Papers by Neven Cveticanin

Journal of Global Politics and Cultural Diplomacy, 2023
The following paper represents the author's attempt to shed some light on the number of hypotheti... more The following paper represents the author's attempt to shed some light on the number of hypothetical alternatives regarding the seemingly stalled process of the European integration of Western Balkan states in the new geopolitical reality initiated firstly by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequently deepened by the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Through qualitative content analysis as the primary research tool, the authors have established that the explored "plan B" options are still not considered serious alternatives by mainstream politics in the EU and the negotiating countries, although some academic interest and sporadic political suggestions regarding the topic can be noticed from time to time. The main challenge in the European Union's indecisiveness towards the region remains the dilemma of how the Union should express its unwillingness to repeat previous mistakes and accept unprepared Balkan newcomers while avoiding giving too much ground to their rival regional competitors.

Filozofska istraživanja
Istraživanje analizira ubrzanje povijesti kojem prisustvujemo u našem vremenu, a koje je bjelodan... more Istraživanje analizira ubrzanje povijesti kojem prisustvujemo u našem vremenu, a koje je bjelodano s izbijanjem rata u Ukrajini, bivajući u proteklim godinama vidljivo i u nizu drugih događaja i kriza, kakvi se u ovako značajnom intenzitetu i frekventnosti nisu događali još od vremena završetka Drugoga svjetskog rata. Razmatrajući rat u Ukrajini i krize koje su mu prethodile osporava se teza historičara Erica Hobsbawma da se »kratko« 20. stoljeće koje je trajalo od Prvoga svjetskog rata »kao doba ekstrema« završilo padom »komunizma« i Berlinskog zida, nakon čega smo ušli u 21. stoljeće. Nasuprot ovoj tezi, kao i nasuprot poznatoj tezi o »kraju povijesti«, rad iznosi tezu da »politički« još uvijek živimo u 20. stoljeću, s obzirom na to da u našem vremenu i dalje postoje napetosti među velikim silama slične onima koje su obilježile i 20. stoljeće i koje općenito obilježavaju moderni svijet od Westfalskog mira u 17. stoljeću naovamo. Ovu općenitu tezu rad obrazlaže promatrajući u najos...
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Feb 1, 2023

Tekst razmatra mogućnost reaktuelizacije ideje države blagostanja usled globalne ekonomske krize ... more Tekst razmatra mogućnost reaktuelizacije ideje države blagostanja usled globalne ekonomske krize koja dovodi u pitanje neoliberalnu paradigmu. Tako se u tekstu najpre izlažu principi klasičnog modela države blagostanja, koja je bila realizovana u Evropi nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Potom se preispituje mogućnost da se neki od tih principa reaktuelizuju danas u vremenu svetske ekonomske krize kao i u postkriznom vremenu. Zaključuje se da je u situaciji krize potrebno obnoviti "konsenzus blagostanja" između umerene levice i umerene desnice, ne više na nacionalnom, već na globalnom nivou, kako bi se stvorila značajna politička i socijalna baza koja bi omogućila vođenje jedne složene postneoliberalne politike. Ipak, zaključuje se da se neoliberalna paradigma ne može napustiti naglo, i isključivo na nacionalnom nivou, u ime novog ekonomskog protekcionizma, jer bi to izazvalo porast nacionalnih antagonizama i ugrozilo bi globalnu stabilnost i mir. Stoga bi trebalo osmisliti novu ekonomsku paradigmu koja bi mogla harmonizovati nivo globalne politike sa onim nacionalnim. Rad zaključuje da je za osmišljavanje te nove paradigme potreban konsenzus umerene levice i umerene desnice, poput onoga koji su imale u klasičnoj državi blagostanja i kojim su uspele da odbrane političku stabilnost od svih avanturističkih političkih projekata. Ključne riječi: država blagostanja, reaktuelizacija, globalna ekonomska kriza, globalni konsenzus blagostanja, umerena levica, umerena desnica, pluralizam, nova ekonomska paradigma Globalna ekonomska kriza, koja je upravo krajem ovog prvog desetleća 21. veka uzburkala mirno more političke i ekonomske predvidljivosti, postavila je mnoštvo teorijskih i praktičnih pitanja. Ona upućuje teoriju na preispitivanje socijalno-ekonomskih paradigmi kojima smo se služili u bliskoj prošlosti, a praksu na opreznost u delovanju, kako se za komplikovane probleme ne bi ponudila jednostavna reše

