Papers by Natalucia Araújo

A Deus por tudo que tem me oferecido e por tornar realidade este sonho. Sei que não sou merecedor... more A Deus por tudo que tem me oferecido e por tornar realidade este sonho. Sei que não sou merecedora de tantas coisas boas. À Prof.ª Dr.ª Dulce Maria Rosa Gualda, pela orientação e sabedoria com que conduziu este trabalho, pela paciência e estímulo ao longo desta caminhada e por enxergar novos horizontes para o meu crescimento profissional e acreditar que eu pudesse desenvolvê-los. Às mulheres colaboradoras deste estudo que não abriram somente as portas de suas casas, mas também de suas vidas, para que este estudo fosse possível, que Deus as recompense e que faça vir dias melhores nessa nova etapa da maternidade. Aos meus irmãos, Maria Aparecida (in memorian), José Carlos, Vanda Maria, Jussara e Alex, pelo amor sempre demonstrado, fazendo viva a chama da amizade, ternura e respeito que nem mesmo a distância física é capaz de apagar. Amo vocês. Aos meus cunhados, sobrinhos, tios e primos, pelo carinho, incentivo e por sempre acreditarem na minha capacidade de desenvolver os meus projetos de vida. À Prof.ª Dr.ª Lúcia Cristina Florentino Pereira da Silva, pelo grande ser humano que é, amiga, e pela ajuda não somente no caminhar da carreira docente, mas também por compartilhar outros momentos igualmente importantes. Ao Prof. Dr. Edemilson Antunes de Campos e a Prof.ª Dr.ª Roselena Bazilli Bergamasco, pelas valiosas sugestões no Exame de Qualificação e na finalização deste trabalho.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp, Jun 1, 2012
Rev Esc Enferm USP 2012; 46(3):552-8 Body and sexuality during pregnancy Ar... more Rev Esc Enferm USP 2012; 46(3):552-8 Body and sexuality during pregnancy Araújo NM, Salim NR, Gualda DM, Silva LCFP intRodUction Rev Esc Enferm USP 2012; 46(3):552-8 Body and sexuality during pregnancy Araújo NM, Salim NR, Gualda DM, Silva LCFP nancy, they are afraid that these changes will be permanent, which could entail rejection by their partner.
Uso de vaselina líquida na prevenção de laceração perineal durante o parto

The aim of this study was to determine how women deal with sexuality and bodily changes during th... more The aim of this study was to determine how women deal with sexuality and bodily changes during the puerperium. A qualitative methodology was used and a semi-structured interview with a leading question script was chosen as the research tool. Six puerperas from the west area of São Paulo (Brazil) took part in this study. The interviews were accomplished at their homes. In analysis, the responses were grouped into three main categories: "Changes", Sexuality" and "Social Support". The study results revealed that during this period there are important changes. Sexuality has been shown to evolve many difficulties, fears and worries. The relationships with the person's partner and support network have revealed themselves as being of great importance. It can be concluded that the puerperal period evolves in terms of many transformations in the emotional and psychosocial areas. Thus it is necessary for health professionals who deal with women's care to value this period.

The aim of this study was to determine how women deal with sexuality and bodily changes during th... more The aim of this study was to determine how women deal with sexuality and bodily changes during the puerperium. A qualitative methodology was used and a semi-structured interview with a leading question script was chosen as the research tool. Six puerperas from the west area of São Paulo (Brazil) took part in this study. The interviews were accomplished at their homes. In analysis, the responses were grouped into three main categories: "Changes", Sexuality" and "Social Support". The study results revealed that during this period there are important changes. Sexuality has been shown to evolve many difficulties, fears and worries. The relationships with the person's partner and support network have revealed themselves as being of great importance. It can be concluded that the puerperal period evolves in terms of many transformations in the emotional and psychosocial areas. Thus it is necessary for health professionals who deal with women's care to value this period.
Programa Científico e Resumos, 2010
Programa Científico e Resumos, 2010
RECENF : Revista Técnico-Científica de Enfermagem, 2007

Women and Birth, 2020
BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM Surgical glue has been indicated for uncomplicated operatory wounds; howev... more BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM Surgical glue has been indicated for uncomplicated operatory wounds; however, it has a considerable cost. Non-surgical glue, a commercially available and cheaper product, has not been studied for repairing postpartum lacerations. AIM To compare non-surgical glue to traditional sutures on perineal first-degree lacerations after normal birth. METHODS In a prospective, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial, we selected childbearing women who were admitted for normal term births and in whom skin lacerations occurred. They were assigned to laceration repair using either non-surgical glue (ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate; Glue group) or catgut sutures (Suture group). The primary endpoint was the occurrence of dehiscence >3mm. Secondary endpoints were procedure runtime, pain score, satisfaction level, and aspects of perineal repair by the REEDA score (hyperaemia, oedema, ecchymosis, exudation, and coaptation) immediately (T0), 24-48h (T1), and 7-10 days (T2) after childbirth. FINDINGS We included 126 women, 63 in each group, and found a non-inferiority dehiscence rate in the Glue Group compared to the Control group (T1=1.6% vs. 1.6%, P=0.999 and P<0.001 for non-inferiority; and T2=2.2% vs. 4.3%, P=0.557). In the Glue Group, the procedure runtime was shorter, pain score was lower, and women's satisfaction was greater. No women had any allergic reaction in the study. CONCLUSIONS Non-surgical glue was not inferior to traditional sutures to repair postpartum first-degree lacerations. In addition, non-surgical glue was associated with less pain and greater satisfaction. Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (
Papers by Natalucia Araújo