Papers by Nety Cahyani dewi
Nety Cahyani Dewi, 2021
Islamic financial planning is a fallah which is the initial goal for
financial that provides ben... more Islamic financial planning is a fallah which is the initial goal for
financial that provides benefits and tranquility not only in the world
in giving life from all these activities with good and correct financial
management in accordance with Islamic sharia, as in the business
world Kalila Amelia Cosmetics is a business development that take
many interest by the wider community, especially among women, so
that the need for good and correct islamic financial planning. For
this type of research using field research, for the object of this
research is an entrepreneur who worked long with the world of
cosmetics. Data collection using interview methods, observations
and documentation and to analyze this research is used descriptive
( Nety Cahyani Dewi ( 180105020012) ), 2021
Absstact The current capital market is an instrument finance or called (securities) which is self... more Absstact The current capital market is an instrument finance or called (securities) which is self stock (stocks) or debt (bonds) that plays an important role as an investment container for investors who have differences. Originally, the capital market itself have one type, but as it developed, was formed two types capital markets, that is Islamic capital market and conventional capital market which are contained in capital market itself which had been in operation in since 1950. Therefore, the emergency law about exchange Act on Exchange Number 13 in 1951 was enacted and then UU Number 15 in 1952 be appointed and the the Capital Market (BAPEPAM) was formed represented by the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) able to compete with the capital market represented by the LQ45 index to know its growth and development..
human eror inflation menurut Al-Maqrizi dari teori modern oleh kelompok 3, 2020
Papers by Nety Cahyani dewi
financial that provides benefits and tranquility not only in the world
in giving life from all these activities with good and correct financial
management in accordance with Islamic sharia, as in the business
world Kalila Amelia Cosmetics is a business development that take
many interest by the wider community, especially among women, so
that the need for good and correct islamic financial planning. For
this type of research using field research, for the object of this
research is an entrepreneur who worked long with the world of
cosmetics. Data collection using interview methods, observations
and documentation and to analyze this research is used descriptive
financial that provides benefits and tranquility not only in the world
in giving life from all these activities with good and correct financial
management in accordance with Islamic sharia, as in the business
world Kalila Amelia Cosmetics is a business development that take
many interest by the wider community, especially among women, so
that the need for good and correct islamic financial planning. For
this type of research using field research, for the object of this
research is an entrepreneur who worked long with the world of
cosmetics. Data collection using interview methods, observations
and documentation and to analyze this research is used descriptive