Ġlinde yoğun tütün üretimi yapılan yerlerdeki virüs hastalıklarının durumunu görmek üzere 2 örnek... more Ġlinde yoğun tütün üretimi yapılan yerlerdeki virüs hastalıklarının durumunu görmek üzere 2 örnekleme halinde yürütülmüĢtür. Yapılan arazi gözlemleri, örnekleme çalıĢmaları ve laboratuvar analizleri neticesinde bölgedeki tütün alanlarının 1. dönemde Tütün mozaik virüsü (TMV), Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV) ve Domates mozaik virüsü (ToMV) ile bulaĢık olduğu tespit edilmiĢtir.
Three amplicons corresponding to the variable genome regions of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (... more Three amplicons corresponding to the variable genome regions of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) were sequenced from different apple cultivars and geographic areas in Europe and Asia. Multiple alignments of nucleotide sequence of these isolates with those from databases showed a very high divergence. Genetic variability at the nucleotide level among ACSLV and ASPV isolates was very high, ranging from 83.5 to 85.0% and 80.1 to 81.9%, respectively, confirming previous observations. ASGV isolates were more homogenous, with no clear separation between ASGV and Citrus tatter leaf virus and between geographic origin and genetic diversity of the virus isolates characterized in this study.
Rust diseases (Puccinia spp.), namely stripe, leaf and stem rusts, are among the major diseases o... more Rust diseases (Puccinia spp.), namely stripe, leaf and stem rusts, are among the major diseases of wheat. Their management requires integrated approaches including timely surveillance, speedy communication and rapid response. This surveillance system was developed in order to facilitate participation of extension offices (in provinces/districts) in the survey of wheat rust diseases and sharing of information quickly. The SMS based system was tested as a pilot tool in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey connecting 25 districts in 5 provinces through an SMS network during the rust development period (April-July) in 2013. The observations from 268 fields indicated that leaf rust and stem rust development was insignificant in the districts covered, occurring in only 2.3% and 1.9% of the fields respectively. Stripe rust prevalence was higher occurring in 44.8% of the fields. Of the inspected fields 2.5% had infected plant incidences between 15% and 40% requiring control measures. Using the SMS reports received from the extension officers, the system facilitated daily monitoring of rust development and exchange of observations among the relevant institutions, also sending out alert messages to designated authorities as necessary. The study demonstrated that the system can serve as a rapid surveillance and communication tool to facilitate timely decision making and rapid response to prevent wheat rust epidemics.
Tarım, orman ve gıda sistemleri birçok canlının bir arada yaşadığı, son derece karmaşık besin zin... more Tarım, orman ve gıda sistemleri birçok canlının bir arada yaşadığı, son derece karmaşık besin zincirleri ile yaşam formlarının bir arada olduğu sistemlerdir. Bu ekosistemlerde yüz metreyi aşan boyda ağaçlar ile mikrometreden küçük mikroorganizmalardan bakterilerin bir arada yaşadığı, simbiyosiz, parazitizim ve hiper parazitizmin tüm formlarının görüldüğü sucul ve karasal çok sayıda sistem mevcuttur. Dünya ekonomisinin %60 veya daha fazlasını üreterek biyo-ekonominin temelini oluşturan bu sistemlerin zaafa uğraması; bireylerin, toplulukların, ülkeler ve dünya ekonomisinin yanı sıra sosyal yaşamın sıkıntıya düşmesine ve büyük kayıpların yaşanmasına sebep olabilir. Biyolojik sistemlerin saldırıya uğraması ve biyolojik nitelikli bazı canlı veya ürünlerin silah olarak kullanılmasına tarih boyunca çok kez şahit olunmuştur. Günümüzde özel niteliklere sahip canlılar veya bunların bazı ürünlerinin, doğrudan insanlara veya birincil üretim ya da gıda üretim sistemlerine saldırı amaçlı olarak kullanılması mümkündür. Bu tür ajanların özellikleri, kullanımı, doğuracağı sonuçlar ve bunlardan korunmak için yapılması gerekenler, ilgili devlet otoriteleri için son derece önemlidir. Günümüzde konvansiyonel savaş taktiklerinin gelişip çeşitlendiği, terör saldırılarının da bu minvalde her geçen gün daha önem kazandığı açıkça gözlenmektedir. Tarım, orman, gıda ve doğal kaynakların sosyal hayatımızda ve ekonomimizdeki yeri ve önemi düşünüldüğünde "agroterörizmin" ele alınması gereken stratejik bir konu olduğu ve bu bağlamda alınması gereken çok sayıda tedbir olduğu aşikardır.
