Papers by Victor Nikonenko
Мембраны и мембранные технологии, 2021
Мембраны и мембранные технологии, 2019

Electrochimica Acta, Oct 1, 2015
This work aims to investigate the characteristics of the radial electric potential distribution a... more This work aims to investigate the characteristics of the radial electric potential distribution and the conductivity inside a cylindrical nanopore filled with a ternary electrolyte solution as a function of the sign of the fixed charge on the pore wall. We consider the mixture of a 1:1 symmetric electrolyte and a 2:1 asymmetric electrolyte, such as NaCl and MgCl 2 , so the solution presents two counter-ions in a cation-exchange membrane and two co-ions in an anion-exchange one. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation in cylindrical coordinates is solved by using the network simulation method. The velocity of the solution and the conductivity are obtained from the distribution of electric potential by using the modified Navier-Stokes equation and the Nernst-Planck flux equations. First, the radial electric potential distribution inside a nanopore is obtained for different values of the surface charge density on the pore wall. Second, the evolution with the fixed charge density of the average electric potential, the potential at the pore centre, the velocity or the electrophoretic mobility of the solution and the conductivity, including the convective and effective conductivities, is analysed for different values of the concentration of the divalent cation. The behaviour of all the above variables is justified by using simple analytical expressions derived from the total co-ion exclusion approximation in the limit of very high absolute values for the surface charge density on the pore wall.
Membranes, Feb 6, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012

Petroleum Chemistry, Aug 20, 2017
It is found that the variations in the structure (morphology and microrelief) and chemical compos... more It is found that the variations in the structure (morphology and microrelief) and chemical composition of surface of heterogeneous ion-exchange membranes as a result of thermal modification have different effects on the current-voltage characteristics and conditions for the generation of electroconvective instability at the membrane/solution interface under intense current modes. After thermal treatment of strongly acidic sulfocation-exchange membrane, which is characterized by a low catalytic activity in the reaction of water dissociation and a high thermal stability of fixed groups, a fraction of conducting surface area increases and the membrane microrelief develops. As a result, the diffusion limiting current density increases and the length of plateau of the current-voltage curve decreases. Therewith, the thickness of the region of electroconvective instability of solution in the near-membrane region increases and the polarization of electromembrane system, at which the mode of unstable electroconvection is reached, decreases. The thermodestruction of strongly basic anion-exchange membranes, conversely, leads to suppression of electroconvection and an increase in the length of plateau of the current-voltage curve due to the formation of fixed weakly basic amino groups, which are catalytically active in the reaction of water dissociation. A linear correlation is found between the dimensions of the region of electroconvective instability and a fraction of weakly basic functional amino groups in the composition of strongly basic membranes.

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Sep 1, 2016
Available online xxxx Considering diffusion near a solid surface and simplifying the shape of con... more Available online xxxx Considering diffusion near a solid surface and simplifying the shape of concentration profile in diffusiondominated layer allowed Nernst and Brunner to propose their famous equation for calculating the solute diffusion flux. Intensive (overlimiting) currents generate electroconvection (EC), which is a recently discovered interfacial phenomenon produced by the action of an external electric field on the electric space charge formed near an ion-selective interface. EC microscale vortices effectively mix the depleted solution layer that allows the reduction of diffusion transport limitations. Enhancement of ion transport by EC is important in membrane separation, nano-microfluidics, analytical chemistry, electrode kinetics and some other fields. This paper presents a review of the actual understanding of the transport mechanisms in intensive current regimes, where the role of diffusion declines in the profit of EC. We analyse recent publications devoted to explore the properties of different zones of the diffusion layer. Visualization of concentration profile and fluid current lines are considered as well as mathematical modelling of the overlimiting transfer.
Membranes, Jul 5, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Membrane Science, Oct 1, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 3, 2013
Procedia Engineering, 2012
Electrochimica Acta, Sep 1, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Oct 1, 2018
Pulsed electric fields (PEF) have been used to advantage in electroplating for more than half a c... more Pulsed electric fields (PEF) have been used to advantage in electroplating for more than half a century. Recently, interest has increased in the application of these electric modes in the membrane processes. In this work, the effect of parameters (potential, frequency of current, and duty cycle) of pulsed current mode on the average current density in the electrodialysis cell is studied. For this purpose, the plots of current vs. time were measured in the mode of pulsed potential drop on a Nafion 438 (Nafion TM N438) cation-exchange membrane. It is shown that the largest gain in the current density of 33% can be attained by varying parameters of PEF.
Desalination, Sep 1, 2022

