Papers by Natalia Ivanytska
Arab world English journal, Apr 24, 2024
The article identifies the essential features of linguistic hedging in the genre of abstract for ... more The article identifies the essential features of linguistic hedging in the genre of abstract for research papers. In academic discourse, the hedging strategy is implemented through a range of tactics and techniques aimed at neutralising or mitigating the force of a statement and preserving scientific objectivity. Hedging helps the author to avoid the impression of absolute conviction in a statement while maintaining the opportunity for additional analysis and reflection. This strategy ensures the objectivity of academic discourse and emphasises the existence of alternative aspects of the problem under study.
Lʹvìvsʹkij fìlologìčnij časopis, 2023
доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Вінницьког... more доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Вінницького торговельно-економічного інституту Державного торговельно-економічного університету вул. Соборна,

Polonia University Scientific Journal
The aim of the article is to establish the relevance of university news headlines on the websites... more The aim of the article is to establish the relevance of university news headlines on the websites of British and Ukrainian universities. The study clarifies the integral nature of university discourse; develops a step-by-step methodology for comparative research of university news discourse using automated semantic text analysis ISTIO; and determines the relevance of news headlines by entering keywords in the text. University news texts represent concise verbalised fragments of knowledge correlated to a diverse subject area of university life. The research material was limited to the websites of two Ukrainian and two British universities. When choosing the universities, we were guided by the principle of comparability, which implies the study of linguistic samples relevant for cross-linguistic analysis. For this purpose, we took into account: 1) the history of the university's development, i.e. belonging to approximately the same historical period of foundation; in our case, the 20th century; 2) the similarity of educational programs. In our opinion, such criteria are important when comparing both the thematic heading of news and the quality of their content.

Науковий вісник ДДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство)
Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Державного торговельно-економічного університету Іван... more Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Державного торговельно-економічного університету Іваницька Н. Л. Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського У статті подано сучасну кваліфікацію університетського новинного дискурсу з позицій сучасної мережевої комунікації. Доведено, що університетські новинні тексти репрезентують стислі вербалізовані фрагменти знань, співвідносні з академічним життям. Вони віддзеркалюють національну та корпоративну культуру, забезпечуючи комунікацію між різними учасниками освітнього процесу. Визначено типологічні ознаки університетського новинного дискурсу: цільова настанова (повідомлення про події в університеті), канал передачі інформації (університетські новини розміщені на сайті університету) та прагматичне прагнення створити образ «ідеального закладу вищої освіти (ЗВО)». Вказано на тяжіння сучасного університетського новинного дискурсу, опосередкованого мережевими системами, до мультимодальності. Проаналізовано тематичну структуру дискурсу як організовану сукупність найбільш загальних академічних тем (наука, освіта, міжнародна діяльність, дозвілля та ін.). Встановлено «новинний профіль» залучених до аналізу українських (ВТЕІ ДТЕУ, КНЕУ) та британських (Лафборо та Кіла) вишів. Отримані дані дали змогу висновкувати про те, що українські ЗВО мають як схожі, так і відмінні тенденції до тематичного представлення новин. КНЕУ значну увагу приділяє міжнародній діяльності, загальним подіям в університеті, проводить наукові дослідження, має певні досягнення, але не турбується про дозвілля студентів. ВТЕІ ДТЕУ в новинах найбільше висвітлює наукову та навчальну діяльність, достатньо спиняючись і на дозвіллі студентів. Британські університети (Лафборо та Кіла) постають дослідницькими центрами, приділяючи незначну увагу дозвіллю, безпосередньо навчальним питанням та міжнародній діяльності. Перспектива дослідження спрямована на зіставний аналіз заголовків новинних текстів як сильних позицій новинного дискурсу. Ключові слова: новинний дискурс, університетський дискурс, мережева комунікація, тематична структура, українська лінгвокультура, британська лінгвокультура, новинний профіль, зіставне дослідження. Ivanytska N. B., Ivanytska N. L. Contemporary University News Discourse in Ukrainian and British Language Cultures. The article presents the recent interpretation of university news discourse as contemporary network communication. University news texts were taken as verbalized fragments of knowledge relevant to academic life. They reflect the national and corporate culture, ensuring communication between various participants in the educational process. The typological features of the university news discourse have been determined: the target instruction (notices about events at the university), the channel of information transmission (university news is posted on the university website) and the pragmatic desire to create an image of an "ideal higher educational establishment". The attraction of modern university news discourse, mediated by network systems, towards multimodality was indicated. The thematic structure of the discourse was analyzed as an organized list of the most general academic topics (science, education, international activities, leisure, etc.). A "news profile" of the Ukrainian (VITE SUTE, KNEU) and British (Loughborough and Keele) universities was established. The obtained data made it possible to conclude that Ukrainian universities have both similar and different trends in thematic presentation of news. KNEU pays considerable attention to international activities, general events at the university, scientific research, has certain achievements, but does not worry about students' leisure time. VITE SUTE mostly covers scientific and educational activities in the news, while sufficiently covering students' leisure time. British universities (Loughborough and Keela) are emerging as research centres, paying little attention to leisure, directly to academic matters and international activities. The perspective of the research is aimed at a comparative analysis of headlines of news texts.

