Papers by Natale Brunetti
International Journal of Cardiology, 2015

American Journal of Therapeutics, 2015
The Brugada electrocardiogram pattern is characterized by coved-type ST-elevation (&a... more The Brugada electrocardiogram pattern is characterized by coved-type ST-elevation (>2 mm) in the right precordial leads. We report the case of a 62-year-old man, with bipolar disorder, admitted to the emergency department because of dyspnea and chest discomfort. The patient was on treatment with pregabalin and quetiapine. Unexpectedly, electrocardiogram at admission showed diffuse ST-elevation, more evident in inferior leads, where a Brugada-like pattern was present. The patient underwent coronary angiography with a diagnosis of suspected acute coronary syndrome. Coronary angiography, however, showed mild coronary artery disease not requiring coronary angioplasty. Echocardiography did not reveal left ventricular dysfunction or pericardial effusion. Troponin levels remained normal over serial controls. Eventually, chest radiography showed lung opacities and consolidation suggestive for pneumonia. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first cases showing a transient Brugada-like electrocardiogram pattern in inferior leads, probably amplified by the administration of pregabalin and quetiapine.

European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2015
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is used to improve risk stratification in patients with chronic hear... more Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is used to improve risk stratification in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). So far, few studies have used this method to investigate the characteristics of subjects with CHF and Cheyne-Stokes breathing (CSB). The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate whether TDI assessment may predict the presence of CSB in patients with CHF. A total of 41 consecutive patients with CHF enrolled in the Daunia Heart Failure Registry underwent echocardiography assessment and nocturnal polygraphy to evaluate the presence of sleep apnea and CSB. Conventional echocardiography and TDI parameters were calculated. We have also quantified by TDI a combined index (EAS index) of diastolic and systolic performance: E'/(A' × S'). Subjects with evidence of CSB (N = 8) were characterized by lower values of A' (5·03 ± 2·64 vs. 7·88 ± 2·64 cm/s, P < 0·01). A' and EAS index values were related to Cheyne-Stokes episode rates (r = -0·49 and 0·52, P < 0·05 and <0·01 respectively), EAS index values also with the number of episodes of central apnea (r = 0·39, P < 0·05). A' values predicted the presence of CSB at poly-somnography examination with an OR 0·62 (95% CI 0·40-0·96, P < 0·05) even after correction for age and gender. Tissue Doppler imaging values (A') are associated with the presence of sleep apnea at nocturnal polygraphy.

European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care, Jan 27, 2015
Chest pain and acute dyspnoea are frequent causes of emergency medical services activation. The p... more Chest pain and acute dyspnoea are frequent causes of emergency medical services activation. The pre-hospital management of these conditions is heterogeneous across different regions of the world and Europe, as a consequence of the variety of emergency medical services and absence of specific practical guidelines. This position paper focuses on the practical aspects of the pre-hospital treatment on board and transfer of patients taken in charge by emergency medical services for chest pain and dyspnoea of suspected cardiac aetiology after the initial assessment and diagnostic work-up. The objective of the paper is to provide guidance, based on evidence, where available, or on experts' opinions, for all emergency medical services' health providers involved in the pre-hospital management of acute cardiovascular care.

European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2015
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) may be useful in identifying subjects at higher risk among patients ... more Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) may be useful in identifying subjects at higher risk among patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). The clinical role of newly developed TDI parameters, however, still needs to be documented. A total of 287 consecutive patients with CHF enrolled in the Daunia Heart Failure Registry underwent echocardiography assessment and were followed prospectively for a median 255 (204-316) days. Conventional echocardiography and TDI parameters were calculated. We also quantified by TDI a combined index (EAS index) of diastolic and systolic performance E'/(A'xS') and assessed its possible additional prognostic role in combination with 'traditional' parameters such as left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and myocardial performance index (MPI). Subjects readmitted for worsening HF were characterized by higher levels of EAS index (median 0·14 (95% C.I. 0·12-0·21) vs. 0·11 (0·10-0·12, P < 0·05)). Increased rates of rehospitalization were found in subjects with EAS index >median (0·115) (21% vs. 10%, P < 0·05); higher EAS index values predicted the incidence of readmissions for worsening HF during follow-up, even at multivariable analysis. The assessment of EAS index in addition to LVEF and MPI showed an adjunctive prognostic value (log-rank P < 0·001 and P < 0·05, respectively). EAS index assessed by TDI may be helpful in predicting the risk of rehospitalizations in subjects with CHF. EAS index may represent an independent adjunctive tool for the risk stratification of patients with CHF in addition to 'traditional' tools such as LVEF or MPI.

