Papers by Nathaniel Jemimah

Social Science Research Network, Aug 4, 2017
Considering most of our Universities that have a stationary campus map at their main entrance whi... more Considering most of our Universities that have a stationary campus map at their main entrance which in most cases is outdated; with a campus that is expanding in size and in its number of buildings, locating those buildings can be very tedious especially for someone new to the campus.This paper proposed a campus guide for Modibbo Adama University of technology, Yola (MAUTECH). The MAUTECH Android Campus Guide application is developed to address the problems of freshman student waste of time in looking for offices, lecture theatres and departments. It will also serve as a navigation system for interested persons who would like to move from place to place on the campus but do not know how. An application was developed to serve primarily as a means to serve as a navigation guide to facilitate movement around the University campus. The application does this by serving as an information repository where people can easily discover more about the facilities and staff/faculty contained in Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola. Also with the integration of Google Maps into the application, moving around the campus for new comers and other visitors is made more convenient.This research will be a useful tool in the recruitment of students and during campus events (matriculation and convocation ceremonies) where there is a large influx of visitors on the campus. The application was designed with the view of providing maximum simplicity, quality user experience; create user interface and most importantly accurate data.

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2022
Low socio-economic development can support the conditions for social violence and conflict, but i... more Low socio-economic development can support the conditions for social violence and conflict, but it is also a consequence of violence and conflict. Through Goal 16, the SDGs recognize the long reaching consequences of conflict and violence for development outcomes. Not only is violence a severe hindrance for development, it can reverse many years of development gains. A whole of society approach is required to proactively address on and offline misinformation networks, ensuring that government, civil society, private sector and vulnerable populations work together to inform policies and programming that balances freedom of expression with the need to curb mis/disinformation. Recognizing the centrality of Goal 16 as an enabler and accelerator for the 2030 Agenda, further efforts are required to strengthen national capacities for data collection, analysis and data prioritization. As with many other Sustainable Development Goals it is also urgent to address the lack of data disaggregate...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
This research is aimed at developing a Software Framework for poultry management with the objecti... more This research is aimed at developing a Software Framework for poultry management with the objectives: To provide poultry farmers with expert knowledge from the comfort of their homes. The system is developed using generic iterative waterfall model as methodology, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap for graphical user interface. PHP is used as programming language and MySQL as DBMS and normalization technique. The system is hosted locally for validation and testing on Xampp local host. The researchers recommended Poultry farmers to adopt and use the software framework because it can give knowledge on how to manage poultry expert system of different categories in poultry farming.

International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-6 | Issue-1 , February 2019, URL: , 2019
The conventional manual timetabling system requires a lot of manpower, heavy workload and time co... more The conventional manual timetabling system requires a lot of manpower, heavy workload and time consuming to arrange the entire variables, especially with increasing constraints. This research proposes a general solution for the institutional timetabling problem; it gives details of a simple genetic approach to the University timetable problem. By using Genetic algorithm, we are able to reduce the time require to generate timetable which is more accurate, precise and free of human errors. The basic idea behind this review is to investigate the performance of Genetic Algorithm on general scheduling problem under predefined constraints, satisfying those constraints to get the feasible and optimized schedule; the model is directed to the construction of timetables in institutions.

International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , February 2018, URL: , 2018
Location awareness using mobile application could allow friends to view each other's locations on... more Location awareness using mobile application could allow friends to view each other's locations on a map to make meeting up easier. The application has proved to be highly useful with a lot of advantages such as being able to navigate to another user and another form of communication medium when phone call or text messaging fails. Further work should be done on the system.on the location awareness system which gives the users' current location, sends this location using SMS plus sharing location with friends and views them on Google maps. Users can also take benefit of this application in emergency situations by using emergency feature of these applications. A mobile client who consists of a mobile and GPS receiver finds the locations of the user to get aware of his location. In order to share this location the mobile client sends this location to the web server from where other users can get this location if they have the authentication provided by the user. Analysts predict that within the next few years, this technology will become omnipresent.

