Papers by Nicola Tamanini
Physical Review D, 2015
An interaction between dark matter and dark energy is usually introduced by a phenomenological mo... more An interaction between dark matter and dark energy is usually introduced by a phenomenological modification of the matter conservation equations, while the Einstein equations are left unchanged. Starting from some general and fundamental considerations, in this work it is shown that a coupling in the dark sector is likely to introduce new terms also in the gravitational dynamics. Specifically in the cosmological background equations a bulk dissipative pressure, characterizing viscous effects and able to suppress structure formation at small scales, should appear from the dark coupling. At the level of the perturbations the analysis presented in this work reveals instead the difficulties in properly defining the dark sector interaction from a phenomenological perspective.
The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2014
ABSTRACT A recently proposed variational approach for general relativity where, in addition to th... more ABSTRACT A recently proposed variational approach for general relativity where, in addition to the metric tensor, two independent affine connections enter the action as dynamical variables, is revised. Field equations always reduce to the Einstein field equations for any dependence of the matter action upon an independent connection.
Physical Review D, 2012
A new variational approach for general relativity and modified theories of gravity is presented. ... more A new variational approach for general relativity and modified theories of gravity is presented. In addition to the metric tensor, two independent affine connections enter the action as dynamical variables. In the matter action the dependence upon one of the connections is left completely unspecified. When the variation is applied to the Einstein-Hilbert action the Einstein field equations are recovered. However when applied to f (R) and Scalar-Tensor theories, it yields gravitational field equations which differ from their equivalents obtained with a metric or Palatini variation and reduce to the former ones only when no connections appear in the matter action.
Physical Review D, 2014
The background dynamical evolution of a universe filled with matter and a cosmological scalar fie... more The background dynamical evolution of a universe filled with matter and a cosmological scalar field is analyzed employing dynamical system techniques. After the phenomenology of a canonical scalar field with exponential potential is revised, square and square root kinetic corrections to the scalar field canonical Lagrangian are considered and the resulting dynamics at cosmological distances is obtained and studied. These noncanonical cosmological models imply new interesting phenomenology including early time matter dominated solutions, cosmological scaling solutions and late time phantom dominated solutions with dynamical crossing of the phantom barrier. Stability and viability issues for these scalar fields are presented and discussed.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015
Recently a new Lagrangian framework was introduced to describe interactions between scalar fields... more Recently a new Lagrangian framework was introduced to describe interactions between scalar fields and relativistic perfect fluids. This allows two consistent generalizations of coupled quintessence models: non-vanishing pressures and a new type of derivative interaction. Here the implications of these to the formation of cosmological large-scale structure are uncovered at the linear order. The full perturbation equations in the two cases are derived in a unified formalism and their Newtonian, quasi-static limit is studied analytically. Requiring the absence of an effective sound speed for the coupled dark matter fluid restricts the Lagrangian to be a linear function of the matter number density. This still leaves new potentially viable classes of both algebraically and derivatively interacting models wherein the coupling may impact the background expansion dynamics and imprint signatures into the large-scale structure.

Physical Review D, 2015
We consider an original variational approach for building new models of quintessence interacting ... more We consider an original variational approach for building new models of quintessence interacting with dark or baryonic matter. The coupling is introduced at the Lagrangian level using a variational formulation for relativistic fluids, where the interacting term generally depends on both the dynamical degrees of freedom of the theory and their spacetime derivatives. After deriving the field equations from the action, we consider applications in the context of cosmology. Two simple models are studied using dynamical system techniques showing the interesting phenomenology arising in this framework. We find that these models contain dark energy dominated late time attractors with early time matter dominated epochs and also obtain a possible dynamical crossing of the phantom barrier. The formulation and results presented here complete and expand the analysis exposed in the first part of this work, where only algebraic couplings, without spacetime derivatives, were considered.