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2015
The CArdiovascular Prevention wIth Telecardiology in ApuLia (CAPITAL) study aimed to investigate ... more The CArdiovascular Prevention wIth Telecardiology in ApuLia (CAPITAL) study aimed to investigate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, the status of cardiovascular prevention, and the compliance to international scientific societies' guidelines on cardiovascular prevention in a Mediterranean region. The CAPITAL study was based on the assessment of cardiovascular risk and compliance to guidelines on cardiovascular prevention, and on an electrocardiogram screening with remote telemedicine support performed in pharmacies of Apulia (Italy); the study was expected to enroll 10 000 consecutive patients accessing their usual pharmacy. In the first 1000 patients enrolled, 16% were smokers, 9% diabetic, 26% hypertensive, 43% overweight, and 23% obese; 37% of the patients treated with antihypertensive drugs did not achieve the target levels, regardless of the number of antihypertensive drugs given, and 60% of subjects treated with lipid-lowering drugs did not achieve the target levels.Twenty-two per cent of the patients subjected to the lipid-lowering drugs did not check their cholesterol levels in the past 12 months, and 21% of those taking antihypertensive drugs did not check their blood pressure levels.Left ventricular hypertrophy was detected at electrocardiogram examination in 3.4% of the cases, and in 2.6% of the patients with unknown hypertension: 52% of the hypertensive patients were not checked with an electrocardiogram in the past 12 months, 44% of the diabetic patients, and 44% of subjects treated with lipid-lowering drugs. The awareness, therapy, and control of cardiovascular risk factors in a Mediterranean real-world population are unsatisfactory. There is a large scope of an improvement in the control of cardiovascular risk factors. Telemedicine support and pharmacy-based assessment may be helpful in implementing strategies aimed at the improvement of cardiovascular prevention.
European Journal of Echocardiography, 2010
We report the case of an 86-year-old man referred for abdominal pain and ECG signs of inferior my... more We report the case of an 86-year-old man referred for abdominal pain and ECG signs of inferior myocardial infarction. Transthoracic, transoesophageal and contrast echocardiographs showed a septal intra-mural haematoma, dissecting the right ventricle wall and partially obliterating the right ventricle lumen. A patent communication with left ventricle with extensive wall thrombosis was present at Doppler examination within dissecting haematoma. Although the patient refused any surgical treatment, a 3-month follow-up was uneventful.
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2015
We report the case of a 56-year-old woman with effort angina, dyspnea and a septal mass causing a... more We report the case of a 56-year-old woman with effort angina, dyspnea and a septal mass causing atrioventricular block, treated with pacemaker implantation, and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (induced by septal mass protrusion into left ventricular cavity).

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 2011
Previous studies investigated circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) mostly in subjects w... more Previous studies investigated circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) mostly in subjects with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) and lone AF (LAF). We, therefore, aimed to investigate circulating levels of CRP in patients with new onset AF with particular regards to AF duration, even in the presence of structural heart disease (SHD). CRP levels were evaluated in 96 consecutive patients with new onset AF (50 with LAF and 46 with SHD, 41 with paroxysmal AF (PAF) (<7 days) and 55 persistent AF (>7 days). Patients with AF had higher CRP levels than controls (4.8 ± 6.99 vs. 1.59 ± 1.32 mg/L; p < 0.001). AF patients with SHD had higher CRP levels than LAF patients (7.08 ± 9.19 vs. 2.63 ± 2.47 mg/L; p < 0.01) and control subjects (vs. 1.59 ± 1.32 mg/L; p < 0.001): CRP levels in LAF patients were higher than in controls (p < 0.01). CRP levels were significantly increased in subjects with paroxysmal AF (6.67 ± 9.44 mg/L) with respect to those with persistent AF (3.54 ± 4.44 mg/L, p < 0.05) and controls (1.59 ± 1.32 mg/L, p < 0.001 vs. paroxysmal AF, p < 0.01 vs. persistent AF). Differences related to the presence of LAF and SHD remained significant even after multivariable regression analysis. CRP concentrations significantly correlated with left atrial size(r 0.23, p < 0.05). Increased CRP levels are detectable in patients with AF, proportional to atrial remodeling, recent onset of dysrhythmia and SHD.
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2009
We report the case of a 79-year-old woman with transient left ventricular systolic dysfunction wi... more We report the case of a 79-year-old woman with transient left ventricular systolic dysfunction with apical ballooning (tako-tsubo like syndrome, TTS) showing an alternative newly reported "onion" shape. The patient was also characterized by atrial fibrillation and marked spontaneous echo-contrast: possible precipitating role for these conditions in TTS are discussed.

