Nikolaos Fedoseev
В 2016 году исполнилось 55 лет Николаю Федоровичу Федосееву, кандидату исторических наук, старшему научному сотруднику античного отдела Института археологии Крыма РАН, специалисту по археологии и истории Боспора.
Н. Ф. Федосеев родился 29 июня 1961 г. в городе Саратове, в семье рабочих. В 1978 году, окончив среднюю школу, поступил на исторический факультет Саратовского государственного университета, который закончил в 1983 году. Специализация будущего ученого — древнегреческая эпиграфика на кафедре «История древнего мира». Одновременно закончил ПТУ по специальности «Электрик промышленного оборудования». По окончании университета Николай Федосеев был направлен учителем в Озерскую сельскую школу Аткарского района Саратовской области, где преподавал историю в 5–10 классах, основы государственного права, обществоведения и географию. Затем работал в Мединституте и университете города Саратова. Получив специальность токаря и электрика, Николай Федорович проходил стажировку в Московском энергетическом Институте по компьютерным технологиям. Увлекался художественной фотографией, участвовал в выставках «Academica fotografica», организованных Высшей Химической Школой в Пардубице (Чехословакия, 1982).
С 1979 года ежегодно Николай Федосеев принимал участие в археологических экспедициях в различных районах юга России и Украины. В 1984 году он провел первые самостоятельные исследования в рамках Мирмекийской экспедиции ЛОИА в Керчи (начальник отряда). В течение 7 лет принимал участие в ЮжноДонской и НижнеБугской археологической экспедиции ЛОИА АН СССР (вел камеральную обработку, руководил раскопом).
В 1989 году Н. Ф. Федосеев был приглашен на работу в Керченский государственный историкокультурный заповедник (КГИКЗ) старшим научным сотрудником отдела лапидария, затем работал заместителем начальника Керченской постояннодействующей археологической экспедиции. В 1995–1999 гг. Николай Федорович работал научным сотрудником Крымского филиала Института археологии НАН Украи ны. Одновременно и позже являлся ведущим научным сотрудником, затем — заведующим отделом «Охраны культурного наследия» КГИКЗ, а в последние годы — заместителем директора этого заповедника по научной работе. В 2016 г. Николай Федорович вернулся старшим научным сотрудником в Институт археологии Крыма РАН, в предшественнике которого — Крымском филиале ИА НАН Украины — он работал и раньше.
В 1993 году Николай Федорович в московском Институте археологии защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по теме «Синопские керамические клейма как источник по политической и экономической истории Понта». По приглашению Немецкого археологического института в 1996 году он работал в библиотеках г. Берлина. В 1998 году проходил постдокторантуру в университете им. Аристотеля г. Фессалоники. В 2000 году по стипендии Объединенных академий Германии работал в Немецком археологическом институте. Дважды по приглашению Французской археологической школы работал в Афинах. Принимал участие в научных конференциях в России и за рубежом: в Афинах, Берлине, Лозанне, Варшаве, Стамбуле, Варне, Констанце.
Николай Федорович — автор более 160 научных работ, среди них каталоги керамических клейм из собрания ВосточноКрымского историкокультурного заповедника (издано 2 тома). Он один из авторов монографии «Амфоры IV – II вв. до н. э. из собрания Восточнокрымского историкокультурного музеязаповедн ика». Исследо ватель является редактором сборников «Архе о логия и история Боспора», «Исторический и зеленый туризм в Восточном Крыму», «Ан тичность и драматургия», «Научный сборник Керченского историкокультурного заповедника», «Во енноисторический сборник», автор коллективной монографии «Мельпомена в Пантикапее». В ре зультате усилий сотрудников отдела охраны куль турного наследия КГИКЗ, возглавляемого Николаем Федоровичем, в 2004 году ньюйоркский Фонд «World Monuments» включил Пан тикапей в список 100 мировых памятников.
