Papers by Nestor Garay-vitoria
II. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu bilduma. Ingeniaritza eta Arkitektura

ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2016
The computer input/output (I/O) subsystem and its functioning are very abstract concepts that are... more The computer input/output (I/O) subsystem and its functioning are very abstract concepts that are difficult for undergraduate freshmen to understand. However, it is important that freshmen assimilate these low-level concepts if they are going to be taught about the operating systems (OS) working over that architecture layer, or working directly with them in embedded systems, real-time systems, or in the area of human--computer interaction (HCI). This article describes the use of a game console (Nintendo® DS, NDS) in a project-based learning (PBL or PjBL) environment in which the design of a game is the basis of the project in order to encourage the students to get more involved with the computer I/O subsystem abstraction. A 4yr experience is reported in which the action research model (planning, acting, observing, and reflecting) has been followed. The general procedure for the 4yr and the specific characteristics and achieved results for each year are reported. The aim of the study...

Research Square (Research Square), Feb 14, 2023
Human participation in technological research projects has become more frequent in recent years. ... more Human participation in technological research projects has become more frequent in recent years. However, most of the technological researchers who organize such experimentation are unaware about the various ethical and legal implications involved. Further, when it is a medical device prototype that is being evaluated, the ethical and legal implications may be even more complex. A review of the laws, standards and recommendations in Europe has been drawn up regarding human participation in new technology co-design, development and evaluation, focusing on technological research for assistive and medical devices. An easy-to-use tool, called Ethool, which acts as a guideline for European technological researchers has been designed and developed. In this manuscript, the iterative usability evaluation of Ethool is explained as well as the improvements made, following participants' feedback. Ethool was rated as acceptable and usable by participants obtaining a SUS score of 93.0 in its last evaluation. The tool is currently available to be used by any interested parties with the aim of gathering additional feedback.

ReVision, 2017
En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto piloto planteado desde la Facultad de Informatica de la U... more En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto piloto planteado desde la Facultad de Informatica de la Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) con el objetivo de potenciar la visibilidad de la Informatica como ciencia en la educacion primaria y secundaria, dejando de lado la mera utilizacion de herramientas informaticas y profundizando en varios conceptos informaticos. Ademas se pretende que estudiantes de niveles superiores se conviertan en docentes para niveles inferiores, impulsando de esta manera la transmision del conocimiento entre distintos niveles formativos y construyendo estrategias pedagogicas para la transmision del conocimiento y de las actividades de aprendizaje entre la universidad y la educacion secundaria para, despues, realizar dicha transmision desde la educacion secundaria a la primaria. En el articulo se hara un resumen de las actividades propuestas por los estudiantes del grado en Ingenieria Informatica que participan en el proyecto y se comentaran las innovaciones, los ...

Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2021
In recent years engineers developing new technologies with assistive or medical purposes have bec... more In recent years engineers developing new technologies with assistive or medical purposes have become aware that to create acceptable and usable solutions they need to involve final users, patients and stakeholders in the design, development and evaluation of systems as well as in the device certification processes. Involving stakeholders in such processes has several ethical and legal implications. It has become evident that it is still difficult for engineers in Europe to know which ethical and legal processes should be carried out as they have not been previously trained in these issues during their studies. This article is a review of the laws, standards and recommendations applicable in Europe concerning human involvement in new technologies research, with the aim of helping researchers in the region in question to identify the ethical and legal issues that could arise during those tasks. This review has been carried out in response to the identified need on the part of technological researchers. The design of a flowchart is presented as a summary of the interpretation of the documentation reviewed with the aim of helping the researchers to take the ethical and legal decisions that apply to research involving humans. The flowchart presented has been validated with various research projects in which the authors have participated. The proposed conceptual design can be used for taking decisions, but it is suggested that a tool based on this design be built with the aim of making decision taking easier for researchers in this area.
Ekaia Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzi Eta Teknologi Aldizkaria, 1999
Several word prediction methods to help the communication of people with disabilities can be foun... more Several word prediction methods to help the communication of people with disabilities can be found in the recent literature. Most Of them have been developed for English or other non-inflected languages. While most of these methods can be modified to be used in other languages with similar structures, they may not be directly adapted to inflected languages. In this paper some word prediction techniques are reviewed and the difficulties to apply them to inflected languages are studied. Possibilities for word prediction methods that cope with the enormous number of different inflexions of each word are proposed, using Basque as the target language. Finally, conclusions about word prediction for inflected languages are extracted from the experience with the Basque language.

