Papers by Nabaneeta Gogoi
Director of Extension Education, AAU, Jorhat, Dec 1, 2019

Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019
A novel low alkali-based chemical recipe was formulated for controlled degumming of ramie (Boehme... more A novel low alkali-based chemical recipe was formulated for controlled degumming of ramie (Boehmeria Nivea L.) fiber to maintain residual gum 7-8% aiming at to improve yarn tensile performance. The method includes the application of H 2 SO 4 at a low concentration (2%) followed by a treatment with a low concentration of NaOH (6%) on the weight of fiber. Treatment condition and chemical formulation were varied to obtain degumming to the extent of 20-22%. Degummed fiber tenacity (52.33 cN/tex), extensibility (3.85%) and modulus (2263.7 cN/tex) were found to be notably high. The gum remained in fiber surfaces produces resultant yarn of very high strength breaking load (28.7 N), tenacity (20.9 cN/tex), initial modulus (782.9 cN/tex) specific work of rupture (3.0 mJ/tex.m) with low extensibility (2.95%). COD, BOD, TDS, and pH of the generated effluent was 927 mg/L, 328 mg/L, 680 ppm, 8.7 only. Cost of chemical for the treatment was as low as USD $ 0.2/kg of fiber. Comparison of ramie and jute yarn properties suggests that ramie may be used for high-performance industrial uses where high strength, as well as high modulus, is essentially needed viz., conveyor belts, tire cords, and composites. 摘要 为使苎麻纤维的残胶率保持在7-8%,提高纱线的拉伸性能,研制了一种 新型低碱化学配方. 该方法包括以低浓度(2%)施用硫酸,然后以低浓度 NaOH(6%)处理纤维重量. 通过改变处理条件和化学配方,使脱胶率达 到20-22%. 脱胶纤维的强度(52.33 cN/tex)、延伸率(3.85%)和模量 (2263.7 cN/tex)均明显较高. 残留在纤维表面的胶产生高强度(断裂负 荷(28.7N)、韧性(20.9cn/tex)、初始模量(782.9cn/tex)、断裂比功 (3.0 mj/tex.m)的合成纱,延伸率低(2.95%). 产生的废水的COD、 BOD、TDS和pH值分别为927 mg/L、328 mg/L、680 ppm、8.7. 化学处理 成本低至0.2美元/千克纤维. 对苎麻和黄麻纱线性能的比较表明,苎麻可 用于高性能工业用途,在这些用途中,主要需要高强度和高模量,即输 送带、轮胎帘线和复合材料.
Fracture and Structural Integrity, Mar 25, 2022
In this paper, the effect of integration of natural fibers in UD carbon fiber is studied. The int... more In this paper, the effect of integration of natural fibers in UD carbon fiber is studied. The integration of natural fibers in carbon fiber is made via intra fiber hybridization. Natural fiber hybrid composite samples were prepared for Mode I and Mode II fracture tests. XRD analysis was done for the chosen natural fibers to know the crystallinity index and then compared with Carbon and Glass fibers. The fracture test experimental results, revealed that the effect of Jute fiber integration in UD Carbon epoxy
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
Eco-friendly natural dyes are in demand now a days. Dyeing eri silk with different dyestuffs enha... more Eco-friendly natural dyes are in demand now a days. Dyeing eri silk with different dyestuffs enhance the quality of fabric as well as its aesthetic value. Colouring of eri silk with tea leaves as a natural dye makes the natural grey or beige colour of eri silk more attractive. Various dyeing conditions were optimised with the use of different mordants and colour fastness properties of the fabrics were determined and it was found that all the mordants showed maximum absorption in simultaneous mordanting method. The colour fastness was observed very fair to good rating and colour yield was cyote, field drab, bistre and straw colour.

Natural fibres have attracted the interest recently due to their abundance in nature, low cost an... more Natural fibres have attracted the interest recently due to their abundance in nature, low cost and biodegradability. Odal (Sterculia villosa), one of the most important plant which could be utilized for extraction of fiber. Odal is one of the fast-growing plant species abundantly available in the North Eastern Region of India. This study was attempted to extract the fibres from Odal bark and to evaluate the physical properties of the fibres accordingly. Extraction of Odal fibre was carried out by decortications process. Later fibres were subjected to water retting with various time intervals. The yield of fibre after twenty one days was found highest as 2.8% with good fibre quality whereas, the lowest 2.0% was recorded in seven days of retting. The highest length of fibre was recorded in retted Odal fibre as 2.31mm. The maximum wall thickness and diameter was recorded in retted Odal fibre as 1.46 mm and 5μm respectively. The maximum tensile strength (2.92 g/tex) was observed in rett...

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
Natural products such as fiber and dyes extracted from different natural sources have a wide rang... more Natural products such as fiber and dyes extracted from different natural sources have a wide range of applications in the field of textiles. Consumers are looking for eco-friendly and biodegradable textiles to preserve the natural environment. There are many fiber and dye yielding plants which have the potential for use in textile applications. Exploring the different fields of chemistry helps to produce, a perfect piece of textile material. All natural sources have different properties and varieties of color inherent in different parts of the plant to produce a variety of subtle shades. A highly specialized field of textile chemistry applies the principles of chemistry for the production of clothing and accessories to create marketable new products or to modify existing products. The paper attempt to review the chemistry of different structures of natural fiber and dye for application in various fields of textiles.
The Mishing or Mising also called Miri are the second largest tribal community of Assam. The cult... more The Mishing or Mising also called Miri are the second largest tribal community of Assam. The cultural heritage of the Mishing is enriched by various colourful cultural components. The identity of the Mishing as a distinct ethnic community is deeply embedded in their folk cultures and traditions. The traditional cultures are the ancestral root of their identity. Hence, it is imperative to know the actual form, content, characteristics and significances of the socio-cultural ingredients of the society. And to have a clear concept and idea about all these it requires extensive research, studies, analysis and collection of data and evidences. The study deals with the investigation and documentation of the traditional costumes of Mishing community of Assam. In this study the traditional jewelleries are also documented to support the study.

