Papers by Nurhizrah Gistituati

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi berdasarkan hasil observasi penulis yang dilakukan di Kantor Keme... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi berdasarkan hasil observasi penulis yang dilakukan di Kantor Kementrian Agama Kota Padang, yang menunjukan bahwa masih belum kondusifnya iklim organisasi di kantor Kementrian Agama Kota Padang dilihat dari dimensi hubungan (dukungan, keintiman, keterbukaan), dimensi pertumbuhan/perkembangan pribadi (Kepercayaan, Orientasi pada tugas), dimensi perubahan dan perbaikan system). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai yang terdapat di Kantor Kementrian Agama Kota Padang pada Ujung Gurun, kec. Padang Barat. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 43 orang dengan menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket dalam bentuk Skala Likert yang sudah di uji coba untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa iklim organisasi di Kantor Kementrian Agama kota Padang dari, dimensi hubungan aspek dukungan mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,23 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, dari aspek keintiman mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,29 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, aspek keterbukaan mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,41 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, dimensi pertumbuhan/perkembangan pribadi, aspek kepercayaan mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,49 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, aspek orientasi pada tugas mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,48 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, dimensi perubahan dan perbaikan system aspek pengawasan dimensi mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,31 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik, aspek kebebasan mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,46 yang sudah berada pada kategori baik. Secara keseluruhan mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,39 dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa 7 indikator dari 3 dimensi yang penulis teliti mencapai kriteria baik dengan skor rata-rata 4,39.

This article aims to reveal and explain the impact of the Cooperative Script method in learning t... more This article aims to reveal and explain the impact of the Cooperative Script method in learning the art of music at SMK 1 HiliranGumanti. In fact, all this time students' learning outcomes in music art subjects do not meet the standard values set by the HiliranGumanti Vocational High School, this is due to one of the methods that are not yet relevant. Therefore, one method that is considered relevant is the Cooperative Script method. Researchers assume that the Cooperative Script method can have an impact on improving student learning outcomes in music art subjects. The research method used is descriptive method, the data is collected by interview technique, in which the questions are directed to the problem of using the method and its impact on the results of learning music. In addition to interviewing the data was collected through observations, namely observing the ways of learning and student responses from the use of the method. Document data is obtained from student test results. The instrument is the researcher himself and is equipped with a test form and observation guide. Data analysis is carried out with a flow such as data collection, selecting data, exposing data, testing data and summarizing the results of data analysis. The results of the study found were that after the teacher applied the Cooperative Script method, the impact obtained was an increase in learning outcomes. Increased learning outcomes are proven through the results of test documents, and from observations of the teaching and learning process conducted by the teacher. Although the increase only occurred to 19 students, of the total 26 students in class X SMKN 1 Hiliran Gumanti.

Bisma The Journal of Counseling, Dec 30, 2022
The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the description of the role of counseling ... more The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the description of the role of counseling guidance information services through interprofessional education. The aim of IPE is the practice of inter-professional collaboration, which involves various professions in learning about how to work together by providing the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to collaborate effectively. This research method uses library research to examine through writing from books regarding cooperative learning models in interprofessional education. Information services are guidance and counseling services that enable students to receive and understand various information that can be used as material for consideration and decision-making for the benefit of students. Information services are services that provide information needed by individuals. Guidance and counseling services have very important functions and roles in schools, especially for students. By providing BK services the development of students will be more optimal. Counseling guidance services focus on developing personal and social aspects as well as solving problems individually. With these services it is hoped that students will be in prime condition, so that they can learn and develop themselves personally. According to WHO Interprofessional education or IPE is an educational process that involves two or more types of professions. Interprofessional education can occur when several students from various professions learn about other professions, learn together with one another to create effective collaborations.

Dharmas Education Journal, Mar 19, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor hambatan yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor hambatan yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Menengah. Adapun faktor hambatan yang dianalisis ditinjau dari beberapa aspek yang disesuaikan dengan literatur yaitu; Aspek pemahaman guru terhadap filosofi dan tujuan Kurikulum Merdeka, aspek keterampilan pedagogis guru, aspek kesiapan teknologi guru, aspek kolaborasi antar guru, aspek dukungan administratif, aspek partisipasi orang tua, aspek ketersediaan sumber daya. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif survei dengan desain studi kasus, penelitian ini melibatkan guru-guru terpilih sebagai partisipan yang memberikan wawasan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi kelas, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan aspek pemahaman guru terhadap filosofi dan tujuan Kurikulum Merdeka dengan persentase 83,60%, aspek keterampilan pedagogis guru dengan persentase 85,20%, aspek kesiapan teknologi guru dengan persentase 79,33%, aspek kolaborasi antar guru dengan persentase 84,27%, aspek dukungan administratif dengan persentase 85,73%, aspek partisipasi orang tua dengan persentase 86,27%, aspek ketersediaan sumber daya dengan persentase 85,33%. Penelitian ini menyediakan landasan bagi perubahan kebijakan dan pendekatan pendidikan untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan ini. Kesimpulan menekankan perlunya pelatihan yang lebih baik, dukungan administratif yang konsisten, dan kolaborasi yang diperkuat antara guru, pihak sekolah, dan orang tua untuk memastikan suksesnya implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Menengah.