Юбиляр ведет многолетнюю научную работу по каталогизации фондов Керченского музея — готовит к публикации крупнейшую в мире коллекцию керамических клейм (более 26 000). Большую работу проводит по популяризации исторических памятников: издано множество буклетов, написаны статьи для сайта Керченского музея, сайта города Керчи, газет и журналов. Н. Ф. Федосеев осуществляет археологические раскопки, связанные с охранноспасательными работами, им обнаружен и исследован ряд новых памятников. В настоящее время проводятся охранные раскопки разрушаемого некрополя КызАул (Ленинский район Крыма) и работы, связанные с выявлением и постановкой на учет новых памятников.
Основная сфера обширных научных интересов Н. Ф. Федосеева — история Причерноморья в эпоху архаики – эллинизма, керамическая эпиграфика, история и археология Боспорского царства.
История и археология Крыма. Том 4. 2016. С.19-26.
Н. Ф. Федосеев родился 29 июня 1961 г. в городе Саратове, в семье рабочих. В 1978 году, окончив среднюю школу, поступил на исторический факультет Саратовского государственного университета, который закончил в 1983 году. Специализация будущего ученого — древнегреческая эпиграфика на кафедре «История древнего мира». Одновременно закончил ПТУ по специальности «Электрик промышленного оборудования». По окончании университета Николай Федосеев был направлен учителем в Озерскую сельскую школу Аткарского района Саратовской области, где преподавал историю в 5–10 классах, основы государственного права, обществоведения и географию. Затем работал в Мединституте и университете города Саратова. Получив специальность токаря и электрика, Николай Федорович проходил стажировку в Московском энергетическом Институте по компьютерным технологиям. Увлекался художественной фотографией, участвовал в выставках «Academica fotografica», организованных Высшей Химической Школой в Пардубице (Чехословакия, 1982).
С 1979 года ежегодно Николай Федосеев принимал участие в археологических экспедициях в различных районах юга России и Украины. В 1984 году он провел первые самостоятельные исследования в рамках Мирмекийской экспедиции ЛОИА в Керчи (начальник отряда). В течение 7 лет принимал участие в ЮжноДонской и НижнеБугской археологической экспедиции ЛОИА АН СССР (вел камеральную обработку, руководил раскопом).
В 1989 году Н. Ф. Федосеев был приглашен на работу в Керченский государственный историкокультурный заповедник (КГИКЗ) старшим научным сотрудником отдела лапидария, затем работал заместителем начальника Керченской постояннодействующей археологической экспедиции. В 1995–1999 гг. Николай Федорович работал научным сотрудником Крымского филиала Института археологии НАН Украи ны. Одновременно и позже являлся ведущим научным сотрудником, затем — заведующим отделом «Охраны культурного наследия» КГИКЗ, а в последние годы — заместителем директора этого заповедника по научной работе. В 2016 г. Николай Федорович вернулся старшим научным сотрудником в Институт археологии Крыма РАН, в предшественнике которого — Крымском филиале ИА НАН Украины — он работал и раньше.
В 1993 году Николай Федорович в московском Институте археологии защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по теме «Синопские керамические клейма как источник по политической и экономической истории Понта». По приглашению Немецкого археологического института в 1996 году он работал в библиотеках г. Берлина. В 1998 году проходил постдокторантуру в университете им. Аристотеля г. Фессалоники. В 2000 году по стипендии Объединенных академий Германии работал в Немецком археологическом институте. Дважды по приглашению Французской археологической школы работал в Афинах. Принимал участие в научных конференциях в России и за рубежом: в Афинах, Берлине, Лозанне, Варшаве, Стамбуле, Варне, Констанце.
Николай Федорович — автор более 160 научных работ, среди них каталоги керамических клейм из собрания ВосточноКрымского историкокультурного заповедника (издано 2 тома). Он один из авторов монографии «Амфоры IV – II вв. до н. э. из собрания Восточнокрымского историкокультурного музеязаповедн ика». Исследо ватель является редактором сборников «Архе о логия и история Боспора», «Исторический и зеленый туризм в Восточном Крыму», «Ан тичность и драматургия», «Научный сборник Керченского историкокультурного заповедника», «Во енноисторический сборник», автор коллективной монографии «Мельпомена в Пантикапее». В ре зультате усилий сотрудников отдела охраны куль турного наследия КГИКЗ, возглавляемого Николаем Федоровичем, в 2004 году ньюйоркский Фонд «World Monuments» включил Пан тикапей в список 100 мировых памятников.
