IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2016
Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterpri... more Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterprises, it's not always possible to store, trace or capture knowledge and expertise, for instance in middle sized projects. Email it still widely used in professional projects especially among geographically distributed teams. In this paper we present a novel approach to detect zones inside business emails where elements of knowledge are likely to be found. We define an enhanced context taking into account not only the email content and metadata but also the competencies of the users and their roles. Also linguistic pragmatic analysis is added to usual NLP technics. After describing our model and method, we apply it to a real life corpus and evaluate the results based on machine learning experiments and filtering algorithm.
Hackathons are events that have become increasingly common around the world. This kind of event, ... more Hackathons are events that have become increasingly common around the world. This kind of event, described as a programming marathon, is based on problem-solving that can go beyond the technological boundary. This paper presents the findings of an international hackathon to aid its organizers to rethink their strategies to improve the development of the team's creativity to solve the challenge proposed. The paper summarizes qualitative research based on interviews and observations which point out that the organizers should consider strategies to improve knowledge application, resolving conflicts, individual learning, and experienced emotions, during pre-hackathon as well as post-hackathon events. Our findings could leverage the innovation, creativity, and knowledge sharing and creation within hackathons.
Ontology is a useful method that can share a common understanding of the structure of information... more Ontology is a useful method that can share a common understanding of the structure of information, make domain assumption explicit and analyze the domain knowledge. Representation of territorial knowledge based on the ontology is an approach which explains the nature and reasoning of this knowledge for sustainability. This paper proposes a descriptive ontology for territorial knowledge (DOTK) based on foundation ontology. DOTK ontology is an ontology of domain and its aim is enhancing the sustainable knowledge of actors within industries according to territorial knowledge. Extracting the concepts of the domain is from scientific study. This ontology is a guide for contracting of operational ontology and semantic graph demonstrate the rules between concepts of territorial knowledge. This work is ongoing research for applying of this ontology in the special domain. This study will be considered which part of DOTK and how can help to actors of hierarchical level within industries.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
PLM systems have emerged as effective solutions to handle the complexity, heterogeneity and quick... more PLM systems have emerged as effective solutions to handle the complexity, heterogeneity and quickly increasing of data. However, the complex dependencies among heterogeneous data is still a big issue to overcome. Querying this type of database is difficult for non-technician users of system. Based on some knowledge sharing techniques, the ontology-based query interface presented in this paper is expected as a good solution to simplify the database interrogation and to enhance the knowledge sharing among users. A query example in PLM domain will be used to illustrate capacities of this interface.
Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterpri... more Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterprises, it's not always possible to store, trace or capture knowledge and expertise, for instance in middle sized projects. Email it still widely used in professional projects especially among geographically distributed teams. In this paper we present a novel approach to detect zones inside business emails where elements of knowledge are likely to be found. We define an enhanced context taking into account not only the email content and metadata but also the competencies of the users and their roles. Also linguistic pragmatic analysis is added to usual NLP technics. After describing our model and method, we apply it to a real life corpus and evaluate the results based on machine learning experiments and filtering algorithm
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1996
Nos travaux sur la méthode d'acquisition des connaissances MACAO nous ont amenés à étudier commen... more Nos travaux sur la méthode d'acquisition des connaissances MACAO nous ont amenés à étudier comment mieux expliciter la méthode de résolution de problème qu'appliquera le système que l'on souhaite réaliser. Nous soulignons l'intérêt de disposer d'une représentation abstraite du modèle conceptuel (MC), que nous appelons Schéma du modèle conceptuel, qui permette de le caractériser et qui rende compte en particulier de la méthode de résolution du système. Nous rapportons alors une expérience de modélisation d'une expertise de diagnostic technique dans le domaine spatial pour explorer plusieurs façons de construire ce Schéma. Nous spécifions ce que doit être le Schéma du MC dans MACAO ainsi qu'un langage adapté à sa représentation. Nous retenons également des recommandations méthodologiques pour le mettre en évidence, en particulier l'intérêt d'étudier de manière approfondie la façon de raisonner de l'expert par catégorie de problèmes.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 8, 2012
