Papers by Nicholas Berens

Since the 1970ts, proponents of Precision Teaching have cited the relation between fluent perform... more Since the 1970ts, proponents of Precision Teaching have cited the relation between fluent performance and various long-term academic performance outcomes. Unfortunately, clinical work has mainly been used to demonstrate the importance of high correct response frequencies in education. The current paper describes a technology currently being used in a university-based Precision Teaching center to systematically evaluate relations between response frequency and academic performance outcomes with school children. Specifically, three studies are reported which evaluate retention, endurance, and application as a function of response rate during training. Results indicate that higher rates of responding during training yielded better performance during tests of retention, endurance, and application. The studies are discussed in terms of technological innovations for educational reform and directions for future research.
EDITORIAL 1 Editor's Comments RESEARCH AND APPLICATION ARTICLES 2 The use of self-managed pro... more EDITORIAL 1 Editor's Comments RESEARCH AND APPLICATION ARTICLES 2 The use of self-managed proofreading for detecting and correcting mechanical errors by students with a learning disability Randy L. Seevers, Paul Malanga & John 0. Cooper 19 Using Repeated Readings and Error Correction to Build Reading Fluency with At Risk Elementary Students Paul Malanga 28 Celeration of Publication Frequency Michael Lamport Commons CHART SHARES 35 The Precision Teaching of Food Acceptance to a Child with Cerebral Palsy Nicole Bank, Duy Le & Michael Fabrizio 37 Climbing Bottoms Show AAG Malcom Neely 39 Teaching children with autism to engage in play-related talk Kevin S . Cauley, Jessica A. Brian & Jennifer Snider
Teaching and Celeration has dedicated itself to a science of human behavior founded on a technolo... more Teaching and Celeration has dedicated itself to a science of human behavior founded on a technology of direct, continuou; and standard measurement. This measurement technology includes: a standard unit of behavior measurement frequency; a standard measure of change in behavior frequencies-celeration; a standard measure of the variability of behavior frequenciesbounce; and a Standard Celeration Chart to display frequency, celeration and bounce data. The Standard Celeration Chart enables chart based statistical procedures to determine changes in frequencyfrequency jumps, changes in celerationceleration turns and changes in bouncebounce verge.

The Psychological Record, 2009
The current study comprised 2 experiments to generate relational responding in typically developi... more The current study comprised 2 experiments to generate relational responding in typically developing children and children with autism. In Study 1, the children were exposed to a problem-solving task that involved the presentation of 2, 3, or 4 identically sized coins to test and train the arbitrary relations of more than and less than. All 8 children failed baseline tests involving 4 coins and were exposed to training of the A-B, B-C, A-B-C, and A-B-C-D relations. Seven proceeded rapidly through training and passed tests with a novel set. They then participated in Study 2. Four typically developing children and 2 with autism failed baseline B-D tests. Although the former proceeded rapidly through B-D training with 4 and 5 coins, the latter required interventions. All 7 children thereafter demonstrated B-D relations with 4 and 5 coins. These findings support relational frame theory and its use in educational interventions with developmentally delayed populations.

International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 2004
The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and app... more The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and appreciated in behavior analysis. The traditional model for this relationship has been largely unidirectional in that the experimental analysis of behavior has fed applied behavior analysis with its principles. Despite the relative strength of this relationship, which should lead to a more coherent and broadly effective discipline, behavior analysis seems to be narrowing its domain of influence both on the basic and applied fronts. We argue that this paradox can be explained by the inability to develop a broadly useful behavior analytic theory of language and cognition. Relational Frame Theory corrects that deficit, but it leads to a fundamental shift in the organization of the discipline, and the relationship between basic and applied behavior analysis. The current paper details what we view are the components of this new relationship and the reasons why this shift must occur.
The Portable Mentor, 2003
If the average applied psychology student is asked confidentially why they are pursuing a career ... more If the average applied psychology student is asked confidentially why they are pursuing a career in their field, the most likely answer is “to help people” Although this answer is such a cliche that it sometimes causes graduate admissions committee members to wrinkle their noses, in fact it is perfectly appropriate. The ultimate purpose of applied psychology is to alleviate human suffering and promote human health and happiness. Unfortunately, good will does not necessarily imply good outcomes. If mere intentionality were enough, there would never have been a reason for psychology in the first place, since human beings have always desired a happy life. It is not enough for psychology students to want to help: one must also know how to help.
Abstract: In the current paper, we attempt to show how both the basic and applied sciences of beh... more Abstract: In the current paper, we attempt to show how both the basic and applied sciences of behavior analysis have been transformed by the modern research agenda in human language and cognition, known as Relational Frame Theory (RFT). At the level of basic process, the paper argues that the burgeoning literature on derived stimulus relations calls for a reinterpretation of complex human behavior that extends beyond a purely contingency-based analysis. Specifically, the paper aims to show how a more complete account of ...