Юбиляр ведет многолетнюю научную работу по каталогизации фондов Керченского музея — готовит к публикации крупнейшую в мире коллекцию керамических клейм (более 26 000). Большую работу проводит по популяризации исторических памятников: издано множество буклетов, написаны статьи для сайта Керченского музея, сайта города Керчи, газет и журналов. Н. Ф. Федосеев осуществляет археологические раскопки, связанные с охранноспасательными работами, им обнаружен и исследован ряд новых памятников. В настоящее время проводятся охранные раскопки разрушаемого некрополя КызАул (Ленинский район Крыма) и работы, связанные с выявлением и постановкой на учет новых памятников.
Основная сфера обширных научных интересов Н. Ф. Федосеева — история Причерноморья в эпоху архаики – эллинизма, керамическая эпиграфика, история и археология Боспорского царства.
История и археология Крыма. Том 4. 2016. С.19-26.
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Papers by Nikolaos Fedoseev
This article continues a series dedicated to the publication of ceramic stamps from the excavations of the ancient settlement of Kyta and it publishes 82 stamps from the excavations of Kyta 2005-2012. These stamps supplement our knowledge of the ceramic complex of the settlement and introduce new stamps into the scientifi c circulation. Unlike the publication of EA. Molev in 2010, which shows 788 stamps, the main share is not on Heracleia, and the stamps of Rhodes. This difference in the percentage composition is explained by the fact that in early years the ash was
actively investigated, where the concentration of Heraclean stamps is high, while in the study of building debris, the dominance of the stamps of Sinope and Rhodes, i.e., relating to the late period. The building remains of the settlement refl ect a later period than the ash-pan.
the Magistrate Protagoras. Along with other fi nds of the IV century. BC. I attribute these stamps to an early train, which is present on almost every ancient monument. By the beginning of the III century BC. the Sinope stamps of the magistrates of Aeschines 3 and Callisthenes refer. Around 288 BC. there are events that lead to the extinction of life in virtually all settlements of the Crimean Azov Sea. In another 10 years, about 278 BC., the regular export of Sinope goods to Polyanka begins, which then in the II century BC. Was replaced by imports from Rhodes. The stamps of Cnidus, Kos, Trapezunt, and others only accompanies the main Rhodian imports and, possibly, dates back to the period after the regular receipt of Rhodian goods.
Both brands are dated by the end of 4th quarter of IVth century BC, that defines the time of burial.
A black-clazed ceramics is submitted by fragments of five fish dishes, red figure kylikes, plates, salt-cellar, vessels, red-figured pelike. It was found two graffiti’s: HR on a fish dish and PA on bottom of black-clazed plate.
Depicted ceramics is represented by fragments of pelikes crown with depicture representing a leaning on a spear figure, which rather probably belonged to pelike "of Kerch style".
Especially it is necessary to note fragments of two red figure kylikes. A plot of both - Satyr and Menad. By composition, both kylikes were made in one workshop and had pairs. The vessels of such type B.Sparkes and L.Talkott carry to Delicate class.
From complex of simple utensils it is necessary to note numerous fragments red clay plates and cups. One of these cups had graffities DHH. By the form the majority of them copy lacquer vessels.
crypt was plundered. In the 6th to the third quarter of the 7th century it was used as a dwelling like some other crypts, excavated on a necropolis. At the same time, it was not yet possible to detect the surface structures of this time within its investigated areas. In the second half of the 8th century there is a Saltovo-Mayaki settlement on the territory of the necropolis. The crypts were incorporated in its infrastructure, but they were used for keeping small cattles. On the Kerch peninsula, in addition to the Kyz-Aul necropolis, traces of the Saltovo-Mayaki settlements were found on the ancient necropoleis of Ilurat fortress and of Belinskoye settlement. The latest finds and burial complexes found on the Kyz-Aul necropolis are represented by a fragment of a handformed nomadic pot with a “splendid” ornament (a pit in the filling of the crypt No. 6) and an inserted burial of a nomad
(the filling of the crypt No. 5) dated to the second half of the 10th
century to the 12–13th centuries. However, the crypt No. 7 was already abandoned by this time.
