Papers by Nassreddine MAATALA

Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2019
The use of public-private partnership in the field of irrigation by Morocco was initiated in 2005... more The use of public-private partnership in the field of irrigation by Morocco was initiated in 2005 within the framework of the El Guerdane project whose objective is to safeguard a citrus area of 10,000 ha. The purpose of this research is to describe the role of the Department of Agriculture as delegating authority and the organization of the service responsible for monitoring and regulation of public-private partnership projects, the various risks associated with this partnership project and its various performance indicators. Also, a comparison between the El Guerdane and Issen perimeters in terms of regulation was carried out. The methodology followed was based on interviews with the various stakeholders of the project. This analysis shows that the project has developed effective means to control, monitor and regulate the project upstream and downstream. Indeed, it has set up at the level of the delegating authority a service exclusively dedicated to this control and downstream of...
Studies of Applied Economics, 2022
It is commonly accepted that the majority of companies have started to introduce R&D activities a... more It is commonly accepted that the majority of companies have started to introduce R&D activities and innovation to improve their exports, especially, after the appearance of the pandemic of COVID-19. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of innovation on the export of the agri-food sector in Morocco through a study based on panel data covering the period 2007-2018 by exploiting a gravity model estimated by the Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood method (PPML). The results of our study showed that the export of the agri-food sector is positively influenced by the innovative factor of the country (patent filings) alongside the traditional factors of our model such as production, the wealth of partner countries and distance.

International Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021
The agricultural sector continues to be the backbone of the Moroccan's economy, employing 38% of ... more The agricultural sector continues to be the backbone of the Moroccan's economy, employing 38% of the active working population and contributing to 13% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, Moroccan agriculture is subject to multiple constraints, including volatility due to climatic conditions which continue to condition the economic performance of the country as a whole, despite the decrease in the share of agriculture in the sectoral composition. The main objective of this study is to econometrically explore the causality nexus between agriculture and GDP in Morocco, especially since the sector has benefited from new development strategies. Using Moroccan time series over the period 1980 to 2017, the paper employed the Granger causality based on the vector autoregressive model (VAR) in a dynamic multivariate framework, using five macroeconomic variables: GDP per capita, agricultural GDP, investment rate, money supply, and trade openness. The empirical results from the analysis detect the presence of bidirectional Granger causality between agriculture and GDP, implying a feedback relationship, and some unidirectional causal relationships involving the other macroeconomic variables used in the VAR model. The findings have important policy implications for the government to establish effective agricultural strategies, in particular with the inauguration of the new agricultural strategy «Green Generation» in 2020.

Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2017
Le PPP reste un mode de gestion courant dans le monde, notamment dans les secteurs du transport, ... more Le PPP reste un mode de gestion courant dans le monde, notamment dans les secteurs du transport, des services publics et des equipements collectifs. Les interets de ce mode de partenariat resident dans le financement hors budget pour le partenaire public, le taux de rentabilite eleve pour le partenaire prive, les delais de realisation reduits des projets inscrits dans le cadre de ce mode de collaboration et dans la disponibilite et la qualite du service public fourni. La theorie economique voit dans les PPP des avantages et inconvenients lies non seulement au partenariat, mais aussi a la nature de la relation public-privee qui est consideree comme une relation particuliere. Dans cet article, nous analysons, dans une premiere partie, les principaux fondements theoriques dans lesquels s’inserent le Partenariat Public-Prive (PPP) et nous presentons les hypotheses et les principes de chaque courant theorique. Dans la deuxieme partie du present article, nous presentons une analyse econom...
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018

Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2020
Résumé La filière marocaine des fruits rouges a connu un essor consistant durant la dernière déce... more Résumé La filière marocaine des fruits rouges a connu un essor consistant durant la dernière décennie, soutenue par la stratégie nationale agricole et tractée par l’expansion de la demande sur les marchés internationaux. Cependant, l’évolution qu’a enregistrée la production marocaine interpelle sur la pérennité et la bonne gestion des ressources hydriques. Cette étude vise dans ce sens à évaluer les implications du système de production des fruits rouges en matière d’utilisation et de valorisation de l’eau d’irrigation. Pour y répondre, nous avons calculé la valorisation financière et agronomique de l’eau, correspondant respectivement au rapport de la marge bénéficiaire nette et de la production totale sur le volume d’eau apportée. Les données ont été collectées sur le terrain moyennant un échantillonnage aléatoire et simple dans le périmètre du Loukkos sur 93 exploitations de fruits rouges. Au niveau de la valorisation financière, la myrtille affiche une rentabilité de 67,3 DH/m3 d...

La region du Souss-Massa, connue par la culture agrumicole a haute valeur ajoutee, est confrontee... more La region du Souss-Massa, connue par la culture agrumicole a haute valeur ajoutee, est confrontee au probleme de mobilisation des ressources en eau. Depuis le debut de l’annee 2000, la nappe du perimetre de la region a atteint la limite de son potentiel renouvelable. Cette situation a incite le gouvernement marocain a realiser un projet de sauvegarde du perimetre El Guerdane situe dans cette region. Ce projet a ete realise dans le cadre d’un Partenariat Public-Prive (PPP). Le perimetre d’Issen, situe dans la meme region, dont les agriculteurs souffrent du meme probleme de mobilisation des ressources en eau, est toujours gere par l’Office Regional de Mise en Valeur Agricole du Souss-Massa. L’objectif de cet article est d’etudier l’impact du mode de gestion du service de l’eau d’irrigation sur l’efficacite technique des exploitations agrumicoles dans les deux perimetres. L’estimation de la frontiere de production et les scores de l’efficacite technique ont ete realises a partir des do...

International Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019
A public-private partnership (PPP) in irrigated area is a mode of collaboration and governance th... more A public-private partnership (PPP) in irrigated area is a mode of collaboration and governance that allows the Moroccan Government to entrust the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation equipment to a private enterprise. In this research, we want to estimate technical efficiency of farms, the technical and economic efficiency of irrigation water use, analyzing the determinants of each of these aspects. The sampling was undertaken using the propensity score matching. The estimation of the farms' technical efficiency was carried out using FRONTIER 4.1 software and a stochastic parametric method with the functional form Translog. The transition from an output orientation to an input orientation in order to estimate the technical and economic efficiency scores of the irrigation water was carried out through the use of the Reinhard derivative. The determinants of these aspects were analyzed with the Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time series Library (Gretl) software using the Tobit model. A survey was carried out among 130 citrus growers (65 pairs). The average of the technical efficiency increased from 62% in 2009 to 72% in 2016. This improvement is explained by the presence of highly qualified employed who assure the management and the technical supervision of the workers on the farms. Conversely, the analysis shows that the PPP irrigation program has had no impact on the farms' technical efficiency scores. On the basis of the results, it is appropriate to focus on several aspects in order to improve the different types of efficiencies. Indeed, the Moroccan Government must ensure the aspect of the technical supervision of farmers in the two perimeters, which will better help to control the technical conduct of citrus farms.
International Journal of Agricultural Economics
Papers by Nassreddine MAATALA