Papers by Najamuddin Najamuddin

Biodiversitas, Oct 28, 2022
An understanding of immersion duration and the characteristics of natural materials Fish Aggregat... more An understanding of immersion duration and the characteristics of natural materials Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) on fish aggregation in the sea is crucial in developing more effective fishing strategies in FAD areas. The aim of the study was to understand the relationship between immersion duration and characteristics of FADs made from natural materials on the schooling aggregation of mackerel scad (Decapterus russelli) in the sea. The research was conducted from April 2021 to March 2022 in Bone Bay, Indonesia. The type of research was experimental fishing 78 times down at sea to observe the relationship between FAD construction and fish schools. The results demonstrated that the growth of invertebrates in the construction component of FADs based on the period of immersion in the sea at the immersion period of >30 days showed a high growth rate of algae, hydrozoa and crustacean species at the bottom of the raft. The endurance of the coconut leaves attractor at a duration of 3-4 weeks was the best condition for immersion duration in the sea because schooling fish were more concentrated around the attractor at an average distance of 1.2 m, while at a duration of 5-6 weeks the attractor had damaged and the fish schooling was less concentrated. Based on the arrival of schooling fish in FAD areas, the fastest average duration was 3-4 weeks, namely in transitional season 1. The presence of crustacean species caused fish schooling only to be concentrated at a distance of 2-3 m at the time of fishing. In the fishing strategy, the treatment of FADs using dried coconut leaves attractors showed more concentrated fish schooling and calmer fish movement pattern compared to the use of fresh coconut leaves attractor. The characteristics of the components making up FADs had a direct impact on the effectiveness of attracting and concentrating fish. In addition, the characteristics also influenced the schooling distance of fish at the center point of the FAD raft before the fishing gear was lowered.

Produktivitas hasil tangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap purse seine sangat terkait dengan pen... more Produktivitas hasil tangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap purse seine sangat terkait dengan pengaruh kesesuaian dimensi alat tangkap, kapasitas kapal dan alat bantu penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh desain dan kapasitas kapal purse seine terhadap produktivitas tangkapan ikan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2015 hingga Maret 2016 di Kabupaten Bone, sebanyak 25 sampel alat tangkap dan kapal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey yaitu mengambil sampel dari populasi model alat tangkap purse seine , untuk analisis data mengenai ukuran dimensi alat tangkap dan kapasitas kapal menggunakan perhitungan formula teoritis yang relevan dalam rancang bangun purse seine , sedangkan pengaruhnya terhadap produktivitas tangkapan ikan menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian yang didapat ialah berdasarkan uji regresi linier berganda mengenai pengaruh desain alat tangkap dan kapasitas kapal terhadap jumlah hasil tangk...

Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, Mar 31, 2016
Satelit penginderaan jauh dapat memberikan informasi sistematis tentang kondisi oseanografi. Pene... more Satelit penginderaan jauh dapat memberikan informasi sistematis tentang kondisi oseanografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan zona potensial penangkapan ikan (ZPPI) cakalang di Teluk Bone selama April-Juni 2012 menggunakan citra suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofil-a yang dikombinasikan dengan data penangkapan pole and line. ZPPI dipetakan menggunakan teknik sistem informasi geografis yang dikonstruksi dari hasil analisis fungsi distribusi kumulatif empiris dan generalized additive model (GAM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama bulan April-Juni di Teluk Bone, ZPPI cenderung berada pada area 120.5-121.5°BT dan 3.5-5°LS. Lokasi dengan nilai Catch per unit effort (CPUE) yang tinggi tersebut diindikasikan dengan kondisi SPL dan konsentrasi klorofil-a masing-masing antara 28.75-31.5°C dan antara 0.10 dan 0.2 mg m-3. Kombinasi nilai preferensi faktor oseanografis tersebut diduga kuat merefleksikan kondisi kelimpahan makanan yang cukup tinggi dimana zona tersebut pada gilirannya menjadi daerah tempat berkumpulnya gerombolan ikan cakalang dan menjadi zona target bagi penangkapan pole and line di Teluk Bone.

