Papers by Ninette A Appiah

Journal of Education and Practice, Nov 1, 2022
The current study analysed the features of work-based learning models in higher fashion education... more The current study analysed the features of work-based learning models in higher fashion education institutions in Ghana. The study emphasized the need for skilled human resources in the new era of the knowledge-based economy, as this would be crucial for Ghana to become a developed nation. Creative and vocational education in Higher Education (HE) is about creativity and innovativeness. These are the most significant attributes that higher fashion education graduates must possess. The study adopted descriptive research designs due to their nature. The mixed methods technique was considered appropriate for answering the research question as it concerns dynamic phenomena such as innovation and change. A non-probability purposive sampling technique was adopted to select fashion houses in eight regions of Ghana. Both undergraduate and postgraduate fashion students and some graduates practising their acquired skills in the fashion industry were also used as samples for the study. Questionnaires and interviews were utilized to collect data. The major empirical findings of this study suggest that students possess inadequate skills as they embark on work-based learning programs from their various academic institutions. Distinctly, the results revealed that students lacked practical competence in their field of specialization.
Journal of Marketing Studies, 2023
There are challenges in arriving at quality garments that meet the consumers' specifications for ... more There are challenges in arriving at quality garments that meet the consumers' specifications for Ghanaian fashion designers. To appreciate consumers' conceptualization of quality attributes of tailored clothing produced by small-scale garment manufacturers, the study assessed the quality attributes of tailored clothing produced by small-scale garment manufacturers.

The current study analysed the features of work-based learning models in higher fashion education... more The current study analysed the features of work-based learning models in higher fashion education institutions in Ghana. The study emphasized the need for skilled human resources in the new era of the knowledge-based economy, as this would be crucial for Ghana to become a developed nation. Creative and vocational education in Higher Education (HE) is about creativity and innovativeness. These are the most significant attributes that higher fashion education graduates must possess. The study adopted descriptive research designs due to their nature. The mixed methods technique was considered appropriate for answering the research question as it concerns dynamic phenomena such as innovation and change. A non-probability purposive sampling technique was adopted to select fashion houses in eight regions of Ghana. Both undergraduate and postgraduate fashion students and some graduates practising their acquired skills in the fashion industry were also used as samples for the study. Questionnaires and interviews were utilized to collect data. The major empirical findings of this study suggest that students possess inadequate skills as they embark on work-based learning programs from their various academic institutions. Distinctly, the results revealed that students lacked practical competence in their field of specialization.
International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 2022
The study focused on exploring qualitatively the product development processes, Ghanaian fashion ... more The study focused on exploring qualitatively the product development processes, Ghanaian fashion designers adopt in their design creation line. A sample of twenty-one (21) small and medium scale fashion designers was sampled using the purposive sampling technique. An interview and observation guides were the primary data collection instruments. The findings indicate that fashion designers adopt varying strategies and stages in developing products for clients without necessarily following standardized models; hence, a model was proposed by the researcher for adoption.

International Journal of Social Economics
In an increasingly business-oriented, cash-based city like Kumasi, people need access to cash inc... more In an increasingly business-oriented, cash-based city like Kumasi, people need access to cash income so as to maintain their businesses and families. Kumasi as the commercial hub of Ghana can boast of a number of scattered bamboo/rattan products producers. The employment dynamism of the bamboo/rattan Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is very high and can lead to substantial poverty reduction to enhance the economic capacities of the craftsmen involved in the business. The objective of the study was to assess the economic potential of small and medium bamboo/rattan enterprises in terms of contributions to livelihood incomes and alleviating poverty of bamboo and rattan craftsmen in the Kumasi metropolis. A survey design approach was adopted, based on a purposive and snowball sampling techniques. A final sample of thirty-one participated in the study. Primary data were obtained through observations, personal interviews and structured questionnaire. The study established among others ...

Integrated Community Centre for Employable Skills (ICCES) is an agency under the Ministry of Empl... more Integrated Community Centre for Employable Skills (ICCES) is an agency under the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare with policy objective of filling the gap in employment generation by developing the young human resources in line with the poverty alleviation goal of the government of Ghana. The purpose of the study was to find out how the ICCES training programmes are achieving their purpose of increasing access of young person’s to skills acquisition and empowerment for productive employment. To harness the needed information, questionnaire, interview and observation, were employed in gathering data from the subjects. The results suggest that participants in the survey had all conferred that the programmes have being helpful to the communities in securing suitable employment that allows them to generate income within the social, family and financial constraints that they face in their communities and as such their social and economic status has being impacted positively.
Because light travels quicker than sound, people are seen before they are heard. That is why, eve... more Because light travels quicker than sound, people are seen before they are heard. That is why, even before a person utters a word their appearance tells a much about them in terms of their competence, perceived level of intelligence, affability, self-esteem, self-confidence, success, authority and beliefs. This qualitative study aims at exploring the basis on which people form first impressions of personalities they meet based on their clothes. A total of 31 respondents were purposively selected to participate in the study. Data was collected through interviews. The results of the study indicated that people form first impressions based on their moral inclinations, economic, non-conformance to current fashion, health, fashion changes and much more. The investigation supported findings of earlier studies that clothing and first impressions are related.

