The safety of the electrical energy supply is one of the most critical issues for companies engag... more The safety of the electrical energy supply is one of the most critical issues for companies engaged in production. The internal distribution network, which will provide the energy for the production elements, is essential. Power Transformers, which energize the loads fed from the electricity distribution network, are backed up in a way suitable for parallel operation for energy supply security. As a result of this situation, in case of a predictive failure in one of the transformers, energy supply safety is ensured since the other transformer is designed to carry the load alone. When one of these identical transformers is damaged, the relative short-circuit voltage of the new transformer to be integrated into the system may be different. The transformers with different short-circuit voltages are not shared their load equally. For this reason, the total amount of load that they can be loaded, the relative short-circuit voltage that will occur, and the load rates they are loaded change. In this study, a detailed analysis of two transformers with different relative short-circuit voltages and operating in parallel was made, both theoretically and as a result of the application, with the information obtained through the SCADA program. The theoretical values were calculated as a result of the analysis, the SCADA values were compared, and the margin of safety between them was established. It has been shown that the safety margin will protect against overload on a low short-circuit transformer. After the commissioning, the load rating needs to check and it can be regulated in line with the load rates that will occur after commissioning.
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 14, 2024
Determining the optimal location of distributed generation (DG) resources and FACTS devices Imp... more Determining the optimal location of distributed generation (DG) resources and FACTS devices Improvement of the power system voltage profile and loading capacity in cases of the base, overloading, and line outage Modeling a real power system (NWA power system) and improving the voltage stability In this study, the IEEE-30 bus test system and the Northwest Anatolian (NWA) real power system are investigated in case of base, overload, and line outage. Voltage stability of the power systems is improved by connecting Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices and Distributed Generation (DG) resources to the optimal location. The optimal location of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is the most critical transmission line, and it is determined by the line stability index. On the other hand, the optimal locations of the Static Var Compensator (SVC) and DG resources are the weakest buses, and they are determined by the continuation power flow analysis. The flowchart of the study is given in Figure A. Figure A. The flow chart of the study Purpose: It is aimed to improve the voltage stability of the IEEE-30 bus test system and NWA real power system with FACTS devices and DG resources placed in the optimal location. Theory and Methods: In this paper, IEEE-30 bus test system and NWA real power system are modeled in Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT). Voltage stability analyses of both power systems are carried out under the base, overload, and line outage situations. SVC and DG resources are connected to the weakest buses and TCSC is connected to the most critical transmission line. The weakest buses are determined by continuation power flow analysis, and the most critical transmission lines are determined by the line stability index in power systems. The changes are analyzed in the bus voltage values and loading parameters of the power systems by examining bus voltage profiles and loading parameter curves. Results: When all proposed FACTS devices and DG resources are connected to the IEEE-30 bus test system in case of base, overload, and line outage, the weakest bus voltage values are increased by %1.44, %5.96, %6.99 and the loading parameter is increased by %32.16, %33.37, %86.90 for each case respectively. Similarly in the NWA real power system, the weakest bus voltage values are increased by %6.14, %10.22, %8.92 and the loading parameter is increased by %37.42, %35.96, %37.93 for each case respectively. Conclusion: It is important to analyze and improve the voltage stability in power systems. In this study, FACTS devices and DG resources are used to improve the voltage stability in the power systems, and their optimal locations are successfully determined by continuation power flow analysis and line stability index.
This paper discusses the selection of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine and conver... more This paper discusses the selection of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine and converter for a 100V-200V DC, 100-400 Hz, 150-175 Nm, 30kW-100kW, 1550-4100 rpm electrical vehicle engine alternator. The electrical vehicle engine application requirements are outlined including the engine coupling configuration. Then the characteristics of different machines and their converters are compared through a competitive trade-off study framed by the alternator requirements; direct-drive induction, variable-reluctance, surface permanent magnet synchronous machine, and interior permanent magnet synchronous machine are all considered. The results of the study indicate that the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine is a potentially superior candidate, and so this machine is selected for further investigation. The preliminary findings are described, and the paper concludes with a discussion of current work addressing analytic design.
The use of big data in deep neural networks has recently surpassed traditional machine learning t... more The use of big data in deep neural networks has recently surpassed traditional machine learning techniques in many application areas. The main reasons for the use of deep neural networks are the increase in computational power made possible by graphics processing units and tensor processing units, and the new algorithms created by recurrent neural networks and CNNs. In addition to traditional machine learning methods, deep neural networks have applications in anticipating electricity load. Using a real dataset for one-step forecasting, this article compares three deep learning algorithms for short-term power load forecasting: LSTM, GRUs, and CNN. The statistics come from the Turkish city of Zonguldak and include hourly electricity usage loads and temperatures over a period of three years, commencing in 2019 and ending in 2021. The mean absolute percentage error is used to compare the performances of the techniques. Forecasts are made for twelve representative months from each season...
