Natalie Bayer
academic, researcher on migration, racism, cultural policies, urban developments, social scientist, exhibition maker, museum curator, museum director
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Papers by Natalie Bayer
The project is generating forms of “visibility and intelligibility” (Rancière, 2009) and thus generates agency of a group whose existence the grand histoire has continuously overlayed, erased and rendered unimportant and invisible. GUESTures | GOSTIkulacije is thus an art installation/archive on “Gastarbeiter” or women “guest workers”, who came to West Germany from the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia during the wave of mass migration from the late 1960s, for (temporary) work. This publication documents the genealogy of the project, which the artist started during her residency in Berlin in 2009.
It includes texts by Natalie Bayer, Nanna Heidenreich, Katja Kobolt and Branislava Kuburović, who probe the issues of feminist (living) archive, spaces of precarious histories, exhibitions and regimes of knowledge on migration (especially in relation to museums), and the space for/and role of fiction in migration stories and its representations on screen and in photographs.The publication also brings together personal material from the women that Kern interviewed, as well as the material from the collective reading workshops that were staged with different groups and generations of migrant workers and gallery visitors, during GUESTures exhibitions in Munich, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Banja Luka and Berlin (2009 – 2013).
Published 2014 by
Balkanet e.V Munich and Margareta Kern
with the kind support of
Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt München
in collaboration with Red Min(e)d and Galerie Kullukcu&Gregorian, Munich and Myrdle Court Press, London
Hg. von Natalie BAYER / Belinda KAZEEM-KAMIŃSKI / Nora STERNFELD
Der Sammelband reflektiert Museen und Ausstellungen aus Perspektive der postkolonialen Museologie sowie der kritischen Migrations- und Regimeforschung. Dabei geht er über die kritische Analyse hinaus; versammelt Strategien und Handlungsformen, die das Kuratieren als antirassistische Praxis denkbar machen. Die Beitragenden fokussieren Handlungsmacht an den Schnittstellen zwischen sozialen Kampffeldern und kuratorischen Praxen. So tritt das Verhältnis von Kämpfen um und gegen Repräsentation in den Blick. In diesem Sinne stehen Strategien wie Talking Back ebenso im Fokus wie Kontaktzonen und Ansätze der Wiederaneignung.
Mit Texten und künstlerischen Beiträgen von Kemi BASSENE / Natalie BAYER, Mark TERKESSIDIS / Imayna CACERES, Sunanda MESQUITA, Sophie UTIKAL / Nuray DEMIR, Nanna HEIDENREICH / Silvina DER-MEGUERDITCHIAN / Minna HENRIKSSON / Belinda KAZEEM-KAMIŃSKI / Thomas J. LAX / Verena MELGAREJO WEINANDT / Sandrine MICOSSÉ-AIKINS, Bahareh SHARIFI / Katharina MORAWEK / Naomi RINCÓN GALLARDO / Bonaventure SOH BEJENG NDIKUNG / Nora STERNFELD / Jelena VESIĆ / Christopher WESSELS, Marianne NIEMELÄ, Ahmed AL-NAWAS
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