Arts and Design Studies, 2015
This study sought to investigate Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Ghana, whi... more This study sought to investigate Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Ghana, which has emerged as one of the most effective human resource development strategies that African countries need to embrace in order to train and modernise their technical workforce for rapid industrialization and national development. The landscape of industry has been changing over time, it has and is still transforming with many tangents emerging. Currently, the TVET system faces a number of challenges, including quality outcomes. This paper explored the changing landscape of industry practice and the role TEVT can play in its development. A qualitative approach was used to collect data through a cluster sampling technique. The sample population comprise selected manufacturing industries in Ghana, TVET training institutions and selected graduates practicing their acquired skills from these institutions in the industry. Findings indicate some manufacturing houses were not equipping their ...

Arts and Design Studies, 2016
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) specifies that hazards exist in every w... more The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) specifies that hazards exist in every workplace in many various forms; falling objects, sharp edges, flying sparks, noise and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. The OSHA consequently requires that employers protect their employees from workplace hazards that can cause injury. One area of concern related to occupational safety and health is dressmaking shops in the Tamale Metropolis, which has a cluster of sewing centres scattered all over. The training of dressmaking apprentices involves a wide number of health and safety hazards, some of which are apparent and others that are usually not noticed until it is too late. The purpose of this investigation was to assess the health and safety practices of dressmaking apprenticeship training programmes in the Tamale Metropolis of the Northern Region of Ghana and offer suggestions on how they can be managed. In order to adequately collect relevant data, observation...

International journal of innovative research and development, 2016
The study assessed the impact of excellence concepts on fashion students in Ghanaian higher educa... more The study assessed the impact of excellence concepts on fashion students in Ghanaian higher education. In the last decade, the debate in the international arena on Higher Education (HE) quality has increasingly shifted from ‘quality’ to ‘excellence’. HE systems all over the world have undergone massive expansion, and this has created problems in maintaining excellence. Fashion is a big deal as it goes beyond simple clothing to the expression of identity. It is a reflection of our society. The study is an exploratory and descriptive case study that employed a mixed methods approach to data collection and analysis. A cluster sampling method was adopted to obtain a representative sample for the study. The study examined the opinions of fashion students from HE. Findings confirm that excellence teaching is a component of excellence in HE. It is recommended that for better performance, after accumulated experience and practice by any HE institution, accreditation agencies must necessaril...

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015
Elements and principles of design are essential to every art form. They work together to produce ... more Elements and principles of design are essential to every art form. They work together to produce pleasing garment designs. Arranging them well creates a feeling of completeness in a garment. The study assessed the application of the elements and principles of design in garment development by dress makers and tailors in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. This is essential in addressing the challenges dressmakers and tailors face during designing and garment construction. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods was used for the study as it allowed for detailed description of dresses sewn by tailors and dressmakers in the municipality. Questionnaires were administered to dressmakers and tailors to gather the needed data. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the tailors and dressmakers for the study. The study shows that, most dressmaker and tailors in the municipality do not have much understanding of the use of elements and principles of design and its application in cre...

International journal of innovative research and development, 2015
Safety and health practices must be an integral part of our daily lives, especially in our places... more Safety and health practices must be an integral part of our daily lives, especially in our places of work. The proper practice of safe and healthy working procedure is a necessary requisite in achieving success. The rate and manner at which dressmaking apprentice’s abuse safety practices in the Hohoe Municipality makes one wonder as to whether apprentices have any knowledge at all on safe working conditions in the fashion industry. This study sought to find out the knowledge level of apprentices on workshop safety and healthy environmental practices. It also sought to find out why apprentices do not observe safety practices when undergoing training. One hundred (100) sewing centers were selected from different training shops in the municipality. The descriptive research design was used to examine the nature of prevailing conditions, practices and attitudes of apprentices on workshop safety and healthy environmental practices in the Hohoe municipality. Questionnaire, interview and ob...

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2018
Students clean their garments to eliminate dirt and to prevent them from smelling. Although often... more Students clean their garments to eliminate dirt and to prevent them from smelling. Although often ignored, every load of washing and drying contributes to environmental consequence on tertiary campuses with extensive use of water, energy, detergents, and chemicals. The study thus investigated the existing patterns of student laundry application and the environmental implications of these practices. The sample used for this study were tertiary students in Ghana. Convenience sampling was used to select 150 students and administered with questionnaires. The major findings of the study demonstrate that one of the main problems with laundry as it stands is the lack of education about the environmental impacts of doing laundry. Students do not connect doing laundry with the number of resources necessary to make their clothes clean. This is especially true when considering detergents and the number of students who haphazardly pour detergent when cleaning their clothes.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015
The development of a garment comprises of different processes and its appearance and fit is highl... more The development of a garment comprises of different processes and its appearance and fit is highly dependent on each of these process. Patternmaking is the foundation in garment manufacturing and plays an important role in deciding how the final appearance of a garment will look like.This study investigated reasons why dressmakers in the Ho Municipality do not use pattern for cutting out garment designs. It assessed the importance and challenges associated with the use of flat pattern making and developed strategies to assist dressmakers to overcome the challenges of using flat pattern in constructing garments. The research design adopted was descriptive survey. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as well as observation were employed to gather data.In all, 140 dressmakers out of the 180 in the Ho Municipality were sampled.In analysing the results, it was noted that dressmakers in the Municipality mostly used "free-hand" cutting in arriving at garment sections, limiting their ability tocut out intricate designs. The findings of this study provides insight and implications for the leadership of the Ghana National Association of Tailors and dressmakers and management of higher institutions to take a second look at what goes into agreements and training of dressmaking apprentices.Basic pattern drafting should be made part of apprenticeship programs.