International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , August 2017, Dr. Oye N.D; Vivian Nathaniel, Jemimah Nathaniel. Volume 4(4), ISSN: 2394-9333, 2017
Technologies in medical treatment are important as well as during pre-treatment of medical consul... more Technologies in medical treatment are important as well as during pre-treatment of medical consultation and diagnosing disease until the actual treatment by a specialist or doctor. With the few number of medical practitioners who have to attend to a lot of people at clinics, patients wait longer period in queues before diseases are being diagnosed by a specialist and when the treatment is stated, it may already be late and the patient could suffer for life or in worse case may die. Computer technologies such as expert system(ES) can solve these problems with the aim of conducting earlier diagnosis for diseases in patients, identifying disease symptoms and provide immediate and accurate response to save patient life. With expert system in place, the ability and the frequency of making good decision is high. This facilitates a sort of consistency in decision making in this case, on health issues. The basic principle of the expert system being AI has made a breakthrough in the science world. Visual basic 2010 programming language as front-end was used to implement the system, together with Microsoft access database system. The uses of expert system in the diagnosis of SDT have also help in keeping patient record system. This research has shown clearly that the role of expert system is that of intermediary between the patient and the doctor. The development and use of ES for diagnosis of STD is an innovation towards making medical diagnosis safer, efficient and reliable.

International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), Oye N. D., Jemimah Nathaniel ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-7 | Issue-1 , February 2020,, 2020
With the increasing population in our global world calamities and disasters have become indisputa... more With the increasing population in our global world calamities and disasters have become indisputable facts of human existence and they have plagued the human race throughout history. Adamawa state have suffered loss of estimated material value due to natural and man-made disasters ranging from flooding, fire outbreak, suicide bombers attackers and Boko Haram insurgency to mention but few. The emergency management and response system framework will serve as a guide for designing emergency and response systems. The framework if implemented by ADSEMA will offer a better and robust means of managing and responding to emergencies in Adamawa state, than the current traditional method of managing and responding to emergencies presently adopted by ADSEMA.

International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering & Technology - IRJIET International Open Access, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal , 2020
The discipline of knowledge engineering grew out of the early work on expert systems in the seven... more The discipline of knowledge engineering grew out of the early work on expert systems in the seventies. The purpose is not necessarily to develop systems that replace humans, but to allow the use of systems that increase human effectiveness and efficiency. Another issue that frequently comes up in discussions about problemsolving methods is their correspondence with human reasoning. Invocation of the propose task produces one new parameter assignment, the smallest possible extension of an existing design. Domain-specific, search-control knowledge guides the order of parameter selection, based on the components they belong to. Ontology is specified describing the categories of the domain knowledge and the relationships between these categories. Knowledge roles link the components of the method to elements of the application domain; ontologies provide guidelines for building domain conceptualizations, such as the construction of subsumption hierarchies. The traditional methodologies such as System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Object oriented analysis and design (OOAD), Waterfall and Rapid Application Development (RAD) have struggled to accommodate the web-specific aspects into their method and work practices. Most of the websites are based on graphical hypermedia systems, databasedriven information system, and also security systems.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology © 2020 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | ISSN : 2456, 2020
This research is aimed at developing a Software Framework for poultry management with the objecti... more This research is aimed at developing a Software Framework for poultry management with the objectives: To provide poultry farmers with expert knowledge from the comfort of their homes. The system is developed using generic iterative waterfall model as methodology, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap for graphical user interface. PHP is used as programming language and MySQL as DBMS and normalization technique. The system is hosted locally for validation and testing on Xampp local host. The researchers recommended Poultry farmers to adopt and use the software framework because it can give knowledge on how to manage poultry expert system of different categories in poultry farming.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology , 2018
The need to control access to certain information and resources has been taken seriously nowadays... more The need to control access to certain information and resources has been taken seriously nowadays due to fraud and other threats to current security systems. The role of ATM in promoting, developing and expanding the concept of "Anytime Anywhere Anyplace" banking is undeniable. It offers a real convenience to those who are on the run in their everyday life, but at the same time, it also carries a big element of risk. This paper believes

International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 2018
This research is based on the order for consumers to make effective decisions when using drugs, t... more This research is based on the order for consumers to make effective decisions when using drugs, there is the need to make certain information available. The use of drug verification system to provide information on registered pharmaceutical drugs will be of immense help to the country and the world. With the help of this system, the user can search if a prescribed drug is registered. This system is a web-based application developed using Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) and MYSQL database, the methodology used in the implementation of the system is Vshaped model of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This system integrates with registered drugs and their respective details from National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the software developed for the implementation of this research can be used by any drug enforcement agency other than NAFDAC. It also provides solution to help in the fight against counterfeit drugs and majorly unregistered drugs by allowing users to verify the authenticity of the drugs and to report otherwise.

Among all the biometrics, fingerprint based identification is one of the most mature and proven t... more Among all the biometrics, fingerprint based identification is one of the most mature and proven technique. Surface fingerprint characteristics, can be obscured during imaging by moisture, dirt or wear which has become a challenge. Multispectral imaging technology, on the other hand, was specifically developed to overcome the fingerprint-capture problems commonly found with conventional fingerprint systems in less-than-ideal conditions. This technology uses multiple sources and types of light and advanced polarization techniques to extract unique fingerprint characteristics from both the surface and subsurface of the skin. This paper focuses on vulnerabilities and the increasing wave of criminal activities occurring at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) where quick cash is the prime target for criminals rather than at banks themselves. A biometric measure as a means of enhancing the security for banking system for both customer’s & bankers also. We also proposed a total elimination of ...