We consider a modification of General Relativity motivated by the treatment of anisotropies in Co... more We consider a modification of General Relativity motivated by the treatment of anisotropies in Continuum Mechanics. The Newtonian limit of the theory is formulated and applied to galactic rotation curves. By assuming that the additional structure of spacetime behaves like a Newtonian gravitational potential for small deviations from isotropy, we are able to recover the Nevarro-Frenk-White profile of dark matter halos by a suitable identification of constants.

Physical Review D, 2013
In the first order formalism of gravitational theories, the spacetime connection is considered as... more In the first order formalism of gravitational theories, the spacetime connection is considered as an independent variable to vary together with the metric. However, the metric still generates its Levi-Civita connection that turns out to determine the geodesics of matter. Recently, "hybrid" gravity theories have been introduced by constructing actions involving both the independent Palatini connection and the metric Levi-Civita connection. In this study a method is developed to analyse the field content of such theories, in particular to determine whether the propagating degrees of freedom are ghosts or tachyons. New types of second, fourth and sixth order derivative gravity theories are investigated and the so called f (X) theories are singled out as a viable class of "hybrid" extensions of General Relativity. * Electronic address: [email protected] † Electronic address: [email protected] 1 See Refs. for other frameworks for unifying the variational principles.
The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2014
The importance of choosing suitable tetrads for the study of exact solutions in f (T ) gravity is... more The importance of choosing suitable tetrads for the study of exact solutions in f (T ) gravity is discussed. For any given metric, we define the concept of good tetrads as the tetrads satisfying the field equations without constrainig the function f (T ). Employing local Lorentz transformations, good tetrads in the context of spherical symmetry are found for Schwarzschild-de Sitter solutions.
Physical Review D, 2013
Theories with a non-minimal coupling between the space-time curvature and matter fields introduce... more Theories with a non-minimal coupling between the space-time curvature and matter fields introduce an extra force due to the non-conservation of the matter energy momentum. In the present work the theoretical consistency of such couplings is studied using a scalar field Lagrangian to model the matter content. The conditions that the coupling does not introduce ghosts, classical instabilities or superluminal propagation of perturbations are derived. These consistency conditions are then employed to rule out or severely restrict the forms of the non-minimal coupling functions considered in the previous literature. For example, a power-law coupling is viable only for sublinear positive power of the curvature scalar. * [email protected] † [email protected] 1 Though more general forms of couplings can be well motivated too, see e.g. .

Physical Review D, 2013
Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity is a recent and novel approach to modified theories of gravity, wh... more Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity is a recent and novel approach to modified theories of gravity, which consists of adding to the metric Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian an f (R) term constructedà la Palatini. It was shown that the theory passes local tests even if the scalar field is very light, and thus implies the existence of a long-range scalar field, which is able to modify the dynamics in galactic and cosmological scales, but leaves the Solar System unaffected. In this work, motivated by the possibility that the Universe may have started out in an asymptotically Einstein static state in the inflationary universe context, we analyse the stability of the Einstein static Universe by considering linear homogeneous perturbations in the respective dynamically equivalent scalar-tensor representation of hybrid metric-Palatini gravity. Considering linear homogeneous perturbations, the stability regions of the Einstein static universe are parametrized by the first and second derivatives of the scalar potential, and it is explicitly shown that a large class of stable solutions exists in the respective parameter space, in the context of hybrid metric-Palatini gravity.