In democratic polis, the eponym of the functions performed astynomos or special official in tyrannical Heraclea. Fiscal role of the state is expressed in the fact that the goods in amphoras, sold on the market, should be labeled in chronological order. Stamping subjected consignment, taxable. In this shipment can be and not stamped by products. It is quite possible that astynomos perform fiscal functions missing goods on the market with taxes paid. It is possible that different stamps with different emblems on Thasos were the designation of different batches of goods. In Sinope and Chersonissos eponim magistrate was astynomos that in an emergency could be replaced aisymnetos. Vessels with stamps of agoranomos were reference and served mainly for product measurements in the agora, and not for transportation. Stamping tiles (unlike amphoras) was not as important element of manufacturing a ceramic. Everywhere we see the party of tiles from a potter. Chances are subjected to tax only tile shipment.
The article provides a brief overview of the historiographical ancient antiquities – gravestones, pedestals, architectural details and statues found at the end of XVIII – XIX centuries in the walls, including floor tiling, in a courtyard and outbuildings of the сhurch of John the Baptist in Kerch.
The article appears as an extended version of the author’s publication in the periodical ― Arkheologichni pam‘yatki URSR devoted to the sanctuary of Aphrodite Apatura found in Kerch, 1957. The sacred character of the site is testified by the finds of an inscription on a marble plate, ceramic weights, coins specially laid during the building construction.
Complete archaeological excavations were not carried out at this place, but the monitoring of a construction trench gave reason to assume the existence of the temenos of Panticapaeum in this area.
The decorated crypts of the necropolis of Panticapaeum are monuments of world significance. However, as a result of the disastrous events of the 20th century, the knowledge about their location in the western part of the necropolis has been practically lost. The cartographic materials from various years have been gathered by the authors, and using cartographic methods by means of geodetic and geoinformational technologies, the localization of these monuments in the western part of the necropolis has been found, including such significant monuments as the Stasov‘s crypt and Sorak’s crypt. The key moment of the localozation was the association of data from dissimilar and asynchronous sources into a sole coordinate data-base. Results of the work make possible planning of future excavations of the crypts and conducting their subsequent museumification.
The author of the article analyzes the complex of ceramic stamps found during excavations of the settlement «Kazantip 1» (East). Previously, these stamps were published by A. V. Kovalchuk. Its publication is replete with errors, and only 22 of the 42 stamps are mentioned. The ceramic complex of stamps is dated from 220 to 86 BC. The author considers unreasonable the output of A. V. Kovalchuk that the settlement should be dated more widely, from the 4th c. BC to the 3rd c, AD. The earliest stamps are Sinopean, and are dated to 223–208 BC. A stamp from Knidos dates to the second quarter of the 2nd c. BC, and Rhodian stamps are dated from 180 to 86 BC.
This article continues a series dedicated to the publication of ceramic stamps from the excavations of the ancient settlement of Kyta and it publishes 82 stamps from the excavations of Kyta 2005-2012. These stamps supplement our knowledge of the ceramic complex of the settlement and introduce new stamps into the scientifi c circulation. Unlike the publication of EA. Molev in 2010, which shows 788 stamps, the main share is not on Heracleia, and the stamps of Rhodes. This difference in the percentage composition is explained by the fact that in early years the ash was
actively investigated, where the concentration of Heraclean stamps is high, while in the study of building debris, the dominance of the stamps of Sinope and Rhodes, i.e., relating to the late period. The building remains of the settlement refl ect a later period than the ash-pan.
the Magistrate Protagoras. Along with other fi nds of the IV century. BC. I attribute these stamps to an early train, which is present on almost every ancient monument. By the beginning of the III century BC. the Sinope stamps of the magistrates of Aeschines 3 and Callisthenes refer. Around 288 BC. there are events that lead to the extinction of life in virtually all settlements of the Crimean Azov Sea. In another 10 years, about 278 BC., the regular export of Sinope goods to Polyanka begins, which then in the II century BC. Was replaced by imports from Rhodes. The stamps of Cnidus, Kos, Trapezunt, and others only accompanies the main Rhodian imports and, possibly, dates back to the period after the regular receipt of Rhodian goods.
