Journal Papers by Nilesh Janghel
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS), ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -4, Issue-12, 2016
—In software industry where sorting is essential part, It makes faster and easier to locate items... more —In software industry where sorting is essential part, It makes faster and easier to locate items in a sorted list than unsorted. Sorting algorithms can be used in a program to sort an array for later writing and searching out to an ordered report or file. In this research paper, we are trying to focus on the concept of sorting techniques based on data structures.
Papers by Nilesh Janghel
The expression "computer graphics" comprises roughly everything on computers, not only ... more The expression "computer graphics" comprises roughly everything on computers, not only sound, but also text. Now a day approximately every computer can do various graphics, and people have even come to suppose to organize their computer through symbols and pictures rather than just by typing. In this research paper we are expressed the basic graphical representation using C programming. This is also effects based on geometrical concepts.

Hiding based message communication techniques depends on divide and conquer approach
2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC)
Now a day's Internet has evolved in such a way that we cannot even think our life without int... more Now a day's Internet has evolved in such a way that we cannot even think our life without internet. The most popular usages over internet is messaging. Messaging can be in different form like simple text messaging or email conversation. But it is always questionable that, whatever we are sending over internet it is secured or not? And if it is not secured, how can our message be more secured? Answer is our message can be encrypted before sending to other user to minimize the chances of getting leaked in between. If we can encode the message in such a form that nobody will not understand except receiver then message will be secured in public medium too. Therefore to safeguard the information from attacks, number of data/information hiding methods have evolved various techniques can be used to in sending messages in a secure manner. This paper emphasizes the problem and provides some possible advance to solve this problem.
Journal Papers by Nilesh Janghel
Papers by Nilesh Janghel