Handlooms are environment-friendly technology as they require no energy in operation except for t... more Handlooms are environment-friendly technology as they require no energy in operation except for the machinery that spins the yarn. The handloom sector plays a strategic role in the upliftment of the rural economy of India, with its attractive products shows dexterity and artistic ability of the weavers. Even today, the rural people of India mostly women grossly depend on the handloom which requires minimum capital and less technical skills. The present study is an attempt to develop diversified hand-woven furnishing products that require less time to produce and can have ever-growing market potentials. Different unique and peculiar products were developed by amalgamated woven designs and products were evaluated to assess the consumer acceptability. The study revealed that design innovation has a tremendous effect on consumer choices. Among the developed designs, design no. 3 and 10 got highest (2.96) WMS followed by design no. 6, 11, 12 (2.92) and design no. 1 (2.90), respectively i...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
COVID-19 is a severe respiratory illness caused by a novel corona virus called SARSCoV-2. As Coro... more COVID-19 is a severe respiratory illness caused by a novel corona virus called SARSCoV-2. As Corona virus has become a global pandemic, there have been widespread changes to daily life to stop the spread of the virus that at present has no cure. Changes to prevent the spread of the virus have included physical and social distancing, more rigorous hygiene practices, and wearing protective facial coverings. Within a short period, Covid-19 has evolved into a global pandemic. The base of this pandemic is that it can be transmitted from one to another through droplets, so it was quickly and clearly understood that prevention is the main key to stop this pandemic.

Ramie is recognized as the strongest of all natural bast fibres in the world which is known as ri... more Ramie is recognized as the strongest of all natural bast fibres in the world which is known as riha in Assam. It is a perennial shrub of the urticacease family yielding fibre from the bark of the canes which provides excellent raw material for blending with the natural and synthetic fibres. It was found that the full grown plant attains a height of about 5-8 feet and diameter of stem 5.0- 3.0 cm at three different levels, viz. bottom and top. The morphological characteristics and chemical analysis showed their suitability as good textiles materials. The physical properties of Ramie fibre exhibited high tenacity, high luster and brightness. It has resistance to heat, light, acid and alkali etc. The fibre materials were capable of producing excellent blended fabrics and its position as substitute for cotton is unchallenged. Ramie blended with different types of silk showed good results, but 50:50 blends showed the best result than 60:40 blends. The breaking laod of 50:50 blends ranged...
Journal of Natural Fibers, 2021

Clothing is a fascinating part of everyone’s life. The primary function of clothing is to improve... more Clothing is a fascinating part of everyone’s life. The primary function of clothing is to improve the comfort of the wearer and make us look more elegant and also to express a lot about an individual’s status, personality, modesty and occupation. The global pandemic is creating a profound shock worldwide since 2019, presently it has affected the socio-economic life and other aspects such as livelihoods, food systems, health etc. in our daily lives. Along with that this unfolding situation is affecting the clothing behaviour of people drastically. Women are among those most affected. As compared to men, women are believed to invest more time and money in choosing their clothes. Moreover, women choose clothing thoughtfully to match the social activities they have to perform, probably because wearing an outfit that is perceived as appropriate for the occasion increases their satisfaction. Particularly, the working women were heavily affected because they are shouldering much burden at ...
The Mishing or Mising also called Miri are the second largest tribal community of Assam. The cult... more The Mishing or Mising also called Miri are the second largest tribal community of Assam. The cultural heritage of the Mishing is enriched by various colourful cultural components. The identity of the Mishing as a distinct ethnic community is deeply embedded in their folk cultures and traditions. The traditional cultures are the ancestral root of their identity. Hence, it is imperative to know the actual form, content, characteristics and significances of the sociocultural ingredients of the society. And to have a clear concept and idea about all these it requires extensive research, studies, analysis and collection of data and evidences. The study deals with the investigation and documentation of the traditional costumes of Mishing community of Assam. In this study the traditional jewelleries are also documented to support the study.

Asian Journal of Home Science, 2009
Eri silk, also known as poor man’s with natural beige colour ranks next to tassar silk in commerc... more Eri silk, also known as poor man’s with natural beige colour ranks next to tassar silk in commercial importance. The beautiful eri fabric can be an excellent material for shirtings, suitings, dress materials, bed spreads and other furnishings. Colouring of eri silk with annatto dye enhance the fabric as well as its aesthetic value and marketability. Various dyeing conditions were optimized with different mordants for dyeing eri silk with annatto and a little decrease was observed in breaking strength and other physical properties of dyed eri silk. But the colours obtained from annatto were very much colourfast, irrespective of mordants. Value addition of eri silk with annatto – a natural colourant NABANEETA GOGOI Asian Journal of Home Science (December 2009 to May, 2010) Vol. 4 No. 2 : 327-332 Eri silk also known as endi or erandi, ranks next to tassar silk in commercial importance. It is the product of domesticated silk worm, Philosomia ricini that feeds mainly on castor leaves. Th...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Papers by Nabaneeta Gogoi