Nikola Mijatov
Senior Research Associate, Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade
Viši naučni saradnik, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd
Associate professor, Faculty of Sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”
Vanredni profesor, Fakultet za sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”
Viši naučni saradnik, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd
Associate professor, Faculty of Sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”
Vanredni profesor, Fakultet za sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”
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Papers by Nikola Mijatov
the development of modern sports at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Every city had to have a stadium as an essential part of its urban infrastructure. A whole history of public places could be written from the stadium, as stated by Michel Foucault: “a history of power – from great geopolitical strategies to small tactical habitats”. Yugoslavia, being formed as Kingdom of SHS in 1918, was part of this process. Unity of this new country with many different nations and ethnicities within its borders was fragile and sport was one
of the methods to bring people together, to promote the Yugoslav national ideology and finally to establish a new Yugoslav identity.
analysis of archival material and compares it to the position of women in Serbian sport half a century later. The subject and the goal of the paper are exposed in the introductory part of the paper, and the methods used in the paper are exposed in the special part of the paper. The results, discussion and conclusion are the remaining three parts of the paper. Authors conclude that despite the progressive policy conducted first by the post-WW2 Yugoslav government and then by the Serbian government in contemporary Serbia, the position of women in sports has remained essentially the same. Prejudice, misunderstanding and overall gender inequality are typical of both periods. This fact reveals the weaknesses of progressive policies lacking an adequate material basis, since the social conditions of rural areas are the main reasons for such inequality. Furthermore, authors point to the complexity and significance of the phenomenon and prove that the struggle for gender equality
in sports is far from over, as the position of women in Yugoslav and Serbian sport has shown only slight improvement since the difficult initial steps.
Тин Ујевић, Побратимство лица у свемиру, 1932.
1. Култура сећања и идентитет(и)
На који начин се промишља концепт културе сећања и зашто је значајан и актуелан? Које су основне тачке сусрета културе сећања и бројних идентитета (индивидуалног, колективног – етничког, националног...)? Какво је сећање на Тина Ујевића у контексту промишљања и припадања српском и хрватском националном идентитету? – нека су од питања на која ћемо покушати да одговоримо у овом раду.
BIOETHICS OF JAPANESE MARTIAL ARTS Abstract The paper analyses the development of bioethics of Japanese martial arts: from jujutsu to judo, karate and aikido. The martial art of warriors, that for its sole purpose had overcoming of the opponent at any cost (jujutsu), was influenced by the Meiji reform and the ethical principles of Enlightenment that came from the West. By their making, judo, karate and aikido martial arts take different an approach towards the human body and physical exercise with elements of sport and elements of ancient Japanese martial arts, which are influenced by Zen Buddhism. In the aforementioned modern Japanese martial arts the relationship towards the body is complex, but dominantly rational. Consequently, their transformation into sports was expected (except for aikido). To what extent is this rational approach to the body still existing in these martial arts today is the topic of this paper.
the development of modern sports at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Every city had to have a stadium as an essential part of its urban infrastructure. A whole history of public places could be written from the stadium, as stated by Michel Foucault: “a history of power – from great geopolitical strategies to small tactical habitats”. Yugoslavia, being formed as Kingdom of SHS in 1918, was part of this process. Unity of this new country with many different nations and ethnicities within its borders was fragile and sport was one
of the methods to bring people together, to promote the Yugoslav national ideology and finally to establish a new Yugoslav identity.
analysis of archival material and compares it to the position of women in Serbian sport half a century later. The subject and the goal of the paper are exposed in the introductory part of the paper, and the methods used in the paper are exposed in the special part of the paper. The results, discussion and conclusion are the remaining three parts of the paper. Authors conclude that despite the progressive policy conducted first by the post-WW2 Yugoslav government and then by the Serbian government in contemporary Serbia, the position of women in sports has remained essentially the same. Prejudice, misunderstanding and overall gender inequality are typical of both periods. This fact reveals the weaknesses of progressive policies lacking an adequate material basis, since the social conditions of rural areas are the main reasons for such inequality. Furthermore, authors point to the complexity and significance of the phenomenon and prove that the struggle for gender equality
in sports is far from over, as the position of women in Yugoslav and Serbian sport has shown only slight improvement since the difficult initial steps.
Тин Ујевић, Побратимство лица у свемиру, 1932.
1. Култура сећања и идентитет(и)
На који начин се промишља концепт културе сећања и зашто је значајан и актуелан? Које су основне тачке сусрета културе сећања и бројних идентитета (индивидуалног, колективног – етничког, националног...)? Какво је сећање на Тина Ујевића у контексту промишљања и припадања српском и хрватском националном идентитету? – нека су од питања на која ћемо покушати да одговоримо у овом раду.
