Papers by Nabaraj Neupane

Janapriya Journal of interdisciplinary studies/Janapriya journal of interdisciplinary studies, Dec 31, 2023
For developing fair intellectual practices, one requires paving the path of academic integrity. H... more For developing fair intellectual practices, one requires paving the path of academic integrity. However, authors have been violating those norms knowingly or unknowingly. They are doing so for some reasons such as academic promotion, public fame, and dignity without hard work, to mention a few. Therefore, plagiarism is rocking the academia and it is high time to prevent it. The first step to prevent this immoral practice is to make the writers aware of its notions, causes, consequences, and ways to avoid it. These are the main aims of this article. Further, this article aims to highlight state-of-the-art and desiderata of the plagiarists' practices, whose penalties are unavoidable. Employing a review and analysis of a few cases of history, this article draws an inference that writers should follow ethical/legal practices to let intellectual integrity and fairness prosper in the field of academia.

The Educator Journal
Along with the prevalence of post-method pedagogy in English language teaching, the use of learne... more Along with the prevalence of post-method pedagogy in English language teaching, the use of learners’ native language (NL) in English as a foreign language (EFL) context has become a vital issue. Considering the issue, this article aims to dig into the phenomenon of NL usage with special reference to Nepal. For achieving this objective, I followed a phenomenological study design to explore the teachers’ lived experiences. I purposively selected ten university English language teachers to observe their EFL classes based on age, qualification, gender, and teaching experience. The information obtained from the unstructured classroom observation led me to the four themes such as conditions, reasons, strategies and consequences. The findings reveal that most informants used NL for better and more efficient communication; they used NL in different ways; and learners were at ease, self-assured, and pleased with NL usage. This implies that EFL teachers need to use the learners’ NL sparingly.

Prithvi Academic Journal
Within the territory of Nepal and its vicinities like India, Myanmar and Bhutan, the Nepali langu... more Within the territory of Nepal and its vicinities like India, Myanmar and Bhutan, the Nepali language is used as a means of wider communication. Apart from this, it has become a fertile field of research for linguists, language-based researchers and language teachers. With this assumption, this article aimed to investigate the typical (that are culture-specific) terms of the Nepali language. To achieve this objective, the study employed a case study design that took Nepali culture-specific terms as a case and used document analysis for the interpretation of the information in the selected language based on the framework of words and phrases. For maintaining readability and intelligibility to the global readership, the typical Nepali terms have been glossed in English. The main finding is that the Nepali language is rich in its cultural terms that comprise words and phrases. This study can contribute to the linguists, translators and pedagogues for the frame of reference for further e...

Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 2020
Teaching in higher education has undergone numerous paradigm shifts from teacher-centred authorit... more Teaching in higher education has undergone numerous paradigm shifts from teacher-centred authoritative to learner-centredcritical and culturally responsive/relevant pedagogies. Further, single method-boundedness has been substituted by theintegration of pedagogies via eclecticism in the post-method contexts. Further, virtual learning and paperless classroom,which were not dreamed in the past, has become realistic because of the innovative practices in the domain of informationand communication technology in education in general and the pandemic situation created by COVID19 specifically. Theseshifts have sparked tremendous changes in the teaching field. Based on these presumptions, this article aims to envisageteachers’ multifarious roles to play and tasks to perform. To achieve this aim, I have adopted a document analysis methodthat lies within the typology of the qualitative approach. Moreover, I have found three main categories of teachers’ rolesincluding professional, administrat...

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching
Proverbs are witty, pithy, and epigrammatic expressions. They are idiosyncratic, being based on a... more Proverbs are witty, pithy, and epigrammatic expressions. They are idiosyncratic, being based on a specific culture. As cultural translation is difficult, translation of proverbs is not easy. Yet, translation practices on such genre have been appearing. In such a scenario, some such practices are found in the domain of Nepali into English translations. In this background, the present study aims at reviewing the available models for translating proverbs and recommending one, which can be used for translating Nepali proverbs into English. To achieve the objectives, I collected twenty proverbs purposively from Lall (1991) and Sharma (2000), primarily because I could deal only with twenty in a short period and limited space. By way of qualitative analysis and interpretation and by testing Wilson's (2009) model, I have concluded that the model is applicable for the purpose.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2021
Translation involves communication across languages and cultures. When one translates, s/he is in... more Translation involves communication across languages and cultures. When one translates, s/he is involved in cross-cultural communication that is necessary in the current world scenario of globalization. English has been a global lingua franca that lubricates communication in the multilingual and multicultural communities. In this context, some Nepali novels have been translated into English, including Modiain that is the corpus of the present study. This study aims to explore and examine strategies used in translating cultural concepts (CCs) from Nepali into English. To achieve the set objective, I have employed corpus-based research design that uses parallel corpora consisting of Nepali-English pair of the selected novel. I investigated CCs in the original version and examined their translation counterparts in light of the set strategies such as translation by a more general term, a more neutral term, cultural substitution, loan terms, paraphrase, omission and illustration. The find...