Tarımsal makro politikaların, bölgesel, sektörel ve yerel yatırım programlarının planlanması için... more Tarımsal makro politikaların, bölgesel, sektörel ve yerel yatırım programlarının planlanması için çiftçilerin sosyal ve ekonomik durumları ile gelecek eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da Adıyaman ilindeki çiftçilerin sosyo-ekonomik yapıları ile organik tarım eğilimlerini analiz etmek ve gelecekte yapılacak planlama çalışmalarına yol gösterici olmaktır. Bu amaçla geliştirilen anket formu, 2019 yılında Adıyaman ili sınırlarındaki 9 ilçe ve bunlara bağlı köylerde iki hafta içinde 1022 kişiyle yüz yüze görüşülerek uygulanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ilde 26 ürünün ticari olarak yetiştirildiği, çiftçilerin %76'sını yeterli arazi büyüklüğüne sahip olmadığı, işletmelerin %52'sinde aynı zamanda hayvancılık yapıldığı, çiftçilerin %68.7'sinin 45 yaş ve üstü olduğu, çiftçilerin %83.9 tarım yapmayı sevdiği ancak kırsalda yaşayanların oranın %77 olduğu, refah seviyesinden memnun olanların oranın ise %47 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üreticilerin %76 tarıma devam etmek istedikleri ve %60'nın yenilik arayışında olduğu ve %55'nin işlerinin çocuklarınca devam ettirilmesini istediği belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda ayrıca, çiftçilerin %52'sinin tarımı kârlı bulmadığı, %46.9'nun yeni yatırım yapmayı düşünmediği ve %80.1'inin tarımın en önemli sorunun girdi maliyetleri olduğunu düşündüğü belirlenmiştir. Yapılan ankette tarım teşkilatlarından memnuniyet oranı %64 olarak belirlenirken, desteklerde memnuniyetsizlik oranı %68 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tarımsal örgütlerin üreticilere katkı sunduğunu düşünenlerin oranı %33 ve karar alma süreçlerinde tarım teşkilatına güvenenlerin oranı %60 olurken, çiftçilerin %52'sinin organik tarım yapmak istediği ve %56'sının organik tarımın ilçe bazlı yapılması gerektiğini düşündüğü belirlenmiştir.
Studies to determine the effects of Apple stem grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) on external and physi... more Studies to determine the effects of Apple stem grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) on external and physical characteristic of some commercial apple (Malus dometsica Borkh.) cultivars were carried out in the Adana Plant Protection Research Institute's screen house facility in Turkey during 2006-2008. The selected cultivars for this aim were 'Jersey Mac', 'Fuji', 'Golden Delicious', 'Summer Red', 'Granny Smith', 'Vista Bella', 'Galaxy Gala' and 'Starking'. The selection of the cultivars was based on their common use by growers in the country. All cultivars were grafted on M9 rootstock and potted in the screen house. Turkish io-50 ASGV isolate, which had been obtained from previous works from an 'Anna' apple tree, was used for inoculation by chip budding, and the success of inoculation was confirmed by DAS-ELISA. The trial was evaluated two years after inoculation, based on six external and two physical parameters of ...
