Papers by Naomi López Espitia
Este articulo realiza una revision de las definiciones y tipologias del Coaching haciendo distinc... more Este articulo realiza una revision de las definiciones y tipologias del Coaching haciendo distinciones entre estas entre las que encontramos, Coaching Personal, Coaching Ejecutivo, Coaching Empresarial, y El Coaching Ontologico enfatizando en las diferencias en la aplicacion del concepto. El Coach se centra en orientar, a las personas, ejecutivos o empresas en la busqueda de sus metas u objetivos mediante estrategias similares que promuevan los resultados esperados por parte de estos. Aunque existen tipologias del coaching, Al final todas convergen en el direccionamiento que se le da en cada Coaching, el cual en esencia es el mismo, el concepto de Coaching es aplicado de manera Universal y en diferentes ambitos, obteniendo los mismos resultados en cada caso
Revista Agunkuyâa, 2015
Research trends worldwide, make a pattern to the nations of the interest that exists in certain a... more Research trends worldwide, make a pattern to the nations of the interest that exists in certain areas to generate knowledge. This paper makes a contrast between Colombia and the world of different indicators of research, emphasizing intellectual production, taking into account the widespread knowledge areas by the OECD, the results show that there is an asymmetry in the thematic level research Colombia and worldwide, in conclusion in Colombia is prioritizing topics that are not of such importance for world.
Existen diferentes formas hoy en dia de generar procesos que lleven a las organizaciones a aument... more Existen diferentes formas hoy en dia de generar procesos que lleven a las organizaciones a aumentar la eficacia y competitividad. Es asi como el desarrollo organizacional, el cual sus principios se basan en las premisas del libro “el arte de la guerra” escrito por Sun Tzu, se ha convertido en el instrumento por excelencia para el cambio en las organizaciones, ya que busca el logro de una mayor eficiencia organizacional teniendo como eje principal los recursos humanos de la organizacion, condicion indispensable en el mundo actual.

This article is based on a study whose objective was focused on identifying the variables and key... more This article is based on a study whose objective was focused on identifying the variables and key actors with the greatest impact on the competitiveness of a large island in the island region of the Rosario Islands in Cartagena, Colombia. The implemented methodology is exploratory, based on the qualitative paradigm, and had three phases. The first was developed through a competency diagnosis that was achieved from observations and discussions with the community. The second phase was the identification of the actors to determine how they affect the community. The final phase included the identification of probabilistic cross impacts. The main findings of the research include that the main external factor is the sociodemographic variable. In addition, the environmental variable directly influences competitiveness. The following internal variables of the large island community were identified: ecotourism, poverty and misery index, exploitation of natural resources, social innovation, t...

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Dec 5, 2019
The objective of this article is the construction of future stages in the framework of territoria... more The objective of this article is the construction of future stages in the framework of territorial development for the Island of Bocachica in Colombia through collective construction among state community and participating researchers that was intended to provide the territory inputs for reflection on the future of the Island, from its historical vocation and economic development of the island. Three methods were used: structural analysis, analysis of actors, and construction of stages. The first allowed to identify the key factors in the political, economic, social, and environmental dimensions, highlighting those key variables that dynamize the transformations in the system; secondly, the analysis of actors, which contributed to determining the relations between the key actors of the territory and their degree of power, as well as their convergences and divergences with respect to the key variables identified in the structural analysis. Finally, the construction of stages made it possible to identify three future scenarios with high probability of occurrence. The most important findings of the research show that, if the trend continues in the Island with respect to its territorial development, it is more likely that the economic and social problems it currently presents will continue.
Papers by Naomi López Espitia