Papers by Narongsak Chaiyabutr

The Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) - Production and Research, 2017
The swamp and the river type constitute two distinct clades of buffaloes. A long period of isolat... more The swamp and the river type constitute two distinct clades of buffaloes. A long period of isolation and the lack of crossbreeding allowed an evident morpho-functional differentiation of the Mediterranean river type, whose population has increased 19 fold in Italy in the past fifty years. This increase lies in the growing interest in the productive characteristics of this rustic animal, actually breed mainly as dairy purpose animal. Marker assisted selection may represent a possible option for designing a suitable breeding scheme for Italian river buffaloes. Gene polymorphisms significantly associated to milk production traits may provide useful indications for identifying selection candidates with high genetic merit. The literature associated with different aspects of the genetic progress of buffalo is abundant, this chapter is a review of a part of publications dealing with the molecular bases for the improvement of the quali-quantitative characteristics of the Italian dairy buffaloes mainly during the last decade.
Milk Protein - New Research Approaches

Veterinary World, Nov 30, 2023
In our previous study, we observed that a high dietary cation and anion difference (DCAD) of 40 m... more In our previous study, we observed that a high dietary cation and anion difference (DCAD) of 40 mEq/kg dry matter (DM) in the diets of lactating dairy goats increased heat dissipation. In the present study, we believe that the level of DCAD fed to non-lactating and non-pregnant goats was twice as high as that fed to lactating goats in our previous study. This increase could have resulted in a greater water balance due to increased intake of water and unchanged urinary excretion. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the behavioral and heat dissipation effects of a dietary shift from low to high DCAD levels in dairy goats under tropical conditions. Seven non-lactating and non-pregnant crossbred goats were used in this study. All animals were initially fed a low DCAD (15 mEq/100 g DM) diet from days 0-6 and then switched to a high DCAD (89 mEq/100 g DM) diet from day 7 (high DCAD-7) to day 18 (high DCAD-18). The results revealed that a high DCAD increased DM intake from days 13-18 (p < 0.05). The larger daily meal size associated with the high DCAD-18 group was due to increased daytime meal sizes, not nighttime when compared to the low DCAD group. Dietary cation and anion difference supplementation did not affect daily water intake; however, drinking patterns differed between the low DCAD group and the high DCAD-7 group from 07:00 to 09:00 and during nighttime. Similarly, daily urine volume was unaffected by DCAD supplementation, but urinary patterns differed between the low DCAD and high DCAD-18 groups. The daily water balance remained unchanged across all treatments, yet, a higher morning water balance was observed in the high DCAD group. The high DCAD diet led to an increase in respiration rate and rectal temperature compared to the low DCAD diet. The observed eating, drinking, and urinary patterns collectively suggested that high DCAD supplementation mitigates the effects of heat stress in non-lactating goats fed at high ambient temperatures.

Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2010
Two groups of five crossbred 87.5% Holstein cattle were housed in normal shade only (NS) as non-c... more Two groups of five crossbred 87.5% Holstein cattle were housed in normal shade only (NS) as non-cooled cows and in shaded with misty-fan cooling (MFC) as cooled cows. The cows were treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) in early, mid and late lactation with three consecutive injections of rbST 500 mg of rbST (POSILAC) in every 14 days. During the study, ambient temperature at the hottest period daily (1400 hr) in the MFC barn was significantly lower, while relative humidity was higher than that of the NS barn. The temperature humidity index (THI) in both barns ranged from 80.7-85.5 throughout the periods of study. Cows in the MFC barn showed a lower rectal temperature and respiration rate as compared with cows in the NS barn. Milk yield significantly increased in both cooled and non-cooled cows treated with rbST in each stage of lactation. The high milk yield in both groups of animals declined as lactation advanced to late lactation. Increases in mammary blood flow (MBF) accompanied with increases in total body water (TBW), extracellular fluid (ECF), blood volume (BV) and plasma volume (PV) in both cooled and non-cooled cows receiving rbST in each stage of lactation. The mean arterial plasma concentrations for glucose, acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate and triacylglycerol were unchanged but an increase in plasma free fatty acid concentrations in both cooled and non-cooled cows supplemental rbST. The net mammary glucose and triacylglycerol uptakes of cows in both groups markedly increased in mid and late stages of lactation, while no significant changes of the arteriovenous differences (A-V differences) and mammary extraction across the mammary gland were apparent in both cooled and non-cooled cows supplemental rbST. No significant changes in the A-V differences, mammary extraction and mammary uptake for acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate were apparent during rbST supplementation in both cooled and non-cooled cows. These results suggest that the effect of rbST supplementation on milk yield in each stage of lactation of either cooled or non-cooled cows is due to changes in the relative rates of delivery and uptake of nutrients by the mammary gland. The rate of decline in milk yield as lactation advances would be consequences in local changes for biosynthetic capacity within the mammary gland in the utilization of substrates occurring in both cooled and non-cooled cows whether supplemental rbST or not.