The paper focuses on the role the contrastive linguistics has got in modern philology paradigm. I... more The paper focuses on the role the contrastive linguistics has got in modern philology paradigm. It presents the author's view on the bilateral contrastive study applying to identifying isomorphic and allomorphic features of the Ukrainian and English verbs. The bilateral approach to contrastive analysis is implied as a key point of the research. The crucial stage of bilateral analysis deals with the choice of a tertium comparationis as an objective common basis reflecting similarities and differences in verbal semantics and grammar. The author gives proofs of using the verbal category "process" as a tertium comparationis for contrastive study of Ukrainian and English verbs. The choice of this basis of comparison is predominantly caused by the universal nature of the category "process". This category is considered to have a great scientific potential for complicated contrastive study of the verbs in the sphere of their semantic and syntagmatic paradigms.

Aktualʹnì pitannâ gumanìtarnih nauk, 2022
The article focuses on the genre «job advertisement» as a part of modern employment discourse. Th... more The article focuses on the genre «job advertisement» as a part of modern employment discourse. The topicality of thework is determined by some factors. The problem is currently relevant for linguistic research due to globalization changesin the labor market, which change the communicative roles and tasks of the addresser and the addressee. Moreover, the intensification of network communication also specifies a virtual dialogue between employer and employee and predominates strategies and tactics to achieve communicative goals. This article aims at the cross-culture pragmatic profile of company’s self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English job advertisements. We selected 518 Ukrainian and 392 English language samples to present the company’s self-presentation strategy. The units were selected from online job advertisements (200 advertisements each from and sites, found through the "Vacancies in IT" filter). The strategy involves the following communicative and pragmatic tactics: 1) appealing to reputation and stability, 2) proactivity, 3) appealing to expansion, 4) appealing to product quality, 5) positive working environment. Using quantitative methods of analysis, we have established that the company’s self-presentation strategy has the advantage of verbal expression on the Ukrainian website. The Ukrainian employers appeal to tactics of positive working environment in the company (30%), proactivity (27%) and expansion (24%). The English discourse prefer the tactics of appealing to reputation and stability (36%) and expansion (28%). We also compared the communicative and pragmatic profile of the self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English discourse. In particular, we have revealed that Ukrainian employers target the employees by comfortable work space and proactive plans. British companies present themselves by excellent reputation, stability and international expansion. Key words: employment discourse, genre “job advertisement”, communicative and pragmatic strategy, selfpresentation of the company, communicative tactics.
Humanities science current issues
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2021
"Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University", Series: "Philology. Journalism", 2021
Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, series Philology. Social Communications, 2020
"Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University", Series: "Philology. Journalism", 2021

Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Серія: Філологія. Журналістика, 2021
The article analyses the modern translation strategies and tactics of English-language films titl... more The article analyses the modern translation strategies and tactics of English-language films titles of recent
years. The relevance of this research is determined by a number of factors, including: interest of linguists in
the processes of nomination of films as a specific extralinguistic reality, intensification of typological researches
of film titles, development of Ukrainization of film industry on the basis of traditions and new tendencies. The
main trends in the development of strategies of foreignization and domestication in the context of translation
of film titles were traced and relevant ways of translation of film titles into Ukrainian from the standpoint
of translation studies and linguopragmatics were identified. The analysis involved 300 English-language titland their Ukrainian translations (released in recent years (2018–2020). The film titles were selected using
the “Random Film” service from the online resource “Cinema. Theatre. Ua” (
There are considerations on the relevance of choosing one of the strategies of film title translation:
domestication or foreignization. Proponents of domestication emphasize the difficulty of finding content-relevant
and culturally identical matches in multilingual systems and the importance of overcoming cultural barriers
by addressing national realities. Proponents of the foreignization base their arguments on the following facts:
an authentic image of a foreign cultural colour expands the linguistic and cultural competence of the reader,
forms his general development and tolerance for other cultures.
The thesis proved that the choice of domestication or foreignization is determined by a number of linguistic
as well as marketing and pragmatic factors. It has been found that direct, transformational and indirect
translation tactics have been used in the translation of English-language films titles in recent years.
The research showed the desire of localizers to preserve the intentions of filmmakers, as evidenced by
the more frequent use of direct (56%) and transformational (33%) translation. Indirect translation covers
only 11% of the total number of analysed language pairs, but its specificity leaves a wide field of discussion
for further scientific research and discussions involving the communicative, pragmatic and psycholinguistics
Key words: film title, domestication, foreignization, translation tactics, direct translation, transformational
translation, indirect translation

Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка, 2022
The article focuses on the genre «job advertisement» as a part of modern employment discourse. Th... more The article focuses on the genre «job advertisement» as a part of modern employment discourse. The topicality of thework is determined by some factors. The problem is currently relevant for linguistic research due to globalization changesin the labor market, which change the communicative roles and tasks of the addresser and the addressee. Moreover,
the intensification of network communication also specifies a virtual dialogue between employer and employee and
predominates strategies and tactics to achieve communicative goals. This article aims at the cross-culture pragmatic
profile of company’s self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English job advertisements. We selected 518 Ukrainian and 392 English language samples to present the company’s self-presentation strategy. The units were selected from
online job advertisements (200 advertisements each from and sites, found through the "Vacancies in IT" filter). The strategy involves the following communicative and pragmatic tactics: 1) appealing to reputation and stability, 2) proactivity, 3) appealing to expansion, 4) appealing to product quality, 5) positive working environment. Using quantitative methods of analysis, we have established that the company’s self-presentation strategy has the advantage of verbal expression on the Ukrainian website. The Ukrainian employers appeal to tactics of positive working environment in the company (30%), proactivity (27%) and expansion (24%). The English discourse prefer the tactics of appealing to reputation and stability (36%) and expansion (28%). We also compared the communicative and pragmatic profile of the self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English discourse. In particular, we have revealed that Ukrainian employers target the employees by comfortable work space and proactive plans. British companies present themselves by excellent
reputation, stability and international expansion.
Key words: employment discourse, genre “job advertisement”, communicative and pragmatic strategy, selfpresentation of the company, communicative tactics.