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü dergisi, Jun 1, 2013
Dinamik sistemler doğrusal veya doğrusal olmayan metotlar kullanılarak incelenirler. Kaotik zaman... more Dinamik sistemler doğrusal veya doğrusal olmayan metotlar kullanılarak incelenirler. Kaotik zaman dizileri, başlangıç şartlarına olan duyarlılığının yanında geniş bantlı, gürültü ve benzeri periyodik olmayan bir yapıya sahiptirler. Bu nedenle kaotik sistemler evrendeki birçok sorunun cevabını taşımaktadır. Günümüzde, geniş bir uygulama alanı bulan kaotik hareketin belirlenmesi aşamasında kullanılan yöntemlerden bazıları; tuhaf çekiciler, güç spektrumları ve Lyapunov üstelleridir. Bu çalışmada, dinamik sistemlerdeki kaotik yapının belirlenmesi ele alınarak, kullanılacak yöntemler incelenmiştir. Uygulama aşamasında kaotik bir modeli incelemek ve doğrusal olmayan stokastik süreçten ayırmak oldukça zorlaşmakta, bu tür problemlerin çözümünde tuhaf çekicilerin boyutu büyük önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, çeşitli dinamik sistemlere ait zaman dizileri üzerine kaotik boyut analizleri yapılmıştır.
Black sea journal of engineering and science, Apr 1, 2023
The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power t... more The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power transformers. To obtain higher efficiency from transformers, the core and winding type of transformer, the geometric structure of the core, and the shaping techniques in the windings are changed. This requires modeling transformer windings with equivalent circuits and calculating the inductance and electrical parameters appropriately. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) finite element solutions with energy perturbation and flux-coupling methods are used. The correctness of the inductance values of transformer windings was established, and the design was performed, by considering the inductance and electrical parameter values, which are comparable to the energy perturbation and flux connection. However, when two-dimensional calculated fields are used, the flux coupling method requires less computation and gives numerically more accurate results than the energy perturbation method. So, it is concluded that the fluxcoupling approach should be chosen as the preferred method for calculating the inductance and electrical parameters of transformer windings. The numerical properties and equivalence of energy perturbation and flux-connection methods, the "apparent" inductance value of the primary and secondary field windings of power transformer operating under transient conditions, using the temperaturetime parameter method, are calculated and its accuracy is demonstrated.
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2015
Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is on... more Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is one of the most important parameters of transformer insulation oil. Dielectric strength of insulation oil provides reliable operation of electrical equipment. Dielectric strength of insulation oil is a measure of the oils superior ability to withstand electrical stress without failure. Dielectric strength test involves applying alternative voltage at a controlled rate to two electrodes immersed in the insulation oil. Gap is a specified distance. When the current arcs across gap the voltage value recorded at that instant is the dielectric strength value of insulation oil. Dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil is also known as breakdown voltage of insulation oil. In this study, breakdown voltage of insulation oil was investigated under the influences of temperature and moisture. Breakdown voltage tests were applied in the standards IEC 156/95, ASTM D1816/97 and VDE 0370/Part5/96 test conditions for three different insulation oil types. Experimental results of the dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil were investigated during temperature and moisture non-equilibrium. The obtained results were compared with different temperature and moisture values in actual power transformer. Destructive and healing effects of temperature and moisture parameters were examined.
Energy is one of the most crucial data of economical and social development in Turkey. Therefore,... more Energy is one of the most crucial data of economical and social development in Turkey. Therefore, energy planners have to design different policies to direct justifiable energy consumption for which various modeling techniques need to be adopted. In this study, the main idea is the causality relationship between electricity production-consumption demand and economical growth in per capita and aggregate levels in the emerging economies during the period 2003-2014 by using Cobb Douglas Model and Granger causality tests. Electricity production and consumption demand in Turkey are studied through economical models for residential and industrial sectors. Industrial sector is the largest electricity consuming sector in Turkey. The economical model developed here focuses on the use of only significant variables that are not collinear. Hence, statistical tests have been used to recommend significant economical models. In Turkey, between 2003 and 2014, while real per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth averaged 16.3% per annum, annual electricity production and consumption growth averaged 11.67 %. In spite of the fact that real per capita GDP and electricity consumption demand are positively correlated, it is still not clear the direction of causality between real per capita GDP, electricity consumption. The positive impact of electricity production and consumption demand on the economical growth and the bidirectional causality between economical growth and electricity consumption are evaluated. The analysis shows that not all the socioeconomic variables used in other studies can be useful for model representation for Turkey's electricity consumption. The chosen models provide a very small absolute difference with actual electricity consumption demand. Recently, government has been focusing in industrial development in non-hydrocarbon sectors. So, the study of electricity production and consumption in these two sectors is considered as significant. An understanding of relationship between electricity consumption and various socioeconomic variables is expected to help the planners to make appropriate generation and transmission planning in the country.
Bilecik şeyh edebali üniversİtesi fen bilimleri dergisi, Jun 30, 2015
The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor... more The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor control process for the multi-motor asynchronous electric drive with the use of bidirectional shift registers and resistor banks, the operation algorithm, the Petri net and the matrix method for the Petri net analysis. It offers to use contemporary mathematical apparatus the Petri nets in modeling, analyzing, synthesizing and describing logical operations taking place within a microprocessor control device of an electromechanical system, which allows increasing the level of automation in an industrial process, operational reliability, ensuring coordinated rotation of electric motors and better performance and cost efficiency.