The Journal of Agricultural Science, Feb 12, 2007
Ten, first lactation, 87.5%HF dairy cattle were used to investigate effects of long-term administ... more Ten, first lactation, 87.5%HF dairy cattle were used to investigate effects of long-term administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on nutrient uptake by the mammary gland at different stages of lactation. Measurements of arterial plasma concentrations and arterial-venous differences of metabolites across the mammary gland were performed in combination with measurment of mammary blood flow to estimate the mammary uptake. Animals in experimental groups were injected subcutaneously every 14 days from day 60 of lactation with a prolonged-release formulation of 500 mg of rbST (POSILAC, Monsanto, USA) or with sterile sesame oil without rbST in the control group. During early lactation, the milk yield of rbST-treated animals was higher than that of the control animals (p<0.05). The peak milk yield in both groups of animals declined from the early period of lactation with progression to mid-and late-lactation. No significant changes were observed in the concentration of milk lactose, while the concentrations of milk protein significantly increased as lactation advanced to mid-and late-lactation in both groups. Milk fat concentrations were significantly higher in rbST-treated animals than in control animals, particularly in early lactation (p<0.05). Mammary blood flow (MBF) markedly increased during rbST administration and was maintained at a high level throughout lactation. The mean arterial plasma concentrations for glucose and acetate of rbST-treated animals were unchanged. The net mammary glucose uptake of rbST-treated animals increased approximately 20% during early lactation, while it significantly decreased (p<0.05), including the arteriovenous differences (A-V differences) and extraction ratio across the mammary gland, as lactation advanced to mid-and latelactation. A-V differences, mammary extraction and mammary uptake for acetate increased during rbST administration and were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the control animals in early and mid-lactation. Mean arterial plasma concentrations for βhydroxybutyrate and free glycerol were unchanged throughout the experimental periods in both groups. A-V differences and extraction ratio of β-hydroxybutyrate across the mammary gland did not alter during rbST administration. Mean arterial plasma concentrations for free fatty acids (C 16 to C 18 ), but not for triacylglycerol, increased in rbST-treated animals and were significantly higher than in control animals during early lactation (p<0.01). These findings suggest that an increase in MBF during rbST administration would not be a major determinant in the mediation of nutrient delivery and uptake by the mammary gland for increased milk production. Local changes in biosynthetic capacity within the mammary gland would be a factor in the utilization of substrates resulting in the rate of decline in milk yield with advancing lactation.

Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Jun 1, 2020
Objective: This study was carried out to determine the effects of elevated dietary cation and ani... more Objective: This study was carried out to determine the effects of elevated dietary cation and anion difference (DCAD) on dry matter intake (DMI) and ruminal fermentation pattern in lactating dairy goats under tropical conditions. Methods: Ten dairy goats were divided into two groups of five animals each. The groups received diets at different DCAD levels, either a control diet (22.81 mEq/100 g dry matter [DM], DCAD-23) or a DCAD-39 diet (39.08 mEq/100 g DM, DCAD-39). After parturition, DMI and water intake were recorded daily. Ruminal fluid and urine were collected, and nutrient digestibility measurements were carried out at 8th weeks postpartum (PP-8). Blood samples were collected at PP-4 and PP-8 to measure plasma leptin. Results: Dry matter intake/body weight (DMI/BW) at PP-8 of the animals fed the DCAD-39 diet was significantly higher than those fed with DCAD-23 diet (p<0.05). Animals fed with DCAD-39 consumed more water than those fed DCAD-23 over 24 h, particularly at night (p<0.05). Ruminal pH, acetate concentration, and urinary allantoin excretion increased with the DCAD-39 diet, whereas ruminal butyrate concentration was lower with the DCAD-39 diet. On the other hand, other ruminal parameters, such as total volatile fatty acid con centration, propionate molar proportion and acetate/propionate average ratio, were not affected by increased DCAD supplementation. Apparent digestibility was improved by increased DCAD supplementation. Plasma leptin concentration was higher with DCAD supplementation. When feeding goats with DCAD-39 under tropical conditions, an increase in DMI was associated with improved apparent digestibility of nutrients, ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis. An increase in plasma leptin concentration could not explain the effect of high DCAD on DMI.

Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Aug 30, 2007
Ten, first lactation, 87.5%HF dairy cattle were used to investigate effects of long-term administ... more Ten, first lactation, 87.5%HF dairy cattle were used to investigate effects of long-term administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on nutrient uptake by the mammary gland at different stages of lactation. Measurements of arterial plasma concentrations and arterial-venous differences of metabolites across the mammary gland were performed in combination with measurment of mammary blood flow to estimate the mammary uptake. Animals in experimental groups were injected subcutaneously every 14 days from day 60 of lactation with a prolonged-release formulation of 500 mg of rbST (POSILAC, Monsanto, USA) or with sterile sesame oil without rbST in the control group. During early lactation, the milk yield of rbST-treated animals was higher than that of the control animals (p<0.05). The peak milk yield in both groups of animals declined from the early period of lactation with progression to mid-and late-lactation. No significant changes were observed in the concentration of milk lactose, while the concentrations of milk protein significantly increased as lactation advanced to mid-and late-lactation in both groups. Milk fat concentrations were significantly higher in rbST-treated animals than in control animals, particularly in early lactation (p<0.05). Mammary blood flow (MBF) markedly increased during rbST administration and was maintained at a high level throughout lactation. The mean arterial plasma concentrations for glucose and acetate of rbST-treated animals were unchanged. The net mammary glucose uptake of rbST-treated animals increased approximately 20% during early lactation, while it significantly decreased (p<0.05), including the arteriovenous differences (A-V differences) and extraction ratio across the mammary gland, as lactation advanced to mid-and latelactation. A-V differences, mammary extraction and mammary uptake for acetate increased during rbST administration and were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the control animals in early and mid-lactation. Mean arterial plasma concentrations for βhydroxybutyrate and free glycerol were unchanged throughout the experimental periods in both groups. A-V differences and extraction ratio of β-hydroxybutyrate across the mammary gland did not alter during rbST administration. Mean arterial plasma concentrations for free fatty acids (C 16 to C 18 ), but not for triacylglycerol, increased in rbST-treated animals and were significantly higher than in control animals during early lactation (p<0.01). These findings suggest that an increase in MBF during rbST administration would not be a major determinant in the mediation of nutrient delivery and uptake by the mammary gland for increased milk production. Local changes in biosynthetic capacity within the mammary gland would be a factor in the utilization of substrates resulting in the rate of decline in milk yield with advancing lactation.
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Oct 1, 2000
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, May 18, 2022

Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2008
The effects of erythropoietin(Epo), iron, and vitamin E on renal function and oxidative stress in... more The effects of erythropoietin(Epo), iron, and vitamin E on renal function and oxidative stress in rats with renal injury induced by gentamicin were investigated. Rats were divided into 5 groups; group 1, control; group 2, gentamicin group(100 mg/kg gentamicin sc. on days 5-12); group 3, gentamicin plus Epo (in addition to gentamicin, 100 i.u./kg Epo was administered s.c. on days 5-12); group 4, gentamicin plus Epo and iron (in addition to gentamicin and Epo, 500 mg/kg iron was administered i.p. on days 4) and group 5, gentamicin plus Epo, iron, and vitamin E (in addition to genta, Epo and iron, 250 i.u./kg, vitamin E was added orally on days 1-3) Renal functions and oxidative stress were investigated on days 12. The results show that glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) decreased in group 2. The urinary excretion of Na + , K + , protein and NAG increased in groups 2 to 5. GFR and ERPF were aggravated in group 3 with increased catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Renal function and oxidative stress were unchanged in group 4 but higher ERPF with decreased BUN were found in group 5. It is concluded that gentamicin caused severe damage of both glomerular and tubular parts with alteration of oxidative stress. Epo and iron did not alter renal function but vitamin E supplementation could improve blood flow to the kidney.

