Nana Maulida
Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ) Wonosobo di Jawa Tengah
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Papers by Nana Maulida
This thesis is about Tradition of Angketan in Marriage of ‘Urf Perspective in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrick, Wonosobo Regency. Marriage processions in Indonesia are very closely related to the customs and culture prevailing in their respective regions, as is the case in the village of Reco, which still preserves ancestral traditions until now. In Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrick, Wonosobo District, there is a tradition of Angketan which has the purpose of creating a harmonious and happy family for bride and groom. The myth is that if the bride does not carry out this tradition, she will get bad luck and disharmony in the future The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how to analyze symbols and meanings of the traditional Angketan in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrict, Wonosobo Regency and how to analyze the tradition of Angketan in ‘Urf perspective marriage in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrict, Wonosobo Regency.
This type of research is field research, namely research conducted by directly jumping into the field in order to obtain complete and valid data on the traditions of Angketan in marriage in Reco Village. While this study uses qualitative methods using a legal anthropology approach. The media used to collect data in this study are; interview, observation and documentation study. While the method of data analysis using the induction method is analyzing the data obtained from the field and associated with Islamic law then held reasoning to reach a conclusion.
The conclusion of this study is that the Angketan tradition is carried out and preserved up to now because of the high awareness factor for the community in maintaining tradition, they assume that Javanese people who are not Jawani are Javanese people who have no morals, so the Angketan tradition guided by Pakem Majapahit still preserved until now. And if viewed in terms of Islamic Law, basically the tradition of Angketan is a tradition that can be done because it is classified as' valid urf. But in some of the traditional practices of Angketan there are assumptions of bad luck for people who do not carry out the tradition, the author argues that through this assumption there are inconsistencies and incompatibilities with the concept of Islamic Law, because it is deviated from Islamic teachings, this tradition can be considered 'urf fascism think of sanctions that don't do that.
The results of this study are expected to be a solution to the problems above, as a form of concern among others as well as a form of implementation of Islamic law towards the reality that occurs in today's society.
This thesis is about Tradition of Angketan in Marriage of ‘Urf Perspective in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrick, Wonosobo Regency. Marriage processions in Indonesia are very closely related to the customs and culture prevailing in their respective regions, as is the case in the village of Reco, which still preserves ancestral traditions until now. In Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrick, Wonosobo District, there is a tradition of Angketan which has the purpose of creating a harmonious and happy family for bride and groom. The myth is that if the bride does not carry out this tradition, she will get bad luck and disharmony in the future The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how to analyze symbols and meanings of the traditional Angketan in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrict, Wonosobo Regency and how to analyze the tradition of Angketan in ‘Urf perspective marriage in Reco Village, Kertek Subdistrict, Wonosobo Regency.
This type of research is field research, namely research conducted by directly jumping into the field in order to obtain complete and valid data on the traditions of Angketan in marriage in Reco Village. While this study uses qualitative methods using a legal anthropology approach. The media used to collect data in this study are; interview, observation and documentation study. While the method of data analysis using the induction method is analyzing the data obtained from the field and associated with Islamic law then held reasoning to reach a conclusion.
The conclusion of this study is that the Angketan tradition is carried out and preserved up to now because of the high awareness factor for the community in maintaining tradition, they assume that Javanese people who are not Jawani are Javanese people who have no morals, so the Angketan tradition guided by Pakem Majapahit still preserved until now. And if viewed in terms of Islamic Law, basically the tradition of Angketan is a tradition that can be done because it is classified as' valid urf. But in some of the traditional practices of Angketan there are assumptions of bad luck for people who do not carry out the tradition, the author argues that through this assumption there are inconsistencies and incompatibilities with the concept of Islamic Law, because it is deviated from Islamic teachings, this tradition can be considered 'urf fascism think of sanctions that don't do that.
The results of this study are expected to be a solution to the problems above, as a form of concern among others as well as a form of implementation of Islamic law towards the reality that occurs in today's society.