Black sea journal of engineering and science, Jul 1, 2023
Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kayn... more Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kaynaklardan karşılanması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte, tüketiciler için oldukça yüksek maliyet oluşturan enerji giderlerinin temiz ve ucuz enerji kaynaklarından elde edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenlerle elektrik enerjisi üretiminde fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kullanılması oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. Güneş panellerindeki yarı iletken teknolojisinin gelişmesi ile birlikte, ucuz maliyetli ve kurulum masraflarını daha kısa sürede amorti edebilecek verimli sistemler oluşturulmaktadır. Fosil yakıtlar kullanılarak üretilen elektrik enerjisindeki birim maliyet fiyatlarının çok yüksek olması ve çevreye verdiği ilave zararlar da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, enerjinin bu tür kaynaklardan elde edilmesi durumu sürdürülebilir olmaktan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’ne ait Farabi yerleşkesinin elektrik enerjisi tüketim miktarları belirlenmiştir. Bu enerji ihtiyacının karşılanmasında çevreye zarar vermeyen, kısa süre içerisinde kurulum masraflarını karşılayabilen, uzun ömürlü ve yeni teknolojik teçhizatlar ile enerji üretebilen fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kurulumu hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda yerleşke binalarındaki çatılarının kullanılması amaçlanarak mevcut kanun ve yönetmelikler göz önünde bulundurulmuş ve çatı tipi fotovoltaik enerji sistemleri tasarlanmıştır. PV-SOL benzetim programı kullanılarak tasarlanan enerji sisteminin teçhizat seçimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Farabi yerleşkesinde yer alan 14 adet binanın çatısına toplam 1.917.44 kWp kurulu güce sahip fotovoltaik enerji tesisinin kurulmasının uygun olacağı tespit edilmiştir. Kurulan bu tesislerden yıllık 2.354.885 kWh gücünde elektrik enerjisi üretilebileceği gösterilmiştir.
Bilecik şeyh edebali üniversİtesi fen bilimleri dergisi, May 31, 2023
Two different methods are used in dynamic model vector control applications of asynchronous machi... more Two different methods are used in dynamic model vector control applications of asynchronous machines. The first of these methods is to use the derivative information of the state variables based on the system observability principle. The second is the use of instantaneous active and reactive power measurement results as a new method. The classical equivalent circuit model is used in steady-state studies of parameter estimation methods. In dynamic systems, methods based on nonlinear minimization of the cost function, different initial values, and giving more precise estimation results are used. In this study, the dynamic system structure is set up as the square sum of the difference between parameter estimate values. Different parameter estimation methods were used for asynchronous machine models, and test results under no load and full load were examined. The impedance measurement results in parameter estimation methods were compared with the measurement results obtained from the model. It has been shown that the test results performed in real time are very close to the offline and nonlinear parameter estimation values and their accuracy has been proven.
Aşırı yük altında çalışan enterkonnekte güç sistemlerinde artan enerji talebi ile farklı türde pr... more Aşırı yük altında çalışan enterkonnekte güç sistemlerinde artan enerji talebi ile farklı türde problemler oluşmaktadır. Olası bu tür problemlerin büyümesi ya da birkaç farklı problemin aynı anda meydana gelmesi ile enterkonnekte iletim sisteminin kararlılık yapısı bozulmaktadır. Bu problemlerin düzeltilmesi ve enterkonnekte güç sisteminin kararlılık yapısının arttırılması amacıyla güç sistemlerine Esnek Alternatif Akım İletim Sistemi cihazları (FACTS) bağlanmaktadır. Güç elektroniği elemanlarından meydana gelen FACTS cihazları hızlı ve otomatik tepki verme kabiliyetleri ile güç sisteminin yük taşıma kapasitesini ve kararlılık yapısını anlık olarak arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada örnek bir güç sistemi olarak 420 kV Kuzeybatı Anadolu (KBA) enterkonnekte güç sistemi incelenmiştir. İncelenen yüksek gerilim güç sisteminde hat kararlılık indeksleri yardımıyla en kritik enerji iletim hatları tespit edilmiştir. Enterkonnekte güç sisteminin gerilim kararlılık yapısının iyileştirilmesi amacıyla kritik durumdaki enerji iletim hatlarına FACTS cihazları, Tristör Kontrollü Seri Kapasitör (TCSC) ve Statik Senkron Seri Kapasitör (SSSC) bağlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda ise, FACTS cihazlarının güç sistemindeki bara gerilim değerlerine, hat yüklenme parametresine, aktif ve reaktif güç kayıplarına olan etkileri detaylı olarak analiz edilmiştir.
Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kayn... more Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kaynaklardan karşılanması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte, tüketiciler için oldukça yüksek maliyet oluşturan enerji giderlerinin temiz ve ucuz enerji kaynaklarından elde edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenlerle elektrik enerjisi üretiminde fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kullanılması oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. Güneş panellerindeki yarı iletken teknolojisinin gelişmesi ile birlikte, ucuz maliyetli ve kurulum masraflarını daha kısa sürede amorti edebilecek verimli sistemler oluşturulmaktadır. Fosil yakıtlar kullanılarak üretilen elektrik enerjisindeki birim maliyet fiyatlarının çok yüksek olması ve çevreye verdiği ilave zararlar da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, enerjinin bu tür kaynaklardan elde edilmesi durumu sürdürülebilir olmaktan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’ne ait Farabi yerleşkesinin elektrik enerjisi tüketim miktarları belirlen...
