Papers by Nadine Hövelmeyer
Journal of Immunology, 2011
Journal of Immunology, 2011

A tightly regulated NF-κB pathway is very important for B cell homeostasis. Aberrant activation o... more A tightly regulated NF-κB pathway is very important for B cell homeostasis. Aberrant activation of NF-κB is involved in the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD, acts as a negative regulator of NF-κB by removing K63-linked ubiquitin chains from its target proteins. Here, we show that the B cell specific deletion of full-length CYLD and expression of the shorter splice form (sCYLD) lacking the binding sites for TRAF2 and NEMO, leads to the dramatic expansion of CD5 positive B cells, a hallmark of CLL. These cells accumulate in the blood and lymphatic organs with age, and show characteristic up-regulation of typical CLL-markers such as ZAP-70 and Bcl-2. A20, another negative regulator of NF-κB targets some of the same proteins as CYLD, thereby potentially compensating for the lack of FL-CYLD. We crossed sCYLD mice to a B cell specific A20 knockout. In these mice, the CLL phenotype progresses more rapidly probably due to an increase of NF-...

In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis, immun... more In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis, immunization with myelin Ags leads to demyelination and paralysis. To investigate which molecules are crucial for the pathogenesis of EAE, we specifically assessed the roles of the death receptors Fas and TNF-R1. Mice lacking Fas expression in oligodendrocytes (ODCs) were generated and crossed to TNF-R1-deficient mice. To achieve specific deletion of a loxP-flanked fas allele in ODCs, we generated a new insertion transgene, expressing the Cre recombinase specifically in ODCs. Fas inactivation alone as well as the complete absence of TNF-R1 protected mice partially from EAE induced by the immunization with myelin ODC glycoprotein. The double-deficient mice, however, showed almost no clinical signs of EAE after immunization. Histological analysis revealed that demyelination was suppressed in CNS tissue and that lymphocyte infiltration was notably reduced. We conclude that the death receptors Fas and TNF-R1 are major initiators of ODC apoptosis in EAE. Although only moderate reduction of lymphocyte infiltration into CNS tissue was observed, the absence of these receptors appears to confer protection from demyelination and development of clinical disease.

Richter’s transformation (RT) is an aggressive lymphoma that occurs upon progression from chronic... more Richter’s transformation (RT) is an aggressive lymphoma that occurs upon progression from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Transformation has been associated with genetic aberrations in the CLL phase involving TP53, CDKN2A, MYC, and NOTCH1; however, a significant proportion of RT cases lack CLL phase–associated events. Here, we report that high levels of AKT phosphorylation occur both in high-risk CLL patients harboring TP53 and NOTCH1 mutations as well as in patients with RT. Genetic overactivation of Akt in the murine Eµ-TCL1 CLL mouse model resulted in CLL transformation to RT with significantly reduced survival and an aggressive lymphoma phenotype. In the absence of recurrent mutations, we identified a profile of genomic aberrations intermediate between CLL and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Multiomics assessment by phosphoproteomic/proteomic and single-cell transcriptomic profiles of this Akt-induced murine RT revealed an S100 protein-defined subcluster of highly aggressive ...

The Journal of Immunology
Key Points CD4+ T cell–expressed CD83 regulates T cell responses in vitro and in vivo. CD83+CD4+ ... more Key Points CD4+ T cell–expressed CD83 regulates T cell responses in vitro and in vivo. CD83+CD4+ T cells control CD40 expression and IL-12 production of DCs. The glycoprotein CD83 is known to be expressed by different immune cells including activated CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4+Foxp3− conventional T cells. However, the physiological function of endogenous CD83 in CD4+ T cell subsets is still unclear. In this study, we have generated a new CD83flox mouse line on BALB/c background, allowing for specific ablation of CD83 in T cells upon breeding with CD4-cre mice. Tregs from CD83flox/flox/CD4-cretg/wt mice had similar suppressive activity as Tregs from CD83flox/flox/CD4-crewt/wt wild-type littermates, suggesting that endogenous CD83 expression is dispensable for the inhibitory capacity of Tregs. However, CD83-deficient CD4+ conventional T cells showed elevated proliferation and IFN-γ secretion as well as an enhanced capacity to differentiate into Th1 cells and Th17 cells upon stimulation in vitro. T cell–specific ablation of CD83 expression resulted in aggravated contact hypersensitivity reaction accompanied by enhanced CD4+ T cell activation. Moreover, adoptive transfer of CD4+CD45RBhigh T cells from CD83flox/flox/CD4-cretg/wt mice into Rag2-deficient mice elicited more severe colitis associated with increased serum concentrations of IL-12 and elevated CD40 expression on CD11c+ dendritic cells (DCs). Strikingly, DCs from BALB/c mice cocultured with CD83-deficient CD4+ conventional T cells showed enhanced CD40 expression and IL-12 secretion compared with DCs cocultured with CD4+ conventional T cells from CD83flox/flox/CD4-crewt/wt wild-type mice. In summary, these results indicate that endogenous CD83 expression in CD4+ conventional T cells plays a crucial role in controlling CD4+ T cell responses, at least in part, by regulating the activity of CD11c+ DCs.