Neurophysiology, Feb 1, 2017
Estradiol (E 2 ) inhibits eating behavior in females via activating estrogen receptors (ERs) with... more Estradiol (E 2 ) inhibits eating behavior in females via activating estrogen receptors (ERs) within the brain. Activation of hindbrain ERαs has been shown to be sufficient to inhibit eating behavioral pattern. To investigate the involvement of hindbrain ERαs in estrogenic control of eating behavior, intracerebroventricular infusion (4th i.c.v.) of an estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182780 (ICI), was performed in ovariectmized female rats. Significantly lower daily food intake was observed in rats after estradiol benzoate (EB) injections. The effect of EB on food intake was significantly compromised by 4th i.c.v. infusions of both 4 and 8 nM ICI solutions. The results suggest that hindbrain infusions of ICI can significantly attenuate the inhibitory effect of E 2 on food intake. Importantly, 4th i.c.v. infusions during 12 days exerted no effect per se on eating. Further, there was no difference in the number of ERα immunopositive neurons in the selected hypothalamic nuclei and nucl. tractus solitarius. We conclude that the 4th i.c.v. infusions with ICI attenuated the exogenous estrogenic effect on food intake in ovariectomized rats, and the hindbrain is an important site providing estrogenic control of food intake.

Veterinary World, Jan 4, 2023
The behavioral mechanism of stray dog occurrence is associated with domestication process. This s... more The behavioral mechanism of stray dog occurrence is associated with domestication process. This study aimed to investigate the population and demographic relationship of stray dogs from our ecological habitat. We tested whether baited enclosure method could be used as an operant conditioning treat ment to activate habituation behavior in stray dogs. The first investigation determined the population and demographic characteristics of stray dogs in the metropolitan city of Bangkok using the mark and recapture procedure. In the second investigation, a large cage equipped with a digital camera was used as the feeding and habituation area. Food was provided at four corners for 2 h. The approach behaviors and eating patterns were recorded during this period for 7 days. The average number of stray dogs calculated within each cluster was 24 ± 6 dogs. For the natural small habitat, the density of stray dogs was 662 dogs per km 2 . This indicated that the number of dogs is underestimated using the mark and recapture procedure because of undetected puppies and shifts in the sex ratio in adult dogs. In the second investigation, we demonstrated that food was a potent positive reinforcer for stray dogs. The average onset of cage entry after offering the food was 17 min. The onset of cage entry and the reduction in the first meal duration suggested that the habituation process could be achieved within 1 week. The results revealed the possibility of using a large cage as a novel enclosure for food offered as the positive reinforcer for TNR program trapping procedures. We suggest that this humane trapping procedure could be used to activate habituation behavior in stray dogs.

Milk Protein - New Research Approaches
Milk protein is well accepted for nutritional value compared with other sources of protein. Detai... more Milk protein is well accepted for nutritional value compared with other sources of protein. Detailed understanding of the natural factors that can determine milk protein subcomponent (i.e., casein) not only fulfill the knowledge of protein synthesis but also provide the potential idea to improve milk quality. The variation in milk protein content from dairy cows and goats fed in tropical areas may determine the added value of milk from this region. Under prolonged high ambient temperature (HTa), dairy cows and goats are at the stage of heat stress. This physiological condition produces a negative effect on dairy cows and goats, i.e., food intake and milk yield. However, the higher milk protein content during summer is demonstrated in dairy goats in our condition. Likewise, an increase in heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) gene expression from mammary epithelium cells isolated from either in vivo (summer and winter periods) and in vitro conditions suggests the direct effect of HTa on mamm...

To study the effect of dietary green tea waste supplementation on milk production, nutrient diges... more To study the effect of dietary green tea waste supplementation on milk production, nutrient digestibility and antioxidant activity in cross-bred lactating cows. Six cross-bred lactating cows were used in the experiment. They were randomly divided into three groups of two cows each. A Latin Square (3×3) design was used in this study. Each period lasted for 25 days; the adjusting and collecting periods were 10 and 15 days, respectively. Cows were fed ad libitum with total mixed ration (TMR). TMR was the mixture of silage and concentrate at the ratio of 39:61 (DM basis). The compositions of a basal diet (control) and two treatment diets were the same except for the difference of the green tea waste concentration. Dietary green tea waste was varied by using green tea waste. The concentrations of green tea waste in control diet and two treatment diets were 0%, 5% and 10% (DM basis), respectively. No effects of GTW supplementation on feed intake, DMI/%BW, MY and MY/DMI. Milk protein perce...