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2007
Arbitrarily applicable derived relational responding has been argued by relational frame theorist... more Arbitrarily applicable derived relational responding has been argued by relational frame theorists to be a form of operant behavior. The present study examined this idea with 4 female participants, ages 4 to 5 years old, who could not perform a series of problem-solving tasks involving arbitrary more than and less than relations. In a combined multiple baseline (across responses and participants) and multiple probe design (with trained and untrained stimuli), it was shown that reinforced multiple-exemplar training facilitated the development of arbitrary comparative relations, and that these skills generalized not just across stimuli but also across trial types. The sequence of training identified potential prerequisites in the development of comparative relations (e.g., nonarbitrary comparative relations). Taken as a whole, the present data, along with previous work by others in this area, suggest that relating arbitrary events comparatively is an operant. The implications of this conclusion for the analysis of complex behavior are discussed. DESCRIPTORS: relational operants, relational frames, comparative relations, relational frame theory, verbal behavior, multiple-exemplar training These data were part of the first author's master's thesis conducted under the supervision of the second author. We thank Joe Spradlin and Chris Ninness for their thoughtful reviews of the manuscript.

The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and app... more The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and appreciated in behavior analysis. The traditional model for this relationship has been largely unidirectional in that the experimental analysis of behavior has fed applied behavior analysis with its principles. Despite the relative strength of this relationship, which should lead to a more coherent and broadly effective discipline, behavior analysis seems to be narrowing its domain of influence both on the basic and applied fronts. We argue that this paradox can be explained by the inability to develop a broadly useful behavior analytic theory of language and cognition. Relational Frame Theory corrects that deficit, but it leads to a fundamental shift in the organization of the discipline, and the relationship between basic and applied behavior analysis. The current paper details what we view are the components of this new relationship and the reasons why this shift must occur. Key Words: Basic and applied psychology, experimental and applied behavior analysis, language and cognition, RFT RESUMEN La promesa de una síntesis entre psicología básica y aplicada ha sido principalmente valorada y llevada a cabo dentro del análisis de conducta. El modelo tradicional de esta relación entre ámbitos de investigación ha sido básicamente unidireccional, con el aná-lisis experimental del comportamiento surtiendo de hallazgos y principios al análisis aplicado del comportamiento. A pesar de que esta relación es relativamente fuerte, lo que debería conducir a una disciplina más coherente y de más eficacia general, la influencia del análisis de conducta parece estar disminuyendo tanto en el frente básico como en el aplicado. Sostenemos en este trabajo que esta paradoja puede explicarse por la incapaci-dad para desarrollar una teoría analítica-conductual del lenguaje y la cognición que sea de utilidad. La Teoría del Marco Relacional viene a subsanar este déficit, pero lleva por fuerza a un cambio fundamental en la organización de la disciplina y en la relación entre los dominios básico y aplicado. Este artículo entra a detallar los que entendemos como componentes de esta nueva relación y las razones por las que creemos que el mencionado cambio en la disciplina debe tener lugar. Palabras clave: Psicología básica y aplicada, análisis experimental y aplicado del com-portamiento, lenguaje y cognición, RFT.
The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and app... more The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and appreciated in behavior analysis. The traditional model for this relationship has been largely unidirectional in that the experimental analysis of behavior has fed applied behavior analysis with its principles. Despite the relative strength of this relationship, which should lead to a more coherent and broadly
The Portable Mentor, 2012
Abstract: In the current paper, we attempt to show how both the basic and applied sciences of beh... more Abstract: In the current paper, we attempt to show how both the basic and applied sciences of behavior analysis have been transformed by the modern research agenda in human language and cognition, known as Relational Frame Theory (RFT). At the level of basic process, the paper argues that the burgeoning literature on derived stimulus relations calls for a reinterpretation of complex human behavior that extends beyond a purely contingency-based analysis. Specifically, the paper aims to show how a more complete account of ...
Papers by Nicholas Berens