Physical Review D, 2012
We investigate the importance of choosing good tetrads for the study of the field equations of f ... more We investigate the importance of choosing good tetrads for the study of the field equations of f (T ) gravity. It is well known that this theory is not invariant under local Lorentz transformations, and therefore the choice of tetrad plays a crucial role in such models. Different tetrads will lead to different field equations which in turn have different solutions. We suggest to speak of a good tetrad if it imposes no restrictions on the form of f (T ). Employing local rotations, we construct good tetrads in the context of homogeneity and isotropy, and spherical symmetry, where we show how to find Schwarzschild-de Sitter solutions in vacuum. Our principal approach should be applicable to other symmetries as well. * [email protected]
Physical Review D, 2011
We examine the generation of primordial perturbations during an inflationary epoch in generalised... more We examine the generation of primordial perturbations during an inflationary epoch in generalised theories of gravity when the equations of motion are derived using the Palatini variational principle. Both f (R) and Scalar-Tensor theories are considered and we compare our results with those obtained under the conventional metric formalism. Non-linear generalisations of the action lead to different theories under the two variational choices and we obtain distinct results for scalar and tensor spectral indices and their ratio. We find the following general result; inflation driven solely by f (R) modifications alone do not result in suitable curvature perturbations whilst Scalar-Tensor theories generate nearly scalar invariant curvature perturbations but no tensor modes.

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2013
It is the aim of the paper to present a new point of view on rotational elasticity in a nonlinear... more It is the aim of the paper to present a new point of view on rotational elasticity in a nonlinear setting using orthogonal matrices. The proposed model, in the linear approximation, reduces to the well known equilibrium equations of static linear elasticity. An appropriate kinetic energy is identified and we present a dynamical model of rotational elasticity. The propagation of elastic waves in such a medium is studied and we find two classes of waves, transversal rotational waves and longitudinal rotational waves, both of which are solutions of the nonlinear partial differential equations. For certain parameter choices, the transversal wave velocity can be greater than the longitudinal wave velocity. Moreover, parameter ranges are identified where the model describes an auxetic material. However, in all cases the potentional energy functional is positive definite. We present one possible way of visualising transversal rotational waves.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014
We investigate the cosmology of interacting spin-2 particles, formulating the multi-gravitational... more We investigate the cosmology of interacting spin-2 particles, formulating the multi-gravitational theory in terms of vierbeins and without imposing any Deser-van Nieuwenhuizen-like constraint. The resulting multi-vierbein theory represents a wider class of gravitational theories if compared to the corresponding multi-metric models. Moreover, as opposed to its metric counterpart which in general seems to contain ghosts, it has already been proved to be ghost-free. We outline a discussion about the possible matter couplings and we focus on the study of cosmological scenarios in the case of three and four interacting vierbeins. We find rich behavior, including de Sitter solutions with an effective cosmological constant arising from the multi-vierbein interaction, dark-energy solutions and nonsingular bouncing behavior.
Foundations of Physics, 2013
We propose a new point of view for interpreting Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity. By t... more We propose a new point of view for interpreting Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity. By taking inspiration from Continuum Mechanics and its treatment of anisotropies, we formulate new gravitational actions for modified theories of gravity. These models are simple and natural generalisations with many interesting properties. Above all, their precise form can, in principle, be determined experimentally. *
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011
We examine the existence of relativistic stars in f (T ) modified gravity and explicitly construc... more We examine the existence of relativistic stars in f (T ) modified gravity and explicitly construct several classes of static perfect fluid solutions. We derive the conservation equation from the complete f (T ) gravity field equations and present the differences with its teleparallel counterpart. Firstly, we choose the tetrad field in the diagonal gauge and study the resulting field equations. Some exact solutions are explicitly constructed and it is noted that these solutions have to give a constant torsion scalar. Next, we choose a non diagonal tetrad field which results in field equations similar to those of general relativity. For specific models we are able to construct exact solutions of these field equations. Among those new classes of solutions, we find negative pressure solutions, and an interesting class of polynomial solutions.
We expand the dynamical systems investigation of cosmological scalar fields characterised by kine... more We expand the dynamical systems investigation of cosmological scalar fields characterised by kinetic corrections presented in [N. Tamanini, Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 083521]. In particular we do not restrict the analysis to exponential potentials only, but we consider arbitrary scalar field potentials and derive general results regarding the corresponding cosmological dynamics. Two specific potentials are then used as examples to show how these models can be employed not only to describe dark energy, but also to achieve dynamical crossing of the phantom barrier at late times. Stability and viability issues at the classical level are also discussed.
Papers by Nicola Tamanini