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, has the potential for pelagic fish, especially large pela... more Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, has the potential for pelagic fish, especially large pelagic fish, namely tuna, skipjack and cob, which are very prospective. The majority of fishermen in Mamuju Regency use fishing rods to catch large pelagic fish. Fishing rod fishermen with a large pelagic catch target are in Mamuju Regency, Simboro District, precisely in Sumare Village but currently it is known that there has been a decrease in the number of fishing rod fishermen in Mamuju Regency since the last 5 years experiencing a decrease in production. This study aims to determine the status of small-scale capture fisheries in a sustainability perspective according to ecological, technological, social and economic dimensions for small-scale fisheries in Mamuju Regency, and recommendations for sustainable capture fisheries. The study was conducted using qualitative methods using Rapfish analysis to determine the sustainability of fishing efforts. The results showed the highest dimensio...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to determine the catch per unit effort (CPUE) or abundance, maximum sustainable y... more This study aims to determine the catch per unit effort (CPUE) or abundance, maximum sustainable yield (Cmsy), optimum effort (Emsy), catch quota, utilization level, and effort of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacarez) for small scale fisheries in Bulukumba Regency, using a surplus production method, as well as time-series data for 11 years. According to the results, the CPUE or abundance average, Cmsw, Emsw, and catch quota, were about 4.4284 tons/unit, 720 tons, 184 units of hand line, and 576 tons, respectively. Meanwhile, the sustainable production with actual production showed overfishing, except for 2010 and 2015, while the production data for 2016 – 2020 were unavailable. In addition, the average MSY utilization, catch quota, and average effort levels were 61.9512 %, 77.4397 %, and 86.8352%, respectively. Theoretically, the MSY utilization levels for all years were about 100%, except for 2010 (1.4449 %) and 2015 (23.7581%), as well as 2012, where the value exceeded 100% (364.7357%...

Biodiversitas, Nov 26, 2022
ENSO and IOD are climate variability that affects water conditions seasonally and inter-annually,... more ENSO and IOD are climate variability that affects water conditions seasonally and inter-annually, including Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Research on the effect of ENSO and IOD variations on water fertility in Makassar Strait requires updating every year. This study aimed to analyze the impact of ENSO and IOD on the variability of oceanography (SST and SSC) and dynamics of the Scad (Decapterus spp.) production in Makassar Strait. This study used Niño3.4 Index and Dipole Mode Index data from NOAA, while SST and SSC data were obtained from the Aqua-MODIS satellite imagery from January 2015 to December 2019. For the study, data were processed using SeaDAS, ArcGIS, and RStudio software. The results indicated that the Niño3.4 Index for SST and SSC was strong, and the Dipole Mode Index for SST and SSC was low. The timeseries graph showed that the El Niño event was strong, and the IOD+ was quite strong in 2015-2016, affecting the negative SST anomaly and the positive SSC anomaly. Cross-correlation analysis of the effect of the Niño3.4 Index with the SST anomaly of-0.62 and the low SSC anomaly of 0.18. The result of IOD on the SST anomaly was quite strong at-0.51, and the SSC anomaly was low at 0.07. Strong El Niño and IOD+ events were found to highly affect SST and SSC as well as influence the variation or fluctuation of Scad catch production, especially from 2015 to 2016 in the study area of Makassar Strait, Indonesia.

Penggunaan lampu listrik untuk menarik perhatian ikan-ikan pelagis kecil untuk tujuan penangkapan... more Penggunaan lampu listrik untuk menarik perhatian ikan-ikan pelagis kecil untuk tujuan penangkapan ikan di Indonesia, telah berkembang dengan baik. Bagan adalah tipe alat penangkapan ikan yang tergolong kedalam jaring angkat menggunakan cahaya sebagai alat bantu dalam penangkapan. Bagan dapat diklasifikasikan kedalam dua jenis, yaitu bagan yang dipasang secara tetap (bagan tancap) dan bagan apung yang dapat berpindah-pindah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Selat Makassar dengan fishing ground di perairan Kabupaten Pangkep dari bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2012. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan berbagai jenis lampu listrik untuk menarik perhatian ikan pelagis kecil pada bagan tancap. Penelitian menggunakan satu unit bagan tancap. Terdapat tiga jenis lampu yang digunakan secara bergiliran yaitu lampu neon, merkuri dan pijar. Ketiganya mempunyai kekuatan cahaya 500W. Hasil tangkapan diuji secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ...