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Dec 1, 2019
Electroconvection is the principal mechanism that allows markedly increasing the rate of ion tran... more Electroconvection is the principal mechanism that allows markedly increasing the rate of ion transfer through ion-exchange membranes in intensive current regimes. In this work, we investigated the possibility of intensifying electroconvection in solution near heterogeneous MA-41 anion-exchange membrane (Shchekinoazot production) by the modifying of its surface. The use of weakly crosslinked ion-exchange resin (MA-41P) in the course of the membrane manufacturing, with subsequent chemical modification of its surface (MA-41PM), is shown to make it possible to increase the limiting current density almost twice. The value of the reduced potential drop (after subtracting the ohmic contribution), at which significant generation of H + and OHions begins, is shifted from 0.8 V in the case of MA-41 to 1.7 V in the case of MA-41PM. The current density related to the onset of water splitting is equal to 0.9 in the case of MA-41; 2 in the case of MA-41PM (where is the theoretical value of the limiting current density). The special feature of the modified membrane behavior is the presence of a range of potential drop (between 50 and 80 mV in the reduced scale), in which the system with the MA-41PM has negative differential resistance: in this range, the potential drop decreases when the current density increases. This behavior occurs when measuring quasi-stationary I-V curves; correspondingly, in the chronopotentiogram there is a time interval, where the potential drop decreases with time. The electroconvection is intensified near a modified membrane due to a higher fraction of conductive areas on the surface of the modified membrane and the redistribution of these areas via formation of their agglomerates in the centers of the cells formed by the reinforcing mesh. Mathematical modeling shows the concentration polarization of the modified membrane being less than that of the pristine one. Meanwhile, the structure of electroconvective vortices is optimized: the vortices near the modified membrane are larger; they do not extinguish each other, unlike the case of MA-41.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Jun 10, 2016
Understanding of the current density distribution over an electrically heterogeneous surface and ... more Understanding of the current density distribution over an electrically heterogeneous surface and its effect on ion transport represent an important issue in electrochemistry, composite materials, geophysics and some other domains. We report an approach for three-dimensional (3D) modelling (with cylindrical symmetry) of transient ion transfer across a surface composed of conductive and nonconductive areas. In the model formulation and solution we use the electrical current stream function. It allows setting the integral boundary condition for electric current at heterogeneous surface without any restrictions on the local current density distribution. A very good agreement is found between the numerical solution and the experimental transition time determined from chronopotentiograms. The use of a specially designed membrane allows computation without fitted parameters. We show that the application of specific simplifications for the current density distribution over the surface (uniform distribution throughout all the surface or its conductive area, neglect of tangential current density) results in essential deviations from experimental transition time.

Separation and Purification Technology, Jun 1, 2018
A batch of new cation-exchange membranes (CEM(n)) and three batches of used cation-exchange membr... more A batch of new cation-exchange membranes (CEM(n)) and three batches of used cation-exchange membranes (CEM(u)) at various use durations, from different electrodialysis (ED) units used in food industry, were characterized to evaluate the effects of prolonged use and organic fouling on their microstructure. Different characterization methods were experimented: ion-exchange capacity (IEC), thickness (T m), conductivity (k m), contact angle (θ), water content (W C), volume fraction of the inter-gel solution (f 2), tensile strength tests, FTIR, structural and elementary SEM analysis and morphological analysis by optical microscopy. Non-aggressive, easy and economic cleaning strategy was tested in the ex-situ static mode. Three solutions (35 g.L-1 NaCl, reconstituted seawater and a water-ethanol mixture) were used as regenerative solutions, where the membranes were soaked from 2 to 120h. The efficiency of the cleaning procedures were evaluated, for each sample of treated membrane, by following k m , IEC, θ, and f 2 as functions of the cleaning time in order to judge the recovery of their physicochemical properties. The water-ethanol cleaning method was found to be the most efficient for these membranes. This method leads, first, to significant increases in k m , IEC and f 2 (at least 47%, 26% and 63%, respectively after 120 h) which indicates the effectiveness of internal cleaning, and second, to a decrease of about 15% in θ (after 120 h), that confirms the stripping of a part of the external fouling layer. We have used the microheterogeneous model to demonstrate the progressive increase of f 2 as a function of the cleaning duration with the water-ethanol mixture.

Journal of Membrane Science, Nov 1, 2018
Competition between homogeneous and heterogeneous ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) lasts for decades... more Competition between homogeneous and heterogeneous ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) lasts for decades. Low fraction of conductive surface area, Θ, of IEMs causes lower limiting current density, higher voltage and water splitting rate at a same average current density. On the other hand, heterogeneous IEMs are less costly. Additionally, as it was found recently, electrically heterogeneous surface enhances electroconvection. In this paper, we consider a heterogeneous anion-exchange MA-41 membrane (Shchekinoazot) and two its modifications. The first one (MA-41P) is prepared in the same way as the MA-41 membrane and contains the same resin particles, but of a larger size; these larger particles are rearranged on the surface to form agglomerates separated by non-conductive regions. The value of Θ for the MA-41P membrane is 1.5 times greater than that for the MA-41 and the height of "hills" formed by the resin particles on the surface is 3 times higher. The second membrane (MA-41PM) is obtained from the MA-41P by treatment of its surface with a bifunctional polymer solution allowing transforming the functional tertiary and secondary amino groups into the quaternary ones, Θ remains the same. We compare the main physico-chemical (ion-exchange capacity, water content), surface (SEM-EDS analysis, optical microscopy, contact angle) and electrochemical (pH-metry, voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, impedancemetry, water splitting and mass transfer rate) properties of the three mentioned above membranes with those of a homogeneous Neosepta AMX membrane (Astom), in a 0.02 M NaCl solution. The experiments show that the water splitting rate decreases in the sequence MA-41>MA-41P>AMX≥MA-41PM. For the membranes in this sequence above the experimental limiting current densities normalized at the theoretical limiting current density are 0.6, 0.8, 1.3 and 1.25, respectively. However, the voltage at a same overlimiting current density is still greater across the MA-41PM than across the AMX membrane.
Papers by Victor Nikonenko