Literature conveys human ideas, thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences artistically. The us... more Literature conveys human ideas, thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences artistically. The use of distinctive grammatical, semantic, and stylistic conventions make the language of literature a field-based register. Based on these presumptions, this article aims to elucidate the deviant features that are prevalent in the literary texts. To obtain the objective, I have employed qualitative content analysis that calls for interpreting the extracts from the authentic literary discourses. The main findings are related to the five-fold features such as grammatical, semantic/lexical, graphological, prosodic, and ornamental, which create markedness of the literary register. These findings reveal that the litterateurs use figures of speech to beautify the presentation of feelings and ideas. This implies that the readers, the writers, and the material producers (like curriculum designers and textbook writers) should be aware of the marked features of the literary texts.

The article aims to explore and categorize culture-specific terms (CSTs) in Bhattarai’s novel Mug... more The article aims to explore and categorize culture-specific terms (CSTs) in Bhattarai’s novel Muglan, investigate and analyze the strategies applied in the translated version, assess the strategies for plausibility and evaluate gaps in translation. The data for the study were collected from Nepali and English versions of the novel. The basic technique for collecting data was the observation, which was done by using a checklist. The selection of the 220 cultural terms from the novel was done by applying a purposive sampling procedure. They were investigated in terms of five categories and seven strategies. The major finding of the research was that the terms, categorized into five types, employed seven strategies. The most frequent strategy was the translation by cultural substitution, followed by loan word (plus explanation), neutral word and general word. The subsequent strategies were translation by paraphrase (related words), paraphrase (unrelated words) and omission. Moreover, n...
Journal of NELTA Gandaki, Jun 14, 2019
Between the lines of quantitative and qualitative inquiries, mixed methods research, which has ta... more Between the lines of quantitative and qualitative inquiries, mixed methods research, which has taken a considerable space in academia, has emerged as a promising design as a mark of paradigm shift from pure method to the hybrid one. In this context, this article aims to explore the phenomenon of the mixed methods research design in terms of reasons for use, historical developments, types, and assessments. To achieve this goal, document analysis method has been used. Only the secondary sources like books, journals and archives have been used for documenting information and making meaning from them. The conclusion is that mixed methods research design has been a current practice for many reasons in academia. This implies that the new paradigm should profusely be used in the field of research at universities and research centers.

Systematic studies on translation began only after its introduction as a separate discipline in t... more Systematic studies on translation began only after its introduction as a separate discipline in the 1970s. The movements of the mid-twentieth century established translation theories like functional, postcolonial, and systems and proved relevance for translation works. Thus, a brief survey of translation theories that were developed and applied in the Western countries is significant, rational, and timely. In this context, the present paper focuses on the delineations of the translation theories developed in the West. Further, these theories have been included within applied linguistics and English language teaching courses. Since the wholistic expansion of all of them is impossible and unnecessary in such a small-scale study, this article presents a brief survey of only contemporary theories, which have been developed from the 1970s to the present date. A survey of these theories exhibits that none of them is exhaustive enough within itself and therefore, a new theory that is intel...

SCHOLARS: Journal of Arts & Humanities
Diamond Shumsher’s masterpiece, Seto Bagh, is a significant historical novel in Nepali literature... more Diamond Shumsher’s masterpiece, Seto Bagh, is a significant historical novel in Nepali literature. The novel made a vibrant debut in depicting historicity in fictional prose in the Nepali context. In particular, the reconsideration of the portrayal of history from a new perspective is relevant. Traditionally, this is considered a historical realist novel. Nevertheless, magical elements are profusely used in the novel. In this study, this niche opens up avenues to re-evaluate the historicity vis-à -vis magical elements. I have adopted Maggie Ann Bowers’ and Wendy B. Faris’s notions and perspectives on the theoretical lens of magical realism to demystify the magic and history in the text. Further, I have adapted the content analysis method to analyze the textual evidences from the selected novel. The main finding exhibits that the novelist has amalgamated historical facts with magical elements like supernatural beings and happenings. Thus, the novel is an example of historical magical ...

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation ... more Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation level of educational acts, rules and regulations. Their traits are at a flux because of temporal and contextual variations encountered in different settings. This context led this study to explore teacher traits in real classroom practices. To achieve this goal, phenomenological research design, as a type of qualitative inquiry, has been adopted. The population of the study comprised the stakeholders of Bachelor of Mountain Tourism Management (BMTM) programme conducted in Janapriya Multiple Campus, Pokhara. The tool for collecting information was non-participant class observation, in which three classes were observed. The results of the study reveal that teacher traits can be measured by triad roles like professional, administrative, and social dimensions. The study implies that teachers should be aware of these triad roles; and the current pedagogical trends and practices.

Journal of Practical Studies in Education
Since research work is an adventurous expedition, one requires clear pathways, without which the ... more Since research work is an adventurous expedition, one requires clear pathways, without which the researcher can be lost in the foggy way. To develop a good roadmap is, thus, a crucial task on the part of the researcher. Based on this assumption, this study aimed to conceptualize the notions, functions, and components of literature review that subsumes developing a conceptual framework, an outline of a research work. To achieve this objective, I adopted descriptive-interpretive design of research. Basing my study on theoretical and conceptual insights from different theoreticians’ and researchers' works, I analyzed and interpreted the information obtained from the templates used by the previous researchers. I have inferred that literature review, which is indispensable in research process, functions like a beacon light for safe harbouring the research work. I have also inferred, like many have done, that the basic components of literature review consist of introduction, review of...

