Papers by Nathaniel Gyimah

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become the most pressing virus that has affected the world negatively.... more Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become the most pressing virus that has affected the world negatively. This virus has brought many setbacks in all aspects of life including education. This study was conducted to find out how technological innovation has been introduced into education as the world is still battling with the COVID-19 pandemic. This study depended on primary and secondary sources of data. Wholly, the documents prepared by the International Labour Organisation captioned as ILO Sectoral Brief and United Nations Economic, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) constituted major facts of this research. It was identified that indeed technological innovation has become very relevant as in E-learning. Another finding was that numerous developing countries are still encountering barriers in enjoying E-learning as internet connectivity is a major problem. It was recommended that Non-Governmental Organisations should avail themselves to improve the state of internet connectivity in most of the developing countries to enjoy E-learning. Adequate training and workshop should be organised to educate students and teachers on the usage of E-learning in the world.
Nathaniel Gyimah, 2020
District Assembly Common Fund is the most important area to be given strict attention. This resea... more District Assembly Common Fund is the most important area to be given strict attention. This research was conducted to educate readers about the rationale beyond the establishment of the District Assembly Common Fund in Ghana. This study relied on both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data like fieldwork was used to derive information from the ground. Moreover, secondary data such as Newsletter, articles, published and unpublished works on District Assembly Common Fund were used. Importantly, content analysis was used to analyse the gathered data.

Nathaniel Gyimah, 2020
Road accidents in Ghana are taking out the lives of innocent Ghanaians. The causes of this calami... more Road accidents in Ghana are taking out the lives of innocent Ghanaians. The causes of this calamity are always different from one point of view to another. This research has been executed to provide expedient information on contributing factors to road accidents in Ghana. The research has made use of predecessors' works on the causes of road accidents and their effects. Moreover, the study utilised a mixed/integrated approach to research mainly to produce unbiased information. A good collection of data was done through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Furthermore, convenience and simple random sampling techniques were used. Genuinely, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyse the gathered information. The study engaged two hundred (200) respondents as a sample size that is 100 road safety stakeholders and 100 road users. Moreover, the major contributing factors to road accidents were identified as follows; poor nature of roads, carelessness of road users, faulty vehicles, stress, unskilled drivers, inadequate road signs, inefficient MTTU personnel, speeding, lack of education, drunkenness, and gross indiscipline. Other findings were; Drivers: rash driving, violation of rules, failure to understand signs, fatigue. Pedestrian: carelessness, illiteracy, crossing at wrong places moving on the carriageway, Jaywalkers. Passengers: Projecting their body outside the vehicle, by talking to drivers. Vehicles: failure of brakes or steering, tyre burst, insufficient headlights, overloading, projecting loads. Road conditions: potholes, damaged road, eroded road merging of rural roads with highways. Weather conditions: Fog, snow, heavy rainfall, wind storms, hail storms. Based on the findings, recommendations were stipulated under the following headings; Education, Provision of road signs, Enforcement of traffic and road safety regulations, Avoidance of attitudes/distractions leading to road accidents, Availability of logistics, Construction of good roads, Maintenance of roads and vehicles and Positive development.

Nathaniel Gyimah, 2020
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a crucial discipline which has unique f... more Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a crucial discipline which has unique features for development in the world’s economy. An economy that needs sustainable development has to be given sensitive attention to TVET. This research studied the world through three (3) selected continents namely Africa, Asia, and Europe to highlight the key patterns of TVET since its inception on the development of the world’s economy. This research adopted a case study approach to handle all specially selected continents into detailed case areas. Due to the large extent of the world, only secondary data (Published and Unpublished) were the main source of information for this research as in data collection. Importantly, a qualitative research approach was institutionalised in this research through content analysis as the main tool for data analysis. This research considered a study conducted by UNESCO (2013) on TVET as the main findings of this research as it illustrated all the characteristics of reforms that TVET systems in the world must hold to be successful in delivering TVET programmes through various means. Prominently, recommendations were sorted from an article written by Afeti (2017) on ‘The importance of TVET in Africa’s socio-economic development’ Additionally, other recommendations were gathered from TVET workshop dubbed ‘2nd Africa China World Bank Education Partnership Forum’ organised by World Bank Group in China at Ningbo Polytechnic on 2018.