The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power t... more The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power transformers. To obtain higher efficiency from transformers, the core and winding type of transformer, the geometric structure of the core, and the shaping techniques in the windings are changed. This requires modeling transformer windings with equivalent circuits and calculating the inductance and electrical parameters appropriately. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) finite element solutions with energy perturbation and flux-coupling methods are used. The correctness of the inductance values of transformer windings was established, and the design was performed, by considering the inductance and electrical parameter values, which are comparable to the energy perturbation and flux connection. However, when two-dimensional calculated fields are used, the flux coupling method requires less computation and gives numerically more accurate results than the energy perturbation method. So, it i...
Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarının güvenliği ile ilgili en önemli konulardan biri, güç kablolarına a... more Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarının güvenliği ile ilgili en önemli konulardan biri, güç kablolarına ait parça ve malzemelerin bozulmasıdır. Güç kablolarının performansı yalıtkan malzemenin mekaniksel ve elektriksel bütünlüğüne bağlıdır. Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarındaki mikro çatlaklar, güç kablolarının yalıtım özelliklerini tehdit edebilir. Bu nedenle yüksek gerilim güç kablolarında mikro çatlakların oluşması istenmez. 2XS(FL)2Y 87/150(170) kV yüksek gerilim güç kabloları çapraz bağlı polietilen (XLPE) ve etilen propilen kauçuk (EPR) gibi çeşitli katı yalıtım malzemelerini kullanır. Elektriksel ölçümler ve kimyasal analizler yüksek gerilim güç kablolarında en iyi örnek karışımı bulmak için kullanılır. Bu çalışmada, 2XS(FL)2Y 87/150(170) kV yüksek gerilim güç kablosunun yalıtım arızası incelenmiş ve arıza tespiti için uygulanan elektriksel ölçüm testleri anlatılmıştır. Arızanın tespit edilmesi ve yok edilmesi yönünde karşılaşılan sorunlar, çözüm önerileri ve önleyici tedbirler açıklanmıştır.
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2015
Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is on... more Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is one of the most important parameters of transformer insulation oil. Dielectric strength of insulation oil provides reliable operation of electrical equipment. Dielectric strength of insulation oil is a measure of the oils superior ability to withstand electrical stress without failure. Dielectric strength test involves applying alternative voltage at a controlled rate to two electrodes immersed in the insulation oil. Gap is a specified distance. When the current arcs across gap the voltage value recorded at that instant is the dielectric strength value of insulation oil. Dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil is also known as breakdown voltage of insulation oil. In this study, breakdown voltage of insulation oil was investigated under the influences of temperature and moisture. Breakdown voltage tests were applied in the standards IEC 156/95, ASTM D1816/97 and VDE 0370/Part5/96 ...
The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor... more The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor control process for the multi-motor asynchronous electric drive with the use of bidirectional shift registers and resistor banks, the operation algorithm, the Petri net and the matrix method for the Petri net analysis. It offers to use contemporary mathematical apparatus the Petri nets in modeling, analyzing, synthesizing and describing logical operations taking place within a microprocessor control device of an electromechanical system, which allows increasing the level of automation in an industrial process, operational reliability, ensuring coordinated rotation of electric motors and better performance and cost efficiency.
Journal of innovative engineering and natural science, Feb 24, 2024
Axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machines offer significant advantages in electrical syst... more Axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machines offer significant advantages in electrical systems due to their high-power density and complex structure, and thus have many applications. The essence of the machine design process depends on fast, flexible, and accurate calculation of machine characteristics. Electromagnetic torque analysis is required to meet and validate the drive requirements. Many different methods are used for electromagnetic torque analysis. In this study, the optimal design and analysis of an axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machine is performed using genetic algorithm theory. The mathematical model structure required for the optimal design of the axial field permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The mathematical model structure was determined to determine the critical values in the design of the axial field permanent magnet synchronous machine and was carried out depending on five optimization variables. The results of the genetic algorithm are combined with the finite element method to calculate the total motor losses. By reducing the volume of copper and iron to be used for the stator core at the design stage, the motor losses that will occur in the system are significantly minimized compared to the initial values. With the optimization method used, the mathematical model of the synchronous machine proved to be sufficient for the design and created a competitive machine model structure. The study shows that the critical values used in the optimal design of the synchronous machine can be determined more easily by using genetic algorithm results.
Classic algorithms show high performance in tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltai... more Classic algorithms show high performance in tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltaic (PV) panels under uniform irradiance and temperature conditions. However, when partial or complex partial shading conditions occur, they fail in capturing the global maximum power point (GMPP) and are trapped in one of the local maximum power points (LMPPs) leading to a loss in power. On the other hand, intelligent algorithms inspired by nature show successful performance in GMPP tracking. In this study, an MPPT system was set up in MATLAB/Simulink software consisting of six groups of serially connected PV panels, a DC-DC boost converter, and load. Using this system, the cuckoo search (CS) algorithm, the modified incremental conductivity (MIC) algorithm, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, and the grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm were compared in terms of productivity, convergence speed, efficiency, and oscillation under complex shading conditions. The results showed...
