Nelson Cabaço
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Papers by Nelson Cabaço
osteological remains and industry in the Archaeological Complex of Perdigões (Portugal). The majority of
these evidences are thermo-altered and highly fragmented. Radiocarbon dates for this context place it in
the middle 3rd millennium BC. Typological analyses indicate that the human femur fragment is a burin, and
use-wear comparisons suggest that it was used to drill hide. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this paper the authors present the study of the faunal assemblage associated to the funerary Bronze Age contexts of Nucleus B of Outeiro Alto 2 (Serpa), both hipogea and pits. The taxa are Sus sp. and Bos sp. revealing an anatomical representation mainly composed by bones of the fore limbs.
The faunal association in hipogea 62 and 65 is similar to the rituals observed in hipogea from Torre Velha 3, Belmeque and Montinhos 6, also from Bronze Age, and at the same region: isolated radius diaphysis from an animal compatible to bovid. The ritual observed in pit 53 is particular and still exclusive of this site, where a set of disarticulated bones are deposed directly on the human body.
Identificando um conjunto de dificuldades comuns às duas disciplinas, os presentes decidiram criar um grupo de trabalho informal para fomentar o diálogo profissional e com as instituições universitárias, a tutela (administração central e regional), as empresas e a comunidade arqueológica em geral.
osteological remains and industry in the Archaeological Complex of Perdigões (Portugal). The majority of
these evidences are thermo-altered and highly fragmented. Radiocarbon dates for this context place it in
the middle 3rd millennium BC. Typological analyses indicate that the human femur fragment is a burin, and
use-wear comparisons suggest that it was used to drill hide. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this paper the authors present the study of the faunal assemblage associated to the funerary Bronze Age contexts of Nucleus B of Outeiro Alto 2 (Serpa), both hipogea and pits. The taxa are Sus sp. and Bos sp. revealing an anatomical representation mainly composed by bones of the fore limbs.
The faunal association in hipogea 62 and 65 is similar to the rituals observed in hipogea from Torre Velha 3, Belmeque and Montinhos 6, also from Bronze Age, and at the same region: isolated radius diaphysis from an animal compatible to bovid. The ritual observed in pit 53 is particular and still exclusive of this site, where a set of disarticulated bones are deposed directly on the human body.
Identificando um conjunto de dificuldades comuns às duas disciplinas, os presentes decidiram criar um grupo de trabalho informal para fomentar o diálogo profissional e com as instituições universitárias, a tutela (administração central e regional), as empresas e a comunidade arqueológica em geral.