C. capsici species.
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease ... more Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum species is one of the chief hindrances for chilli production. Colletotrichum is a large genus of Ascomycete fungi, containing species that cause anthracnose disease on wide range crops of economic value. Though disease is being managed by chemical control agents, environmental concern calls for the usage of ecofriendly methods. Inspite of extensive research, anthracnose resistant chilli cultivar has not been developed and commercialized. Breeding for resistance is still challenging because of presence of several Colletotrichum species in a given pathosystem. This paper reviews importance of chilli, anthracnose disease and causative organism, plant pathogen interactions, disease control strategies. Emphasis is laid on molecular approaches for disease management.
The present work was proposed to study the effect of plant growth hormones on the production of f... more The present work was proposed to study the effect of plant growth hormones on the production of free fatty acids present in the microalgae Spirulina platensis. Phytohormones are the chemical messengers that coordinate together and help in the growth and development of plants. Since like plants microalgae also involve in photosynthesis, an attempt was made to study the effect of these plant growth regulators on microalgae. Among the different plant growth hormones used 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) has enhanced the gamma linolenic acid production by 1.7 fold. Undecanoic acid and heptadecanoic acid were increased by 1.57 fold and 9.9 fold respectively by 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). Gibberelic acid showed 1.12 fold enhancement of undecanoic acid compared with control. Phytohormones also showed enhanced effect on biomass productivity. Treatment with 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) has resulted in highest biomass production with 1.55 fold increase over control.
Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant... more Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant for its survival, eventually to cause severe food security problems. Host resistance is an eco-friendly approach which requires a depth understanding on host-pathogen interactions. During these interactions, a cascade of defense responsive antioxidants was induced by a pathogen with respect to the type of cultivar while causing a disease. These array of enzymes can be biochemically detected and aid as markers to identify the ability of the host to restrict the pathogen. This study was conducted to detect the Colletotrichum truncatum elicited defense responsive antioxidants among the seedlings of G-4, LCA-353, BSS-355, and S-2 chili cultivars. Materials and Methods: Chilli seedlings of 25 days old were spray inoculated with pathogen and after 7 days of infection their antioxidant potential was analyzed by estimating few enzymes, viz., phenylalanine ammonia lyase, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity, reducing power, and total phenol content. Results: Biochemical estimations revealed that G-4 cultivar to be a resistant variety showing increased production of defense induced enzymes in all parameters while in contrast BSS-355 remained as susceptible variety. Conclusion: Anthracnose induced antioxidative enzymes showed a significant correlation between the enzymes, unveiling G-4as resistant and BSS-355 to be the susceptible chili cultivar with the highest and lowest enzyme activities. Identified resistant cultivar can be used in anthracnose resistant breeding programs and also these enzymes can be employed as biochemical markers to screen the chili genotypes against anthracnose disease.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely g... more Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely grown in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world. Capsicum seeds consist of different types of soluble proteins. In the present study we analyzed the biochemical relationship among the sixteen genotypes of Capsicum annum L. Seed protein profiling was generated in sixteen genotypes of chilli seeds through SDS-PAGE. The analysis showed 92 bands and considerable variation in banding pattern. Dendrogram was constructed based on protein profiling score using NTSYS software. Total sixteen genotypes were grouped into four clusters. Based on this diversity study, CA 1, 2 and 5 are highly diversified with CA 12, 13, 15 and 16 genotypes. Based on this study, highly diversified genotypes could be utilised for chilli breeding programme.
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Zea mays is one of the most important stable foods in Asian and African countries and is the seco... more Zea mays is one of the most important stable foods in Asian and African countries and is the second-largest cultivated and highest-yielding crop in India. Lepidopteron stem borer Chilo partellus is a dangerous insect pest in maize. The stem borer makes holes on the stem and leaves and enters inside the stem for feeding. The plant was therefore investigated for its bioactive components. The present study was carried out to identify the volatile compounds present in the n-hexane extract of Zea mays by GC-MS analysis. Total 30 compounds were identified in both infected and uninfected samples. Among the 30 compounds butylated hydroxytoluene, n-hexadecanoic acid and 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, (Z,Z,Z)-were identified as three common major components. Differences in their concentrations reveal their role in plant-insect interactions.