Teme, Oct 26, 2021
Numerous challenges and problems the media have faced in recent years, followed by the disappeara... more Numerous challenges and problems the media have faced in recent years, followed by the disappearance of many, resulted in a diagnosis of their global crisis. This situation has forced many media practitioners and theorists to think more about the situation and actively work on its interpretation to find a strategy for survival. Many of them, however, do not bring success, but only increase the problem because they represent a shift from the original role of journalism and the quality of the journalism. Therefore, the reversal of this logic is imposed as a response to the accumulated problems, and attempt to end the crisis. It also stresses the importance of the responsibility of media employees, especially those who run and organize media work − management, and the media content as its consequences. The focus of this article, therefore, is to try to illuminate this often unjustly neglected context, pointing to its importance, and hence the possibility of formulating of a media model that would allow a long-term stability for the media today.
Srpska politička misao, 2014

The paper presents an analysis of the consequences of the war in Ukraine, which began at the end ... more The paper presents an analysis of the consequences of the war in Ukraine, which began at the end of the winter of 2022, for the European Union as an institutional creation but also for European society as a whole. This war will probably be one that separates historical epochs, and after that we can expect a changed economic and security architecture both in the world and on the Old Continent. One of the main geopolitical and geoeconomic consequences of the war in Ukraine for the world and Europe is reflected in the completion of the process of returning to so-called realpolitics, namely the policies of so-called hard power in international relations. This will probably be followed by the so-called process of "geopolitical lockdown" of different geopolitical areas because the war in Ukraine has accelerated the process of disintegration of a single international diplomatic, security, and economic system. The paper investigates the consequences of this process of returning hard power and splitting the single international system in Europe, the Balkans, and especially in the capacity of the European Union for enlargement. Therefore, the analysis offered in this paper can be useful for further conceptualizing Serbia's strategy in its relationship with the European Union and devising an optimal approach to the European integration process given the possible developments in Europe after the war in Ukraine. The analysis undertaken in this paper can be useful for Serbian public policies because it is not one-sided or ideological, but includes various scenarios for the European future and takes into account their impact on the region and Serbia.

The inquisitorial institution of the Iberian Peninsula (XV-XIX) was the instrument of the society... more The inquisitorial institution of the Iberian Peninsula (XV-XIX) was the instrument of the society's religious control in the hands of the absolute monarchy, while its mixed nature was recognized in its dual character based on the status of an ecclesiastical court concerning to the origin of its legitimacy and functions. At the same time was presenting a royal court due to the administrative framework. This article will analyze the relationship between the Spanish Catholic Church of the Iberian Peninsula, mainly referring to the regions of today's Spain, towards the secular institutions of the society with an emphasis on the processes conducted by the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition that was authorized by the Pope's in supperssing heresy. In the narrower plan, the elements of the procession of the auto da fé will be analyzed where its dual origin, intertwined with liturgical and profane elements will become more prominent in the typology of sanctions and penalties that transcend the legal frameworks of the canon law and transposed under the jurisdiction of the secular authorities. This study will try to present an analysis of these dual courts, whose systems of operation lead to the confrontation of different strategies, but also to their cooperation.
Rad predstavlja analizu dominantnih geopolitičkih procesa u Evropi u vremenu pandemije Kovid 19, ... more Rad predstavlja analizu dominantnih geopolitičkih procesa u Evropi u vremenu pandemije Kovid 19, s namerom da se ti procesi stave u objektivan globalni geopolitički kontekst. U tom smislu se kao glavna geopolitička posledica pandemije Kovid 19 u Evropi i svetu prepoznaje proces povratka tzv. real-politike, tj. politike moći u svetske odnose, što je vidljivo iz procesa tzv. "geopolitičkog zaključavanja" (geopolitical lockdown) kojim je praćena pandemija Kovid 19 u svetu. U radu se istražuju posledice ovog procesa po Evropu, Balkan i posebno po kapacitet Evropske unije za proširenje. Stoga analiza ponuđena u ovom radu može biti korisna za dodatno konceptualizovanje strategije Republike Srbije u njenom odnosu prema Evropskoj uniji i osmišljavanje optimalnog pristupa procesu evropskih integracija, s obzirom na moguća dešavanja u Evropi nakon pandemije Kovid 19.
Srpska politička misao, 2014