The safety of the electrical energy supply is one of the most critical issues for companies engag... more The safety of the electrical energy supply is one of the most critical issues for companies engaged in production. The internal distribution network, which will provide the energy for the production elements, is essential. Power Transformers, which energize the loads fed from the electricity distribution network, are backed up in a way suitable for parallel operation for energy supply security. As a result of this situation, in case of a predictive failure in one of the transformers, energy supply safety is ensured since the other transformer is designed to carry the load alone. When one of these identical transformers is damaged, the relative short-circuit voltage of the new transformer to be integrated into the system may be different. The transformers with different short-circuit voltages are not shared their load equally. For this reason, the total amount of load that they can be loaded, the relative short-circuit voltage that will occur, and the load rates they are loaded change. In this study, a detailed analysis of two transformers with different relative short-circuit voltages and operating in parallel was made, both theoretically and as a result of the application, with the information obtained through the SCADA program. The theoretical values were calculated as a result of the analysis, the SCADA values were compared, and the margin of safety between them was established. It has been shown that the safety margin will protect against overload on a low short-circuit transformer. After the commissioning, the load rating needs to check and it can be regulated in line with the load rates that will occur after commissioning.
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 14, 2024
Determining the optimal location of distributed generation (DG) resources and FACTS devices Imp... more Determining the optimal location of distributed generation (DG) resources and FACTS devices Improvement of the power system voltage profile and loading capacity in cases of the base, overloading, and line outage Modeling a real power system (NWA power system) and improving the voltage stability In this study, the IEEE-30 bus test system and the Northwest Anatolian (NWA) real power system are investigated in case of base, overload, and line outage. Voltage stability of the power systems is improved by connecting Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices and Distributed Generation (DG) resources to the optimal location. The optimal location of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is the most critical transmission line, and it is determined by the line stability index. On the other hand, the optimal locations of the Static Var Compensator (SVC) and DG resources are the weakest buses, and they are determined by the continuation power flow analysis. The flowchart of the study is given in Figure A. Figure A. The flow chart of the study Purpose: It is aimed to improve the voltage stability of the IEEE-30 bus test system and NWA real power system with FACTS devices and DG resources placed in the optimal location. Theory and Methods: In this paper, IEEE-30 bus test system and NWA real power system are modeled in Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT). Voltage stability analyses of both power systems are carried out under the base, overload, and line outage situations. SVC and DG resources are connected to the weakest buses and TCSC is connected to the most critical transmission line. The weakest buses are determined by continuation power flow analysis, and the most critical transmission lines are determined by the line stability index in power systems. The changes are analyzed in the bus voltage values and loading parameters of the power systems by examining bus voltage profiles and loading parameter curves. Results: When all proposed FACTS devices and DG resources are connected to the IEEE-30 bus test system in case of base, overload, and line outage, the weakest bus voltage values are increased by %1.44, %5.96, %6.99 and the loading parameter is increased by %32.16, %33.37, %86.90 for each case respectively. Similarly in the NWA real power system, the weakest bus voltage values are increased by %6.14, %10.22, %8.92 and the loading parameter is increased by %37.42, %35.96, %37.93 for each case respectively. Conclusion: It is important to analyze and improve the voltage stability in power systems. In this study, FACTS devices and DG resources are used to improve the voltage stability in the power systems, and their optimal locations are successfully determined by continuation power flow analysis and line stability index.
This paper discusses the selection of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine and conver... more This paper discusses the selection of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine and converter for a 100V-200V DC, 100-400 Hz, 150-175 Nm, 30kW-100kW, 1550-4100 rpm electrical vehicle engine alternator. The electrical vehicle engine application requirements are outlined including the engine coupling configuration. Then the characteristics of different machines and their converters are compared through a competitive trade-off study framed by the alternator requirements; direct-drive induction, variable-reluctance, surface permanent magnet synchronous machine, and interior permanent magnet synchronous machine are all considered. The results of the study indicate that the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine is a potentially superior candidate, and so this machine is selected for further investigation. The preliminary findings are described, and the paper concludes with a discussion of current work addressing analytic design.
The use of big data in deep neural networks has recently surpassed traditional machine learning t... more The use of big data in deep neural networks has recently surpassed traditional machine learning techniques in many application areas. The main reasons for the use of deep neural networks are the increase in computational power made possible by graphics processing units and tensor processing units, and the new algorithms created by recurrent neural networks and CNNs. In addition to traditional machine learning methods, deep neural networks have applications in anticipating electricity load. Using a real dataset for one-step forecasting, this article compares three deep learning algorithms for short-term power load forecasting: LSTM, GRUs, and CNN. The statistics come from the Turkish city of Zonguldak and include hourly electricity usage loads and temperatures over a period of three years, commencing in 2019 and ending in 2021. The mean absolute percentage error is used to compare the performances of the techniques. Forecasts are made for twelve representative months from each season...