A survey was carried out to check for apple (Malus domestica) viruses in the Mediterranean Region... more A survey was carried out to check for apple (Malus domestica) viruses in the Mediterranean Region (South Anatolia) of Turkey, between 2002 and 2005. In total, 108 orchards and 10 varietal collections were visited in the districts of Adana, Antalya, K. Maras and Osmaniye, collecting randomly 413 samples of leaves and/or dormant cuttings from apple trees. Sanitary testing was done by ELISA, biological indexing and RT-PCR. All samples were tested by ELISA for the presence of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV). The overall virus infection rate in ELISA was 18.8%. The prevailing viruses were ACLSV (10.6%), ASGV (5.0%) and ApMV (3.1%). Indexing was with the following indicators of Malus pumila: cvs. Virginia crab, Radiant and R 12740 7A. Infection rate was higher in indexing: ACLSV (46.8%), ASGV (60.8%) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) found present in 54.5% of the tested samples. RT-PCR tests confirmed the presence of ASPV, ASGV and ACLSV detected previously by ELISA and biological indexing. This preliminary survey demonstrates a high rate of virus infections for apples in the Mediterranean Region of Eastern Turkey.
TEZ7350Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.131-144) var.xix, 158 s. :... more TEZ7350Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.131-144) var.xix, 158 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.This study was carry out in Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Niğde and Osmaniye provinces between years of 2006 and 2009. The aim of the study was determination and characterization of Apple Stem Grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) and Apple Stem Pitting Foveavirus (ASPV) on pome fruits and evaluation of the reactions of some commertial cultıvars to the diseases. During the survey, 619 samples were collected from 134 orchards and, 18,41 % of the samples were founded as ASPV, ASGV or ASPV+ASGV infected by ELISA test. The incidence of the diseases were determined as 10,34 % ASPV, 5,49 %ASGV and 2,58 % ASPV+ASGV. The infection rate of the species were determined as 19,35, 18,33 and 17,39 % in pear, apple and in quince, respectively. The presence of these diseases was confirmed also by molecular and biological means.Bu çalışma Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Niğde ve Osmaniye illerinde...
The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is the most serious pest of palms in Turk... more The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is the most serious pest of palms in Turkey. Weevil infestation was first detected in Turkey in summer 2005 in parks and gardens of Mersin province, along the Mediterreanean coast of Turkey. Following the discovery of the pest, destruction of infested plant material, prophylactic insecticide chemical treatments, as well as adult weevil trapping were carried out on palm plantations. Traps containing a commercial aggregation pheromone were hung on palm trees at a high density, in order to monitor the pest infestation and reduce the weevil population by mass trapping. A significant decrease in the number of trapped beetles and destruction of infested plant material was observed in 2009 and continued in the following years in several cities in Turkey. Therefore, it has been observed that mass trapping and curative pesticide applications have played a significant role in the suppression of R. ferrugineus populations in palm plantations.
Turkey is the biggest quince ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) producer country in the world with a produc... more Turkey is the biggest quince ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) producer country in the world with a production of about 120.000 tons/year. Virus diseases Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and Apple chlorotic leaf spot vius (ACLSV) are known as viral pathogens that can affect quality and quantity of quince production. This study was carried out in the Mediterranean region of Turkey between 2006 and 2008. The study was based on a survey with symptomatological observations and the detection of viruses by DAS-ELISA and/or RT-PCR techniques. During the survey, 33 commercial orchards in five different counties were visited and 115 samples were collected and examined. Laboratory results showed that 27.82% of the samples were infected by either single or mixed infection of any tested viruses. Single infection of ASPV, ACLSV and ASGV were found in 12.17%, 5.21% and 2.60% of the samples, respectively, while mixed infections of ASPV+ASGV, ASPV+A...
Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by... more Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by vector aphids and may cause serious damage on fruits, leaves and flowers of Prunus species, especially on plum, apricot, and peach. Eradication of infected plants is one of the most recommended control methods of PPV in the world. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the National PPV survey and eradication program carried by the National Plant Health Authority between 2013 and 2018. During the six years of study, approximately 60.000 trees in 96.26% of Turkey were screened for PPV symptoms and 21.394 samples were collected from suspected plants from seven different fruit species. The samples were tested by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), and then ELISA questionable samples were verified by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). Based on the six years results, 2.718 samples from 161 locations were determined as PPV positive and the infection rate was calculated as 12.70%. During this study, 78.868 trees were eradicated. By the help of intensive monitoring and eradication program, PPV infection rate decreased from 35.72% to 7.47%. On the other hand, PPV infection was firstly recorded and eradicated in seven provinces (Aydın, Bolu, Denizli, Erzincan, Kırıkkale, Sivas, Samsun) which have been known as PPV-free before. This study showed that eradication is a very effective way to suppress PPV infection and spread. In conclusion, the national survey and eradication program should be operated nationwide and concentrated in nurseries.
Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by... more Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by vector aphids and may cause serious damage on fruits, leaves and flowers of Prunus species, especially on plum, apricot, and peach. Eradication of infected plants is one of the most recommended control methods of PPV in the world. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the National PPV survey and eradication program carried by the National Plant Health Authority between 2013 and 2018. During the six years of study, approximately 60.000 trees in 96.26% of Turkey were screened for PPV symptoms and 21.394 samples were collected from suspected plants from seven different fruit species. The samples were tested by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), and then ELISA questionable samples were verified by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). Based on the six years results, 2.718 samples from 161 locations were determined as PPV positive and the infection rate was calculated as 12.70%. During this study, 78.868 trees were eradicated. By the help of intensive monitoring and eradication program, PPV infection rate decreased from 35.72% to 7.47%. On the other hand, PPV infection was firstly recorded and eradicated in seven provinces (Aydın, Bolu, Denizli, Erzincan, Kırıkkale, Sivas, Samsun) which have been known as PPV-free before. This study showed that eradication is a very effective way to suppress PPV infection and spread. In conclusion, the national survey and eradication program should be operated nationwide and concentrated in nurseries.
Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, Jun 15, 2021
are widely used in traditional foods, as food supplements or herbal medicines throughout history.... more are widely used in traditional foods, as food supplements or herbal medicines throughout history. Recently, MAPs are generally defined as plants that are used as drugs to prevent or cure diseases in order to maintain health and for other purposes. In general, MAPs used as food, herbal tea, supplementary food and medicine are obtained from nature or through cultivation. There is a worldwide trend of increased use MAPs, and although treating diseases with medicinal plants is more common in Far East countries, the trade of herbal medicinal products is a rising market in western societies. When we consider the trend of MAPs, Turkey is an important genetic center of many plant species thanks to its geographical location and genetic diversity. In addition, Turkey is a main partner of many countries that demand MAPs products for the world MAPs market. In this paper, the current situation of MAPs production in the world and Turkey are reviewed based on available data. In addition, this review touches upon Turkey's historical, cultural and economic situation as well as the subsidies for and research and development (R&D) activities focused on MAPs. Finally, the opportunities, potential, problems and outlook in this area are described in order to inform future decisions about MAPs.
Triticum aestivum L., also known as common wheat, is affected by many biotic stresses. Root disea... more Triticum aestivum L., also known as common wheat, is affected by many biotic stresses. Root diseases are the most difficult to tackle due to the complexity of phenotypic evaluation and the lack of resistant sources compared to other biotic stress factors. Soil-borne pathogens such as the root-lesion nematodes caused by the Pratylenchus species and crown rot caused by various Fusarium species are major wheat root diseases, causing substantial yield losses globally. A set of 189 advanced spring bread wheat lines obtained from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) were genotyped with 4056 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers and screened for root-lesion nematodes and crown rot resistance. Population structure revealed that the genotypes could be divided into five subpopulations. Genome-Wide Association Studies were carried out for both resistances to Pratylenchus and Fusarium species. Based on our results, 11 different SNPs on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 3A...
