Papers by Nevena Bogatzevska
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2011
Seventy-one Xanthomonas strains isolated from infected pepper and tomato plants with bacterial sp... more Seventy-one Xanthomonas strains isolated from infected pepper and tomato plants with bacterial spot from Bulgaria and Macedonia were examined in this study. The pathotypes and races of the strains were determined. The pepper-tomato pathotype predominated among Bulgarian strains, whereas the Macedonian strains belonged to the pepper pathotype. On the basis of their phenotypic characteristics the causal agents of bacterial spot on tomato and pepper possessed properties of at least three species (X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria/X. perforans and X. gardneri). The identification of thirty strains to species Xanthomonas euvesicatoria was confirmed using species specific primers in PCR amplification.

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, Apr 1, 2012
The aim of this study was to characterize genetically Bulgarian Erwinia amylovora strains using p... more The aim of this study was to characterize genetically Bulgarian Erwinia amylovora strains using pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis. Fifty E. amylovora strains isolated from different hosts, locations, as well as in different years were analysed by PFGE after XbaI, SpeI, and XhoI digestion of the genomic DNA. The strains were distributed into four groups according to their XbaI-generated profi le. About 82% of the strains displayed a PFGE profi le identical to that of type Pt2. Three strains belonged to the Central Europe Pt1 type. Two new PFGE profi les, not reported so far, were established-one for a strain isolated from Malus domestica and another for all Fragaria spp. strains. The same grouping of the strains was obtained after analysis of the SpeI digestion patterns. On the basis of PFGE profi les, after XbaI and SpeI digestion, a genetic differentiation between the strains associated with subfamily Maloideae and subfamily Rosoideae was revealed. The presence of more than one PFGE profi le in the population of E. amylovora in Bulgaria suggests a multiple source of inoculum.

Agricultural Science and Technology, Jun 1, 2019
The causative agents of bacterial spot disease infecting pepper are the species X. euvesicatoria ... more The causative agents of bacterial spot disease infecting pepper are the species X. euvesicatoria and X. vesicatoria common in the typical pepper growing areas (Northern: Black Sea Costal and Central; Southwest; Southern-Upper Thracian valley) in Bulgaria. The pathogens refer to pepper P pathotype (22 strains) and pepper-tomato РТ pathotype (52 strains). The natural population of X. еuvesicatoria is heterogeneous of pathotype and physiological races. Widespread is race P6 in the P of the pathogen, followed by race P1. Single strains are assigned to P3, P9 and P10. In PT, races P0, P1, P4, P5 are differentiated, the dominant race in PT is the P4 race in combination with the tomato race T2. For the first time in Bulgaria in the natural population of X. vesicatoria, are detected strains which infect only pepper, differentiated are races Р0, Р2 and Р3. The population of X. vesicatoria PT prevails in private gardens and vegetable areas near tomatoes. Differentiated races are P1, P3 and P4 in combination with tomato races T1, T2 and T3. Race P3 occurs in P and PT pathotype.
Journal of Balkan Ecology, 2014
Agricultural Science and Technology, 2016
Variability in the resistance to bacterial spot causal agents Xanthomonas euvesicatoria P and Xan... more Variability in the resistance to bacterial spot causal agents Xanthomonas euvesicatoria P and Xanthomonas vesicatoria PT2 among Bulgarian and introduced pepper varieties 1 2 2 3
The potential of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agent against potato cyst nematode Globodera rost... more The potential of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agent against potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis was tested in pot experiment under glasshouse conditions. The best control of nematode population was provided by the bacterial strains Pseudomonas putida 3 (2) and Pseudomonas aurantiacea 13 (2). The plant growing parameters in the treatments enhanced as compared with the inoculated with Globodera rostochiensis. The two bacterial strains significantly reduced nematode populations by 40.7%-42.2 % compared to the control.

Bacteriophages have greatly engaged the attention of scientists worldwide due to the continuously... more Bacteriophages have greatly engaged the attention of scientists worldwide due to the continuously increasing resistance of phytopathogenic bacteria to commercially used chemical pesticides. However, the knowledge regarding phages is still very insufficient and must be continuously expanded. This paper presents the results of the isolation, characterization, and evaluation of the potential of 11 phage isolates as natural predators of a severe phytopathogenic bacterium—Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Phages were isolated from the rhizosphere of tomato plants with symptoms of bacterial spot. The plaque morphology of all isolates was determined on a X. euvesicatoria lawn via a plaque assay. Three of the isolates were attributed to the family Myoviridae based on TEM micrographs. All phages showed good long-term viability when stored at 4 °C and −20 °C. Three of the phage isolates possessed high stability at very low pH values. Fifty-five-day persistence in a soil sample without the presence o...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2007
"What better microbial challenge to unite agricultural and medical microbiologists than an organi... more "What better microbial challenge to unite agricultural and medical microbiologists than an organism that reduces an onion to a macerated pulp, protects other crops from bacterial and fungal diseases, devastates the health and social life of cystic fi brosis patients, and not only is resistant to the most famous of antibiotics, penicillin, but can use it as a nutrient!"