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2009
To investigate possible correlations between acute phase proteins (APPs) activation and coronary ... more To investigate possible correlations between acute phase proteins (APPs) activation and coronary flow in subjects with coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing coronary angiography. Fifty-nine consecutive patients with CAD who underwent coronary angiography were enrolled in the study: blood samples were taken in order to evaluate plasmatic concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and APPs such as alpha-1-anti-trypsin (A1AT), alpha-1-glyco-protein (A1GP) and haptoglobin (HG). Coronary flow on left anterior descending (LAD) was assessed with TIMI frame count (TFC). Patients with TIMI flow 0-1 were excluded from the study. Coronary atherosclerosis expressed in terms of number of coronary vessels with severe (>70%) lumen narrowing was related to serum concentrations of all considered APPs (A1GP: r 0.282, P < 0.05; A1AT: r 0.256, P 0.055; HG: r 0.335, P < 0.01). TFC on LAD was related to all considered APPs (A1GP: r 0.24, P 0.06; A1AT: r 0.28, P < 0.05; HG: r 0.43, P < 0.01; log CRP: r 0.57, P < 0.001); correlations remained significant even after correction for age, gender, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. Among 12 patients who were previously treated with coronary angioplasty, those implanted with a drug eluting stent showed a significantly slower coronary flow on LAD (19.6 +/- 2.07 vs. 16.71 +/- 2.06, P < 0.05) if compared with those implanted with a bare metal stent. An increased inflammatory systemic activation featured by plasmatic concentrations of CRP and APPs might be associated with both coronary atherosclerosis and an impaired coronary micro-circulation.

Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 2007
To investigate release of some inflammatory cytokines (Cys) after coronary angioplasty and its li... more To investigate release of some inflammatory cytokines (Cys) after coronary angioplasty and its links with coronary atherosclerosis. Twenty-seven consecutive subjects with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were enrolled in the study: serial blood samples were taken in order to evaluate plasma concentrations of Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, IL-18, TNFalpha, and IFNgamma just before PCI at 12 and 24 hours. Patients were then divided, considering balance between each inflammatory Cy and IL-10, an antiinflammatory Cy, into four groups, ranging from a prevalent antiinflammatory response (stable inflammatory Cy-increasing IL-10 values) to a marked inflammatory imbalance (increasing inflammatory Cy-stable IL-10 values). All Cys showed significant increases in plasma concentrations if compared with baseline values. Release curves were not significantly different when comparing subjects with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) versus unstable angina-non-STEMI (UA-NSTEMI), diabetics versus controls. Subjects with marked inflammatory response showed a higher incidence of stenosis on left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery (IL-2 chi(2) and IFNgamma P < 0.05); Cy release was higher in patients with multivessel coronary disease (IL-2 and IFNgamma, ANOVA P < 0.01). Correlations were also referable between Cys and myocardial enzyme release. Subjects treated with sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) showed significantly lower Cy periprocedure ratio if compared with those treated with bare metal stents. A significant Cy release is detectable after PCI: inflammatory response seems to correlate with both PCI due to plaque instabilization and coronary atherosclerosis. A blunted inflammatory response is detectable in subjects treated with SES.
Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 2008
Elevated cardiac troponin levels often lead to a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Howe... more Elevated cardiac troponin levels often lead to a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, this finding may occur also in other conditions, both nonischemic and noncardiovascular, leading to an incorrect diagnosis of ACS and, sometimes, invasive tests. We describe various cardiovascular diseases other than ACS (heart failure, pulmonary embolism, etc.) and noncardiovascular diseases (renal failure, etc.) that may cause elevated troponin levels and give possible explanations and prognostic relevance for this rise.
Journal of Electrocardiology, 2009
Journal of Electrocardiology, 2010
We report the case of a 41-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction showing first ST elevati... more We report the case of a 41-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction showing first ST elevation in V1-V6-DI-aVL leads followed by a typical V2-V4 ST depression (concomitant occlusion of proximal diagonal branch with an incomplete left anterior descending occlusion) and DII-DIII-aVF ST elevation. At coronary angiography, a proximal left anterior descending coronary stenosis with right coronary artery thrombosis was found.

