Papers by Narayana Prakash

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine, 2015
Context: Insomnia is the most common of all sleep disorders, in which there is inability to fall ... more Context: Insomnia is the most common of all sleep disorders, in which there is inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. In comparison to the therapeutic procedure of different systems of medicine, Ayurveda has good approach towards the treatment of Insomnia in terms of both internal and external therapies. the drug Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina Benth ex.kuntz) has been widely used in the management of hypertension and insomnia, no study has been carried out to prove its efficacy in insomnia as a single drug. Aim : To evaluate the efficacy of Sarpagandha Vati in Nidranasha (Primary Insomnia) Study design : A single group, open labelled, uncontrolled, prospective clinical study with minimum 30 patients with pre and post test design. Methods and Material: Study was conducted on 30 patients of Nidranasha (primary Insomnia) who came under inclusion criteria. Sarpagandha tablets of 500mg each prepared with one Bhavana of Sarpagandha Moola Kashaya (root decoction...
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
The present study was undertaken to evaluate Tagara and Jatamansi for certain CNS activities to a... more The present study was undertaken to evaluate Tagara and Jatamansi for certain CNS activities to ascertain the basis for their use as a sedative and hypnotics. The drugs were evaluated for hypnotic and sedative, anti anxiety, anti depressant and anti psychotic activities using standard experimental protocol. The data generated suggests that the test drugs Tagara and Jatamansi have complex CNS activity profile which is not easy to categorize under general CNS activity profile. Both possess significant anti-anxiety activity without significant sedative-hypnotic activity. This increases their utility for the patients suffering from anxiety due to sleep disturbances.

The word 'Kaphaja Unmada' consist of two components viz… Kaphaja & Unmada. Kaphaja: The word Kaph... more The word 'Kaphaja Unmada' consist of two components viz… Kaphaja & Unmada. Kaphaja: The word Kapha is derived from the root 'shlisha', Alingane and ja means "produced by". Unmada Nirukthi (Etymology): Unmada-un/ud+mada Un/Ud-urdhava i.e. upward direction Mada-madyate, madyati iti Mada i.e. intoxication, excitement, uncontrolled force. Though the prefix 'ud' means upward direction; in this context the 'overflow' or 'beyond the limit' would be an appropriate meaning. Hence from nirukti it can be comprehended that Unmada is a disease related to the uncontrolled or excited mental stage. Kaphaja unmada (Depressive dis orders): is one of the common psychiatric disorder with trend of rising incidence in recent years throughout the world is still a serious challenge to the medical profession. It is one of the leading cause of disability worldwide. Approximately 15% of general population reports depressive syndrome (Kaphaja Unmada). Kaphaja Unmada can be applied to wide range of diseases. Depressive disorder is one among them. Many references are available related to Kaphaja Unmada. In this article different views of different Acharyas are compiled in brief. Acharya Charaka defines Unmada is the disease characterized by the perversion of mind (Manas) intellect (Buddhi), consciousness (Samjnajnana), memory (Smriti), desire (Bhakti), manners (Sheela), behavior (Chesta) and conduct (Achara). Here Vibhramsha means the total disability to perform assigned function or dysfunction of particular entity. 1 Susruta defines Unmada is distraction of mind due to the upward movement of Doshas. 2 Ashtanga Samgraha and Ashatangahridaya defines Unmada is Mada (toxicity, disorder) of the mind produced by the Doshas (Vata etc), moving in the wrong paths. 3-4 Madhava nidanakara 5 has accepted Susruta's opinion. Among all above ABSTRACT In Ayurveda "Unmada" is the common term used in every mental disorder. The term Unmada can be applied to a wide range of diseases. Like that the Kaphaja Unmada can be applied to wide range of diseases. Depressive disorder is one among them. In Ayurveda Kaphaja Unmada is explained as a separate entity with the explanation of specific Nidana panchaka and treatment. Present paper deals with the critical review on Kaphaja Unmada.
Madatyaya refers to group of disorders caused due to improper & excessive consumption of alcohol.... more Madatyaya refers to group of disorders caused due to improper & excessive consumption of alcohol. It is a Saanipataja Vyadhi (caused by vitiation of all three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha). It mainly vitiates Ojas, as Madya (alcohol) have opposite quality of Ojas. Chronic alcoholism leads to excessive accumulation of morbid Dosha, which need to be expelled out from nearest route by specific Panchakarma. Hence they may need careful usage of Panchakarma (five specific therapies). Selection of Panchakarma (Vamana, Virechana, Anuvasana Basti, Niruha Basti and Nasya) are based on key

