Papers by Nikita Pivovarov
Научный диалог, Apr 28, 2022
(In Russ.). Жу р н а л в к л ю ч е н в П е р е ч е н ь В А К

Herald of an archivist
The article analyzes preliminary working notes of the meetings of the Presidium of the Central Co... more The article analyzes preliminary working notes of the meetings of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (СС CPSU) from October 1964 to June 1965, which were made by V. N. Malin, head of the General Department of the СС CPSU from 1954 to 1965. The purpose and objective of the study is to use unique historical sources from the fonds of the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI), which are being thus introduced into scientific use, to deduce the mechanisms of developing key decisions in the supreme political leadership of the USSR, while political system was transformed and power functions redistributed after the resignation of N. S. Khrushchev. Extensive historiography of various aspects of the history of the Soviet Union under L. I. Brezhnev notwithstanding, this topic has not yet received its proper coverage in national and foreign scholarship. Due to research specifics, the authors have used comprehensive methodological app...

Historical Courier, 2021
The article analyzes the activities of the supreme political body of the USSR (Politburo/ Presidi... more The article analyzes the activities of the supreme political body of the USSR (Politburo/ Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) to prepare for the two most important official holiday dates-the Holiday of International Solidarity of Workers (May 1) and the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (November 7) in the 1950-1960s. The role of the top party leadership of the USSR in the preparation and conduct of the most important festive events is described (including a military parade and a mass demonstration of workers in Red Square in Moscow). The authors conclude that official political holidays in the Soviet Union of the 1950s and 1960s continued to play the same functions (presentation, consolidation, mobilization) as during the Stalin period. At the same time, it is shown that the Politburo/Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the process of preparing for the holidays pays increasing attention not to script, but to discursive issues, which was expressed in the collegial process of editing and approving various texts of political discourse (solemn speeches, orders, festive appeals).

Herald of an archivist, 2021
The article is devoted to the problem that remains virtually unknown to the scholarship, i.e. the... more The article is devoted to the problem that remains virtually unknown to the scholarship, i.e. the ordinary citizens’ assessment of the quality of late-Soviet medical system. It is to introduce into scientific use and to analyze a complex of letters from the readers of several Soviet newspapers concerning the state of Soviet health care system, which were received in response to the Soviet Minister of Health B. V. Petrovsky’s interview to the Literaturnaya Gazeta in the spring of 1974. The letters were deposited in the fond of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI). The interview aroused great interest among its readers, as evidenced by numerous letters received in Soviet newspapers and transmitted to the Central Committee of the CPSU. The authors of many letters were critical of the existing health care system in the USSR. They complained of lack of information about treatment, lack of medicines, poor conditions in hospitals an...

Historical Courier, 2020
The publication introduces to scientific circulation G.M. Malenkov's report on the creation of an... more The publication introduces to scientific circulation G.M. Malenkov's report on the creation of an energy base in the east of the USSR and the development of a complex of energyintensive industries on its basis. A content of the document is important for understanding both the history of the Angara-Yenisei industrial region and the history of hydropower in the USSR. During the postwar period, special attention to development of this region due was given to the need to attract new raw materials and energy resources for the growing industry. In late November-early December, 1955, while serving as Minister of Energy industry of the USSR, G.M. Malenkov made a number of control trips across the Urals and Siberia. As a result of this work Malenkov came to disappointing conclusion about the state of affairs in the Urals energy system. He advocated the prompt construction of hydropower plants on the Angara and Yenisei rivers and accelerated industrial development of local fuel and raw materials resources. In the author's opinion, G.M. Malenkov's report served as a starting point for the subsequent implementation of the project to build cascades of hydroelectric power plants on the Angara and Yenisei rivers.
Modern History of Russia, 2018

RUDN Journal of Russian History
The article analyzes the main qualitative characteristics and features of the leadership and spec... more The article analyzes the main qualitative characteristics and features of the leadership and specialists’ formation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the period of “late Stalinism.” The main sources for the article were the archival documents of the thematic cases of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks and the materials of the “Survey of executives and specialists as of November 1, 1947” - a unique closed census, the results of which were reported only to the top Soviet leadership. The article analyzes the total number of employees in specific industries, the proportion of the workers of the “indigenous” nationality and the number of managers who came to work to the republics after the end of the war. The latter data are of particular importance, since they made it possible to calculate the proportion of workers in certain industries who lived in the republics during the occupation. Special attention is paid to the management s...
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, 2021