Journal of Plant Pathology, Dec 2, 2016
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato plants is one of the most important constraints limiting crop... more Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato plants is one of the most important constraints limiting crops yield in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Therefore, early identification of the pathogen is necessary for the control and prevention of the disease. In order to explore the strength of 16S-23S ITS rDNA PCR-RFLP as an approach for identification and differentiation of the causative agents of bacterial spot 262 Bulgarian and Macedonian strains pathogenic of pepper and tomato plants were used. The strains were previously identified as Xanthomonas euvesicatoria (132 strains), Xanthomonas vesicatoria (115 strains), and Xanthomonas gardneri (15 strains). Each restriction analysis resulted in two profiles that grouped the used strains. The restriction with AluI endonuclease differentiated X. vesicatoria isolates from the other three species. The enzyme HpaII separated the X. euvesicatoria strains. A combination of three restriction endonucleases (AluI, MboI, HpaII) successfully differentiated the four species described as causative agents of bacterial spot.

Agricultural Science and Technology, 2021
The limit values of resistance groups were established to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and Xanthomon... more The limit values of resistance groups were established to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and Xanthomonas vesicatoria by mean score -ms based on conducted statistical analysis of 155 selection lines of Bulgarian, introduced hybrids and pepper varieties: I-immune; R-resistant; MS-medium sensitive; S-sensitive; SS-strongly sensitive. The genetic diversity between the two bacteria suggest the use of separate resistant groups to determine the resistance. Data on the mean score of infestation on 116 pepper accessions to X. euvesicatoria and 155 (the previous 116 included) to X. vesicatoria were processed and the resistance groups were defined. Breeding pepper accessions with complex resistance requires the application of the established resistance groups to both pathogens. The limit values of the groups by ms based on the statistical analysis of the data on the resistance of pepper accessions to X. euvesicatoria and X. vesicatoria were specified.

Xanthomonas gardneri and X. vesicatoria are the causal agents of bacterial spot of tomato in Bulg... more Xanthomonas gardneri and X. vesicatoria are the causal agents of bacterial spot of tomato in Bulgaria. X. gardneri was identified in the aria of our country on variety Bela for the first time in 2010. Symptoms on the leaves were dark, circular to irregular, water-soaked spots surrounded by chlorotic halos on fruit formed scabs. X. vesicatoria and X. gardneri can be identified through bacterial isolation only. X. gardneri was gram-negative, aerobic rods with a single flagellum. Bacterial colonies on peptone sucrose agar were yellow and rose with smooth margins. Starch and pectate hydrolysis tests were not positive. BIOLOGTM GN2 (Biolog, Inc., Hayward, CA, USA) microplates were used for obtaining metabolic fingerprints. The metabolic profile of tomato isolates with bacterial spot symptoms was typical for X. gardneri. The distribution of X. gardneri on tomato crops around the country required a research on the resistance of the Bulgarian tomato varieties. Immune tomato varieties were n...