BIOETHICS OF JAPANESE MARTIAL ARTS Abstract The paper analyses the development of bioethics of Japanese martial arts: from jujutsu to judo, karate and aikido. The martial art of warriors, that for its sole purpose had overcoming of the opponent at any cost (jujutsu), was influenced by the Meiji reform and the ethical principles of Enlightenment that came from the West. By their making, judo, karate and aikido martial arts take different an approach towards the human body and physical exercise with elements of sport and elements of ancient Japanese martial arts, which are influenced by Zen Buddhism. In the aforementioned modern Japanese martial arts the relationship towards the body is complex, but dominantly rational. Consequently, their transformation into sports was expected (except for aikido). To what extent is this rational approach to the body still existing in these martial arts today is the topic of this paper.
Куљића резултирало је књигом Прогнани појмови: неолиберална појмовна
ревизија мисли о друштву коју је објавила издавачка кућа Clio.
Ова обимна студија (387 страна) се бави појмовном историјом и
променама у историјским појмовима које је са собом донео крај 20. и почетак 21. века. Књига садржи девет поглавља: Појмовна историја, Историјски појмови, О правдању савременог капитализма, О правима с којима смо
рођени, Материјално природно право у мисли Љубомира Тадића, Алтруизам, филантропија и хуманизам, Социјална револуција, Социјална правда у XXI веку и Опроштај од социјалне правде. Тако конципирано свако поглавље представља засебну целину, али се свеукупно уклапа у општу слику
генезе (зло)употребе појмова. Аутор започиње излагање од самих зачетака
појмовне историје а завршава нормативним оквиром неолибералног дискурса. Кључне детерминанте промене он види у паду Берлинског зида и
свему ономе што је свет социјализма претрпео тим догађајем. Обиман теоријски увод омогућава и неупућенијим читаоцима разумевање тематике,
што уз јасан али садржајан језик књигу чини одличном како за увођење у
тему тако и за дубље сагледавање проблематике.
zajedničke države iz pera niza autora, pod
uredništvom Bojana B. Dimitrijevića i Marija
Jareba, uz saradnju dva instituta objavljen je zbornik
radova Jugoslavija – između ujedinjenja i
razlaza: hrvatsko-srpski odnosi u kontekstu društvenog
razvoja dve Jugoslavije 1918–1991. Institut
za savremenu istoriju iz Beograda i Hrvatski
institut za povijest iz Zagreba kroz zajednički
projekat „Između ujedinjenja i razlaza: hrvatskosrpski
odnosi u kontekstu društvenog razvoja dve
Jugoslavije 1918–1991“ prihvatili su se da zajednički
analiziraju kompleksne ali i dalje kontroverzne
srpsko-hrvatske odnose u 20. veku. Projekat je
posledica ranije započetog dijaloga srpske i hrvatske
istoriografije, koji se bazira na potpunoj otvorenosti
i za cilj ima istraživanje manje zastupljenih
ali ne i manje značajnih tema iz zajedničke jugoslovenske
istoriografije. Otvorenost podrazumeva
i prihvatanje činjenica i argumenta koji ne retko
mogu ići na štetu trenutnim političkim interesima
obe države, a pokazuju visoki stepen nezavisnosti
kako srpske tako i hrvatske istoriografije.
uvid u lik i delo autora. Dalji razvoj istoriografije svakako će voditi ka premeravanju i kritici
pređašnjih velikana, među kojima se zasigurno
nalazi i Milorad Ekmečić, a ovakvo delo treba
sagledati pre svega kao značajan istorijski izvor
za to istraživanje. Sam autor na pitanje kako
vidi budućnost svoje knjige (Dugo kretanje
između klanja i oranja: istorija Srba u novom
veku 1492–1992) navodi da očekuje sudbinu
koju deli svako naučno ostvarenje – njeno
prevazilaženje. Za dublje razumevanje njenog
autora knjiga Pečat Milorada Ekmečića je
nezaobilazna literatura.
građe nije u davanju odgovora, naprotiv.
Svako od 70 potpoglavlja otvara nove dimenzije
u razmatranju društvene istorije Jugoslavije i
pred njenu istoriografiju stavlja fenomene
vredne temeljnih istraživanja. U daljim istraživanjima
istorije Jugoslavije knjiga Miroslava
Nešića i Sandre Radenović može služiti kao
značajan izvor koji bi arhivsku građu dopunio
koloritnim usmenim kazivanjima.
from the game, but it is also characterized by hyperregulation: clearly defined rules for each sport, but also the rules for the behaviour of athletes, regardless of which sport we are talking about. Practically, this means that it is clear which behaviour is “good sportsmanship” and which is “bad sportsmanship”, which athletes respect fair play and which do not, which athletes are role models and idols due to their behaviour and value system, and which are not, etc. Often the target of public condemnation are those athletes who, at a certain moment of a sporting event, are actually what homo ludens (“a man who plays”) is.