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü dergisi, Jun 1, 2013
Dinamik sistemler doğrusal veya doğrusal olmayan metotlar kullanılarak incelenirler. Kaotik zaman... more Dinamik sistemler doğrusal veya doğrusal olmayan metotlar kullanılarak incelenirler. Kaotik zaman dizileri, başlangıç şartlarına olan duyarlılığının yanında geniş bantlı, gürültü ve benzeri periyodik olmayan bir yapıya sahiptirler. Bu nedenle kaotik sistemler evrendeki birçok sorunun cevabını taşımaktadır. Günümüzde, geniş bir uygulama alanı bulan kaotik hareketin belirlenmesi aşamasında kullanılan yöntemlerden bazıları; tuhaf çekiciler, güç spektrumları ve Lyapunov üstelleridir. Bu çalışmada, dinamik sistemlerdeki kaotik yapının belirlenmesi ele alınarak, kullanılacak yöntemler incelenmiştir. Uygulama aşamasında kaotik bir modeli incelemek ve doğrusal olmayan stokastik süreçten ayırmak oldukça zorlaşmakta, bu tür problemlerin çözümünde tuhaf çekicilerin boyutu büyük önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, çeşitli dinamik sistemlere ait zaman dizileri üzerine kaotik boyut analizleri yapılmıştır.
Black sea journal of engineering and science, Apr 1, 2023
The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power t... more The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power transformers. To obtain higher efficiency from transformers, the core and winding type of transformer, the geometric structure of the core, and the shaping techniques in the windings are changed. This requires modeling transformer windings with equivalent circuits and calculating the inductance and electrical parameters appropriately. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) finite element solutions with energy perturbation and flux-coupling methods are used. The correctness of the inductance values of transformer windings was established, and the design was performed, by considering the inductance and electrical parameter values, which are comparable to the energy perturbation and flux connection. However, when two-dimensional calculated fields are used, the flux coupling method requires less computation and gives numerically more accurate results than the energy perturbation method. So, it is concluded that the fluxcoupling approach should be chosen as the preferred method for calculating the inductance and electrical parameters of transformer windings. The numerical properties and equivalence of energy perturbation and flux-connection methods, the "apparent" inductance value of the primary and secondary field windings of power transformer operating under transient conditions, using the temperaturetime parameter method, are calculated and its accuracy is demonstrated.
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2015
Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is on... more Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is one of the most important parameters of transformer insulation oil. Dielectric strength of insulation oil provides reliable operation of electrical equipment. Dielectric strength of insulation oil is a measure of the oils superior ability to withstand electrical stress without failure. Dielectric strength test involves applying alternative voltage at a controlled rate to two electrodes immersed in the insulation oil. Gap is a specified distance. When the current arcs across gap the voltage value recorded at that instant is the dielectric strength value of insulation oil. Dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil is also known as breakdown voltage of insulation oil. In this study, breakdown voltage of insulation oil was investigated under the influences of temperature and moisture. Breakdown voltage tests were applied in the standards IEC 156/95, ASTM D1816/97 and VDE 0370/Part5/96 test conditions for three different insulation oil types. Experimental results of the dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil were investigated during temperature and moisture non-equilibrium. The obtained results were compared with different temperature and moisture values in actual power transformer. Destructive and healing effects of temperature and moisture parameters were examined.
Energy is one of the most crucial data of economical and social development in Turkey. Therefore,... more Energy is one of the most crucial data of economical and social development in Turkey. Therefore, energy planners have to design different policies to direct justifiable energy consumption for which various modeling techniques need to be adopted. In this study, the main idea is the causality relationship between electricity production-consumption demand and economical growth in per capita and aggregate levels in the emerging economies during the period 2003-2014 by using Cobb Douglas Model and Granger causality tests. Electricity production and consumption demand in Turkey are studied through economical models for residential and industrial sectors. Industrial sector is the largest electricity consuming sector in Turkey. The economical model developed here focuses on the use of only significant variables that are not collinear. Hence, statistical tests have been used to recommend significant economical models. In Turkey, between 2003 and 2014, while real per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth averaged 16.3% per annum, annual electricity production and consumption growth averaged 11.67 %. In spite of the fact that real per capita GDP and electricity consumption demand are positively correlated, it is still not clear the direction of causality between real per capita GDP, electricity consumption. The positive impact of electricity production and consumption demand on the economical growth and the bidirectional causality between economical growth and electricity consumption are evaluated. The analysis shows that not all the socioeconomic variables used in other studies can be useful for model representation for Turkey's electricity consumption. The chosen models provide a very small absolute difference with actual electricity consumption demand. Recently, government has been focusing in industrial development in non-hydrocarbon sectors. So, the study of electricity production and consumption in these two sectors is considered as significant. An understanding of relationship between electricity consumption and various socioeconomic variables is expected to help the planners to make appropriate generation and transmission planning in the country.
Bilecik şeyh edebali üniversİtesi fen bilimleri dergisi, Jun 30, 2015
The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor... more The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor control process for the multi-motor asynchronous electric drive with the use of bidirectional shift registers and resistor banks, the operation algorithm, the Petri net and the matrix method for the Petri net analysis. It offers to use contemporary mathematical apparatus the Petri nets in modeling, analyzing, synthesizing and describing logical operations taking place within a microprocessor control device of an electromechanical system, which allows increasing the level of automation in an industrial process, operational reliability, ensuring coordinated rotation of electric motors and better performance and cost efficiency.
