Papers by Naomi Steinberger
Abstract: The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary partnered with the American Jewish Histo... more Abstract: The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary partnered with the American Jewish Historical Society and the Center for Jewish History to digitize documents and create a web portal for five archival collections of early (pre-20th century) synagogue archives in New York City. This presentation will focus on how we brought the two DigiTool installations together in a shared web portal for searching and presentation of these documents.

Judaica librarianship, Dec 31, 1995
Introduces the reader to the history of the Internet and the requirements for accessing it. The t... more Introduces the reader to the history of the Internet and the requirements for accessing it. The three major capabilities of the Internet-electronic mail, telnet, and file transfer protocolare discussed. Examples of how Jewish Internet resources may be used in the educational arena are included. The article concludes with a list of Jewish Internet sites. Definition and History of the Internet The Internet is an "inter"connected "net"work of networks. Like many scientific breakthroughs, it owes its existence to the military. In an attempt to assure speedy and reliable communications between the United States and its NATO allies, the Department of Defense established a telecommunications link between America and Europe in the 1960s. The following decade saw the creation of a universitybased network system, inaugurated between the City University and Yale, which was dubbed Bitnet ("Because It's Time Network"). In time many other networks sprang up, each sharing whatever information the administrator of a given system was willing to make available to outside users. The 1980s saw the arrival of a software protocol called TCP/IP, which could tie all of these networks together so that they could communicate, and so was born the Internet. The important point to take away from this history lesson is that even today, what is available on a given computer is whatever the administrator of the system chooses to make public. This
Library Hi Tech, Feb 1, 1994
Naomi Steinberger, Director of Library Services, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. ... more Naomi Steinberger, Director of Library Services, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. This presentation covers the steps taken to resolve problems after running matches on the LC authority file against our existing authority file and subsequent loading of the records to ALEPH. The goal is to assist users who are in the process of or are anticipating running their authority file anticipate and resolve some of the pitfalls such as partially matched headings, typos, and dealing with non-Roman characters.
After hearing Sandy Card’s session about OCLC reclaimation at ELUNA we decided to embark on a sim... more After hearing Sandy Card’s session about OCLC reclaimation at ELUNA we decided to embark on a similar project. However, our ALEPH records, half of which are in Hebrew characters, were input directly into ALEPH200, ALEPH300,earlier iterations of ALEPH500 and RLIN. Working with OCLC and with ExLibris we are creating a clean file of Hebrew language cataloging records that can be checked against our holdings on the OCLC database.
Naomi Steinberger, Director of Library Services, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. ... more Naomi Steinberger, Director of Library Services, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. This presentation covers the steps taken to resolve problems after running matches on the LC authority file against our existing authority file and subsequent loading of the records to ALEPH. The goal is to assist users who are in the process of or are anticipating running their authority file anticipate and resolve some of the pitfalls such as partially matched headings, typos, and dealing with non-Roman characters.
Description of project to digitize 25 volumes of diaries spanning from 1913-1973. Discussion of b... more Description of project to digitize 25 volumes of diaries spanning from 1913-1973. Discussion of break down of files, conversion of tiff files to pdf and compression of files, descriptive metadata. Part two will discuss an assessment of The Library's DigiTool site.
After hearing Sandy Card’s session about OCLC reclaimation at ELUNA we decided to embark on a sim... more After hearing Sandy Card’s session about OCLC reclaimation at ELUNA we decided to embark on a similar project. However, our ALEPH records, half of which are in Hebrew characters, were input directly into ALEPH200, ALEPH300,earlier iterations of ALEPH500 and RLIN. Working with OCLC and with ExLibris we are creating a clean file of Hebrew language cataloging records that can be checked against our holdings on the OCLC database.
Abstract: The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary partnered with the American Jewish Histo... more Abstract: The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary partnered with the American Jewish Historical Society and the Center for Jewish History to digitize documents and create a web portal for five archival collections of early (pre-20th century) synagogue archives in New York City. This presentation will focus on how we brought the two DigiTool installations together in a shared web portal for searching and presentation of these documents.
Judaica Librarianship, 1995
Introduces the reader to the history of the Internet and the requirements for accessing it. The t... more Introduces the reader to the history of the Internet and the requirements for accessing it. The three major capabilities of the Internet-electronic mail, telnet, and file transfer protocol are discussed. Examples of how Jewish Internet resources may be used in the educational arena are included. The article concludes with a list of Jewish Internet sites.
Library Hi Tech, 1994
Working with a foreign vendor and creating a network among three multilingual libraries was a cha... more Working with a foreign vendor and creating a network among three multilingual libraries was a challenging experience for the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. After four years investigating library systems offering integrated capabilities for English/Hebrew, the Library selected the ALEPH system. The intricacies of the Hebrew language posed unexpected problems. Gratz College and the Annenberg Research Institute became key players in the establishment of the network. Several technical difficulties had to be resolved before the interfacing aspects among the three multilingual libraries became functional
Library Hi Tech, 1994
Working with a foreign vendor and creating a network among three multilingual libraries was a cha... more Working with a foreign vendor and creating a network among three multilingual libraries was a challenging experience for the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. After four years investigating library systems offering integrated capabilities for English/Hebrew, the Library selected the ALEPH system. The intricacies of the Hebrew language posed unexpected problems. Gratz College and the Annenberg Research Institute became key players in the establishment of the network. Several technical difficulties had to be resolved before the interfacing aspects among the three multilingual libraries became functional.
Papers by Naomi Steinberger