Resumen Los dispositivos de comunicación alternativa son muy útiles para personas carentes de la ... more Resumen Los dispositivos de comunicación alternativa son muy útiles para personas carentes de la capacidad del habla, debido a diversas discapacidades motoras y/o orales, pero, a menudo, resultan ser lentos y carentes de expresión emocional. A pesar de los avances en aspectos tales como la velocidad de comunicación (e.g. mediante la anticipación de palabras), el problema de la falta de expresión emocional de estos dispositivos no está hoy en día tan bien analizado. La aparición de la computación emocional abre una puerta a la inclusión de información de contexto para reflejar emociones, estados de ánimo y actitudes en las ayudas a la comunicación. Una de las áreas de comunicación potencialmente más problemática es el uso de voz sintética emocional a través del teléfono. En este documento presentamos los resultados de un experimento en el que verificamos empíricamente que la expresión de voz sintética emocional a través de la línea telefónica no deviene en una pérdida significativa d...
European Project Space on Research and Applications of Information, Communication Systems, Knowledge Technology and Health Applications, 2015
Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2019
This paper presents the results obtained in emotion recognition estimations are shown on audio an... more This paper presents the results obtained in emotion recognition estimations are shown on audio and videos gathered from the RekEmozio database, for both Spanish and Basque languages. Emotion categorization has been performed using the Big-Six emotions, in which emotions considered as universal for all humankind are used. Regarding emotion recognition in human speech, the results obtained reached 60% in Spanish and 59% in Basque. Outcomes achieved for some of the techniques used reached 100% for emotional facial expression recognition. The work carried out so far opens the door for follow-up work for other languages or classifications.
Universal Access in the Information Society, 2021
Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2019
Recently, there has been growing interest in analyzing the relationship between sleep quality and... more Recently, there has been growing interest in analyzing the relationship between sleep quality and brain capacities, in terms of memory consolidation and the possible appearance of degenerative diseases such as dementias, including Alzheimer. This paper presents the development of the neuromodulation closed-loop algorithms for sleep stages, spindles and slow-wave sleep (SWS) detection and stimulation generation based on a single electroencephalography (EEG) signal acquisition with the aim of developing a wearable device easy to wear and easy to use for the users. This work presents the characteristics of the system and the initial results.

IEEE Access, 2019
Computer systems need to have sufficient ability and intelligence to communicate with people. To ... more Computer systems need to have sufficient ability and intelligence to communicate with people. To this end, they have to be able to interpret or manage certain types of information that people are used to perceiving in human communications, such as speech modulation, facial expression and so on taking human emotions into account. The ontology-based platform proposed in this paper attempts to support the development of resources that need to take emotion transmission into account, especially in communication between users and interactive systems. To this end, the factors relevant to the transmission of affective states have been studied and included in an ontology. Based on this ontology, a platform was created to guide the development of emotional resources that provide users with more natural interfaces. Finally, an interactive multimodal system was created to validate the proposed ontology-based platform and to apply the study to real-life cases.

International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2018
Ubiquitous environments have considerable potential to provide services supporting daily activiti... more Ubiquitous environments have considerable potential to provide services supporting daily activities (using public transportation to and from workplace, using ATM machines, selecting and purchasing goods in ticketing or vending machines, etc.) in order to assist people with disabilities. Nevertheless, the ubiquitous service providers generally supply generic user interfaces which are not usually accessible for all potential end users. In this article, a case study to verify the adequacy of the user interfaces automatically generated by the Egoki system for two supporting ubiquitous services adapted to young adults with moderate intellectual disabilities was presented. The task completion times and the level of assistance required by participants when using the interfaces were analyzed. Participants were able to access services through a tablet and successfully complete the tasks, regardless of their level of expertise and familiarity with the service. Moreover, results indicate that their performance and confidence improved with practice, as they required fewer direct verbal and pointer cues to accomplish tasks. By applying observational methods during the experimental sessions, several potential improvements for the automated interface generation process were also detected.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
The way to achieve enough data for data mining is by accessing existing databases or directly acq... more The way to achieve enough data for data mining is by accessing existing databases or directly acquiring data with the aim of creating new databases. In this paper we present the DAFIESKU system built to acquire different types of physiological data via experiments and the factors taken into account when developing it, in order to facilitate the creation of new datasets by means of mobile and wearable devices. DAFIESKU has been evaluated on a case study associated to non-classroom learning.

Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 25, 2015
In this paper, a new supervised classification paradigm, called classifier subset selection for s... more In this paper, a new supervised classification paradigm, called classifier subset selection for stacked generalization (CSS stacking), is presented to deal with speech emotion recognition. The new approach consists of an improvement of a bi-level multi-classifier system known as stacking generalization by means of an integration of an estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) in the first layer to select the optimal subset from the standard base classifiers. The good performance of the proposed new paradigm was demonstrated over different configurations and datasets. First, several CSS stacking classifiers were constructed on the RekEmozio dataset, using some specific standard base classifiers and a total of 123 spectral, quality and prosodic features computed using in-house feature extraction algorithms. These initial CSS stacking classifiers were compared to other multi-classifier systems and the employed standard classifiers built on the same set of speech features. Then, new CS...
New Achievements in Technology Education and Development, 2010

Human–Computer Interaction Series, 2013
ABSTRACT Ubiquitous Computing has proved to be an excellent way of providing technological suppor... more ABSTRACT Ubiquitous Computing has proved to be an excellent way of providing technological support for the daily life of people within its range. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), which is largely based on Ubiquitous Computing, aims at tutoring and supervising elderly people and users with physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities in the performance of routine household activities. AAL’s main aim is to increase the autonomy of dependent people in their daily life by providing them with supportive instructions for everyday routines and warnings about home safety issues. This concept can be extended to public spaces, where ubiquitous accessible services allow people with disabilities to access location-dependent web services (providingmaps, addresses, transport schedules, etc.) and local intelligent machines (such as information kiosks or ATMs). This approach allows existing knowledge about the users, their common activities, and their environment to be used to extend the in-home AAL concept to the support of common routines performed outside the home. This chapter surveys the modelling techniques used inside the home and discusses the methodologies required for their extension for out-of-home use, including interoperation and sharing of models.
Papers by Nestor Garay-vitoria