The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions.... more The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions. Development of stem borer undergoes following stages like egg, larvae, pupa and moth. The egg incubation period ranged from 3 to 6 days, larval stage was observed in five instars. The mean value of I, II, III, IV and V instars showed 3.8 ± 0.16, 5.2 ± 0.02, 6.1 ± 0.06, 7.35 ± 1.5, and 10.12 ± 0.29 days, respectively and complete larvae period ranged from 42 to 49 days. Pupae stage was observed in 8-9 days. The pre-mating and mating period was found at 9.10 ± 1.20 and 5.14 ± 1.08 h while egg laying period in 4.1 ± 1.32 days respectively. Fecundity rate of stem borer is from 262 to 657 eggs. The life span of adult male (3-7) and female (3-8) days was observed with a mean of 6.30 ± 0.85 and 5.10 ± 0.69 days respectively. Life cycle of stem borer gets completed in 47 to 51 days. Development of quality insects in required quantities at different developmental stages and their timely supply plays an inevitable role particularly for insect-breeding resistant programs. Hence to meet these challenges we had tried to standardize an artificial diet with cost effective to rear Chilo partellus under in vitro conditions.
International journal of pharma and bio sciences, Apr 6, 2017
Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for ... more Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that cultivated worldwide and used as a dietary supplement or whole food. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of Spirulina on blood and kidney in mice. Methods: Twenty Swiss Albino mice (Mus musculus) were randomly divided into 4 equal groups' viz., A, B, C, and D. Group A was kept as control and fed only normal diet. Group B was supplemented with acetaminophen where as group C was supplemented with acetaminophen and Spirulina, and group D was treated with Spirulina. Results: The application of Acetaminophen did not have significant effect on hemoglobin and uric acid content. But the addition of Spirulina to the diet increased significantly (P<0.05) hemoglobin and uric acid level. Histopathological examination revealed that no significant changes were found in the kidney of all of treated groups in comparison with the mice of control group. Conclusions: The research work suggests that long-term ingestion of acetaminophen does not exert a significant change in hemoglobin or uric acid level but spirulina supplemented diet may be associated with the rise in hemoglobin and uric acid level without affecting renal tissue texture in a significant manner.
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, Jan 30, 2018
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Altering climatic conditions and water stress drastically affects the chilli crop yield. In this ... more Altering climatic conditions and water stress drastically affects the chilli crop yield. In this scenario we adapted a strategic approach for screening of elite chilli genotypes, by exploring role of seed antioxidants in stress tolerance during vegetative phase. A total of 20 chilli genotypes' seed antioxidant potential and its effect on water stress tolerance were studied at three water regimes, namely, control (100% Field Capacity), moderate (80% Field Capacity), and severe (60% Field Capacity) stress conditions. Drought tolerance traits relative water content, chlorophyll content, and activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes were measured. A strong correlation was observed between seed antioxidants and water stress tolerant traits in seedlings. Genotypes KCa-5, KCa-6, and KCa-10 showed low quantity of HO and Malondialdehyde in seeds and maintained high membrane integrity and chlorophyll content in seedlings. High content of proline in KCa-5, KCa-7, and KCa-10 s...
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2017
Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for ... more Background: Acetaminophen is a medication used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that cultivated worldwide and used as a dietary supplement or whole food. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of Spirulina on blood and kidney in mice. Methods: Twenty Swiss Albino mice (Mus musculus) were randomly divided into 4 equal groups' viz., A, B, C, and D. Group A was kept as control and fed only normal diet. Group B was supplemented with acetaminophen where as group C was supplemented with acetaminophen and Spirulina, and group D was treated with Spirulina. Results: The application of Acetaminophen did not have significant effect on hemoglobin and uric acid content. But the addition of Spirulina to the diet increased significantly (P<0.05) hemoglobin and uric acid level. Histopathological examination revealed that no significant changes were found in the kidney of all of treated groups in comparison with the mice of control group. Conclusions: The research work suggests that long-term ingestion of acetaminophen does not exert a significant change in hemoglobin or uric acid level but spirulina supplemented diet may be associated with the rise in hemoglobin and uric acid level without affecting renal tissue texture in a significant manner.
Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant... more Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant for its survival, eventually to cause severe food security problems. Host resistance is an eco-friendly approach which requires a depth understanding on host–pathogen interactions. During these interactions, a cascade of defense responsive antioxidants was induced by a pathogen with respect to the type of cultivar while causing a disease. These array of enzymes can be biochemically detected and aid as markers to identify the ability of the host to restrict the pathogen. This study was conducted to detect the Colletotrichum truncatum elicited defense responsive antioxidants among the seedlings of G-4, LCA-353, BSS-355, and S-2 chili cultivars. Materials and Methods: Chilli seedlings of 25 days old were spray inoculated with pathogen and after 7 days of infection their antioxidant potential was analyzed by estimating few enzymes, viz., phenylalanine ammonia lyase, polyphenol oxidase, supe...
The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions.... more The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions. Development of stem borer undergoes following stages like egg, larvae, pupa and moth. The egg incubation period ranged from 3 to 6 days, larval stage was observed in five instars. The mean value of I, II, III, IV and V instars showed 3.8 ± 0.16, 5.2 ± 0.02, 6.1 ± 0.06, 7.35 ± 1.5, and 10.12 ± 0.29 days, respectively and complete larvae period ranged from 42 to 49 days. Pupae stage was observed in 8-9 days. The pre-mating and mating period was found at 9.10 ± 1.20 and 5.14 ± 1.08 h while egg laying period in 4.1 ± 1.32 days respectively. Fecundity rate of stem borer is from 262 to 657 eggs. The life span of adult male (3-7) and female (3-8) days was observed with a mean of 6.30 ± 0.85 and 5.10 ± 0.69 days respectively. Life cycle of stem borer gets completed in 47 to 51 days. Development of quality insects in required quantities at different developmental stages and their timely supply plays an inevitable role particularly for insect-breeding resistant programs. Hence to meet these challenges we had tried to standardize an artificial diet with cost effective to rear Chilo partellus under in vitro conditions.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease ... more Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum species is one of the chief hindrances for chilli production. Colletotrichum is a large genus of Ascomycete fungi, containing species that cause anthracnose disease on wide range crops of economic value. Though disease is being managed by chemical control agents, environmental concern calls for the usage of ecofriendly methods. Inspite of extensive research, anthracnose resistant chilli cultivar has not been developed and commercialized. Breeding for resistance is still challenging because of presence of several Colletotrichum species in a given pathosystem. This paper reviews importance of chilli, anthracnose disease and causative organism, plant pathogen interactions, disease control strategies. Emphasis is laid on molecular approaches for disease management.
Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely g... more Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely grown in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world. Capsicum seeds consist of different types of soluble proteins. In the present study we analyzed the biochemical relationship among the sixteen genotypes of Capsicum annum L. Seed protein profiling was generated in sixteen genotypes of chilli seeds through SDS- PAGE. The analysis showed 92 bands and considerable variation in banding pattern. Dendrogram was constructed based on protein profiling score using NTSYS software. Total sixteen genotypes were grouped into four clusters. Based on this diversity study, CA 1, 2 and 5 are highly diversified with CA 12, 13, 15 and 16 genotypes. Based on this study, highly diversified genotypes could be utilised for chilli breeding programme.