Ġlinde yoğun tütün üretimi yapılan yerlerdeki virüs hastalıklarının durumunu görmek üzere 2 örnek... more Ġlinde yoğun tütün üretimi yapılan yerlerdeki virüs hastalıklarının durumunu görmek üzere 2 örnekleme halinde yürütülmüĢtür. Yapılan arazi gözlemleri, örnekleme çalıĢmaları ve laboratuvar analizleri neticesinde bölgedeki tütün alanlarının 1. dönemde Tütün mozaik virüsü (TMV), Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV) ve Domates mozaik virüsü (ToMV) ile bulaĢık olduğu tespit edilmiĢtir.
Three amplicons corresponding to the variable genome regions of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (... more Three amplicons corresponding to the variable genome regions of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) were sequenced from different apple cultivars and geographic areas in Europe and Asia. Multiple alignments of nucleotide sequence of these isolates with those from databases showed a very high divergence. Genetic variability at the nucleotide level among ACSLV and ASPV isolates was very high, ranging from 83.5 to 85.0% and 80.1 to 81.9%, respectively, confirming previous observations. ASGV isolates were more homogenous, with no clear separation between ASGV and Citrus tatter leaf virus and between geographic origin and genetic diversity of the virus isolates characterized in this study.
Rust diseases (Puccinia spp.), namely stripe, leaf and stem rusts, are among the major diseases o... more Rust diseases (Puccinia spp.), namely stripe, leaf and stem rusts, are among the major diseases of wheat. Their management requires integrated approaches including timely surveillance, speedy communication and rapid response. This surveillance system was developed in order to facilitate participation of extension offices (in provinces/districts) in the survey of wheat rust diseases and sharing of information quickly. The SMS based system was tested as a pilot tool in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey connecting 25 districts in 5 provinces through an SMS network during the rust development period (April-July) in 2013. The observations from 268 fields indicated that leaf rust and stem rust development was insignificant in the districts covered, occurring in only 2.3% and 1.9% of the fields respectively. Stripe rust prevalence was higher occurring in 44.8% of the fields. Of the inspected fields 2.5% had infected plant incidences between 15% and 40% requiring control measures. Using the SMS reports received from the extension officers, the system facilitated daily monitoring of rust development and exchange of observations among the relevant institutions, also sending out alert messages to designated authorities as necessary. The study demonstrated that the system can serve as a rapid surveillance and communication tool to facilitate timely decision making and rapid response to prevent wheat rust epidemics.
Tarım, orman ve gıda sistemleri birçok canlının bir arada yaşadığı, son derece karmaşık besin zin... more Tarım, orman ve gıda sistemleri birçok canlının bir arada yaşadığı, son derece karmaşık besin zincirleri ile yaşam formlarının bir arada olduğu sistemlerdir. Bu ekosistemlerde yüz metreyi aşan boyda ağaçlar ile mikrometreden küçük mikroorganizmalardan bakterilerin bir arada yaşadığı, simbiyosiz, parazitizim ve hiper parazitizmin tüm formlarının görüldüğü sucul ve karasal çok sayıda sistem mevcuttur. Dünya ekonomisinin %60 veya daha fazlasını üreterek biyo-ekonominin temelini oluşturan bu sistemlerin zaafa uğraması; bireylerin, toplulukların, ülkeler ve dünya ekonomisinin yanı sıra sosyal yaşamın sıkıntıya düşmesine ve büyük kayıpların yaşanmasına sebep olabilir. Biyolojik sistemlerin saldırıya uğraması ve biyolojik nitelikli bazı canlı veya ürünlerin silah olarak kullanılmasına tarih boyunca çok kez şahit olunmuştur. Günümüzde özel niteliklere sahip canlılar veya bunların bazı ürünlerinin, doğrudan insanlara veya birincil üretim ya da gıda üretim sistemlerine saldırı amaçlı olarak kullanılması mümkündür. Bu tür ajanların özellikleri, kullanımı, doğuracağı sonuçlar ve bunlardan korunmak için yapılması gerekenler, ilgili devlet otoriteleri için son derece önemlidir. Günümüzde konvansiyonel savaş taktiklerinin gelişip çeşitlendiği, terör saldırılarının da bu minvalde her geçen gün daha önem kazandığı açıkça gözlenmektedir. Tarım, orman, gıda ve doğal kaynakların sosyal hayatımızda ve ekonomimizdeki yeri ve önemi düşünüldüğünde "agroterörizmin" ele alınması gereken stratejik bir konu olduğu ve bu bağlamda alınması gereken çok sayıda tedbir olduğu aşikardır.