Journal of Hepatology
BACKGROUND & AIMS Interleukin (IL)-1-type cytokines including IL-1α, IL-1β and interleukin-1 ... more BACKGROUND & AIMS Interleukin (IL)-1-type cytokines including IL-1α, IL-1β and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) are among the most potent molecules of the innate immune system and exert biological activities through the ubiquitously expressed interleukin-1 receptor type 1 (IL-1R1). The role of IL-1R1 in hepatocytes during acute liver failure (ALF) remains undetermined. METHODS The role of IL-1R1 during ALF was investigated using a novel transgenic mouse model exhibiting deletion of all signaling-capable IL-1R isoforms in hepatocytes (Il1r1Hep-/-). RESULTS ALF induced by D-galactosamine (D-GalN) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was significantly attenuated in Il1r1Hep-/- mice leading to reduced mortality. Conditional deletion of Il1r1 decreased activation of injurious c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK)/c-Jun signaling, activated nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) p65, inhibited extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and prevented caspase 3-mediated apoptosis. Moreover, Il1r1Hep-/- mice exhibited reduced local and systemic inflammatory cytokine and chemokine levels, especially TNF-α, IL-1α/β, IL-6, CC-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), C-X-C motif ligand 1 (CXCL-1) and CXCL-2, and a reduced neutrophil recruitment into the hepatic tissue in response to injury. NLRP3 inflammasome expression and caspase 1 activation were suppressed in the absence of the hepatocellular IL-1R1. Inhibition of IL-1R1 using IL-1ra (anakinra) attenuated the severity of liver injury, while IL-1α administration exaggerated it. These effects were lost ex vivo and at later time points, supporting a role of IL-1R1 in inflammatory signal amplification during acute liver injury. CONCLUSION IL-1R1 in hepatocytes plays a pivotal role in an IL-1-driven auto-amplification of cell death and inflammation in the onset of ALF. LAY SUMMARY Acute liver injury which can cause lethal liver failure is medicated by a class of proteins called cytokines. Among these, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and the corresponding receptor IL-1R1 play a prominent role in the immune system, but their role in the liver is undetermined. In the current study, a novel mouse model with defective IL-1R1 in liver cells was studied. Mice lacking this receptor in liver cells were protected from cell death to a certain extent. This protection occurred only in the presence of other, neighboring cells, arguing for the involvement of proteins derived from these cells. This effect is called paracrine signaling and the current study has for the first time shown that the IL-1R1 receptor on hepatocytes is involved in acute liver failure in this context. The approved drug anakinra - which blocks IL-1R1 - had the same effect, supporting the proposed mechanism of action. The findings of this study suggest new treatment options for patients with acute liver failure by blocking defined signals of the immune system.
Author names in bold designate shared co-first authorship.

