Cinema by Nieves Mendizábal
Tasos Bulmetis plantea los conflictos interculturales de una pequeña comunidad, la de los griegos... more Tasos Bulmetis plantea los conflictos interculturales de una pequeña comunidad, la de los griegos deportados de Estambul, en Un toque de canela de (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, 2003), una película repleta de símbolos, metáforas y culturemas en
la que la cocina funciona como seña de identidad.
ABSTRACT. Tasos Bulmetis raises the intercultural conflicts of a small community, the Greeks deported from Istanbul, in his work A touch of Spice (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, 2003), a film full of symbols, metaphors and culturemes where cooking works like a sign of identity.
Papers by Nieves Mendizábal

Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2017
The judgment of conserved reality presupposes the exercise of our capacity to process reality and... more The judgment of conserved reality presupposes the exercise of our capacity to process reality and become aware of it. This awareness is framed in the endoculturation that provides us with shared information frames that allow us to understand who we are, our identity and the roles we address in the psychosocial environment to which we belong, that is, what we accept as possible worlds. In schizophrenia, the judgment of reality is an interpretation of reality biased by delirium. In psychiatry the judgment of reality is evaluated in the context of the task of describing the morbid process itself. In this process, different mechanisms of judgment building are revealed, with which patients interpret their experiences (Figueroa, 2015). In the present study we will try to describe some evidences of the judgment of altered reality through the use of discursive modalizers, which we will describe in the framework of Functional Clinical Linguistics. Our general objective is to describe the use o
Conference: V Jornada de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Valla... more Conference: V Jornada de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain (December 2013)
Conference: VI Jornada de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Vall... more Conference: VI Jornada de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain (April 2016)
En estos dos volumenes se rinde un merecido homenaje a Emilio Ridruejo por su dedicacion incansab... more En estos dos volumenes se rinde un merecido homenaje a Emilio Ridruejo por su dedicacion incansable y rigurosa a la ciencia linguistica, asi como por su generoso magisterio. A la semblanza y curriculum del homenajeado siguen los estudios ofrecidos por sus colegas en los que se encuentran acercamientos de distinto tipo al estudio de las lenguas, a su funcionamiento y a su evolucion, con particular atencion al espanol de Espana, al espanol de America y a las variedades linguisticas peninsulares en sus diferentes aspectos gramaticales, pragmaticos, sociolinguisticos, gramaticograficos, etc. Todo ello desde la perspectiva de la filologia romanica en general y de la filologia hispanica en particular, de la linguistica sincronica y la diacronica en sus vertientes historica e historiografica.
Tasos Bulmetis plantea los conflictos interculturales de una pequena comunidad, la de los griegos... more Tasos Bulmetis plantea los conflictos interculturales de una pequena comunidad, la de los griegos deportados de Estambul, en Un toque de canela de (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, 2003), una pelicula repleta de simbolos, metaforas y culturemas en la que la cocina funciona como sena de identidad.
Boletín de AELFA, 2010
We sho w a first practical experience in the Process of Teaching Adaptation to European Convergen... more We sho w a first practical experience in the Process of Teaching Adaptation to European Convergence in High Education. This project is created with the main purpose of making an adaptation of different subjects included in the Spanish Studies of Speech Therapy Degree, trying to get them closer to the European Credit of Transfer System. To make it possible an inter-university group-including teachers from Valladolid, Salamanca and Castilla la Mancha Universities-has been created. Different aspects related to the process, such as subject selection, teachers and students commitment, as w ell as actions and activities developing, are explained through the document.
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Jul 1, 2017

Multiple Sclerosis, 2009
Background Fatigue is one of the most frequent and disturbing symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS)... more Background Fatigue is one of the most frequent and disturbing symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS), directly affecting the patient's quality of life. However, many questions remain unclear regarding the anatomic brain correlate of MS-related fatigue. Objective To assess the relationship between fatigue and white matter lesion location and gray matter atrophy. Methods In this study, 60 patients with MS were evaluated with the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale and magnetic resonance imaging. Location of white matter lesion was analyzed using a voxelby-voxel lesion probability mapping approach and gray matter atrophy degree and location using an optimized voxel-based morphometry method. Results We found a correlation between lesion load and fatigue score (T2 lesion load: r = 0.415, P = 0.001; T1 lesion load r = 0.328, P = 0.011). Moreover, fatigue correlated with lesions in the right parietotemporal (periatrial area, juxtaventricular white matter deep in the parietal lobe and callosal forceps) and left frontal (middle-anterior corpus callosum, anterior cingulum and centrum semiovale of the superior and middle frontal gyri) white matter regions (P < 0.001 in all cases). Finally, fatigue score significantly correlated with gray matter atrophy in frontal regions, specifically, the left superior frontal gyrus and bilateral middle frontal gyri (P < 0.001 in all cases). Conclusion Our results suggest that the symptom of fatigue is associated with a disruption of brain networks involved in cognitive/attentional processes. Multiple Sclerosis 2009; 15: 337-344.
… de formación del …, 2005
Se presenta una primera experiencia práctica en el marco del proceso de Convergencia Europea de l... more Se presenta una primera experiencia práctica en el marco del proceso de Convergencia Europea de la enseñanza. El proyecto nace con el objetivo de adaptar asignaturas seleccionadas del actual plan de estudios de la Titulación (Diplomatura) de Logopedia al ...
Cinema by Nieves Mendizábal
la que la cocina funciona como seña de identidad.
ABSTRACT. Tasos Bulmetis raises the intercultural conflicts of a small community, the Greeks deported from Istanbul, in his work A touch of Spice (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, 2003), a film full of symbols, metaphors and culturemes where cooking works like a sign of identity.
Papers by Nieves Mendizábal
la que la cocina funciona como seña de identidad.
ABSTRACT. Tasos Bulmetis raises the intercultural conflicts of a small community, the Greeks deported from Istanbul, in his work A touch of Spice (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, 2003), a film full of symbols, metaphors and culturemes where cooking works like a sign of identity.