Tarımsal makro politikaların, bölgesel, sektörel ve yerel yatırım programlarının planlanması için... more Tarımsal makro politikaların, bölgesel, sektörel ve yerel yatırım programlarının planlanması için çiftçilerin sosyal ve ekonomik durumları ile gelecek eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da Adıyaman ilindeki çiftçilerin sosyo-ekonomik yapıları ile organik tarım eğilimlerini analiz etmek ve gelecekte yapılacak planlama çalışmalarına yol gösterici olmaktır. Bu amaçla geliştirilen anket formu, 2019 yılında Adıyaman ili sınırlarındaki 9 ilçe ve bunlara bağlı köylerde iki hafta içinde 1022 kişiyle yüz yüze görüşülerek uygulanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ilde 26 ürünün ticari olarak yetiştirildiği, çiftçilerin %76'sını yeterli arazi büyüklüğüne sahip olmadığı, işletmelerin %52'sinde aynı zamanda hayvancılık yapıldığı, çiftçilerin %68.7'sinin 45 yaş ve üstü olduğu, çiftçilerin %83.9 tarım yapmayı sevdiği ancak kırsalda yaşayanların oranın %77 olduğu, refah seviyesinden memnun olanların oranın ise %47 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üreticilerin %76 tarıma devam etmek istedikleri ve %60'nın yenilik arayışında olduğu ve %55'nin işlerinin çocuklarınca devam ettirilmesini istediği belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda ayrıca, çiftçilerin %52'sinin tarımı kârlı bulmadığı, %46.9'nun yeni yatırım yapmayı düşünmediği ve %80.1'inin tarımın en önemli sorunun girdi maliyetleri olduğunu düşündüğü belirlenmiştir. Yapılan ankette tarım teşkilatlarından memnuniyet oranı %64 olarak belirlenirken, desteklerde memnuniyetsizlik oranı %68 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tarımsal örgütlerin üreticilere katkı sunduğunu düşünenlerin oranı %33 ve karar alma süreçlerinde tarım teşkilatına güvenenlerin oranı %60 olurken, çiftçilerin %52'sinin organik tarım yapmak istediği ve %56'sının organik tarımın ilçe bazlı yapılması gerektiğini düşündüğü belirlenmiştir.
Studies to determine the effects of Apple stem grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) on external and physi... more Studies to determine the effects of Apple stem grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) on external and physical characteristic of some commercial apple (Malus dometsica Borkh.) cultivars were carried out in the Adana Plant Protection Research Institute's screen house facility in Turkey during 2006-2008. The selected cultivars for this aim were 'Jersey Mac', 'Fuji', 'Golden Delicious', 'Summer Red', 'Granny Smith', 'Vista Bella', 'Galaxy Gala' and 'Starking'. The selection of the cultivars was based on their common use by growers in the country. All cultivars were grafted on M9 rootstock and potted in the screen house. Turkish io-50 ASGV isolate, which had been obtained from previous works from an 'Anna' apple tree, was used for inoculation by chip budding, and the success of inoculation was confirmed by DAS-ELISA. The trial was evaluated two years after inoculation, based on six external and two physical parameters of ...