BACKGROUND & AIMS Cholangiocyte proliferation and ductular reaction contribute to the onset a... more BACKGROUND & AIMS Cholangiocyte proliferation and ductular reaction contribute to the onset and progression of liver diseases. Little is known about the role of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in this process. We investigated the activities of the RELB proto-oncogene NF-κB subunit in human cholangiocytes and in mouse models of liver disease characterized by a ductular reaction. METHODS We obtained liver tissue samples from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, hepatitis B or C virus infection, autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, or without these diseases (controls) from a tissue bank in Germany. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for levels of RELB and lymphotoxin β (LTB). We studied mice with liver parenchymal cell (LPC)-specific disruption of the cylindromatosis (CYLD) lysine 63 deubiquitinase gene (Cyld), with or without disruption of Relb (CyldΔLPC mice and Cyld/RelbΔLPC mice) and compared them with C57BL/6 mice (controls). Mice were fed 5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) or standard chow diets to induce biliary injury or were given injections of CCl4 to induce non-cholestatic liver fibrosis. Liver tissues were analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, immunoblots, in situ hybridization, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cholangiocytes were isolated from normal human liver, incubated with LTB receptor agonist, and transfected with small interfering RNAs to knock down RELB. RESULTS In liver tissues from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, chronic infection with hepatitis B or C virus, autoimmune hepatitis, or alcoholic liver disease, we detected increased nuclear translocation of RELB and increased levels of LTB in cholangiocytes that formed reactive bile ducts compared with control liver tissues. Human cholangiocytes, but not those with RELB knockdown, proliferated with exposure to LTB. The phenotype of CyldΔLPC mice, which included ductular reaction, oval cell activation, and biliary fibrosis, was completely lost from Cyld/RelbΔLPC mice. Compared with livers from control mice, livers from CyldΔLPC mice (but not Cyld/RelbΔLPC mice) had increased levels of mRNAs encoding cytokines (LTB; CD40; and tumor necrosis factor superfamily [TNFSF] members TNFSF11 [RANKL], TNFSF13B [BAFF], and TNFSF14 [LIGHT]) produced by reactive cholangiocytes. However, these strains of mice developed similar levels of liver fibrosis in response to CCl4 exposure. CyldΔLPC mice and Cyld/RelbΔLPC mice had improved liver function on the DDC diet compared with control mice fed the DDC diet. CONCLUSION Reactive bile ducts in patients with chronic liver diseases have increased levels of LTB and nuclear translocation of RELB. RELB is required for the ductular reaction and development of biliary fibrosis in CyldΔLPC mice. Deletion of RELB and CYLD from LPCs protects mice from DDC-induced cholestatic liver fibrosis.

Immunology, Jan 24, 2018
mTORC1 is a key regulator of cell metabolism and lymphocyte proliferation. mTORC1 is inhibited by... more mTORC1 is a key regulator of cell metabolism and lymphocyte proliferation. mTORC1 is inhibited by the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a heterodimer of TSC1 and TSC2. Deletion of either genes results in robust activation of mTORC1. Mature B cells reside in the spleen at two major anatomical locations, the marginal zone (MZ) and follicles. MZ constitute the first line of humoral response against blood-borne pathogens and undergoes atrophy in chronic inflammation. In previous work we showed that mice deleted for TSC1 in their B cells (TSC1 ) have almost no MZ B cells, while follicular B cells are minimally affected. To explore potential underlying mechanisms for MZ B cells loss, we have analyzed the spleen MZ architecture of TSC1 mice and found it to be severely impaired. Examination of lymphotoxins (LTα and LTβ) and lymphotoxin receptor (LTβR) expression indicated that LTβR levels in spleen stroma were reduced by TSC1 deletion in the B cells. Furthermore, LTα transcripts in B cells ...

Nature communications, Jan 25, 2018
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most lethal cancers worldwide in which the vast majority of... more Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most lethal cancers worldwide in which the vast majority of cases exhibit little genetic risk but are associated with a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Although the mechanisms underlying CRC and colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC) remain unclear, we hypothesised that obesity-induced inflammation predisposes to CAC development. Here, we show that diet-induced obesity accelerates chemically-induced CAC in mice via increased inflammation and immune cell recruitment. Obesity-induced interleukin-6 (IL-6) shifts macrophage polarisation towards tumour-promoting macrophages that produce the chemokine CC-chemokine-ligand-20 (CCL-20) in the CAC microenvironment. CCL-20 promotes CAC progression by recruiting CC-chemokine-receptor-6 (CCR-6)-expressing B cells and γδ T cells via chemotaxis. Compromised cell recruitment as well as inhibition of B and γδ T cells protects against CAC progression. Collectively, our data reveal a function for IL-6 in the ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie

European Journal of Immunology
The function of NF-κB family members is controlled by multiple mechanisms including the transcrip... more The function of NF-κB family members is controlled by multiple mechanisms including the transcriptional regulator Bcl-3, an atypical member of the IκB family. By using a murine model of conditional Bcl-3 overexpression specifically in T cells, we observed impairment in the development of Th2, Th1, and Th17 cells. High expression of Bcl-3 promoted CD4 + T-cell survival, but at the same time suppressed proliferation in response to TCR stimulation, resulting in reduced CD4 + T-cell expansion. As a consequence, T-cell-specific overexpression of Bcl-3 led to reduced inflammation in the small intestine of mice applied with anti-CD3 in a model of gut inflammation. Moreover, impaired Th17-cell development resulted in the resistance of Bcl-3 overexpressing mice to EAE, a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Thus, we concluded that fine-tuning expression of Bcl-3 is needed for proper CD4 + T-cell development and is required to sustain Th17-cell mediated pathology.