International Journal of Cardiology, 2008
To assess whether 24-h ambulatory ECG (AECG) recording underestimates arrhythmic risk in subjects... more To assess whether 24-h ambulatory ECG (AECG) recording underestimates arrhythmic risk in subjects with both ventricular ectopy and cardiovascular risk factors or history of coronary heart disease (CHD). 29 consecutive patients with both ECG evidence of premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) and cardiovascular risk factors (n=14) or history of CHD (n=15) underwent 6 days prolonged AECG with an apposite device. Patients were divided according to number of PVCs, Lown's classification and evidence of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT). Day by day data were compared with final findings at 6th day. Significant differences between findings at 24 h and those at 6th day were observed for all considered parameters. Differences became statistically not significant only at 4th day for number of PVCs and Lown's classes, at 5th day for NSVT. Results were significant both among patients with only risk factors and those with history of CHD. Sensitivity for NSVT significantly and progressively increased from 18% at 24 h, up to 82% only at 120 h. Twenty-four-hour AECG underestimates the risk of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with cardiovascular risk factors or history of CHD. Prolonged AECG might reduce this underestimation, particularly among patients at low risk. A careful cost-benefit assessment needs to be held in order to identify the most convenient AECG duration and subsets of patients most benefiting from prolonged AECG.
International Journal of Cardiology, 2012

International Journal of Cardiology, 2007
Coronary flow is influenced by several determinants and may change according to external stimuli.... more Coronary flow is influenced by several determinants and may change according to external stimuli. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DC), adaptive mechanisms could induce alterations in coronary flow, possibly related to oxygen consumption. In 67 consecutive patients with DC (mean age 52.06+/-13.84, 52 male gender, left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) 29.49%+/-8.68) and normal coronary angiography findings, coronary flow in left anterior descending (LAD), right coronary artery (RC) and left circumflex (LCx) was reported as TIMI frame count (TFC). All patients underwent a cardiopulmonary test with VO2 peak and anaerobic threshold (AT) measurement, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class stratification, two-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation including LVEF and left ventricle end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) assessment. All patients were receiving optimal medical treatment. In a multivariate analysis, a statistically significant correlation was found between VO2 peak and TFC (B 7.61, p<0.001, R2 0.61 for LAD; B 3.42, p<0.001, R2 0.33 for RC); an inverse correlation was found between AT and TFC (B -9.77, p<0.001, R2 0.61 for LAD; B -4.26, p<0.001, R2 0.33 for RC). Coronary flow is related to VO2 peak and AT in patients with DC, suggesting a "compensatory" mechanism.
International Journal of Cardiology, 2007
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) causing acute myocardial infarction is a rare event... more Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) causing acute myocardial infarction is a rare event. It occurs mostly in young women without traditional risk factors for coronary artery disease, particularly during the peripartum period. We describe two occurrences of SCAD in young women in whom coronary atherosclerosis was also present. In both cases, angiography showed extended coronary dissection on the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), starting from an atheromasic stenosis on the middle LAD segment. Coronary dissection could complicate an unstable atheromasic plaque, especially in young women presenting with acute coronary syndrome.
International Journal of Cardiology, 2008
Tako-Tsubo syndrome is characterized by ECG changes mimicking acute myocardial infarction, left v... more Tako-Tsubo syndrome is characterized by ECG changes mimicking acute myocardial infarction, left ventricular wall motion abnormalities in the apical region with preserved function of base, and normal coronary arteries. We report the cases of two old women, presenting apical akinesis, basal hyperkinesis, severe systolic dysfunction and severe mitral regurgitation (MR). Doppler echocardiography showed a left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO), systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve anterior leaflet. The patients recovered and, early later, left ventricular ejection fraction was documented as normal at echocardiography. The contemporary presence of LVOTO, SAM and MR might explain worsening of heart failure or incidence of cardiogenic shock in some patients with Tako-Tsubo syndrome.
Papers by Natale Brunetti