Both brands are dated by the end of 4th quarter of IVth century BC, that defines the time of burial.
A black-clazed ceramics is submitted by fragments of five fish dishes, red figure kylikes, plates, salt-cellar, vessels, red-figured pelike. It was found two graffiti’s: HR on a fish dish and PA on bottom of black-clazed plate.
Depicted ceramics is represented by fragments of pelikes crown with depicture representing a leaning on a spear figure, which rather probably belonged to pelike "of Kerch style".
Especially it is necessary to note fragments of two red figure kylikes. A plot of both - Satyr and Menad. By composition, both kylikes were made in one workshop and had pairs. The vessels of such type B.Sparkes and L.Talkott carry to Delicate class.
From complex of simple utensils it is necessary to note numerous fragments red clay plates and cups. One of these cups had graffities DHH. By the form the majority of them copy lacquer vessels.
crypt was plundered. In the 6th to the third quarter of the 7th century it was used as a dwelling like some other crypts, excavated on a necropolis. At the same time, it was not yet possible to detect the surface structures of this time within its investigated areas. In the second half of the 8th century there is a Saltovo-Mayaki settlement on the territory of the necropolis. The crypts were incorporated in its infrastructure, but they were used for keeping small cattles. On the Kerch peninsula, in addition to the Kyz-Aul necropolis, traces of the Saltovo-Mayaki settlements were found on the ancient necropoleis of Ilurat fortress and of Belinskoye settlement. The latest finds and burial complexes found on the Kyz-Aul necropolis are represented by a fragment of a handformed nomadic pot with a “splendid” ornament (a pit in the filling of the crypt No. 6) and an inserted burial of a nomad
(the filling of the crypt No. 5) dated to the second half of the 10th
century to the 12–13th centuries. However, the crypt No. 7 was already abandoned by this time.
In democratic polis, the eponym of the functions performed astynomos or special official in tyrannical Heraclea. Fiscal role of the state is expressed in the fact that the goods in amphoras, sold on the market, should be labeled in chronological order. Stamping subjected consignment, taxable. In this shipment can be and not stamped by products. It is quite possible that astynomos perform fiscal functions missing goods on the market with taxes paid. It is possible that different stamps with different emblems on Thasos were the designation of different batches of goods. In Sinope and Chersonissos eponim magistrate was astynomos that in an emergency could be replaced aisymnetos. Vessels with stamps of agoranomos were reference and served mainly for product measurements in the agora, and not for transportation. Stamping tiles (unlike amphoras) was not as important element of manufacturing a ceramic. Everywhere we see the party of tiles from a potter. Chances are subjected to tax only tile shipment.
The article provides a brief overview of the historiographical ancient antiquities – gravestones, pedestals, architectural details and statues found at the end of XVIII – XIX centuries in the walls, including floor tiling, in a courtyard and outbuildings of the сhurch of John the Baptist in Kerch.
The article appears as an extended version of the author’s publication in the periodical ― Arkheologichni pam‘yatki URSR devoted to the sanctuary of Aphrodite Apatura found in Kerch, 1957. The sacred character of the site is testified by the finds of an inscription on a marble plate, ceramic weights, coins specially laid during the building construction.
Complete archaeological excavations were not carried out at this place, but the monitoring of a construction trench gave reason to assume the existence of the temenos of Panticapaeum in this area.
The decorated crypts of the necropolis of Panticapaeum are monuments of world significance. However, as a result of the disastrous events of the 20th century, the knowledge about their location in the western part of the necropolis has been practically lost. The cartographic materials from various years have been gathered by the authors, and using cartographic methods by means of geodetic and geoinformational technologies, the localization of these monuments in the western part of the necropolis has been found, including such significant monuments as the Stasov‘s crypt and Sorak’s crypt. The key moment of the localozation was the association of data from dissimilar and asynchronous sources into a sole coordinate data-base. Results of the work make possible planning of future excavations of the crypts and conducting their subsequent museumification.