Madatyaya refers to group of disorders caused due to improper & excessive consumption of alcohol.... more Madatyaya refers to group of disorders caused due to improper & excessive consumption of alcohol. It is a Saanipataja Vyadhi (caused by vitiation of all three Doshas-Vata, Pitta and Kapha). It mainly vitiates Ojas, as Madya (alcohol) have opposite quality of Ojas. Chronic alcoholism leads to excessive accumulation of morbid Dosha, which need to be expelled out from nearest route by specific Panchakarma. Hence they may need careful usage of Panchakarma (five specific therapies). Selection of Panchakarma (Vamana, Virechana, Anuvasana Basti, Niruha Basti and Nasya) are based on key factors like Dosha, Dushya, Bala, Kala, Prakriti, Agni, Vaya, Satva, Satmya and Roga Avastha. This paper is focused on five key points regarding selection of appropriate Panchakarma in Madatyaya. Each Panchakarma are discussed under heading of brief description, indication, contra indication, benefits and special precautions & observation based on the available references in Ayurvedic texts & clinical experi...

Background: Atattvabhinivesha is a thought disorder due to Buddhi Vaishamya (impaired judgement) ... more Background: Atattvabhinivesha is a thought disorder due to Buddhi Vaishamya (impaired judgement) along with the impairment in functioning of Manas (mind), Smriti (memory) and Chesta (psychomotor activities). The clinical features and line of management are suggestive more of Anxiety neurotic states. Among them Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one and the study was carried on it as there are nominal studies conducted on Atattvabhinivesha. Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Panchagavya Ghrita in the management of Atattvabhinivesha (OCD). Methods: 22 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from OPD and IPD of SDM Ayurveda College and Hospital, Hassan were included in the study. Among them 20 patients completed the study, whereas 2 patients dropped out. For diagnosis the ICD-10 criteria of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was used and was assessed with YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOC’S) and Manasika Bhava Scale. The subjects with s...
Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion, 2014

Background Anxiety disorder (Chittodvega) is having one-year prevalence rate 2.5-8% globally. Chi... more Background Anxiety disorder (Chittodvega) is having one-year prevalence rate 2.5-8% globally. Chittodvega is a disease of mind caused due to Manasika dosha rajas and tamas along with the Sharirika doshas mainly vata pradhan. Mandookaparni and Guduchi are mentioned as Medhya drug which is helpful for Medha or the intellect, Dhi (intelligence) or Buddhi, Dhriti (retention power) and Smriti (memory) and these drugs are having potential antistress properties and psychotropic actions. Objectives: To evaluate & compare the effect of Guduchi Vati and Mandookaparni Vati administrated for 1 month in the management of Chittodvega (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Materials and Methods: This is a comparative study involving two groups of 15 patients each. Patients in Group A & Group B received Guduchi Vati & Mandookaparni Vati in the dose of 500 mg tablet thrice daily with water after food for a month. Follow up was done for a period of one month in both the groups. Results: The percentage of re...

The Journal of Phytopharmacology
The objective of the study was to screen the neuroprotective role of Brihatvata Chinthamani Rasa,... more The objective of the study was to screen the neuroprotective role of Brihatvata Chinthamani Rasa, a compound mineral formulation extensively used in stroke condition in the Indian system of medicine. The selected animals were grouped into four different categories and administered with group specific drugs for seven consecutive days. On seventh day an hour after drug administration all the rats were anesthetised. A midline incision was made and soft tissues were pulled apart and both bilateral common carotid arteries were exposed. The cerebral ischemia were induced by simultaneous occlusion of both common carotid artery for 30min, followed by acute ischemic reperfusion injury was produced by untying the temporary ligature and releasing the thread. At the end of the experiment, under anaesthesia animals were sacrificed and brain has been removed. Anti oxidant and histopathological investigation were carried out of brain tissue. Control group rats have shown increased lipid peroxidati...
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, May 15, 2015
International journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2013

Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion, 2013
Mind is an inseparable entity in the living body. It is the basic factor responsible for acquirin... more Mind is an inseparable entity in the living body. It is the basic factor responsible for acquiring knowledge and for performing actions. The three Guna (Qualities) of Mana (mind) viz. Satva, Rajas and Tamas have been considered as the ultimate causative factors for the whole universe. They are the basic building blocks of any formation. The Trigunatmaka description of the constitution of Panchamahabhuta is the most applied application of the philosophical concept of Guna in the field of science and medicine. The Trigunatmaka theory of Manas (mind) has been utilized in Ayurveda in framing its philosophical concepts as well as in formulating the applied aspects of human constitution, psyche, personality, and in the treatment of psychological disorders. Sigmund Freud's theory of Psychodynamics tries to study the transformations and exchanges of psychic energy within the personality. The basic psychodynamic model focuses on the dynamic interactions between the id, ego, and superego. Psychodynamics attempts to explain or interpret behavior or mental states in terms of innate emotional forces or processes. Even the Trigunatmaka theory explains the basic pattern of behavior and temperament of an individual based on the dominance of Satva, Rajas or Tamas. On thorough analysis of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis theory, it can be inferred that the explanation regarding Id, Ego and Super-Ego can be very well correlated to Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Papers by Narayana Prakash