Papers by Nindha Berlianti

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik
The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in student learning outcomes who were t... more The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in student learning outcomes who were taught using the project-based learning (PjBL) model in research methodology lectures. The research method used is pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was carried out by non-probability sampling. The data analysis technique used paired t test. The results showed that: (1) There were differences in student learning outcomes using the project based learning (PjBL) model based on the average student learning outcomes that increased from the pretest to posttest scores and the t-count value was greater than the t-table value. Thus, PjBL learning can be recommended to be implemented in other lectures because this learning can educate and motivate academic assignments to be able to care, self-efficacy, and responsibility.

Metodologi Penelitian merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib mahasiswa di setiap program studi di... more Metodologi Penelitian merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib mahasiswa di setiap program studi di suatu perguruan tinggi. Matakuliah metodologi penelitian sebagai dasar pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa agar mahasiswa dapat melaksanakan penelitian dan menyusun proposal skripsi hingga skripsi. Perkuliahan metodologi penelitian dilakukan dengan membelajarkan mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek pada matakuliah metodologi penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyusun proposal penelitian, Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan teknik sampling purposive. Pengumpulan data selama pembelajaran berbasis proyek berupa hasil penilaian proyek proposal penelitian mahasiswa dengan nilai ≥ 65. Hasil dari pembelajaran ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan baik dalam membuat proposal penelitian perolehan nilai 87,2 dengan rincian bab 1 pendahuluan nilai 75,00 kategori baik, bab 2 kajian pustaka nilai 68,6 kategori baik, dan bab 3 metode penelitian nilai 71,27 kategori baik.

Beberapa bahan makanan dengan berbagai jenis merk beredar bebas dan dikonsumsi secara meluas oleh... more Beberapa bahan makanan dengan berbagai jenis merk beredar bebas dan dikonsumsi secara meluas oleh sebagian anak-anak bahkan orang dewasa. Para ibu rumah tangga juga menggunakan BTP sebagai penambah kemenarikan bahkan membeli bahan makanan di pasar yang belum diketahui kandungan kimia kimia apa saja yang ada dalam bahan makanan tersebut. Oleh karena harus ada antisipasi agar dampak negatif dari BTP tidak semakin meluas dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Langkah strategis yang dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan pendampingan masyarakat untuk lebih waspada terhadap penggunaan BTP berbahaya melalui Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPM). Mitra sasaran kegiatan PPM adalah masyarakat khususnya para ibu rumah tangga yang tergabung dalam ibu PKK desa Sepanyul Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang. Kegiatan PPM yang dilakukan adalah pengenalan BTP dan cara mengidentifikasi BTP pada produk makanan. Kegiatan PPM ini mampu memberikan pemahaman mitra dalam mengenal bahan tambahan makanan dan melatih mitra dalam mendeteksi bahan tambahan makanan. Respon mitra setelah pelaksanaan PPM memperoleh hasil respon sangat baik mencapai 92%.

JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2021
This community service program aimed to increase the knowledge and awareness of mothers in Sumber... more This community service program aimed to increase the knowledge and awareness of mothers in Sumbernongko Village, Ngusikan District, Jombang Regency about the importance of early education about the risks and dangers of electromagnetic waves exposed by smartphone signals (gadgets). The activities in this program were carried out by giving lectures, presenting interactive videos and question and answer. The first step was to provide education about what radiation is and its use in communication and the impacts that will occur in the short and long term. Then, it was followed by giving tips on reducing the use of gadgets. The target of this community service program was to make parents able to be wise and firm when limit ing the use of gadgets to their children and familiarize their children with activities outside or inside the home more because the role of parents in children's development is largely determined by their daily activities.

Household waste in the form of red onion that is not processed optimally can function as an envir... more Household waste in the form of red onion that is not processed optimally can function as an environmental pollutant. Various studies that have been conducted show that red onions contain compounds that are very beneficial for plant growth. Red onion waste can be used as liquid fertilizer to fertilize plants. Thus the community needs to be equipped with knowledge about the advantages and processing of red onion waste into liquid organic fertilizer, especially women of the Drenges village, Kabuh district, Jombang regency. This PKM includes the stages of situation analysis, training, mentoring and evaluation. The training activities will be held on August 7-8, 2021. The results of this activity show that the participation of participants in training activities is 100%; participants' understanding of the training material reached 81.25%; and skills of participants in making liquid fertilizer from red onion waste by 87.5%.

Jurnal Pena Sains
The coronavirus outbreak from 2019 had a significant impact on all sectors in Indonesia, especial... more The coronavirus outbreak from 2019 had a significant impact on all sectors in Indonesia, especially the education sector, which requires learning from home. It provides a change in students' learning style to make educators change online-based learning using various platforms, one of which is the Physics Virtual Lab (PVL). This application is in a simulation designed explicitly physics practicum, accessed using a mobile phone. This study aims to determine how effective the use of PVL in fulfilling practicum activities is in terms of perceptions and competencies of students' attitudes. The research method is descriptive research to obtain an overview of PVL applications in physics practicum using domestic used materials. The subjects in this study were students of the first-semester science education study program who took the Basic Physics course-collecting data using perception questionnaires and attitude assessment sheets. The average student perception score is 4.22. Then, the students' attitude competence results obtained an average score of 80.88 integrity; independence 74.89; confidence 75.17 and responsibility 84.89. It shows that the implementation of PVL builds students' integrity and responsibility.

Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2016
IPL Learning is tiresome if students only received the material which has been given by the lectu... more IPL Learning is tiresome if students only received the material which has been given by the lecturer. it’s seen some of students are not focus when the lecturer give explanation abaout the material. As a result, the quality of the course is not very good and effective. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of learning in environmental science material using presentations and class discussions. This research is a classroom action research with two cycles. Class presentation method is implemented in science education major students in Unhasy in the academic year 2015/2016. Retrieval of liveliness data obtained from the check list. Check list that has been created is converted in terms of percentage, each of liveliness indicator has a value percentage of 20%. The data from cognitive learning of students is a support data within this research. The indicators of achievement of this research is the average percentage of liveliness grade which is > 15% and the average c...

The Beginning of observation conducted in SMP PGRI Ngraho Bojonegoro Class VIIA. The observation ... more The Beginning of observation conducted in SMP PGRI Ngraho Bojonegoro Class VIIA. The observation show that student Critical Thinking skills is lack in Acquaintance stuff And solve problem, make hypothesis, make conclusions and develop opinion, with average fg ability Critical Thinking at 53, 2%. Based on that fact learning model need to be apply. The learning model can build ability of critical thinking like problem-Based Learning. The purpose of this observation for knowing the impact of learning model with basic problem to develop student crtical thinking skill. The research conducted by Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), which consists of two cycles in eight times meeting. The subject of the observation is VII-A SMP PGRI Ngraho Bojonegoro student with total of 30 students. The main topic that used by this observation is statistic and scale. The instrument of this observation are RPP, LKS, problem based learning attending observation sheet, critical thinking skills observation sheet...
Studi tentang pengaruh pencemaran logam berat terhadap munculnya radikal bebas pada biota peraira... more Studi tentang pengaruh pencemaran logam berat terhadap munculnya radikal bebas pada biota perairan telah dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan logam berat Pb, Cd dan Hg pada ikan nila. Pengamatan radikal bebas dilakukan pada organ insang ikan nila dengan menggunakan ESR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada konsentrasi Pb Nitrat 0.2 ppm-1.4 ppm, Cd Nitrat 0.02 ppm-0.14 ppm, Hg Nitrat 0.006 ppm-0.018 ppm dapat memunculkan radikal bebas jenis O 2 - . Konsentrasi radikal bebas pada organ insang ikan nila semakin banyak dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi logam berat. K ata kunci : radikal bebas, logam berat, ESR, organ ikan nila.

Abstract: The Curiculum 2013 requires students to be active in learning through scientific approa... more Abstract: The Curiculum 2013 requires students to be active in learning through scientific approaches, but the reality encountered by teachers is still dominant which results in students feeling bored and dislike the material. The general purpose to be achieved from this research is to develop discovery learning-based student worksheets for grade VII students on Photosynthesis material. This research is a development research that uses the ADDIE development but it was only limited to the ADDE (analyze, design, development, evaluation) stage. The research data were obtained through questionnaires and documentation. The LKPD development process produces 3 LKPD drafts according to the ADDIE model stages which are limited to the ADDE stage. The results of the research on the LKPD validity test showed that the LKPD was declared valid with a validity value of 3.47 which was categorized as very valid by the validator. Keywords: Development, LKPD, Discovery Learning, Photosy...

Pengembangan inovasi dalam pembelajaran dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Kurangnya ... more Pengembangan inovasi dalam pembelajaran dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Kurangnya minat belajar di kelas akan memengaruhi hasil belajar, sehingga menuntut seorang peneliti untuk menerapkan inovasi baru dalam pembelajaran yang tidak sekedar menyampaikan materi, tetapi harus menggunakan metode yang disukai dan sesuai dengan pemahaman peserta didik. Dalam hal ini, peneliti menggunakan media berupa kartu yang berisi gambar dan teks (flash cards). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan minat belajar mahasiswa pendidikan IPA Unhasy Jombang melalui penggunaan flash cards. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 siklus dengan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang dilaksanakan melalui 4 tahap yakni 1) tahap rencana, 2) tahap tindakan, 3) tahap observasi/evaluasi dan 4) tahap refleksi. Penelitian yang diterapkan harus memperlihatkan mutu professionalitas pengajar, sehingga bermakna sebagai bentuk peningkatan mutu pelayanan (KBM) pada peserta didik. Ins...