Budidaya rumput laut sudah berkembang dengan pesat di wilayah perairan pesisir Sulawesi Selatan. ... more Budidaya rumput laut sudah berkembang dengan pesat di wilayah perairan pesisir Sulawesi Selatan. Petani rumput laut hanya mengandalkan hasil dari rumput laut sementara ikan-ikan juga berkembang dengan baik. Ikan-ikan tersebut cenderung tidak dimanfaatkan oleh para petani rumput laut. Penelitian bertujuan mengeksplorasi potensi sumberdaya ikan di bawah area budidaya rumput laut untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani rumput laut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksploratif. Alat penangkapan ikan yang digunakan bubu bambu dengan ukuran panjang 92 cm, lebar 72 cm, dan tinggi 34 cm. Ada 4 buah bubu yang digunakan, dioperasikan di dasar perairan dengan menggunakan rumput laut sebagai umpan. Bubu dipasang terus di dasar perairan. Hasil tangkapan dicek setiap pagi hari pada saat petani rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis ikan yang tertangkap meliputi: ikan baronang, beronang lingkis, ikan kerapu. Hasil tangkapan rata-rata 6 ekor per hari dengan nilai Rp 20000. Juml...

Perairan Warsalelang merupakan perairan dengan sumberdaya perikanan yang bagus, alat tangkap yang... more Perairan Warsalelang merupakan perairan dengan sumberdaya perikanan yang bagus, alat tangkap yang masih digunakan nelayan pada perairan tersebut adalah bubu, tetapi nelayan banyak mengalamai kendala atau permasalahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk modifikasi bubu dasar untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan dan menganalisis efektifitas modifikasi bubu dasar (rangka paralon) Penelitian ini menggunakan empat jenis bubu yaitu bubu modifikasi persegi panjang, bubu modifikasi persegi empat, bubu modifikasi bubu tabung dan bubu tradisional yang biasa diapakai oleh nelayan perairan Warsalelang. Pengoperasian keempat jenis bubu dilakukan selama 90 hari secara bersamaan. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan bentuk modifikasi bubu, menganalisis efektifitas modifikasi bubu dasar (rangka paralon). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Modifikasi alat tangkap bubu dasar lebih efektif dalam menangkap ikan demersal dibandingakan dengan alat tangkap bubu dasar tradisonal. Komposisi h...

Alat tangkap ikan adalah peralatan yang digunakan nelayan untuk mendapatkan ikan dan hewan laut l... more Alat tangkap ikan adalah peralatan yang digunakan nelayan untuk mendapatkan ikan dan hewan laut lainnya. Terdapat berbagai jenis alat tangkap ikan yang dioperasikan di perairan Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar, namun pengetahuan mengenai jenis alat tangkap yang dioperasikan di masing-masing kecamatan belum diketahui secara pasti karena minimnya informasi yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan berbagai jenis alat tangkap yang ada di kecamatan bontomanai kabupaten kepulauan selayar. Spesifikasi data alat tangkap yang di analisis adalah ukuran utama alat tangkap seperti panjang, lebar, mesh size, jarak antar pelampung, jarak antar pemberat, bahan yang digunakan, serta ukuran dari bagian-bagian alat tangkap (untuk yang menggunakan jaring), sedangkan pada alat tangkap lain (tanpa jaring) adalah ukuran panjang, diameter, bahan yang digunakan dan ukuran bagian-bagian dari alat tangkap. Pengklasifikasian atau penggolongan setiap jenis alat tangk...