Black sea journal of engineering and science, Jul 1, 2023
Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kayn... more Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kaynaklardan karşılanması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte, tüketiciler için oldukça yüksek maliyet oluşturan enerji giderlerinin temiz ve ucuz enerji kaynaklarından elde edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenlerle elektrik enerjisi üretiminde fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kullanılması oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. Güneş panellerindeki yarı iletken teknolojisinin gelişmesi ile birlikte, ucuz maliyetli ve kurulum masraflarını daha kısa sürede amorti edebilecek verimli sistemler oluşturulmaktadır. Fosil yakıtlar kullanılarak üretilen elektrik enerjisindeki birim maliyet fiyatlarının çok yüksek olması ve çevreye verdiği ilave zararlar da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, enerjinin bu tür kaynaklardan elde edilmesi durumu sürdürülebilir olmaktan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’ne ait Farabi yerleşkesinin elektrik enerjisi tüketim miktarları belirlenmiştir. Bu enerji ihtiyacının karşılanmasında çevreye zarar vermeyen, kısa süre içerisinde kurulum masraflarını karşılayabilen, uzun ömürlü ve yeni teknolojik teçhizatlar ile enerji üretebilen fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kurulumu hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda yerleşke binalarındaki çatılarının kullanılması amaçlanarak mevcut kanun ve yönetmelikler göz önünde bulundurulmuş ve çatı tipi fotovoltaik enerji sistemleri tasarlanmıştır. PV-SOL benzetim programı kullanılarak tasarlanan enerji sisteminin teçhizat seçimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Farabi yerleşkesinde yer alan 14 adet binanın çatısına toplam 1.917.44 kWp kurulu güce sahip fotovoltaik enerji tesisinin kurulmasının uygun olacağı tespit edilmiştir. Kurulan bu tesislerden yıllık 2.354.885 kWh gücünde elektrik enerjisi üretilebileceği gösterilmiştir.
Bilecik şeyh edebali üniversİtesi fen bilimleri dergisi, May 31, 2023
Two different methods are used in dynamic model vector control applications of asynchronous machi... more Two different methods are used in dynamic model vector control applications of asynchronous machines. The first of these methods is to use the derivative information of the state variables based on the system observability principle. The second is the use of instantaneous active and reactive power measurement results as a new method. The classical equivalent circuit model is used in steady-state studies of parameter estimation methods. In dynamic systems, methods based on nonlinear minimization of the cost function, different initial values, and giving more precise estimation results are used. In this study, the dynamic system structure is set up as the square sum of the difference between parameter estimate values. Different parameter estimation methods were used for asynchronous machine models, and test results under no load and full load were examined. The impedance measurement results in parameter estimation methods were compared with the measurement results obtained from the model. It has been shown that the test results performed in real time are very close to the offline and nonlinear parameter estimation values and their accuracy has been proven.
Aşırı yük altında çalışan enterkonnekte güç sistemlerinde artan enerji talebi ile farklı türde pr... more Aşırı yük altında çalışan enterkonnekte güç sistemlerinde artan enerji talebi ile farklı türde problemler oluşmaktadır. Olası bu tür problemlerin büyümesi ya da birkaç farklı problemin aynı anda meydana gelmesi ile enterkonnekte iletim sisteminin kararlılık yapısı bozulmaktadır. Bu problemlerin düzeltilmesi ve enterkonnekte güç sisteminin kararlılık yapısının arttırılması amacıyla güç sistemlerine Esnek Alternatif Akım İletim Sistemi cihazları (FACTS) bağlanmaktadır. Güç elektroniği elemanlarından meydana gelen FACTS cihazları hızlı ve otomatik tepki verme kabiliyetleri ile güç sisteminin yük taşıma kapasitesini ve kararlılık yapısını anlık olarak arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada örnek bir güç sistemi olarak 420 kV Kuzeybatı Anadolu (KBA) enterkonnekte güç sistemi incelenmiştir. İncelenen yüksek gerilim güç sisteminde hat kararlılık indeksleri yardımıyla en kritik enerji iletim hatları tespit edilmiştir. Enterkonnekte güç sisteminin gerilim kararlılık yapısının iyileştirilmesi amacıyla kritik durumdaki enerji iletim hatlarına FACTS cihazları, Tristör Kontrollü Seri Kapasitör (TCSC) ve Statik Senkron Seri Kapasitör (SSSC) bağlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda ise, FACTS cihazlarının güç sistemindeki bara gerilim değerlerine, hat yüklenme parametresine, aktif ve reaktif güç kayıplarına olan etkileri detaylı olarak analiz edilmiştir.
Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kayn... more Günümüzde, artan enerji maliyetleri nedeniyle elektrik enerjisi ihtiyaçlarının ucuz ve temiz kaynaklardan karşılanması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte, tüketiciler için oldukça yüksek maliyet oluşturan enerji giderlerinin temiz ve ucuz enerji kaynaklarından elde edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenlerle elektrik enerjisi üretiminde fotovoltaik enerji sistemlerinin kullanılması oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. Güneş panellerindeki yarı iletken teknolojisinin gelişmesi ile birlikte, ucuz maliyetli ve kurulum masraflarını daha kısa sürede amorti edebilecek verimli sistemler oluşturulmaktadır. Fosil yakıtlar kullanılarak üretilen elektrik enerjisindeki birim maliyet fiyatlarının çok yüksek olması ve çevreye verdiği ilave zararlar da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, enerjinin bu tür kaynaklardan elde edilmesi durumu sürdürülebilir olmaktan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’ne ait Farabi yerleşkesinin elektrik enerjisi tüketim miktarları belirlen...
