Papers by Nataliia Pohorila

Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 2012
Since economic factors cannot fully explain the determinants of bilateral migration, this study e... more Since economic factors cannot fully explain the determinants of bilateral migration, this study explores the social and cultural determinants that influence an individual's decision to migrate. Values, norms and interests in a given culture, may determine whether an individual's intention to move translates into actual migration. Work values inherent in different cultures could explain why people move or do not move under the condition of perceived economic advantages of migration. A gravity type migration model is used to incorporate variables related both to economic indicators and work values. It is perhaps the first migration study to use the World Value Survey (WVS) and the European Value Survey (EVS). We use 2000 stock bilateral migration dataset collected by the World Bank. Our findings indicate that if more aspects of work are valued in a country, this country sends more migrants. Also we show that countries with higher extrinsic work value orientation tend to send m...

Polish Political Science Review
This article is devoted to the issue of national identity and political preferences of the region... more This article is devoted to the issue of national identity and political preferences of the region of Central Ukraine. The essence of the “in-the-middle” position is tested using a national representative survey known as “Ukrainian Society” for the period of 2000–2012. This longitudinal survey allows for the delineation of tendencies of well-articulated political identities. This includes Galicia being compared to Crimea and Donbas. In this study these areas are compared to those of the Center, a region with an identity lacking thorough study. The specific trends in the development of a national identity and of political preferences are defined and compared within rural and urban populations in the analysed regions. The Center was chosen as a comparison to other Ukrainian regions as it characterizes the mobilization of political support in the formative years of Ukraine, commencing with the Orange Revolution in the fall of 2004.

East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures
Since gaining its independence in 1990, Ukraine has experienced two revolutions and a war in the ... more Since gaining its independence in 1990, Ukraine has experienced two revolutions and a war in the east of the country. Meanwhile, it has sampled all three major electoral systems (majoritarian, proportional, and mixed) and has created dozens of major parties and political blocs. Such a volatile context has consequences for such crucial political issues as accountability and circulation of the political class. at the same time, it allows researchers to address questions concerning the sources of change and stability in the politics of countries in transition. In particular, the case of Ukraine allows us to pinpoint the effects of popular upheavals and changing institutional arrangements on the stability of a political scene and the population of politicians. Data limitations of previous studies have prevented such a necessarily detailed temporal accounting. We analyze it for all Ukrainian MP hopefuls during the 1990-2014 period using the east european Parliamentarian and Candidate data (eaST PaC). The issue of political stability was approached by examining affiliation switching and dropping out in all consecutive elections to the Verkhovna Rada. The results reveal that revolutionary events had relatively minor immediate effects on the circulation of the political class, while individual strategies were highly dependent on the electoral rules working in conjunction with other traits of the political system.

International Journal of Sociology
This article concerns stability and change in the ranks of the Ukrainian political elite from 199... more This article concerns stability and change in the ranks of the Ukrainian political elite from 1990 to 2014. We use East European Parliamentarian and Candidate (EAST PaC) data for Ukraine as a detailed, longitudinal source of information on the evolution of candidates and members of parliament (MPs). In particular, we focus on the degree of reshuffling represented by reproduction and replacement. This is especially intriguing in the context of three recent revolutionary events: Independence in 1991, the Orange Revolution in 2004, and Euromaidan in 2014. We follow the shifts in support for different political forces (the “demand” side of political representation) vis-à-vis strategies employed and efforts made by different parties and blocs (the “supply” side of political representation). We closely examine the electoral results of parties that later proved to be key players in the unfolding of the most important turns in Ukraine’s political life. Electoral politics in post-Independence Ukraine shows how mass revolutions do not necessarily translate into deep changes to the political elite. Revolutionary events, both in 2004 and 2014, have not brought sudden and substantial replacement in the Verkhovna Rada (VR) ranks. Theoretically, the outcomes can be characterized as quasi-replacement (Higley and Pakulski 1999).
Aids Behav, 2011
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Bu... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work, please use the accepted author's version for posting to your own website or your institution's repository. You may further deposit the accepted author's version on a funder's repository at a funder's request, provided it is not made publicly available until 12 months after publication.
International Journal of Sociology
International Journal of Sociology, 2011
International Journal of Sociology, 2011
Papers by Nataliia Pohorila