International audienceCet ouvrage présente les travaux effectués dans le cadre du GIS 3SGS (Surve... more International audienceCet ouvrage présente les travaux effectués dans le cadre du GIS 3SGS (Surveillance, Sûreté et Sécurité des Grands Systèmes) créé avec le soutien du MESR, du Conseil Général de l'Aube, le CNRS et de la DGA, en Avril 2007 (https : //www. gis-3sgs. fr). Ce groupement fédère des laboratoires des Universités de Nancy, de Lille, de Valenciennes, de Reims, de Compiègne et de Troyes menant des recherches dans ces domaines. L'INRIA, l'EDF, l'ANDRA, le CEA en sont, également, membres fondateurs. Tous les projets soutenus par le GIS 3SGS avaient pour origine un problème posé par un industriel et devaient mobiliser au moins deux équipes universitaires différentes. Ils ont porté sur plusieurs aspects novateurs dans le domaine de la supervision, de l'évaluation prévisionnelle des opérations de maintenance, des méthodes de diagnostic et de pronostic, du fonctionnement en mode dégradé, de la fiabilité, de la performance, du contrôle-commande, de la reconfiguration, des incertitudes, et ce en utilisant des modélisations dynamiques ou probabilistes et en prenant en compte les facteurs humains, les facteurs environnementaux et le retour d'expérience
Knowledgeplaysakeyroleintheinformationrevolution.Majorchallengesaretoselecttheinformation fromnum... more Knowledgeplaysakeyroleintheinformationrevolution.Majorchallengesaretoselecttheinformation fromnumeroussourcesandtransformitintousefulknowledge.Inthiscontextandinaneconomy stronglyfocusedonthe"Knowledge",taketheturnofknowledgemanagementbecomesastrategic issueforthesurvivaloforganizations.However,theresearchinknowledgemanagementfocuses mainlyonthecreation,capitalization,andknowledgetransferprocess.Researchersarecenteredon theestablishmentoftheknowledgemanagementprocessincompanies,butlittleaboutinteraction betweentheknowledgemanagementprocessandtheriskmanagementprocess.Inthisarticle,the authorsproposeanewmodeltoreducetheriskofprojectsguidedbytheknowledgemanagement process represented by the GAMETH method. They apply their approach to ammonia industry presentedbytheFERTIAL(Algerian-Spanishcompany).
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2016
Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterpri... more Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterprises, it's not always possible to store, trace or capture knowledge and expertise, for instance in middle sized projects. Email it still widely used in professional projects especially among geographically distributed teams. In this paper we present a novel approach to detect zones inside business emails where elements of knowledge are likely to be found. We define an enhanced context taking into account not only the email content and metadata but also the competencies of the users and their roles. Also linguistic pragmatic analysis is added to usual NLP technics. After describing our model and method, we apply it to a real life corpus and evaluate the results based on machine learning experiments and filtering algorithm.
Hackathons are events that have become increasingly common around the world. This kind of event, ... more Hackathons are events that have become increasingly common around the world. This kind of event, described as a programming marathon, is based on problem-solving that can go beyond the technological boundary. This paper presents the findings of an international hackathon to aid its organizers to rethink their strategies to improve the development of the team's creativity to solve the challenge proposed. The paper summarizes qualitative research based on interviews and observations which point out that the organizers should consider strategies to improve knowledge application, resolving conflicts, individual learning, and experienced emotions, during pre-hackathon as well as post-hackathon events. Our findings could leverage the innovation, creativity, and knowledge sharing and creation within hackathons.
Ontology is a useful method that can share a common understanding of the structure of information... more Ontology is a useful method that can share a common understanding of the structure of information, make domain assumption explicit and analyze the domain knowledge. Representation of territorial knowledge based on the ontology is an approach which explains the nature and reasoning of this knowledge for sustainability. This paper proposes a descriptive ontology for territorial knowledge (DOTK) based on foundation ontology. DOTK ontology is an ontology of domain and its aim is enhancing the sustainable knowledge of actors within industries according to territorial knowledge. Extracting the concepts of the domain is from scientific study. This ontology is a guide for contracting of operational ontology and semantic graph demonstrate the rules between concepts of territorial knowledge. This work is ongoing research for applying of this ontology in the special domain. This study will be considered which part of DOTK and how can help to actors of hierarchical level within industries.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
PLM systems have emerged as effective solutions to handle the complexity, heterogeneity and quick... more PLM systems have emerged as effective solutions to handle the complexity, heterogeneity and quickly increasing of data. However, the complex dependencies among heterogeneous data is still a big issue to overcome. Querying this type of database is difficult for non-technician users of system. Based on some knowledge sharing techniques, the ontology-based query interface presented in this paper is expected as a good solution to simplify the database interrogation and to enhance the knowledge sharing among users. A query example in PLM domain will be used to illustrate capacities of this interface.
Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterpri... more Even if immaterial capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterprises, it's not always possible to store, trace or capture knowledge and expertise, for instance in middle sized projects. Email it still widely used in professional projects especially among geographically distributed teams. In this paper we present a novel approach to detect zones inside business emails where elements of knowledge are likely to be found. We define an enhanced context taking into account not only the email content and metadata but also the competencies of the users and their roles. Also linguistic pragmatic analysis is added to usual NLP technics. After describing our model and method, we apply it to a real life corpus and evaluate the results based on machine learning experiments and filtering algorithm
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1996
Nos travaux sur la méthode d'acquisition des connaissances MACAO nous ont amenés à étudier commen... more Nos travaux sur la méthode d'acquisition des connaissances MACAO nous ont amenés à étudier comment mieux expliciter la méthode de résolution de problème qu'appliquera le système que l'on souhaite réaliser. Nous soulignons l'intérêt de disposer d'une représentation abstraite du modèle conceptuel (MC), que nous appelons Schéma du modèle conceptuel, qui permette de le caractériser et qui rende compte en particulier de la méthode de résolution du système. Nous rapportons alors une expérience de modélisation d'une expertise de diagnostic technique dans le domaine spatial pour explorer plusieurs façons de construire ce Schéma. Nous spécifions ce que doit être le Schéma du MC dans MACAO ainsi qu'un langage adapté à sa représentation. Nous retenons également des recommandations méthodologiques pour le mettre en évidence, en particulier l'intérêt d'étudier de manière approfondie la façon de raisonner de l'expert par catégorie de problèmes.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 8, 2012
International audienceCet ouvrage présente les travaux effectués dans le cadre du GIS 3SGS (Surve... more International audienceCet ouvrage présente les travaux effectués dans le cadre du GIS 3SGS (Surveillance, Sûreté et Sécurité des Grands Systèmes) créé avec le soutien du MESR, du Conseil Général de l'Aube, le CNRS et de la DGA, en Avril 2007 (https : //www. gis-3sgs. fr). Ce groupement fédère des laboratoires des Universités de Nancy, de Lille, de Valenciennes, de Reims, de Compiègne et de Troyes menant des recherches dans ces domaines. L'INRIA, l'EDF, l'ANDRA, le CEA en sont, également, membres fondateurs. Tous les projets soutenus par le GIS 3SGS avaient pour origine un problème posé par un industriel et devaient mobiliser au moins deux équipes universitaires différentes. Ils ont porté sur plusieurs aspects novateurs dans le domaine de la supervision, de l'évaluation prévisionnelle des opérations de maintenance, des méthodes de diagnostic et de pronostic, du fonctionnement en mode dégradé, de la fiabilité, de la performance, du contrôle-commande, de la reconfiguration, des incertitudes, et ce en utilisant des modélisations dynamiques ou probabilistes et en prenant en compte les facteurs humains, les facteurs environnementaux et le retour d'expérience
Knowledgeplaysakeyroleintheinformationrevolution.Majorchallengesaretoselecttheinformation fromnum... more Knowledgeplaysakeyroleintheinformationrevolution.Majorchallengesaretoselecttheinformation fromnumeroussourcesandtransformitintousefulknowledge.Inthiscontextandinaneconomy stronglyfocusedonthe"Knowledge",taketheturnofknowledgemanagementbecomesastrategic issueforthesurvivaloforganizations.However,theresearchinknowledgemanagementfocuses mainlyonthecreation,capitalization,andknowledgetransferprocess.Researchersarecenteredon theestablishmentoftheknowledgemanagementprocessincompanies,butlittleaboutinteraction betweentheknowledgemanagementprocessandtheriskmanagementprocess.Inthisarticle,the authorsproposeanewmodeltoreducetheriskofprojectsguidedbytheknowledgemanagement process represented by the GAMETH method. They apply their approach to ammonia industry presentedbytheFERTIAL(Algerian-Spanishcompany).
Papers by Nada Matta