Physiology & Behavior, 2021
High ambient temperature (HTa) is an important environmental factor influencing food intake (FI).... more High ambient temperature (HTa) is an important environmental factor influencing food intake (FI). We previously demonstrated that low-degree HTa exposure decreased FI earlier than activated physiological responses, and this effect was related to the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) and arcuate nucleus (Arc) connection. The present study refines the condition of low-degree HTa exposure and focuses on the mechanism of Arc neural activation. We demonstrated in the first experiment that with the usual ambient temperature (Ta) at 23°C, the low degree HTa condition is at a 7°C temperature difference and with 90 min exposure. Rats exposed to this short-term low-degree HTa had significantly lower 1-h FI than those exposed to control Ta (CTa) without differences in rectal temperature and hematocrit. Under nonfeeding conditions, HTa could enhance c-Fos at the Arc without the activation of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. Under feeding conditions, HTa could enhance both c-Fos and POMC at Arc. In addition, the number of c-Fos and POMC colocalizations in the HTa group was higher than that in the CTa group. Finally, intracerebral preinfusion with a subthreshold dose of the melanocortin antagonist SHU9119 reversed the effect of low-degree HTa exposure on FI. Therefore, we conclude that the effect of short-term low-degree HTa exposure on FI in rats is mediated in part by activation of POMC neurons at the Arc. The results partially support the hypothesis that Arc is a crucial hypothalamic nucleus for the effect of low-degree HTa exposure on FI.
Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2001
Two yearling swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves, one male and one female, were used for measu... more Two yearling swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves, one male and one female, were used for measuring their carotid blood pressure by the classic Stephen Hales method. The animals were premedicated with xylazine hydrochloride followed by intravenous guaifenesin-thiopental. The systolic blood pressure in the male calf was 145.7 mmHg, while the Statham transducer showed 150 mmHg. The pressure in the female calf was 136.2 mmHg and 140 mmHg by the Stephen Hales and electronic methods, respectively.

PLOS ONE, 2021
The venomic profile of Asian mountain pit viper Ovophis monticola is clarified in the present stu... more The venomic profile of Asian mountain pit viper Ovophis monticola is clarified in the present study. Using mass spectrometry-based proteomics, 247 different proteins were identified in crude venom of O. monticola found in Thailand. The most abundant proteins were snake venom metalloproteases (SVMP) (36.8%), snake venom serine proteases (SVSP) (31.1%), and phospholipases A2 (PLA2) (12.1%). Less abundant proteins included L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) (5.7%), venom nerve growth factor (3.6%), nucleic acid degrading enzymes (3.2%), C-type lectins (CTL) (1.6%), cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISP) (1.2%) and disintegrin (1.2%). The immunoreactivity of this viper’s venom to a monovalent antivenom against green pit viper Trimeresurus albolabris, or to a polyvalent antivenom against hemotoxic venom was investigated by indirect ELISA and two-dimensional (2D) immunoblotting. Polyvalent antivenom showed substantially greater reactivity levels than monovalent antivenom. A titer for the monov...
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2020
Amoxicillin (AMX), a semisynthetic penicillin, has a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity agai... more Amoxicillin (AMX), a semisynthetic penicillin, has a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against a wide range of common gram-positive and gram-negative organisms including pneumococci, streptococci, certain strains of staphylococci, and some strains of Escherichia coli, Klebseilla

Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2019
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the beneficial effects of dietary supp... more Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with oil palm frond (leaf) (OPF) with and without oil palm meal (OPM) on nutrient intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation and growth performance in goats.Methods: Six female crossbred goats were fed for 28 days of 3 diet treatments; 100% paragrass (T1); 50% para-grass + 50% OPF (T2), and 30% para-grass + 50% OPF + 20% OPM (T3). Body weight, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, and urine volume, food intake, dry matter intake and water intake were measured daily. Nutrient digestibility was determined from five consecutive days of last week in each diet. Ruminal fluid, urine and blood were collected at the end for determination of rumen protozoa and volatile fatty acid contents, urinary allantoin excretion, blood cell count and chemistry profiles.Results: Goats fed T2 and T3 showed higher dry matter and nutrients intakes while protein digestibility was suppressed compar...
Papers by Narongsak Chaiyabutr