Papers by Kenichiro Noguchi
Journal of Information Processing, Aug 31, 1980
Journal of Information Processing, Feb 28, 1979

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, Aug 22, 2010
A separation-kernel-based operating system (OS) has been designed for use in secure embedded syst... more A separation-kernel-based operating system (OS) has been designed for use in secure embedded systems by applying formal methods to the design of the separation-kernel part. The separation kernel is a small OS kernel that provides an abstract distributed environment on a single CPU. The design of the separation kernel was verified using two formal methods, the B method and the Spin model checker. A newly designed semi-formal method, the extended state transition method, was also applied. An OS comprising the separation-kernel part and additional OS services on top of the separation kernel was prototyped on the Intel IA-32 architecture. Developing and testing of a prototype embedded application, a point-of-sale application, on the prototype OS demonstrated that the proposed architecture and the use of formal methods to design its kernel part are effective for achieving a secure embedded system having a high-assurance separation kernel.
情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, Aug 22, 2005

Security technologies for XML, the XML Encryption and the XML Signature developed by the World Wi... more Security technologies for XML, the XML Encryption and the XML Signature developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, will play a vital role in security on the Internet. A binary X.509 certificate encoded in ASN.1 is included in the XML Signature. We propose to extend the XML Signature to fully represent X.509 certificate information in XML. We developed the specifications for extensions. We implemented a converter that transforms between the ASN.1 representation and XML representation of an X.509 certificate that was aimed to verify the validity of our proposal. World Wide Web security is an important issue on the Internet and trusted information is critical. We experimented with Web page signing, applying the extended XML Signature. We propose the scheme for signed Web pages based on the XML Signature. We conducted a test implementation of the scheme with the extended XML Signature. We verified that the proposed scheme could easily be implemented and incorporated into the current Web environment as well as the effectiveness of the extended XML Signature. The paper concludes by identifying necessary areas for future standardization.
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, Sep 7, 2011
情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, Aug 20, 2004

A separation-kernel-based operating system (OS) has been designed for use in secure embedded syst... more A separation-kernel-based operating system (OS) has been designed for use in secure embedded systems by applying formal methods to the design of the separation-kernel part. The separation kernel is a small OS kernel that provides an abstract distributed environment on a single CPU. The design of the separation kernel was verified using two formal methods, the B method and the Spin model checker. A newly designed semi-formal method, the extended state transition method, was also applied. An OS comprising the separation-kernel part and additional OS services on top of the separation kernel was prototyped on the Intel IA-32 architecture. Developing and testing of a prototype embedded application, a point-of-sale application, on the prototype OS demonstrated that the proposed architecture and the use of formal methods to design its kernel part are effective for achieving a secure embedded system having a high-assurance separation kernel.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, 2006
Security technologies for XML, the XML Encryption and the XML Signature developed by the World Wi... more Security technologies for XML, the XML Encryption and the XML Signature developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, will play a vital role in security on the Internet. A binary X.509 certificate encoded in ASN.1 is included in the XML Signature. We propose to extend the XML Signature to fully represent X.509 certificate information in XML. We developed the specifications for extensions. We implemented a converter that transforms between the ASN.1 representation and XML representation of an X.509 certificate that was aimed to verify the validity of our proposal. World Wide Web security is an important issue on the Internet and trusted information is critical. We experimented with Web page signing, applying the extended XML Signature. We propose the scheme for signed Web pages based on the XML Signature. We conducted a test implementation of the scheme with the extended XML Signature. We verified that the proposed scheme could easily be implemented and incorporated into the current Web environment as well as the effectiveness of the extended XML Signature. The paper concludes by identifying necessary areas for future standardization.
4.1 情報家電サービスにおける認証 Web サービスである情報家電サービスは、昨年の研究[2] と同様に、仮想家電サービスを使用し、Apache Tomcat 上 の Apache-SOAP ... more 4.1 情報家電サービスにおける認証 Web サービスである情報家電サービスは、昨年の研究[2] と同様に、仮想家電サービスを使用し、Apache Tomcat 上 の Apache-SOAP で動作させた。情報家電用クライアント には ID とパスワードを入力するフィールドを追加した。 (1)認証方式 1 ユーザは、情報家電用クライアントに ID とパスワード を打ち込む。 2 情報家電用クライアントは、ID とパスワードを元に HTTP ベーシック認証で認証用サーバ 1 にアクセスす る。 3 認証用サーバ 1 は、XML 文書の一部として認証情報を やり取りするための仕様である SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)で記述したユーザの認 証情報を、ネットワーク上のサービスを呼び出すため の XML 文書である SOAP メッセージに挿入し、認証 用サーバ 2 に送信する。 4 認証用サーバ 2 は、SAML を元に認証を行い、許可し た SOAP メッセージを情報家電 Web サービスへ送信 する。 (2)実装方式 SAML による認証を行うため、認証用サーバ 1、2 とし て米国Quadrasis社のSOAP Content Inspector (SCI)を使 用した。Web サービスへのアクセスは必ず認証用サーバを 経由して認証させる必要があるため、情報家電 Web サービ スは、Apache Tomcat の設定で外部からのアクセスを禁止 した。認証に使用する証明書は、OpenSSL を用いて秘密鍵 ファイルから証明書ファイルを作成し、SCI に登録した。 (3)実行例 SAML の認証情報を記述した SAML アサーションは SOAP メッセージの<Assertion>要素内に挿入される。
Proceedings of the May 19-22, 1975, national computer conference and exposition on - AFIPS '75, 1975
Theoretical Computer Science, 2004
The objective of the ÿring squad synchronization problem is to deÿne sets of states and transitio... more The objective of the ÿring squad synchronization problem is to deÿne sets of states and transition rules of a ÿnite-state machine so that a one-dimensional array of such machines work synchronously. A minimal time solution to this problem was ÿrst found by Goto in 1961. Thereafter, other minimal time solutions were reported. I studied this problem and found an 8-state 119-rule solution by using a simple algorithm. The number of rules is much less than in Baltzer's 8-state solution and the same as in Mazoyer's 6-state solution.
Journal of Information Processing, Feb 28, 1979
Papers by Kenichiro Noguchi