International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research, 2016
Since the 1990s, quality and quality assurance have become the key themes of higher education ins... more Since the 1990s, quality and quality assurance have become the key themes of higher education institutions almost universally. Issues have been raised about the output of higher education institutions and whether communities are receiving real value for their investments. Although situations vary from country to country, some far-reaching developments have contributed to growing interest in setting up policy mechanisms to ensure quality and accountability in higher education. Of particular significance is the trend towards mass higher education. This paper hence, evaluated quality assurance in the Ghanaian higher fashion education context. It explored issues within the area of quality of higher fashion education in Ghana and other parts of the developing world. A mixed methods design was used to obtain the views of respondents. Interview and questionnaires were the main research instruments employed for data collection. The study analysed the opinions of both staff and students in some higher education institutions. The study revealed that establishing quality assurance systems and policies is not a guarantee to solving quality issues in higher fashion education.

Good performance management practice is crucial in modern times. Unfortunately for many years, co... more Good performance management practice is crucial in modern times. Unfortunately for many years, corporate executives and academic scholars have been debating the consequences of poor performance management practices in organizations. The main focus is on performance management practices and its improvement to enhance the performance of employees. However, emphasis is on poor employee performance due to informal performance management practices at Oti-Yeboah Company Limited. This is an exploratory study, as a result, a single case study organization was chosen. The study adopted a multi-method qualitative case study approach using both primary and secondary data sources. A stratified random sampling technique was used with a sample size of 111 respondents from all departments of the Company. The study revealed that supervision and control system, coaching, delegation and performance measurement are the main management practices and were poorly applied in managing employee performance. Therefore, the informal performance management practices led to poor employee performance in the Company.

Arts and Design Studies, 2015
Quality Assurance has become an important component in Higher Education (HE). Even though a signi... more Quality Assurance has become an important component in Higher Education (HE). Even though a significant number of studies have been conducted on it, there are still many unanswered issues about how Quality Assurance (QA) improves the core processes involved in Higher Fashion Education (HFE). This study attempted to evaluate the challenges of QA in Higher Fashion Education in Ghana, using a mixed methods design based on the premise that, QA in HFE is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that involves the perspectives of different actors and requires the collection and analysis of data from different sources. The sample for this study included 100 participants from four higher education institutions in Ghana. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to gather data. The study shows that, quality of education, particularly student learning is threatened by problems such as poor quality of educational inputs, processes and outputs, unavailability of resources due to increasing student population, the absence of a well-planned curriculum design and review processes. Other policy implications are discussed.

Students clean their garments to eliminate dirt and to prevent them from smelling. Although often... more Students clean their garments to eliminate dirt and to prevent them from smelling. Although often ignored, every load of washing and drying contributes to environmental consequence on tertiary campuses with extensive use of water, energy, detergents, and chemicals. The study thus investigated the existing patterns of student laundry application and the environmental implications of these practices. The sample used for this study were tertiary students in Ghana. Convenience sampling was used to select 150 students and administered with questionnaires. The major findings of the study demonstrate that one of the main problems with laundry as it stands is the lack of education about the environmental impacts of doing laundry. Students do not connect doing laundry with the number of resources necessary to make their clothes clean. This is especially true when considering detergents and the number of students who haphazardly pour detergent when cleaning their clothes.
The continual widespread advances in fashion and particularly garment construction has encouraged... more The continual widespread advances in fashion and particularly garment construction has encouraged many individuals to adopt new methods of improving the way their clothes fit and look on their figure. This study investigated the antecedents of mobile garment alteration business in Ghana with a particular focus on its benefits, potentials and the challenges.

Since the 1990s, quality and quality assurance have become the key themes of higher education ins... more Since the 1990s, quality and quality assurance have become the key themes of higher education institutions almost universally. Issues have been raised about the output of higher education institutions and whether communities are receiving real value for their investments. Although situations vary from country to country, some far-reaching developments have contributed to growing interest in setting up policy mechanisms to ensure quality and accountability in higher education. Of particular significance is the trend towards mass higher education. This paper hence, evaluated quality assurance in the Ghanaian higher fashion education context. It explored issues within the area of quality of higher fashion education in Ghana and other parts of the developing world. A mixed methods design was used to obtain the views of respondents. Interview and questionnaires were the main research instruments employed for data collection. The study analysed the opinions of both staff and students in some higher education institutions. The study revealed that establishing quality assurance systems and policies is not a guarantee to solving quality issues in higher fashion education.
Papers by Ninette A Appiah