The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power t... more The efficient transmission of electrical energy depends on amplifying voltage values with power transformers. To obtain higher efficiency from transformers, the core and winding type of transformer, the geometric structure of the core, and the shaping techniques in the windings are changed. This requires modeling transformer windings with equivalent circuits and calculating the inductance and electrical parameters appropriately. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) finite element solutions with energy perturbation and flux-coupling methods are used. The correctness of the inductance values of transformer windings was established, and the design was performed, by considering the inductance and electrical parameter values, which are comparable to the energy perturbation and flux connection. However, when two-dimensional calculated fields are used, the flux coupling method requires less computation and gives numerically more accurate results than the energy perturbation method. So, it i...
Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarının güvenliği ile ilgili en önemli konulardan biri, güç kablolarına a... more Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarının güvenliği ile ilgili en önemli konulardan biri, güç kablolarına ait parça ve malzemelerin bozulmasıdır. Güç kablolarının performansı yalıtkan malzemenin mekaniksel ve elektriksel bütünlüğüne bağlıdır. Yüksek gerilim güç kablolarındaki mikro çatlaklar, güç kablolarının yalıtım özelliklerini tehdit edebilir. Bu nedenle yüksek gerilim güç kablolarında mikro çatlakların oluşması istenmez. 2XS(FL)2Y 87/150(170) kV yüksek gerilim güç kabloları çapraz bağlı polietilen (XLPE) ve etilen propilen kauçuk (EPR) gibi çeşitli katı yalıtım malzemelerini kullanır. Elektriksel ölçümler ve kimyasal analizler yüksek gerilim güç kablolarında en iyi örnek karışımı bulmak için kullanılır. Bu çalışmada, 2XS(FL)2Y 87/150(170) kV yüksek gerilim güç kablosunun yalıtım arızası incelenmiş ve arıza tespiti için uygulanan elektriksel ölçüm testleri anlatılmıştır. Arızanın tespit edilmesi ve yok edilmesi yönünde karşılaşılan sorunlar, çözüm önerileri ve önleyici tedbirler açıklanmıştır.
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2015
Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is on... more Transformer insulation oil is a crucial material for power transformer. Dielectric strength is one of the most important parameters of transformer insulation oil. Dielectric strength of insulation oil provides reliable operation of electrical equipment. Dielectric strength of insulation oil is a measure of the oils superior ability to withstand electrical stress without failure. Dielectric strength test involves applying alternative voltage at a controlled rate to two electrodes immersed in the insulation oil. Gap is a specified distance. When the current arcs across gap the voltage value recorded at that instant is the dielectric strength value of insulation oil. Dielectric strength of transformer insulation oil is also known as breakdown voltage of insulation oil. In this study, breakdown voltage of insulation oil was investigated under the influences of temperature and moisture. Breakdown voltage tests were applied in the standards IEC 156/95, ASTM D1816/97 and VDE 0370/Part5/96 ...
The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor... more The paper describes the development of the electric diagram and description of the microprocessor control process for the multi-motor asynchronous electric drive with the use of bidirectional shift registers and resistor banks, the operation algorithm, the Petri net and the matrix method for the Petri net analysis. It offers to use contemporary mathematical apparatus the Petri nets in modeling, analyzing, synthesizing and describing logical operations taking place within a microprocessor control device of an electromechanical system, which allows increasing the level of automation in an industrial process, operational reliability, ensuring coordinated rotation of electric motors and better performance and cost efficiency.
Journal of innovative engineering and natural science, Feb 24, 2024
Axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machines offer significant advantages in electrical syst... more Axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machines offer significant advantages in electrical systems due to their high-power density and complex structure, and thus have many applications. The essence of the machine design process depends on fast, flexible, and accurate calculation of machine characteristics. Electromagnetic torque analysis is required to meet and validate the drive requirements. Many different methods are used for electromagnetic torque analysis. In this study, the optimal design and analysis of an axial-field permanent magnet synchronous machine is performed using genetic algorithm theory. The mathematical model structure required for the optimal design of the axial field permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The mathematical model structure was determined to determine the critical values in the design of the axial field permanent magnet synchronous machine and was carried out depending on five optimization variables. The results of the genetic algorithm are combined with the finite element method to calculate the total motor losses. By reducing the volume of copper and iron to be used for the stator core at the design stage, the motor losses that will occur in the system are significantly minimized compared to the initial values. With the optimization method used, the mathematical model of the synchronous machine proved to be sufficient for the design and created a competitive machine model structure. The study shows that the critical values used in the optimal design of the synchronous machine can be determined more easily by using genetic algorithm results.
Classic algorithms show high performance in tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltai... more Classic algorithms show high performance in tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltaic (PV) panels under uniform irradiance and temperature conditions. However, when partial or complex partial shading conditions occur, they fail in capturing the global maximum power point (GMPP) and are trapped in one of the local maximum power points (LMPPs) leading to a loss in power. On the other hand, intelligent algorithms inspired by nature show successful performance in GMPP tracking. In this study, an MPPT system was set up in MATLAB/Simulink software consisting of six groups of serially connected PV panels, a DC-DC boost converter, and load. Using this system, the cuckoo search (CS) algorithm, the modified incremental conductivity (MIC) algorithm, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, and the grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm were compared in terms of productivity, convergence speed, efficiency, and oscillation under complex shading conditions. The results showed...
Papers by Nihat Pamuk