The author of the article analyzes the complex of ceramic stamps found during excavations of the settlement «Kazantip 1» (East). Previously, these stamps were published by A. V. Kovalchuk. Its publication is replete with errors, and only 22 of the 42 stamps are mentioned. The ceramic complex of stamps is dated from 220 to 86 BC. The author considers unreasonable the output of A. V. Kovalchuk that the settlement should be dated more widely, from the 4th c. BC to the 3rd c, AD. The earliest stamps are Sinopean, and are dated to 223–208 BC. A stamp from Knidos dates to the second quarter of the 2nd c. BC, and Rhodian stamps are dated from 180 to 86 BC.
Ages. The present catalogue, includes 242 vessels of the 6-2nd
centuries BC, including 99 stamped.
The interest to the amphorae containers studying has appeared not at once. Only in the 1930th V. Grace and B.N. Grakov in series of their works laid out the typological ranks of Chian, Thasian, Rhodian and some others amphorae and proposed quite a broad chronology for them. The big contribution to the development of amphorologiya was made by I.B. Zeest who offered in her monograph a general integral picture of amphorae production within the Eastern Mediterranean and in
the Black Sea Littoral Coast.
Works on creation of typological and chronological classifications of ceramic containers have become more active since the end of the 1980th years. At present rather reliable and fractional typologies of amphorae of all main production centers are so far developed.
At the same time, the existing classifications are still under correction. That fact is connected with emergence of new findings, first of all, coming from deposits. The earliest vessels of the Kerch collection belong to the production of Chios and Lesbos and are dated by the second half of the 6th century BC. The latest copies represent the production of Sinope of the end of II – the beginning of I centuries BC. The most part of amphorae is from the Heraclean production collec-
tion, 85% of them are stamped (65 of 77). The Milesian production is presented by the only one fragmented copy. It is noteworthy that the container of one rather active wine producer Tauric Chersonese, is also represented in the Kerch collection by the single vessel lifted from the sea.
There are a considerable number of vessels found under the water within the Kerch collection. However the main part of amphorae collection is presented by the vessels found in the process of ancient
monuments of the European Bosporus excavations.
The present edition comprises three chapters and the Catalogue. In the 1st chapter there is a short review of Greek amphorae discovering in the process of excavations of settlements and necropolis in the Eastern
Crimea. The short history of amphorae localizations and the review of the existing typological and chronological classifications are provided in the 2nd chapter.
Within the 3rd chapter there are reviews of the ceramic complexes which are stored in the Kerch collection both from old (e.g., burial of 72/1862 of a necropolis of Panticapaeum), and from the latest excavations (e.g.,
hole No. I-7/2013 from Myrmekion). Each amphora comes along with the description of its vessel morphology, if it is necessary, visual char-
acteristics of clay and figuration can be found in the Catalogue. Analogies and dating within existing classifications are provided. The place, year of each vessel finding, and researcher’s surname are necessarily indicated. The drawing and the photo are provided for each
vessel in scale 1:10, photos of stamps in scale 1:1. Reading of stamps, analogies and dating are provided.
The edition is supplied with various indexes.
Initially, ceramic stamping copies the stamps of Heraclea.
Magistrate's stamps in my catalog collected more than 22,400 and about 1,500 potter's stamps. They registered 166 names of magistrates. The astynomes in Sinope performed fiscal functions and their names served as a chronological marker, that is, they were eponyms. In 362 BC. there is a decline, which can be identified with the siege of the city of Datamos. In this period there is an aisymnetic stamp of Hephaestios. The second case of the Nikia aisymnetos stamp falls on the years of the appearance of the Macedonian troops of Alexander. From 220 BC. there is again a decline in exports, and in 204/3 BC. the names of the magistrates of the stamps are replaced by stamps with dates. The only permissible era in Sinope at this time is the Greco-Macedonian or Selevkid (Babylonian) era with the initial year 312 BC.