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2013
Leucojum aestivum (summer snowflake) is a perennial, wild plant species of medical importance. L.... more Leucojum aestivum (summer snowflake) is a perennial, wild plant species of medical importance. L. aestivum is in danger of extinction and has been thus put under a regulated regime for conservation. However, its natural fields in Bulgaria continue to deteriorate, one of the reasons being contamination of rivers with industrial waste. The plant has been long known not to suffer diseases. In the period 2006-2011, however, diseased bulbs with symptoms of bacteriosis were observed. This paper presents the third of a series of investigations of L. aestivum in Bulgaria with symptoms of bacterial rot. After the pathogenicity tests and on the basis of physiological characteristics, metabolic fingerprints, and PCR with specific primers, bacterial strains-causal agents of bacterial rot of L. aestivum were identified as Burkholderia gladioli and Pseudomonas marginalis. Additional PCR using the RAPD technique differentiated Burkholderia gladioli pv. alliicola. It could be speculated that contamination of rivers may have been the reason for the spread of pathogens which normally infect other bulbous plants and can survive in soil and water, thus contributing to deterioration of the natural L. aestivum fields.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2008
The investigations presented in this paper focus on studying the influence of excess soil copper ... more The investigations presented in this paper focus on studying the influence of excess soil copper levels in young tomato plants and their relationship to bacterial spot severity caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria race T3. The plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in pots containing soil artificially contaminated with copper in concentrations of 250 and 400 mg kg-1. Both stress factors were applied individually and in combination. Soil copper levels did influence bacterial spot severity. The copper doses applied restricted bacterial spot growth. Strongest responses were observed when the pathogen was infiltrated into seeds. Deformations of plant, as well as increased plastid synthesis inhibition occurred when the plants were exposed to copper and X. vesicatoria. The applicability of the investigation is related to the fight against bacterial spot caused by X. vesicatoria in tomatoes grown on copperpolluted soils. In this case, the remedial action should be carried out very carefully in order to avoid additional damage to plants. Keywords Copper Á Copper toxicity Á Bacterial spot Á Plant morphology Á Chloroplast pigments Á Stress Communicated by H. Janska.
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
This study aims to characterize 136 Xanthomonas strains causing bacterial spot of tomato and pepp... more This study aims to characterize 136 Xanthomonas strains causing bacterial spot of tomato and pepper from different regions in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Three species were identified by PCR with species-specific primers. Xanthomonas vesicatoria affects tomato and pepper and is the dominant species in Bulgaria on tomato while Xanthomonas euvesicatoria affects only pepper. This is the first report of Xanthomonas gardneri of tomato and X. euvesicatoria of pepper in Bulgaria. Amylase activity and ability to utilize cis-aconitate of the strains vary and cannot be used for species differentiation. The tested xanthomonads were sensitive to streptomycin. Copper ions in generally used concentrations in practice were effective only against pepper strains.
Pseudomonas fluorescens is a widespread species which survive in soil and water with different ch... more Pseudomonas fluorescens is a widespread species which survive in soil and water with different chemical composition and different climatic conditions. It is a secondary pathogen in nosocomial infections in hospitals because of its strong variability. In phytopathology it is known as a part of the soil resident microflora and as a co-pathogen in various plant diseases. In the recent years these bacteria are more often isolated together with other phytopathogenic bacteria, but also alone from diseased bulbs of various plants. This study proves the pathogenic potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates as a primary or secondary causal agent of diseases in plants.

Local varieties and populations of pink fruited tomato were studied by agro biological, morpholog... more Local varieties and populations of pink fruited tomato were studied by agro biological, morphological and phytopathological indexes. Gene carriers of resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (race R0, R1) and Xanthomonas vesicatoria (race Т1, Т2, Т3) – agents of bacterial speck and spot were chosen. Accession No 1272/09 possesses high degree of resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato (bacterial speck) and good economic and morphological indexes. It was established considerably higher number of local accessions with pink fruits resistant and poorly tolerant to X. vesicatoria (bacterial spot) compared to those resistant to P. syringae pv. tomato. Higher percentage of resistant accessions to race T1 and T3 was recorded and lower – to T2 of X. vesicatoria. Accessions No 1152/09 и No 1216/09 described with high productivity, quality and resistance to Т1 and Т3 of X. vesicatoria are of interest to breeding process. A complex resistance to the two bacteria (P. syringae pv. tomato R1 и X....
Tomato fruits with typical symptoms of bacterial scab in tomato fields in the region of Plovdiv i... more Tomato fruits with typical symptoms of bacterial scab in tomato fields in the region of Plovdiv in 2011 were analyzed. Isolation plates contained mono-morphological, non-pigmented bacterial colonies which were not typical for the expected disease agents of genus Xanthomonas. The bacteria possessed pathogenic potential and were identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia with biochemical and molecular methods. Other species were not detected. S. maltophilia is independently isolated from diseased tomato fruits for the first time.

Copyright © 2014 Mariya Stoyanova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Cre... more Copyright © 2014 Mariya Stoyanova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. During the last 20 years, the causative agents of bacterial spot of tomato and pepper have been subjected to many studies and reclassifications. According to the current data, the species are four (X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. gardneri, and X. perforans) and cause similar symptoms in plants but possess different phenotypic properties. This work provides the full metabolic characteristics obtained by Biolog system of bacterial spot’s xanthomonads based on a large selection of strains from different vegetable-producing regions of Bulgaria with accent on their major differentiating properties which could be used for species differentiation by metabolic profiles. The results are compared to the data available in the literature ...
Papers by Nevena Bogatzevska