Payang merupakan alat penangkap ikan pelagis kecil dan termasuk alat yang dilarang digunakan sesu... more Payang merupakan alat penangkap ikan pelagis kecil dan termasuk alat yang dilarang digunakan sesuai Kepmen KP 02 tahun 2015. Payang merupakan alat penangkap ikan dominan digunakan masyarakat dan sampai saat ini masih meresahkan nelayan karena belum ada penggantinya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Nopember 2019 di perairan Kabupaten Majene mengunakan metode survai. Dipilih 4 kapal secara acak dari kapal yang berpangkalan di pantai Majene. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi, jumlah dan jenis ikan tangkapan, jarak daerah penangkapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan sangat bervariasi dari 0 sampai 482 ekor ikan. Jenis-jenis ikan hasil tangkapan meliputi ikan layang, selar bentong, tongkol. Daerah penangkapan bervariasi dari 3 – 20 mil dari pantai. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan hubungan nyata antara jumlah ikan hasil tangkapan dengan jarak daerah penangkapan tetapi korelasinya lemah. Faktor kondisi daerah penangkapan sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan operas...

Bagan perahu adalah salah satu alat tangkap ikan yang banyak beroperasi di perairan Kabupaten Kep... more Bagan perahu adalah salah satu alat tangkap ikan yang banyak beroperasi di perairan Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Ada dua macam bagan perahu yang beroperasi, yaitu bagan dengan satu perahu dan bagan dengan dua perahu. Bagan satu perahu berukuran cukup besar sedangkan bagan dua perahu berukuran kecil. Produktivitas bagan dua perahu tersebut lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan bagan satu perahu sehingga timbul ide untuk menambah jumlah hasil tangkapan melalui penambahan jumlah lampu tetapi tidak dipasang di atas bagan, melainkan di atas sebuah rakit yang nantinya akan dibawa arus menjauhi bagan dan dibiarkan selama beberapa jam agar dapat mengumpulkan ikan. Sebelum nelayan bagan mengangkat jaringnya, rakit lampu tersbut sudah ditarik kembali ke bagan dan setelah cukup dekat kemudian lampunya dimatikan agar ikan yang semula terkumpul di rakit tersebut diharapkan berpindah ke bagan. Untuk dapat mengujicoba ide tersebut maka dibuatlah Kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini dengan membuat rakit lampu lalu diajarkan cara pengoperasiannya kepada kelompok nelayan bagan perahu di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Kata Kunci: bagan satu perahu, bagan dua perahu, rakit lampu, Selayar Abstract "Bagan Perahu" is one of fishing gears that are operated in the waters of Selayar Archipelago District. There are two kinds of "Bagan Perahu" i.e bagan with one boat and with two boats. Bagan with one boat is large than Bagan with two boats. Productivity of twoboat bagan is smaller than that of the one boat bagan, therefore the idea was arose to increase catches of the two-boat bagan by increasing the number of lamps, however those lamps would be mounted on the raft instead of on the Bagan. During operations the light raft would be drifted by currents away from bagan and left it for several hours in order to allow it attracted the fish. Before hauling the net of Bagan light raft would be pulled back to the bagan and after it close enough then the lights would be turned off so that fish which was originally collected by light raft would move to the bagan.In order to be able to test the idea, this Community Service Activity was made by making a light raft and then taught to the communities how to operate it to the "Bagan" in Selayar Islands Regency.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Fish behavior is the response of fish to conditions existing in their environment. One of the cau... more Fish behavior is the response of fish to conditions existing in their environment. One of the causes is oceanographic factors, which can affect the schooling movement of fish. This study aimed to identify the schooling behavior of fish based on the influence of oceanographic variations in the Fish Aggregating Device (FADs) area. Study took place from March to September 2021 in Bone Bay Waters, Indonesia. The type of research was experimental fishing with an acoustic approach for 57 times. Parameters observed were current velocity, current direction, and water temperature to the distance of schooling fish from FADs vertically and horizontally in the afternoon, evening, night, and early morning. The behavioral data of fish species were namely Decapterus russelli. The results showed namely the variation in current velocity affected the horizontal distance; variation in the direction of currents affected the horizontal distribution distance, while the water temperature affected the vertical schooling of fish. In the operation of fishing gear, especially in the early morning, in terms of the concentration pattern of schooling fish under FADs. The ideal current velocity was in the range of 0.2-0.29 [m s-1 ], while the ideal current direction is direct current was at the angle of 0°-60°. The schooling of fish approached to the surface and was concentrated under FADs at >30°C. Understanding on the distribution of horizontal and vertical movements and the time of concentration of fish schooling at the central point of FADs due to oceanographic variations will facilitate the effectiveness of fishing gear operation.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Melihat tata kelola sumberdaya perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Maluku... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Melihat tata kelola sumberdaya perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Mendesain Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan desain kelembagaan pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan di Kecamatan Leihitu Kabupaten Maluku tengah menunjukan adanya keterkaitan antara pihak pengambil kebijakan dalam hal ini Pemerintah (collective chois level) dengan lembaga pelaksana kebijakan yang ( Operasional Choise Level). Aktor-aktor yang telibat secara langsung dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan di Kecamatan Leihitu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah adalah Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Propinsi Maluku, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Lembaga Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Masyarakat Nelayan, Kelompok pengusaha dan pedagang pengumpul / papalele dan serta polisi perairan dan Angkatan laut. Kata Kunci: Kelembagaan. Sumberdaya. Perikanan.