У статті здійснено спробу довести валідність використання моделі речення простої дієслівної будов... more У статті здійснено спробу довести валідність використання моделі речення простої дієслівної будови як основи зіставлення реченнєвотвірного потенціалу української та англійської дієслівних систем. Проаналізовано та систематизовано різні підходи до поняття «модель речення» в лінгвославістиці та лінгвогерманістиці, означено поняття «предикативний мінімум речення» та «номінативний мінімум речення». Увагу зосереджено на пріоритетності використання в контрастивному аналізі номінативного мінімуму речення як розширеної схеми, що містить мінімальну структурну схему речення (головні компоненти) та обов’язкові прислівні поширювачі, необхідні для реалізації реченням номінативної функції. Моделі речень дієслівної будови виділені з опорою на дієслівну синтагматику і ранжовані за сполучувальними ознаками дієслів, поєднаними з узагальненою синтаксичною семантикою експлікаторів синсемантизму. Здійснена типологізація моделей простих речень дієслівної будови, використання якої в установленні синтагмат...
Papers by Natalia Ivanytska
years. The relevance of this research is determined by a number of factors, including: interest of linguists in
the processes of nomination of films as a specific extralinguistic reality, intensification of typological researches
of film titles, development of Ukrainization of film industry on the basis of traditions and new tendencies. The
main trends in the development of strategies of foreignization and domestication in the context of translation
of film titles were traced and relevant ways of translation of film titles into Ukrainian from the standpoint
of translation studies and linguopragmatics were identified. The analysis involved 300 English-language titland their Ukrainian translations (released in recent years (2018–2020). The film titles were selected using
the “Random Film” service from the online resource “Cinema. Theatre. Ua” (
There are considerations on the relevance of choosing one of the strategies of film title translation:
domestication or foreignization. Proponents of domestication emphasize the difficulty of finding content-relevant
and culturally identical matches in multilingual systems and the importance of overcoming cultural barriers
by addressing national realities. Proponents of the foreignization base their arguments on the following facts:
an authentic image of a foreign cultural colour expands the linguistic and cultural competence of the reader,
forms his general development and tolerance for other cultures.
The thesis proved that the choice of domestication or foreignization is determined by a number of linguistic
as well as marketing and pragmatic factors. It has been found that direct, transformational and indirect
translation tactics have been used in the translation of English-language films titles in recent years.
The research showed the desire of localizers to preserve the intentions of filmmakers, as evidenced by
the more frequent use of direct (56%) and transformational (33%) translation. Indirect translation covers
only 11% of the total number of analysed language pairs, but its specificity leaves a wide field of discussion
for further scientific research and discussions involving the communicative, pragmatic and psycholinguistics
Key words: film title, domestication, foreignization, translation tactics, direct translation, transformational
translation, indirect translation
the intensification of network communication also specifies a virtual dialogue between employer and employee and
predominates strategies and tactics to achieve communicative goals. This article aims at the cross-culture pragmatic
profile of company’s self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English job advertisements. We selected 518 Ukrainian and 392 English language samples to present the company’s self-presentation strategy. The units were selected from
online job advertisements (200 advertisements each from and sites, found through the "Vacancies in IT" filter). The strategy involves the following communicative and pragmatic tactics: 1) appealing to reputation and stability, 2) proactivity, 3) appealing to expansion, 4) appealing to product quality, 5) positive working environment. Using quantitative methods of analysis, we have established that the company’s self-presentation strategy has the advantage of verbal expression on the Ukrainian website. The Ukrainian employers appeal to tactics of positive working environment in the company (30%), proactivity (27%) and expansion (24%). The English discourse prefer the tactics of appealing to reputation and stability (36%) and expansion (28%). We also compared the communicative and pragmatic profile of the self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English discourse. In particular, we have revealed that Ukrainian employers target the employees by comfortable work space and proactive plans. British companies present themselves by excellent
reputation, stability and international expansion.
Key words: employment discourse, genre “job advertisement”, communicative and pragmatic strategy, selfpresentation of the company, communicative tactics.
years. The relevance of this research is determined by a number of factors, including: interest of linguists in
the processes of nomination of films as a specific extralinguistic reality, intensification of typological researches
of film titles, development of Ukrainization of film industry on the basis of traditions and new tendencies. The
main trends in the development of strategies of foreignization and domestication in the context of translation
of film titles were traced and relevant ways of translation of film titles into Ukrainian from the standpoint
of translation studies and linguopragmatics were identified. The analysis involved 300 English-language titland their Ukrainian translations (released in recent years (2018–2020). The film titles were selected using
the “Random Film” service from the online resource “Cinema. Theatre. Ua” (
There are considerations on the relevance of choosing one of the strategies of film title translation:
domestication or foreignization. Proponents of domestication emphasize the difficulty of finding content-relevant
and culturally identical matches in multilingual systems and the importance of overcoming cultural barriers
by addressing national realities. Proponents of the foreignization base their arguments on the following facts:
an authentic image of a foreign cultural colour expands the linguistic and cultural competence of the reader,
forms his general development and tolerance for other cultures.
The thesis proved that the choice of domestication or foreignization is determined by a number of linguistic
as well as marketing and pragmatic factors. It has been found that direct, transformational and indirect
translation tactics have been used in the translation of English-language films titles in recent years.
The research showed the desire of localizers to preserve the intentions of filmmakers, as evidenced by
the more frequent use of direct (56%) and transformational (33%) translation. Indirect translation covers
only 11% of the total number of analysed language pairs, but its specificity leaves a wide field of discussion
for further scientific research and discussions involving the communicative, pragmatic and psycholinguistics
Key words: film title, domestication, foreignization, translation tactics, direct translation, transformational
translation, indirect translation
the intensification of network communication also specifies a virtual dialogue between employer and employee and
predominates strategies and tactics to achieve communicative goals. This article aims at the cross-culture pragmatic
profile of company’s self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English job advertisements. We selected 518 Ukrainian and 392 English language samples to present the company’s self-presentation strategy. The units were selected from
online job advertisements (200 advertisements each from and sites, found through the "Vacancies in IT" filter). The strategy involves the following communicative and pragmatic tactics: 1) appealing to reputation and stability, 2) proactivity, 3) appealing to expansion, 4) appealing to product quality, 5) positive working environment. Using quantitative methods of analysis, we have established that the company’s self-presentation strategy has the advantage of verbal expression on the Ukrainian website. The Ukrainian employers appeal to tactics of positive working environment in the company (30%), proactivity (27%) and expansion (24%). The English discourse prefer the tactics of appealing to reputation and stability (36%) and expansion (28%). We also compared the communicative and pragmatic profile of the self-presentation strategy in Ukrainian and English discourse. In particular, we have revealed that Ukrainian employers target the employees by comfortable work space and proactive plans. British companies present themselves by excellent
reputation, stability and international expansion.
Key words: employment discourse, genre “job advertisement”, communicative and pragmatic strategy, selfpresentation of the company, communicative tactics.