Anthracnose is a well-known disease caused by Colletotrichum capsici/truncatum resulting in both ... more Anthracnose is a well-known disease caused by Colletotrichum capsici/truncatum resulting in both qualitative and quantitative yield loss of a commercial vegetable crop chilli. Variability among the C. truncatum species with respect to geographical distribution remained as a major constraint to chilli production. Hence present study was aimed at identifying the genetic variability existing among the species within Andhra Pradesh region. Eight different isolates were characterized and confirmed as C. capsici with species specific marker. Variations among the isolates exist in their cultural and morphological features including aerial fluffy cotton to submerged felty type colonies at a growth rate of 3.8-9.8 mm per day while conidial size varied from 18.1-22.36 μm in length to 2.8-4.0 μm in width. Mode of virulence and pathogenic ability of eight isolates were clustered into high (C.c1, C.c4 and C.c7), moderate (C.c2, C.c5 and C.c6) and least (C.c3 and C.c8) based on their disease score. Genetic relationship was analyzed using 40 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Based on similarity coefficient by un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA), isolates were distributed into two clusters (I and II) confirming their genetic diversity. No correlation among pathological and RAPD grouping of isolates was observed. Results showed that RAPD-PCR is a valuable technique for evaluating inherited variation within C. capsici species.
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease ... more Chilli (Capsicum annuum L) is the major spice crops used all over the world. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum species is one of the chief hindrances for chilli production. Colletotrichum is a large genus of Ascomycete fungi, containing species that cause anthracnose disease on wide range crops of economic value. Though disease is being managed by chemical control agents, environmental concern calls for the usage of ecofriendly methods. Inspite of extensive research, anthracnose resistant chilli cultivar has not been developed and commercialized. Breeding for resistance is still challenging because of presence of several Colletotrichum species in a given pathosystem. This paper reviews importance of chilli, anthracnose disease and causative organism, plant pathogen interactions, disease control strategies. Emphasis is laid on molecular approaches for disease management.
The present work was proposed to study the effect of plant growth hormones on the production of f... more The present work was proposed to study the effect of plant growth hormones on the production of free fatty acids present in the microalgae Spirulina platensis. Phytohormones are the chemical messengers that coordinate together and help in the growth and development of plants. Since like plants microalgae also involve in photosynthesis, an attempt was made to study the effect of these plant growth regulators on microalgae. Among the different plant growth hormones used 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) has enhanced the gamma linolenic acid production by 1.7 fold. Undecanoic acid and heptadecanoic acid were increased by 1.57 fold and 9.9 fold respectively by 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). Gibberelic acid showed 1.12 fold enhancement of undecanoic acid compared with control. Phytohormones also showed enhanced effect on biomass productivity. Treatment with 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) has resulted in highest biomass production with 1.55 fold increase over control.
Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant... more Introduction: Diseases and its causative pathogens are the remarkable challenges faced by a plant for its survival, eventually to cause severe food security problems. Host resistance is an eco-friendly approach which requires a depth understanding on host-pathogen interactions. During these interactions, a cascade of defense responsive antioxidants was induced by a pathogen with respect to the type of cultivar while causing a disease. These array of enzymes can be biochemically detected and aid as markers to identify the ability of the host to restrict the pathogen. This study was conducted to detect the Colletotrichum truncatum elicited defense responsive antioxidants among the seedlings of G-4, LCA-353, BSS-355, and S-2 chili cultivars. Materials and Methods: Chilli seedlings of 25 days old were spray inoculated with pathogen and after 7 days of infection their antioxidant potential was analyzed by estimating few enzymes, viz., phenylalanine ammonia lyase, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity, reducing power, and total phenol content. Results: Biochemical estimations revealed that G-4 cultivar to be a resistant variety showing increased production of defense induced enzymes in all parameters while in contrast BSS-355 remained as susceptible variety. Conclusion: Anthracnose induced antioxidative enzymes showed a significant correlation between the enzymes, unveiling G-4as resistant and BSS-355 to be the susceptible chili cultivar with the highest and lowest enzyme activities. Identified resistant cultivar can be used in anthracnose resistant breeding programs and also these enzymes can be employed as biochemical markers to screen the chili genotypes against anthracnose disease.
Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is n... more Dragon fruit which belongs to Cacteceae family was once widely grown as ornamental plant and is now considered as fruit crop. Though there were many reports on propagating dragon fruit inadequate information is available on obtaining best quality pant material. Hence the present work is carried out to find the effect of phyto harmones, 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on callus formation, shoot and root regenerations from dragon fruit in vitro using stem cuttings as explants. Stem explants in Murashige Skoog (MS) medium containing 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA exhibited highest in vitro response for callus formation. Further, maximum number of shoots (13.2) was regenerated from explants when MS basal medium was supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA. Within four weeks somatic shoots were raised from explants. It took 70 days for shoots to grow 2.0cm long. Subsequently regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting medium supplemented with 3mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l NAA which proved to be effective concentrations for the growth and development of roots (4.8) in vitro.
Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely g... more Capsicum annuum L. is a commercial crop which belongs to the Solanaceae family and it is widely grown in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world. Capsicum seeds consist of different types of soluble proteins. In the present study we analyzed the biochemical relationship among the sixteen genotypes of Capsicum annum L. Seed protein profiling was generated in sixteen genotypes of chilli seeds through SDS-PAGE. The analysis showed 92 bands and considerable variation in banding pattern. Dendrogram was constructed based on protein profiling score using NTSYS software. Total sixteen genotypes were grouped into four clusters. Based on this diversity study, CA 1, 2 and 5 are highly diversified with CA 12, 13, 15 and 16 genotypes. Based on this study, highly diversified genotypes could be utilised for chilli breeding programme.
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present wo... more Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) play a significant role in olfaction and mating. The present work was designed to isolate, extract, and purify the pheromone-binding proteins from the antennae of male Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The pheromone-binding proteins extracted from the male antennae were found to be 770 μg in 100 mg of sample. Pheromone-binding protein molecular weight was determined as 17 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Identified proteins were purified through gel extraction with a recovery percentage of proteins up to 95%. Purified protein samples are analyzed on native PAGE gels. Relative mobility of proteins was determined as 0.574 nm in the densitometry analysis. These identified pheromone-binding proteins can be used for identification of novel pheromone compounds in in vitro studies. This study can be helpful in designing integrated pest management programs to control the maize stem borer by mass trapping of male moths.
Zea mays is one of the most important stable foods in Asian and African countries and is the seco... more Zea mays is one of the most important stable foods in Asian and African countries and is the second-largest cultivated and highest-yielding crop in India. Lepidopteron stem borer Chilo partellus is a dangerous insect pest in maize. The stem borer makes holes on the stem and leaves and enters inside the stem for feeding. The plant was therefore investigated for its bioactive components. The present study was carried out to identify the volatile compounds present in the n-hexane extract of Zea mays by GC-MS analysis. Total 30 compounds were identified in both infected and uninfected samples. Among the 30 compounds butylated hydroxytoluene, n-hexadecanoic acid and 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, (Z,Z,Z)-were identified as three common major components. Differences in their concentrations reveal their role in plant-insect interactions.
The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions.... more The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions. Development of stem borer undergoes following stages like egg, larvae, pupa and moth. The egg incubation period ranged from 3 to 6 days, larval stage was observed in five instars. The mean value of I, II, III, IV and V instars showed 3.8 ± 0.16, 5.2 ± 0.02, 6.1 ± 0.06, 7.35 ± 1.5, and 10.12 ± 0.29 days, respectively and complete larvae period ranged from 42 to 49 days. Pupae stage was observed in 8-9 days. The pre-mating and mating period was found at 9.10 ± 1.20 and 5.14 ± 1.08 h while egg laying period in 4.1 ± 1.32 days respectively. Fecundity rate of stem borer is from 262 to 657 eggs. The life span of adult male (3-7) and female (3-8) days was observed with a mean of 6.30 ± 0.85 and 5.10 ± 0.69 days respectively. Life cycle of stem borer gets completed in 47 to 51 days. Development of quality insects in required quantities at different developmental stages and their timely supply plays an inevitable role particularly for insect-breeding resistant programs. Hence to meet these challenges we had tried to standardize an artificial diet with cost effective to rear Chilo partellus under in vitro conditions.
Papers by Pedda Kasim