Prithvi Journal of Research and Innovation
This study focuses on the tertiary level classes to explore the contexts of learners’ native lang... more This study focuses on the tertiary level classes to explore the contexts of learners’ native language (NL) in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes. The main objective of the study is to explore the contexts and consequences of the NL use in EFL classes. To achieve this objective, descriptive research design was adopted. The sample population consists of forty teachers teaching English in university classes. The study collected and analyzed the data obtained from open and close ended questions. Most respondents agreed in the use of the NL for substantiating learning experiences, enhancing learner-centered approaches, and bridging gaps between the target and the native languages. The researchers also discovered that the NL use inhibited fluency, and use of the FL; thus hindered developing pragmatic and discourse competence in the learners. Notwithstanding this fact, the NL use created learner-friendly setting, enhanced strong bond between the teachers and the learners, and deve...

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation ... more Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation level of educational acts, rules and regulations. Their traits are at a flux because of temporal and contextual variations encountered in different settings. This context led this study to explore teacher traits in real classroom practices. To achieve this goal, phenomenological research design, as a type of qualitative inquiry, has been adopted. The population of the study comprised the stakeholders of Bachelor of Mountain Tourism Management (BMTM) programme conducted in Janapriya Multiple Campus, Pokhara. The tool for collecting information was non-participant class observation, in which three classes were observed. The results of the study reveal that teacher traits can be measured by triad roles like professional, administrative, and social dimensions. The study implies that teachers should be aware of these triad roles; and the current pedagogical trends and practices.

Journal of NELTA Gandaki
Second language acquisition (SLA) generates and tests the theories concerning the acquisition of ... more Second language acquisition (SLA) generates and tests the theories concerning the acquisition of languages other than first language (L1) in different contexts. Even if SLA is a nascent discipline, its history is remarkable and helpful to seek the answers to the questions that researchers are raising in the field of second language or foreign language. Based on this context, this article aims to recount the history of the burgeoning discipline that heavily draws from numerous disciplines like linguistics, psychology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and so on. To achieve the objective, document analysis method has been used. The analysis and interpretation of the available documents exhibit that the traces of SLA were observed in the studies that address the issue of language transfer. Specifically, the diachronic study proves that the development of the discipline has undergone three evolving phases like background, formative, and developmental. The background phase caters for ...

Journal of NELTA
Extensive reading (ER) has been advocated for having numerous benefits and values to foreign lang... more Extensive reading (ER) has been advocated for having numerous benefits and values to foreign language classes. The Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University has prescribed a wide range of textbooks, reference materials, and web-based materials, especially for Masters’ students. Besides, these learners are required to read out-of-the-course materials, too. These contexts call for extensive reading on the part of the learners. Based on this background, the present study aimed to explore the learners’ choice for reading materials, their purposes of reading, and the expected teacher roles. The study followed the survey research design. The respondents were 100 M.Ed. 1st and 2nd year English students of the academic year 2014-15 A.D. of Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara. The respondents preferred easy, interesting, informative and enjoyable materials to read; their objective of reading was to obtain general information; and they expected teachers to be prompter, participant, counselor, an...

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation ... more Teachers play a key role to proliferate the educational system as they are at the implementation level of educational acts, rules and regulations. Their traits are at a flux because of temporal and contextual variations encountered in different settings. This context led this study to explore teacher traits in real classroom practices. To achieve this goal, phenomenological research design, as a type of qualitative inquiry, has been adopted. The population of the study comprised the stakeholders of Bachelor of Mountain Tourism Management (BMTM) programme conducted in Janapriya Multiple Campus, Pokhara. The tool for collecting information was non-participant class observation, in which three classes were observed. The results of the study reveal that teacher traits can be measured by triad roles like professional, administrative, and social dimensions. The study implies that teachers should be aware of these triad roles; and the current pedagogical trends and practices.

GTA Press, 2020
Teaching in higher education has undergone numerous paradigm shifts from teacher-centred authorit... more Teaching in higher education has undergone numerous paradigm shifts from teacher-centred authoritative to learner-centred critical and culturally responsive/relevant pedagogies. Further, single method-boundedness has been substituted by the integration of pedagogies via eclecticism in the post-method contexts. Further, virtual learning and paperless classroom, which were not dreamed in the past, has become realistic because of the innovative practices in the domain of information and communication technology in education in general and the pandemic situation created by COVID19 specifically. These shifts have sparked tremendous changes in the teaching field. Based on these presumptions, this article aims to envisage teachers' multifarious roles to play and tasks to perform. To achieve this aim, I have adopted a document analysis method that lies within the typology of the qualitative approach. Moreover, I have found three main categories of teachers' roles including professional, administrative, and social. These roles present a portrait of wholistic teacher traits inside and outside the classroom. The study implies that teachers should be capable of negotiating their roles and tasks based on the contexts they encounter.
Papers by Nabaraj Neupane