Socioloski pregled
The subject of the undertaken research is the analysis of geopolitical and geoeconomic changes in... more The subject of the undertaken research is the analysis of geopolitical and geoeconomic changes in the multipolar world of the 21st century, which lead to the transformation of the world system. There is an ongoing evolution of the geostrategic position of the United States of America (USA), the rise of China, as well as the division of the world that occurred with the offensive activities of Russia and the expansion of other countries such as India, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. The goal of the research is to emphasize, in addition to the basic geopolitical component, the importance of the geoeconomic component, as derived, in international relations, which is often less clearly visible in the background of many international conflicts and alliances. The main thesis of the paper is that dominant geostrategic powers such as the USA, China and Russia follow their long-term geopolitical and geoeconomic interests and goals putting them into conflicting or allied relations, which is again re...
Socioloski pregled
The aim of this research is to examine how the coronavirus, which has become a global process, ha... more The aim of this research is to examine how the coronavirus, which has become a global process, has affected the labour market. The goal is to confirm or reject the hypothesis that there has been an increase in unemployment since the beginning of the pandemic. Also, the aim is to answer the research question whether social dialogue has managed to mitigate the negative effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Analytical and descriptive methods were used in this research. The scientific research presented in this paper makes a significant contribution to the study of the impact of the coronavirus on the regions, economic activity and unemployment. The paper presents data on the number of the (un)employed in the world before the beginning of the pandemic and after the end of the first and most critical year.

Journal of Regional Security
Existing knowledge of the geopolitics of public health and the coronavirus pandemic indicates tha... more Existing knowledge of the geopolitics of public health and the coronavirus pandemic indicates that states, particularly the most powerful ones (the United States, China, Russia), have used the current global crisis to strengthen their influence worldwide, in line with their geopolitical, economic, and military aspirations. Geopoliticisation of the COVID-19 vaccines have not been explored so far. Based on the qualitative analysis of the media content and statistics on the vaccines' distribution, this article makes two arguments. First, these vaccines have become an extension of foreign policy by other means. Second, geopoliticisation of the distribution of vaccine contributes to an instrumentalisation of the pandemic, raising global insecurity and the destabilisation of states and economies on the periphery and semi-periphery. Due to this new Cold War between the 'vaccine superpowers' , the world has become divided into Western and the Eastern 'vaccine-blocs'. Wit...
Rad predstavlja pokušaj da se ponudi objektivna analiza dominantnih društvenih i političkih proce... more Rad predstavlja pokušaj da se ponudi objektivna analiza dominantnih društvenih i političkih procesa u Evropi i na području Balkana kao njenom specifičnom delu, kao i da se ti procesi stave u objektivan globalni geopolitički kontekst. U tom smislu se opisuje proces povratka tzv. real-politike i tzv. politike moći u svetske odnose, te se istražuju posledice ovog procesa po Evropu, Balkan i posebno po kapacitet Evropske unije za proširenje, što je tema od prvoklasnog značaja za Srbiju kao državu i društvo. Stoga analiza ponuđena u ovom radu može biti korisna za konceptualizovanje javnih politika u Srbiji i osmišljavanje realističnog pristupa procesu evropskih integracija s obzirom na moguća dešavanja u Evropi u budućnosti, umesto ideoloških diskursa koji ne računaju s mogućim menjanjem globalnog i kontinentalnog konteksta
Papers by Neven Cveticanin