A survey was carried out to check for apple (Malus domestica) viruses in the Mediterranean Region... more A survey was carried out to check for apple (Malus domestica) viruses in the Mediterranean Region (South Anatolia) of Turkey, between 2002 and 2005. In total, 108 orchards and 10 varietal collections were visited in the districts of Adana, Antalya, K. Maras and Osmaniye, collecting randomly 413 samples of leaves and/or dormant cuttings from apple trees. Sanitary testing was done by ELISA, biological indexing and RT-PCR. All samples were tested by ELISA for the presence of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV). The overall virus infection rate in ELISA was 18.8%. The prevailing viruses were ACLSV (10.6%), ASGV (5.0%) and ApMV (3.1%). Indexing was with the following indicators of Malus pumila: cvs. Virginia crab, Radiant and R 12740 7A. Infection rate was higher in indexing: ACLSV (46.8%), ASGV (60.8%) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) found present in 54.5% of the tested samples. RT-PCR tests confirmed the presence of ASPV, ASGV and ACLSV detected previously by ELISA and biological indexing. This preliminary survey demonstrates a high rate of virus infections for apples in the Mediterranean Region of Eastern Turkey.
TEZ7350Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.131-144) var.xix, 158 s. :... more TEZ7350Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.131-144) var.xix, 158 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.This study was carry out in Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Niğde and Osmaniye provinces between years of 2006 and 2009. The aim of the study was determination and characterization of Apple Stem Grooving Capillovirus (ASGV) and Apple Stem Pitting Foveavirus (ASPV) on pome fruits and evaluation of the reactions of some commertial cultıvars to the diseases. During the survey, 619 samples were collected from 134 orchards and, 18,41 % of the samples were founded as ASPV, ASGV or ASPV+ASGV infected by ELISA test. The incidence of the diseases were determined as 10,34 % ASPV, 5,49 %ASGV and 2,58 % ASPV+ASGV. The infection rate of the species were determined as 19,35, 18,33 and 17,39 % in pear, apple and in quince, respectively. The presence of these diseases was confirmed also by molecular and biological means.Bu çalışma Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Niğde ve Osmaniye illerinde...
The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is the most serious pest of palms in Turk... more The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is the most serious pest of palms in Turkey. Weevil infestation was first detected in Turkey in summer 2005 in parks and gardens of Mersin province, along the Mediterreanean coast of Turkey. Following the discovery of the pest, destruction of infested plant material, prophylactic insecticide chemical treatments, as well as adult weevil trapping were carried out on palm plantations. Traps containing a commercial aggregation pheromone were hung on palm trees at a high density, in order to monitor the pest infestation and reduce the weevil population by mass trapping. A significant decrease in the number of trapped beetles and destruction of infested plant material was observed in 2009 and continued in the following years in several cities in Turkey. Therefore, it has been observed that mass trapping and curative pesticide applications have played a significant role in the suppression of R. ferrugineus populations in palm plantations.
Turkey is the biggest quince ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) producer country in the world with a produc... more Turkey is the biggest quince ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) producer country in the world with a production of about 120.000 tons/year. Virus diseases Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and Apple chlorotic leaf spot vius (ACLSV) are known as viral pathogens that can affect quality and quantity of quince production. This study was carried out in the Mediterranean region of Turkey between 2006 and 2008. The study was based on a survey with symptomatological observations and the detection of viruses by DAS-ELISA and/or RT-PCR techniques. During the survey, 33 commercial orchards in five different counties were visited and 115 samples were collected and examined. Laboratory results showed that 27.82% of the samples were infected by either single or mixed infection of any tested viruses. Single infection of ASPV, ACLSV and ASGV were found in 12.17%, 5.21% and 2.60% of the samples, respectively, while mixed infections of ASPV+ASGV, ASPV+A...
Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by... more Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by vector aphids and may cause serious damage on fruits, leaves and flowers of Prunus species, especially on plum, apricot, and peach. Eradication of infected plants is one of the most recommended control methods of PPV in the world. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the National PPV survey and eradication program carried by the National Plant Health Authority between 2013 and 2018. During the six years of study, approximately 60.000 trees in 96.26% of Turkey were screened for PPV symptoms and 21.394 samples were collected from suspected plants from seven different fruit species. The samples were tested by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), and then ELISA questionable samples were verified by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). Based on the six years results, 2.718 samples from 161 locations were determined as PPV positive and the infection rate was calculated as 12.70%. During this study, 78.868 trees were eradicated. By the help of intensive monitoring and eradication program, PPV infection rate decreased from 35.72% to 7.47%. On the other hand, PPV infection was firstly recorded and eradicated in seven provinces (Aydın, Bolu, Denizli, Erzincan, Kırıkkale, Sivas, Samsun) which have been known as PPV-free before. This study showed that eradication is a very effective way to suppress PPV infection and spread. In conclusion, the national survey and eradication program should be operated nationwide and concentrated in nurseries.
Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by... more Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most dangerous viral agent of stone fruits. PPV can be transmitted by vector aphids and may cause serious damage on fruits, leaves and flowers of Prunus species, especially on plum, apricot, and peach. Eradication of infected plants is one of the most recommended control methods of PPV in the world. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the National PPV survey and eradication program carried by the National Plant Health Authority between 2013 and 2018. During the six years of study, approximately 60.000 trees in 96.26% of Turkey were screened for PPV symptoms and 21.394 samples were collected from suspected plants from seven different fruit species. The samples were tested by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), and then ELISA questionable samples were verified by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). Based on the six years results, 2.718 samples from 161 locations were determined as PPV positive and the infection rate was calculated as 12.70%. During this study, 78.868 trees were eradicated. By the help of intensive monitoring and eradication program, PPV infection rate decreased from 35.72% to 7.47%. On the other hand, PPV infection was firstly recorded and eradicated in seven provinces (Aydın, Bolu, Denizli, Erzincan, Kırıkkale, Sivas, Samsun) which have been known as PPV-free before. This study showed that eradication is a very effective way to suppress PPV infection and spread. In conclusion, the national survey and eradication program should be operated nationwide and concentrated in nurseries.
Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, Jun 15, 2021
are widely used in traditional foods, as food supplements or herbal medicines throughout history.... more are widely used in traditional foods, as food supplements or herbal medicines throughout history. Recently, MAPs are generally defined as plants that are used as drugs to prevent or cure diseases in order to maintain health and for other purposes. In general, MAPs used as food, herbal tea, supplementary food and medicine are obtained from nature or through cultivation. There is a worldwide trend of increased use MAPs, and although treating diseases with medicinal plants is more common in Far East countries, the trade of herbal medicinal products is a rising market in western societies. When we consider the trend of MAPs, Turkey is an important genetic center of many plant species thanks to its geographical location and genetic diversity. In addition, Turkey is a main partner of many countries that demand MAPs products for the world MAPs market. In this paper, the current situation of MAPs production in the world and Turkey are reviewed based on available data. In addition, this review touches upon Turkey's historical, cultural and economic situation as well as the subsidies for and research and development (R&D) activities focused on MAPs. Finally, the opportunities, potential, problems and outlook in this area are described in order to inform future decisions about MAPs.
Triticum aestivum L., also known as common wheat, is affected by many biotic stresses. Root disea... more Triticum aestivum L., also known as common wheat, is affected by many biotic stresses. Root diseases are the most difficult to tackle due to the complexity of phenotypic evaluation and the lack of resistant sources compared to other biotic stress factors. Soil-borne pathogens such as the root-lesion nematodes caused by the Pratylenchus species and crown rot caused by various Fusarium species are major wheat root diseases, causing substantial yield losses globally. A set of 189 advanced spring bread wheat lines obtained from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) were genotyped with 4056 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers and screened for root-lesion nematodes and crown rot resistance. Population structure revealed that the genotypes could be divided into five subpopulations. Genome-Wide Association Studies were carried out for both resistances to Pratylenchus and Fusarium species. Based on our results, 11 different SNPs on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 3A...
Papers by Nevzat Birişik