Nature communications, Apr 28, 2017
Bcl-3 is an atypical NF-κB family member that regulates NF-κB-dependent gene expression in effect... more Bcl-3 is an atypical NF-κB family member that regulates NF-κB-dependent gene expression in effector T cells, but a cell-intrinsic function in regulatory T (Treg) cells and colitis is not clear. Here we show that Bcl-3 expression levels in colonic T cells correlate with disease manifestation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Mice with T-cell-specific overexpression of Bcl-3 develop severe colitis that can be attributed to defective Treg cell development and function, leading to the infiltration of immune cells such as pro-inflammatory γδT cells, but not αβ T cells. In Treg cells, Bcl-3 associates directly with NF-κB p50 to inhibit DNA binding of p50/p50 and p50/p65 NF-κB dimers, thereby regulating NF-κB-mediated gene expression. This study thus reveals intrinsic functions of Bcl-3 in Treg cells, identifies Bcl-3 as a potential prognostic marker for colitis and illustrates the mechanism by which Bcl-3 regulates NF-κB activity in Tregs to prevent colitis.
Cellular immunology, Oct 1, 2016

PloS one, 2016
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that is associated with aberrant activity of immune cells... more Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that is associated with aberrant activity of immune cells and keratinocytes. In mice, topical application of TLR7/8 agonist IMQ leads to a skin disorder resembling human psoriasis. Recently, it was shown that the IL-23/ IL-17 axis plays a deciding role in the pathogenesis of human psoriasis, as well as in the mouse model of IMQ-induced psoriasis-like skin disease. A consequence of IL-17A production in the skin includes increased expression and production of IL-6, resulting in the recruitment of neutrophils and other myelomonocytic cells to the site of inflammation. To further investigate and characterize the exact role of IL-6 signaling in myelomonocytic cells during experimental psoriasis, we generated mice lacking the IL-6 receptor alpha specifically in myelomonocytic cells (IL-6RαΔmyel). Surprisingly, disease susceptibility of these mice was not affected in this model. Our study shows that classical IL-6 signaling in myelomonocytic cells do...

Cancer immunology research, 2016
The role of the IL23/IL17A axis in tumor-immune interactions is a matter of controversy. Although... more The role of the IL23/IL17A axis in tumor-immune interactions is a matter of controversy. Although some suggest that IL17A-producing T cells (TH17) can suppress tumor growth, others report that IL17A and IL23 accelerate tumor growth. Here, we systematically assessed the impact of IL17A-secreting lymphocytes in several murine models of tumor lung metastasis. Genetic fate mapping revealed that IL17A was secreted within lung metastases predominantly by γδ T cells, whereas TH17 cells were virtually absent. Using different tumor models, we found Il17a(-/-) mice to consistently develop fewer pulmonary tumor colonies. IL17A specifically increased blood vessel permeability and the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 by lung endothelial cells in vivo. In transgenic mice, specific targeting of IL17A to the endothelium increased the number of tumor foci. Moreover, the direct impact of IL17A on lung endothelial cells resulted in impaired endothelial barrier integrity, showing that IL17A promotes...

European Journal of Immunology, 2015
NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) is a key mediator of the non-canonical NF-κB signaling pathway, which... more NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) is a key mediator of the non-canonical NF-κB signaling pathway, which is critical for normal B-cell development and function. It is well established that the complete deletion of NIK in mice results in defective B cells and impaired secondary lymphoid organogenesis. To address the role of NIK deficiency specifically in B cells, we generated a new mouse strain for the conditional deletion of this kinase. Deletion of NIK during B-cell development results in a drastic reduction of mature B cells from the transitional 2 (T2) stage on, while B-1 B cells are less affected. Moreover, deletion of NIK in the germinal centers decreases the numbers of germinal center B cells and impairs the ability of NIK-deficient B cells to develop into class switched cells in vivo. This new mouse strain will be helpful to study the role of NIK in different cell types of the body. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 2015
Papers by Nadine Hövelmeyer