Books by N.V. Varghese Varghese
Quality of Primary Schooling in India, 1993
There is a growing awareness that the problems of expanding and improving primary education facil... more There is a growing awareness that the problems of expanding and improving primary education facilities cannot be solved through uniform, standardized measures. There are obvious limits to the simple linear expansion of the typical school. In particular, its capacity to attract and retain children from disadvantaged areas is quite doubtful, as testified by the low attendance and high drop-out rates.
Papers by N.V. Varghese Varghese
Financing of Higher Education, 2023
International higher Education , Jan 13, 2020
The massification of higher education is a global phenomenon in this century. The market-led mass... more The massification of higher education is a global phenomenon in this century. The market-led massification of higher education in India is accompanied by widening regional and economic inequalities and persisting social and gender inequalities. An inclusive approach and friendly strategies to provide quality higher education, enhance employability, and improve the global competitiveness of graduates are nonnegotiable elements on the agenda of higher education development
Contribution of higher education and research to education for all (EFA) IAU Paper commissioned f... more Contribution of higher education and research to education for all (EFA) IAU Paper commissioned for GMR prepared by
The editors and authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of the facts contained in... more The editors and authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of the facts contained in this document and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of the material throughout this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Published in 2009 by the United Nations Educational,
International Journal of African Higher Education, 2020
With the end of the Cold War political returns on foreign aid diminished.Many countries came to r... more With the end of the Cold War political returns on foreign aid diminished.Many countries came to recognise trade as a more development-friendlymodality than aid. Internationalisation of higher education also shiftedfrom aid related cooperation agreements to market mediated cross-bordertrade arrangements within the framework of the General Agreementon Trade in Services (GATS). This article examines the changing face ofinternationalisation of higher education with a focus on the Indian experience.It argues that while internationalisation and cross-border mobilityare mediated by market processes and economic rationality in most countries,the Indian government’s initiatives to internationalise Indian highereducation are motivated by extending diplomatic relations to enable thecountry to play a more prominent role in global affairs.
International Review of Education, 2012
The views and opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily rep... more The views and opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UNESCO or IIEP. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this book do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO or IIEP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries. The publication costs of this study have been covered through a grant-in-aid offered by UNESCO and by voluntary contributions made by several Member States of UNESCO, the list of which will be found at the end of the volume.
Routledge India eBooks, May 30, 2022
International Institute for Educational Planning, 2016
India Higher Education Report 2020, 2021
Page 1. International Institute for Educational Planning NV Varghese Vitus Püttmann Trends in div... more Page 1. International Institute for Educational Planning NV Varghese Vitus Püttmann Trends in diversification of post-secondary education IIEP research papers Page 2. Trends in diversification of post-secondary education Page 3. ...
Changing Higher Education in India, 2022

International Journal of Educational Development, 1996
Decentralisation of educational planning continues to be a major concern in India. The District P... more Decentralisation of educational planning continues to be a major concern in India. The District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) is one of the recent efforts in this direction. This paper closely scrutinises various steps initiated under the DPEP to promote decentralisation of educational planning in India, The analysis in this paper shows that the DPEP initiatives have succeeded in overcoming existing constraints on decentralisation by developing planning machinery and competency and by ensuring resource availability at the district level. The DPEP experience also shows that centralised decision making in certain areas in the initial stages may become necessary to promote decentralisation efforts in the long-run. However, to sustain the decentralisation process, it is important to progressively reduce the domains of centralised decision making.
of post-secondary education
International Higher Education
India started ranking its higher education institutions in 2015. Although a major share of higher... more India started ranking its higher education institutions in 2015. Although a major share of higher education institutions in India are private, public institutions dominate the ranking list. The ranking exercise is not a substitute to improve the overall quality of the system, since a large majority of higher education institutions in India do not participate in the exercise. India needs to adopt more effective strategies to improve the overall quality of higher education, by focusing on research and teaching–learning processes at the institutional level.
higher education and cross-border student mobility Research papers IIEP Globalization of higher e... more higher education and cross-border student mobility Research papers IIEP Globalization of higher education and cross-border student mobility Other titles on higher education Institutional restructuring in higher education in Asia: trends and patterns, by N.V. Varghese

The present phase of development is characterized by knowledge-based production. The knowledge ec... more The present phase of development is characterized by knowledge-based production. The knowledge economy places greater value and stronger emphasis on the production and distribution of knowledge – R&D. Knowledge production used to be an activity coordinated by the public authorities and public universities played an important role in R&D activities. At present, knowledge production in many developed countries is critical for industrial production and has become an important corporate concern. Based on the available sources of information, this paper argues that the knowledge divide is deep and is heavily tilted in favor of developed countries. Developing countries suffer from a lack of both financial and human resources in R&D. They need to improve their capacity to produce knowledge domestically and absorb the knowledge produced elsewhere. This can happen when allocation of financial resources to R&D activities increases, human resources are trained in adequate numbers and an instit...
Books by N.V. Varghese Varghese
Papers by N.V. Varghese Varghese