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2021
This study aims to analysis at the composition of fish catches and the fishing effectiveness of f... more This study aims to analysis at the composition of fish catches and the fishing effectiveness of fixed lift nets fitted with LED lights of varying color combinations. This research was carried out from May to June 2019, located in the waters of Pangkajene Regency and the Islands. Two fixed lift nets units, 16 white light Emitting Diode (LED) lights and 16 pairs of white blue and yellow combination lights, Global Positioning System (GPS), Stop watch, Digital scale, Digital camera, Logbook, Meter, Current meter, Thermometer, Refractometer, and Lux meter. The research method used in this study is Experimental fishing in fixed lift nets fishing operations using LED lights. Experimental research of white and white combination LED light color (control), and blue, white and yellow LED light color (Treatment) used in 2 fixed lift nets. The fixed lift nets used is 15 meters long and 15 meters wide with a height of 25 meters from the seabed to the top pole with a building height of 10 meters above sea level. The data collection technique was carried out by following directly the catching operation of two fixed lift nets with different color combinations of lights. The data collected is the position of the fishing ground and catch data. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis by looking at the technical aspects of operations on the fixed lift nets and data tabulation. Quantitative analysis was carried out using statistical methods and comparison of fish catches using two treatments using LED light colors. The results show that the composition of fish catches using color combinations (white, blue and yellow) shows higher yields when compared to white. The composition of the catch in the fixed lift nets is divided into three groups, namely the main catch (main catch), bycatch (bycatch) and discarded catch (discard). The use of a combination of LED lights on the fixed lift nets got a catch of 1,347.21 Kg, while the use of white LED lights got a catch of 906.21 Kg. The difference between the catches of the two treatments was 441 kg or 49% of the fish caught using white LEDs. From these results it can be concluded that the use of color combinations of LED lights is more effective than the use of white LED lights.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis alat penangkapan ikan yang beroperasi di perair... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis alat penangkapan ikan yang beroperasi di perairan Kabupaten Pinrang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Oktober 2014 di Kabupaten Pinrang, menggunakan metode survei. mengambil data sampel berdasarkan variasi ukuran dari setiap alat tangkap ikan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui penggolongan jenis alat tangkap berdasarkan klasifikasi alat penangkapan ikan dan evaluasi keberlanjutannta. Alat tangkap ikan di Kabupaten Pinrang teridentifikasi terdapat tujuh jenis alat tangkap yang berada pada tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Suppa, Kecamatan Lanrisang dan Kecamatan Mattirosompe di Kabupaten Pinrang yakni pukat cincin (purse seine) , bagan tancap, jaring insang dasar, sodok, pancing ulur, rawai dasar, dan bubu. Dari ketujuh jenis alat tangkap ikan tersebut digolongkan kedalam enam jenis alat tangkap yakni jaring lingkar, jaring angkat, jaring insang, pukat dorong, pancing, perangkap. Karakteri...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2022
Knowledge regarding biological aspects of fishes such as the brown-marbled grouper can provide im... more Knowledge regarding biological aspects of fishes such as the brown-marbled grouper can provide important information for fisheries management. This research was conducted from February 2020 to February 2021 to determine the length-weight relationship, condition factor, gonad maturity stage and spawning pattern, size at first maturity and feeding habits of brown-marbled groupers in Taka Bonerate National Park. The sample caught comprised 1042 brown-marbled groupers with a total length (TL) range of 23-97 cm and a weight range of 0.5-17.6 kg. The length-weight equation was W: 0.0001•L2.5955 (R²: 0.8935). For male brown-marbled grouper (n: 569), TL range was 47-97 cm, weight range 1.65-17.60 kg, regression equation W: 0.0002•L2.4731 (R²: 0.7716), condition factor range 0.56-2.36 (mean 1.236±1.019), and length at first maturity 66.34 cm. For female brown-marbled grouper (n: 473) TL range was 23-73 cm (mean 46.84 cm), weight range 0.50-6.6 kg (mean 2.23 kg), regression equation W: 0.0007•L2.1057 (R²: 0.7416), condition factor range 0.55-2.17 (mean 1.225±1.018), and length at first maturity 45.43 cm. The growth pattern was negative allometric with regression coefficient b < 3 for both sexes separately and combined. The majority of both male and female fish caught had mature gonads with indications of a partial spawning pattern. The fish diet was carnivorous, predominantly piscivorous (74%), with gut contents comprising 64% unidentified fish and 26% unidentified decapod crustaceans. Over-exploitation of fish can cause negative impacts on populations, so the relationship between length and weight, condition factors and maturity level gonad of fish can be used in fisheries management.