Nathaniel Gyimah, 2020
The assertion made by Kaufman (2003); ‘Safe, affordable housing is a basic necessity for every fa... more The assertion made by Kaufman (2003); ‘Safe, affordable housing is a basic necessity for every family. Without a decent place to live, people cannot be productive members of society, children cannot learn and families cannot thrive’. This assertion motivated the researcher to make a clear cut clarification on social housing systems as being considered as affordable housing provided for people who cannot afford housing above the market rate. Social housing systems are structures provided for individuals who have disabilities or specific medical needs, elderly persons, single parents, individuals living in unsanitary or overcrowded housing, large or young family with dependent children, migrants, refugees or asylum seekers, legally classified as homeless (or threatened with homelessness). The study used secondary data throughout the research. Authors’ works on social housing systems have been presented in a logical and sequential fashion to make the understanding of social housing very easy.

Nathaniel Gyimah, 2019
The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of figh... more The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of fighting against pests and diseases in Ghanaians‟ cocoa farms would not just be adequate but rather uncovering the impact of the program on cocoa production is worth considering. It is therefore important to find out the impact of the program in the lives of farmers, chief farmers, and Municipal Coordinator for CODAPEC in Sefwi Wiawso Municipality of Western North Region. However, the study reviewed pieces of literature to find more information and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select cocoa-growing communities benefiting from the program and farmers respectively. Primary and secondary data were the sources of data for the study. Interview and questionnaire were the tools for data gathering. The study involved 100 farmers, 6 chief farmers and one Municipal Coordinator for CODAPEC as its respondents. Descriptive statistics tools such as frequency and percentage distribution tables were used to analyze data through the aid of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer software. One of the major findings of the study demonstrated that accessibility of the program had been troubled by bribery, favouritism, to whom you know, quarrel, spraying team not ready and serious, spraying team demanding money, insufficient supply of pesticides, inadequate supply of fuel for spraying had made it inaccessible to majority of farmers in the study areas. Another major finding was that four times spraying had been stressed by CODAPEC yearly. Other findings were that sprayings were done between July and November; these had brought an increasing rate in cocoa outputs at the study areas. Based on the finding it was recommended that; government through CODAPEC should supply sufficient pesticides and adequate fuel for spraying. Bribery, favoritism, and to whom you know concepts should be prohibited and discouraged from the era of the spraying program and individuals who are caught in such actions should be prosecuted and jailed if the law demands.

Nathaniel Gyimah , 2019
Galamsey operations are tremendously undermining the lands and endangering the livelihoods of fa... more Galamsey operations are tremendously undermining the lands and endangering the livelihoods of farmers and as a result, the general aim of the study was to assess the impact of galamsey operations on agricultural lands and livelihoods of farmers in the Affiena community in the Wassa Amenfi West District of the western region. However, relevant literature was used to review the study in relation to its objectives. The snowball sampling technique was used to find hidden farmers who gave out their lands for galamsey operations. Moreover, the study involved 50 farmers who gave out lands and depended on both primary and secondary sources of data. Importantly, structured interview and observation were used to collect data. Furthermore, descriptive statistical tools such as the frequency and percentage distribution tables were used to summarise socio-demographic profile of farmers through the aid of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer software but basically, the data analysis was focused on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The major findings of the study demonstrated that galamsey operations have resulted in uncovered pits, water pollution, school dropout, inadequate farmlands, and farm labours in the area. With reference to the findings, it was recommended that; first, policymakers should pass favourable agricultural policies to encourage farmers not to give out lands for galamsey operations and also attract adequate farm labours. Second, the government should call for strict reclamation of uncovered mining pits and persecute anyone who mines to pollute water bodies in the area. Last, non-governmental organizations should organize social and environmental sensitization crusades in the area to educate farmers and school dropout children about the need to stay away from galamsey.
Papers by Nathaniel Gyimah