In the same time, European socialists were unifying under a newly-formed Socialist International. On its first meeting one of the topic was the prospect of Yugoslavia joining this organiza-tion. Still, there were many obstacles for this to happen. Firstly, Yugoslavia was an one-party state and that party was a com-munist one. Attempt was made with the formation of SSRNJ but European socialists gathered in the Socialist International regard-ed the SSRNJ as an other form of KPJ. Decision was made that parties could individually make relations with Yugoslavia.
Along with this decision of Socialists International that had made an profound impact and influenced the dynamic of rela-tions between Yugoslavia and European left, two events that took place in the same years had also made an impact on these relations. First, VI Party Congress was held in 1952 in which Đilas had had an significant role. Amongst the decisions of the Congress ones that regard the nature of regime in Yugoslavia were significant for the relations with the European socialists. Democratization and self-management were the key decisions that should show the difference between the USSR and Yugosla-via that was searching for its own path towards socialism. Sec-ond event was the Asian Socialist Conference in Rangoon in which Yugoslavia took part as an only party from Europe. This was signifinact because it marked, among other events, the new foreing policy of Yugoslavia: The Non-Aligned movement. Add-ing to this it also struck the interests of British labourists that were aiming to make contacts with Asian socialists and in the same time to confined the influence of Yugoslavia among them.
Still, Yugoslavia had made dynamic relations with parties of European left. These relations were dominantly built by Milovan Đilas and Vladimir Dedijer. They were the key figurs amongs Yugoslav officials for this aspekt of Yugoslav foreign policy. Obsticals were many. Firstly, there was the issue of building relations with a communist party which in Cold War conditions was harmful for reputation of parties of European left. Adding to this, among parties of European left Živko Topalović was highly influential. Furthermore, he was a member of Socialist International. With any prospect of Yugoslavia join-ing this organization the issue of Topalović had to be solved, expecially because many parties that were sceptical towards Yu-goslavia used Topalović as an instrument for limiting Yugoslav influence in Western Europe, mainly among parties of the left.
When the relations reached its peak, the case of Milovan Đilas emerged. With an article „Anatomy of a morale“ one of the leaders of Yugoslavia stepped on the road of dissidence. The dissidence made an profound impact on Yugoslavia, both on its inner party dynamic and its foreign policy. Đilas relations with European socialists, mainly British labourists, were one of corner stones of the whole case Đilas. In each phase of the dissidence and with each trial relations with European socialists were harmed. Furthermore, European socialist were using the case Đilas as an instrument to limit the influence of Yugoslavia in Western Europe and especially among European left.
During this Yugoslavia established her own way into so-cialism, known as self-management. Also it established its own foreign policy: the Non-Aligned movement. Tito himself laid foundation to this with his Asia journey to India and Burma. The side effect of this was “The Belgrade declaration” made by Vel-jko Vlahović in which he addressed European socialists and pledged for open policy towards communist parties. Moreover, the declaration tried to position Communist party of Yugoslavia as an neutral party which will bring communist and socialist par-ties of Europe closer. It made litle impact: parties of European left remained sceptical (except French SFIO which made contact with USSR on its own) and comuunist parties of Eastern Europe remained isolated.
In the same time Milovan Đilas went through several phases of his dissidency. His faith, verdicts and imprisonment were factors in relations of Yugoslavia with both East and West. In the West realtions with European socialits were the ones that suffered mostly. They were the ones who pressured Yugoslav officials for Đilas release or better treatment. The discours was simple: through case Đilas Yugoslavia showed Europe that it was in fact an one-party state. The dictatiorship of this party and its prosecutions of Đilas were used an as propaganda tool for limitng the influence of Yugoslavia in the West - just an aspekt of „Keeping Tito Afloat“ policy.
In the year 1958 the bridge towards West, that was build dominantly by Đilas, collapsed. One of the main reasons, on the surface, was the case Đilas. With the Đilas book „The New Class“ and the trial held because of it the relations with the European socilast detoriated rapidly. For the first time all of the twelve parties of Western European left condemed the prosecution of the dissident and stood behind Đilas. However, beneath the surface the new foreing policy of Yugoslavia was crucial for detoriation of these relations and the case Đilas was yet again used as just as an instrument for diplomatic pressure on Yugoslavia. Consequently, the faith of Đilas was an tool of bargain in the Cold War relations.