Considering most of our Universities that have a stationary campus map at their main entrance whi... more Considering most of our Universities that have a stationary campus map at their main entrance which in most cases is outdated; with a campus that is expanding in size and in its number of buildings, locating those buildings can be very tedious especially for someone new to the campus.This paper proposed a campus guide for Modibbo Adama University of technology, Yola (MAUTECH). The MAUTECH Android Campus Guide application is developed to address the problems of freshman student waste of time in looking for offices, lecture theatres and departments. It will also serve as a navigation system for interested persons who would like to move from place to place on the campus but do not know how. An application was developed to serve primarily as a means to serve as a navigation guide to facilitate movement around the University campus. The application does this by serving as an information repository where people can easily discover more about the facilities and staff/faculty contained in M...

This paper examined the impact of UTAUT model and ICT theoretical framework on university academi... more This paper examined the impact of UTAUT model and ICT theoretical framework on university academicians. The UTAUT model theory was verified using multiple regressions of the four constructs on behavioral intention to accept and use ICT by the Adamawa State University (ADSU) academic staff. The ICT theoretical framework reveals the connectivity between education and the independent variables, use of ICT, ICT infrastructure, staff development and ICT available tools as it brings transformation in education. We have verified the influence of the four UTAUT constructs on the behavioral intention of the university academicians towards the acceptance and use of ICT for teaching and learning. The UTAUT constructs significantly correlated with behavioral intention to use ICT. These are the factors associated with ICT acceptance and usage in Adamawa State University. According to our results Perceived Usefulness (PU) has R 2 = .181 and significant with p-value .047(model 1), and Perceived ease of use (PEOU), has R 2 = .270, significant with p-vale .000 (model 10). This has answered objective 1, which is to examine the factors associated with ICT acceptance and usage in (ADSU). The study confirms that the most influential UTAUT constructs influencing the behavioral intention of the academic staff to accept and use ICT is Effort expectancy (EE) in (ADSU)(model 10), with R= .519 and R 2 = .270 (Answered Objective 2). This study confirms the validity of the UTAUT model in the field context of a developing country"s educational system. Knowledge gained from the study is beneficial to both the university academic staff and the ICT policy makers in developing countries.

International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 2019
Participation in SIWES since its inception has become a necessary precondition for the award cert... more Participation in SIWES since its inception has become a necessary precondition for the award certificates in specific disciplines especially Engineering, Sciences and other Technology related disciplines in most tertiary institutions across Nigeria, in accordance with the education policy of government. Nigeria has about 200 tertiary institutions which include Universities, Polytechnics, and college of educations. With over 200 tertiary institutions (Universities, Polytechnics, and College of Educations) across the country operating on different academic calendar, the number of students that participate in SIWES from Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education is within the range of 15000 to 25000 yearly for a minimum of 4 to 6 month; the ITF is task with managing and maintaining the record. For such reasons, most of the ITF area offices across the 36 states of the country and SIWES offices in the institutions all over the country have a collection of manual files and registers to store a record of students embarking on the skill acquisition exercise from these institutions across the country every year. The existing system is characterized by the manual approach of record-keeping, and feature an inappropriate flow of information within the separate unit of the ITF. Students are issued with SIWES Letter of introduction from their department, which is obtained. Students submit acceptance letters obtained from their proposed area of industrial attachment and are issued with a form to record their bank account details and form 8 which usually comes after students have gone on industrial training. The weakness of the existing system, are: Delay inflow of information between various units involves in SIWES coordination. Presence of redundant information. The procedure for obtaining SIWES forms is stressful. The procedure of managing student's record is prone to error. The proposed system was developed to run on a remote server using web technology and will be accessed by the users using a web browser such as Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome or internet explorer. The new system will feature a friendly graphical user interface for interacting with the users; the system will feature a security subsystem that will be used to authenticate a user requesting access into the system. The proposed system has 5 different types of interface for interacting with the system each of which grants specific access right to the operations the users can perform. They are Student interface, Departmental interface, Institution interface, State area office interface and national interface. The implementation of this system requires the use of web technology and web development language in particular PHP. The front-end of the system is developed using basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript while at the back-end, PHP for server interaction and MySQL is used for the data structure.
Papers by Nathaniel Jemimah