Modern History of Russia, 2020
The article uses primary sources not previously published, including draft minutes of the CPSU Ce... more The article uses primary sources not previously published, including draft minutes of the CPSU Central Committee Secretariat during the period 1966–1967. This primary source clearly demonstrates the practice of making the most important decisions in one of the most important bodies of the party apparatus during the formation of the practice of “collective leadership”. The article shows the place of the CPSU Central Committee Secretariat in the power structure of the USSR. Despite the brevity of notes, an analysis suggests several conclusions about the political and economic orientations of the country’s leaders in the early Brezhnev period. Speeches made during discussions of various issues demonstrate the desire of party leaders to move away from unjustified (in their opinion), reforms of the Khrushchev-era management apparatus and to focus instead on systematic changes aimed at strengthening the role of the party-state apparatus and improving the economy. The article also analyzes...

Istoriya meditsiny, 2019
This article looks at the debate in the USSR in 1935-1936 on banning abortions. This episode of S... more This article looks at the debate in the USSR in 1935-1936 on banning abortions. This episode of Soviet history has enormous heuristic potential for researchers studying the Soviet period. At first sight, the bill to ban abortions appears simply a matter of historical medical fact, based on which we can in many ways draw conclusions about the situation in healthcare in general, and in obstetrics and gynaecology in particular. However, this small-scale episode in the history of Soviet healthcare provides scope for substantial cross-disciplinary research prospects in fields such as anthropology, sociology, political science, and so on, significantly expanding the research horizons of the Soviet past. Our analysis of the abortion ban debate draws on two groups of sources. The first comprises documents of the highest Communist Party and government bodies, stored in the thematic files of the Soviet Politburo. Particular attention is paid to the notes and marginalia made by Stalin in the drafts of the law to ban abortions. Practically all the materials in this group have been officially declassified only comparatively recently, and now being studied for the first time. The second group of sources comprises letters from members of the Soviet public to the highest organs of government and to national and local periodicals. The letters present a wide range of opinions and observations on the bill to ban abortions. Comparing these two groups of sources has allowed us to become the first Russian researchers to study the development of ethical discourse, and show the history of the emergence of bioethical discourse, in the Soviet period.
History of Medicine/ru, 2016

The article based on the analysis of documents of Central Committee of the Communist Party from t... more The article based on the analysis of documents of Central Committee of the Communist Party from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Modern History (RGANI) describes the normative and institutional foundations of the activities of Soviet state security regarding church-religious activities in the USSR, and also describes the peculiarities of the interaction of special services with the country's top party leadership on this issue in the 1950s — mid-1960s. Based on a large number of examples, which were taken from documentary sources, the authors conclude that in the post-war decades, the antagonistic policy of “militant atheism” (with the exception of a short surge associated with the Khrushchev anti-religious campaign) gradually transformed into a more loyal attitude of the authorities (including the KGB) to manifestations of religiosity, as a result of which repression towards believers was gradually supplanted by a system of preventive measures. The basis for the interve...

The article is devoted to the transformation of Soviet medical science and practice under the con... more The article is devoted to the transformation of Soviet medical science and practice under the conditions of the development of international relations after World War II. The main attention was placed on the study of scientific and social medical projects, which were implemented by the USSR during the Cold War under the influence of foreign policy trends and priorities. The analysis of foreign, Soviet and Russian historiography shows that researchers have made serious progress in the study of medicine in the sphere of international relations. At the same time, the Soviet medical global project has not been sufficiently examined, which is due both to the source base and to the lack of a sociopolitical context in these works. The main documents for this article are recently declassified materials held in the fonds of the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History, the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, and the Russian...
Сборник включает научные статьи по мотивам дискуссий круглого стола «Русское крестьянство и Перва... more Сборник включает научные статьи по мотивам дискуссий круглого стола «Русское крестьянство и Первая мировая война». Является пятым выпуском серии постоянно действующего научного проекта «Народ и власть». Для ученых, преподавателей, студентов, политиков и всех интересующихся проблемами взаимодействия власти и общества в России.
Modern History of Russia, 2017
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
Papers by Nikita Pivovarov