Papers by Natalya Gusevskaya

SHS Web of Conferences
Russian universities offer many international and area studies for Bachelor's or Master's... more Russian universities offer many international and area studies for Bachelor's or Master's programs for students intending to work in the sphere of international cooperation. There has been, however, limited research into how these programs meet the learning needs of students in international and area studies. The rationale for conducting this research is to provide insights to educators on how they might design courses to develop better professional skills. A review of the literature highlights the concerns of academics and practitioners about the balance in curriculum emphasis between political theory and international cooperation practice. This study examined the merits of different pedagogical approaches through the experiences of educators from different tertiary offerings. It is argued that there are some categories of proficiencies that are required to sustain a career in the field of international and area studies. Based on the findings, recommendations have been prov...
KANT, 2020
The article deals with the researches of American scientists who studied the problem of domestic ... more The article deals with the researches of American scientists who studied the problem of domestic and foreign policy coordination. Their scientific merit is in identifying the specifics of domestic and international factors interaction and proposing concepts for theoretical overcoming the contradictions between domestic and foreign policy.
The fourth wave science and technology revolution is quickly ushering worldwide military revoluti... more The fourth wave science and technology revolution is quickly ushering worldwide military revolution. The major powers are accelerating their own research on new military technology. This presents significant changes to the international security system: the existing disarmament and arms control system is on the brink of collapse, strategic competition among the big powers has intensified, and the risk of global turbulence is on the rise. That' why the great powers should look at one another' s strategic intents objectively and rationally. Contradictions and disputes should be settled through dialogue instead of force.

Historical memory is the basis, the mental core of public consciousness that provides the ability... more Historical memory is the basis, the mental core of public consciousness that provides the ability to identify an individual and the entire society as a whole. Historical memory is the most important catalyst for social consolidation. The article shows the historical memory role in national identity shaping. We have summarized the main methodological approaches to the study of historical memory, studied the mechanisms of national identity. The analysis of sources number allowed us to identify the specific ethnic identity formation processes, and to note the influence of the past collective memory on these processes. Historical education, state memorial policy, and other factors have a significant impact on historical memory. We offer some practical recommendations for the national identity shaping based on the historical memory in the course of teaching history, literature, and other social sciences.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Arts, Humanity and Economics, Management (ICAHEM 2019), 2020
Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University Series Pedagogical Sciences, 2018
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017), 2017
This article deals with the prospects and issues of Sino-Russian cooperation in modern conditions... more This article deals with the prospects and issues of Sino-Russian cooperation in modern conditions. Both China and Russia regard each other as the most important economic and political partner in the international affairs, because of the same or similar interests and opinions in global issues. The authors make the conclusion that Sino-Russian cooperation has prospects in different areas and American factor plays key role in it.
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, Nov 24, 2020

ruобучение иноязычному общению студентов неязыковых специальностей на основе использования иКТ и ... more ruобучение иноязычному общению студентов неязыковых специальностей на основе использования иКТ и активных методов обученияВ статье рассматривается проблема неэффективного обучения иностранным язы-кам в неязыковом вузе. Авторы обосновывают необходимость сочетания использова-ния ИКТ и активных методов обучения иностранному языку и предлагают методику, направленную на развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. С целью формирования всех составляющих иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции исследователи разработали формы работы и комплекс заданий, основывающихся на привлечении интернет-ресурсов в процессе проектной, самостоятельной, поисковой деятельности, использовании интерактивной доски на занятиях по иностранному язы-ку и автоматизированном, тестовом контроле. Авторами подчёркивается, что само по себе использование ИКТ, интернет-технологий в учебном процессе не является гаран-том качественного языкового образования, а лишь способствует развитию мотивации изучения иностр...

Общество: философия, история, культура
The purpose of the present study is to determine the priorities and imperatives of state policy, ... more The purpose of the present study is to determine the priorities and imperatives of state policy, both do-mestic and foreign, from the standpoints of various methodological approaches. Traditionally research-ers used only conservative and liberal approaches, rightly pointing out that the main determinants of the external and internal course of the state are ma-terial aspects, such as territory, social and political resources, military and technological power, eco-nomic potential. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: the author suggest that the state poli-cy should be analyzed from the standpoint of con-structivism, which provides a more complete expla-nation of the role of foreign policy in the system of efforts made by the state. Based on examining the phenomena of identity and collective historical memory, constructivism proves that the state policy is determined by the place which the issues of do-mestic and foreign policy have in the structure of public opinion, as ...
Интернационализация высшего образования, 2015
Papers by Natalya Gusevskaya