Mayority fishing gear by Skipjack tuna as a main target by fisherman Distrit Luwu are using for o... more Mayority fishing gear by Skipjack tuna as a main target by fisherman Distrit Luwu are using for operation di Bone Bay every year, so there is over eksploitation matter in some spesies of fish especially skipjack tuna as a main target. The Goal of study is to analysis of performance skipjack tuna fishing gear (pole and line, hand line, and payang) based on four aspect are biology, technical, social,and economi. Design of study is direct observation in the field using interview methode to choice responden as line owner of fihsing boat each skipjack fishing gear. Analysis use skoring methode with formula by Mangkusubroto and Trisnadi (1985). Result of study is the pole and line is the best in the technical aspect and economi aspect, but hand lineis the best in biology aspect and social aspect. The main priority fishing gear in succession is first pole and line, second hand line and last payang. The conclution is the fishing gear of pole and line have the best performance than others i...
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Understanding aspects of the population dynamics of groupers such as the brown-marbled grouper ca... more Understanding aspects of the population dynamics of groupers such as the brown-marbled grouper can provide valuable insights into how to manage grouper stocks effectively. Conducted from February 2020 to February 2021 in Takabonerate National Park waters, Selayar Islands District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, this study sought to elucidate the size structure and cohorts, population growth rate, total mortality rate, fishing mortality rate, natural mortality rate, exploitation rate and yield per recruit (Y/R) of the br own-marbled grouper. Grouper samples were caught using several fishing gears (i.e., hand line fishing, spearfishing, and trapping) with a total catch of 1042 specimens. The sampled specimens exhibited significant size structure and were classified into five age-specific cohorts. The growth rate coefficient was 0.46/year, with the brown-marbled grouper population tending to exhibit slow growth (K < 0.5/year). The estimated asymptotic length was 109.0 cm. The fishing mortality was higher than the natural mortality, with an exploitation r ate of 0.65, indicating that brown-marbled groupers in the waters of Takabonerate National Park have been subjected to extensive and intensive fishing, as also indicated by an estimated Y/R lower than the optimum Y/R rate.
Papers by Najamuddin Najamuddin