Eco-education actually has been given to natural science department students of UNHASY with the l... more Eco-education actually has been given to natural science department students of UNHASY with the latest issues related to environmental issues through PKLH and IPL courses. However, the mere provision of knowledge in theory turned out not to have the maximum effect on students. Many students are still not sensitive to issues regarding environmental issues. Their awareness about waste management in the environment around campus are still lack. As an effort to provide education directly to students while involving them in the activities of processing waste into something more valuable, researchers tried to utilize organic waste from household waste in the form of vegetable waste, fruit skins, and rice washing water into organic liquid fertilizer (POC) by utilizing Local Microorganisms (MOL) in the cultivation of Fruit Plants in Pot (TABULAMPOT). This study aims to provide education and basic skills regarding the use of organic waste into environmentally friendly organic liquid fertilizer for the cultivation of tabulampot by utilizing mole at the science student of UNHASY Tebuireng Jombang. The study results note that the provision of education and skills on the use of organic waste into mol-based organic liquid fertilizers which are used as additional nutrients in the cultivation of tabulampot give a considerable influence on the knowledge and skills of students regarding environmental science, especially regarding waste management. This can be seen from the average pre-test value of 76 and post-test value of 81. While the application of organic liquid fertilizer in tabulampot cultivation show the same effect as chemical fertilizer.

Discovery : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan
Eco-education actually has been given to natural science department students of UNHASY with the l... more Eco-education actually has been given to natural science department students of UNHASY with the latest issues related to environmental issues through PKLH and IPL courses. However, the mere provision of knowledge in theory turned out not to have the maximum effect on students. Many students are still not sensitive to issues regarding environmental issues. Their awareness about waste management in the environment around campus are still lack. As an effort to provide education directly to students while involving them in the activities of processing waste into something more valuable, researchers tried to utilize organic waste from household waste in the form of vegetable waste, fruit skins, and rice washing water into organic liquid fertilizer (POC) by utilizing Local Microorganisms (MOL) in the cultivation of Fruit Plants in Pot (TABULAMPOT). This study aims to provide education and basic skills regarding the use of organic waste into environmentally friendly organic liquid fertilizer for the cultivation of tabulampot by utilizing mole at the science student of UNHASY Tebuireng Jombang. The study results note that the provision of education and skills on the use of organic waste into mol-based organic liquid fertilizers which are used as additional nutrients in the cultivation of tabulampot give a considerable influence on the knowledge and skills of students regarding environmental science, especially regarding waste management. This can be seen from the average pre-test value of 76 and post-test value of 81. While the application of organic liquid fertilizer in tabulampot cultivation show the same effect as chemical fertilizer.
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), Mar 31, 2020
During the 21 st century, the world has experienced very rapid changes in every aspects of life. ... more During the 21 st century, the world has experienced very rapid changes in every aspects of life. They are economical, transportation, technology, communication, information, and many others. According to Zubaidah (2016) that the changes demand people to master various skills. The skills should be relevant to four pillars of life, including learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. Therefore, education is expected to prepare students to acquire various skills so that they can achieve success in life. According to Bensley and Spero, (2014), one of the skills needed to face the challenges of the 21 st century is critical thinking. Critical thinking is a complex mental activity that requires high-level thinking skills in overcoming problems, making decisions and drawing conclusions (

Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
One of the most important skills which is needed to face this 21st centurychallenge is critical t... more One of the most important skills which is needed to face this 21st centurychallenge is critical thinking since it is very important to solve problems. This research is conducted to find out the critical thinking skill of the Science Department students at Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari (UNHASY) Jombang who took Basic Biology. This research is a survey research and conducted during even semester 2018/2019. The number of the research subject is 57 students. The researchers use essay/subjective test as research instrument to measure the students’ critical thinking. Then, the data was analyzed descritively. Based on the research, the researchers found that the students’ critical thinking is at indicator range 2,92 which means undeveloped. The total percentage of students’ critical thinking skill which is at undeveloped level is 49,12% while the other one which is at well developed level is 50,88%.

Momentum: Physics Education Journal
The rising of an environmental issue and the lack of the handling of garbage organizing give supp... more The rising of an environmental issue and the lack of the handling of garbage organizing give support to us to do the research by involving garbages as the main material in making simple visual aids of physics. Based on that condition, we try to make new innovations in stimulating the creativity developing of natural science education department students of UNHASY having done the lecturing of basic physics collaborated with environmental science. The purpose of the research is to be able to give insight through education program of 5R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace, Respect) to students of natural science department of University of Hasyim Asy’ari and apply that knowledge in changing garbage to be simple visual aids of physics. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, whose data can be divided into 3 kinds: observation results (detail description of what has happened in the field), interview results ( direct citation from people’s statements in interview sessio...
Natural B, Oct 13, 2014
Studi tentang pengaruh pencemaran logam berat terhadap munculnya radikal bebas pada biota peraira... more Studi tentang pengaruh pencemaran logam berat terhadap munculnya radikal bebas pada biota perairan telah dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan logam berat Pb, Cd dan Hg pada ikan nila. Pengamatan radikal bebas dilakukan pada organ insang ikan nila dengan menggunakan ESR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada konsentrasi Pb Nitrat 0.2 ppm-1.4 ppm, Cd Nitrat 0.02 ppm-0.14 ppm, Hg Nitrat 0.006 ppm-0.018 ppm dapat memunculkan radikal bebas jenis O 2 - . Konsentrasi radikal bebas pada organ insang ikan nila semakin banyak dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi logam berat. K ata kunci : radikal bebas, logam berat, ESR, organ ikan nila.
Papers by Nindha Berlianti