European Journal of Education Studies, May 10, 2023
This article discusses the policy and management of Education: BOS Fund in Primary Schools. Based... more This article discusses the policy and management of Education: BOS Fund in Primary Schools. Based on Permendikbud No 161 of 2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Management of Regular School Operational Assistance Funds. BOS fund management has at least three indicators: Planning, implementation and reporting. These three indicators are the benchmark for managing BOS funds well. The research method uses a literature study with a meta-analysis of ten national journal review results based on BOS fund management indicators: Planning, implementation, and reporting. Results of this study: 1. Planning involves all school residents, including the principal, treasurer, teachers, employees, committees, and parents. This Planning is poured in the form of the preparation of RKAS. RKAS is made with various considerations and by the conditions of each elementary school. 2. The implementation of BOS fund management, starting with the withdrawal of funds; some are carried out in Dahab, and some are all at once; the collection adjusts to each condition and then allocates by the RKAS that has been made. The collection of BOS funds must be recorded in detail and clearly. As well as leaving a minimum balance as a precaution. 3. Reporting is carried out gradually and every day so that it is monitored in real and particular. This reporting is in the form of a unique BOS fund governance book.

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Dec 21, 2022
A curriculum is an educational design that has a position and influences educational activities. ... more A curriculum is an educational design that has a position and influences educational activities. Changes from the KTSP curriculum to the 2013 curriculum influence teachers to experience obstacles to the implementation in the learning process. The 2013 curriculum includes five learning aspects; observation, question, collection, association, and communication. Students have learned mathematics at school. Mathematics learning is one of the learnings that can improve students' logical thinking, analytical, systematic, critical, innovative, and creative skills, and can make students being cooperative in mathematics learning. This mathematics learning is assumed to be difficult to accept for students. Hence, this research is conducted to identify teachers' difficulties in arranging learning tools and activities. The results indicate that there are three activities in the teaching and learning processes in the 2013 curriculum, they are initial, core, and final activities. In the initial activity, the teacher has difficulty in designing lesson plans and allocating learning time. In the core activity, the teacher has difficulty making students focus on the teaching and learning process. In the final activity, the teacher has difficulty directing and helping students to make conclusions about the learning so it was difficult for the teacher to evaluate the learning proces.

Jurnal Bahana Manajemen Pendidikan, Sep 24, 2021
The Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic is still a major concern in the world. After successf... more The Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic is still a major concern in the world. After successfully intervening in the order of human life for approximately the last two years, this virus is still mutating in new forms. People still have to adapt to Covid-19 and the uncertainty of when this pandemic will end. The world of education is one of the fields that has a great influence. In Indonesia, the adaptation of the learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out with the distance learning system. Until now, several regions have been given the freedom to conduct full online, blended, or face-to-face learning in accordance with the conditions for the spread of Covid-19 in their respective regions. The dynamics of the current education system require principals to have instructional leadership competencies to support and facilitate the needs of teachers and students with new learning systems. This paper aims to describe the principal's instructional leadership during the covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted with a qualitative systematic review approach. The meta-synthesis method with a meta-aggregation approach was chosen to answer research questions by summarizing various research results related to the principal's instructional leadership during the covid-19 pandemic. The literature sources that were targeted in this study were research results in the last 4 years (from 2018 to 2021) by searching scientific publications on the internet. This study concludes that the principal's instructional leadership is very important to maintain the sustainability of school activities, and the effectiveness of the implementation of the new learning system during the covid-19 pandemic. The principal's instructional leadership has implications for: (1) providing professional services to teachers in carrying out learning, (2) carrying out learning management innovations to adapt to the new learning system, and (3) providing motivation and inspiration for all school members to maintain optimism. in achieving common goals.
This study aims to see the influence of the headmaster's leadership on teacher performance. The m... more This study aims to see the influence of the headmaster's leadership on teacher performance. The method used in this research is ex post facto causal research because the purpose of this study is to reveal a causal relationship between the research variables. This research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Padang. The data was collected through documentation, questionnaires, and direct observation sheets and then processed by using descriptive-analytical methods and path analysis. This study indicates that there is an influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance.

A fair and equitable education with equal quality is the dream of every human being, that is why ... more A fair and equitable education with equal quality is the dream of every human being, that is why in our country the law guarantees the acquisition of the community to get a decent and equitable and quality education for the entire community. The large number of dropouts and not attending school has become a separate problem for this nation. Many efforts have been made by the government in terms of minimizing these problems, including by presenting equality education programs for people who need education equivalent to formal education. Even though the implementation of equivalence education is much more flexible than the formal education route, it still requires a tutor who is competent in their field. Because tutors are one of the factors that determine the success of a program. Advances in science and technology have resulted in changes in teaching methods which are usually carried out conventionally or face-to-face, turning into teaching methods that use technology, both application-based full online implementation and blended learning, all of these learning methods require the readiness of educators/tutors. For this reason, this article looks at and analyzes the form of tutor readiness in implementing blended learning in an equality education program. From the results of the study it can be concluded that tutors have readiness in implementing blended learning from various indicators.

This study aims to reveal: how is that the process of developing a training model for improving t... more This study aims to reveal: how is that the process of developing a training model for improving the managerial competence of administrative leaders in Universities based on Action Based Learning is valid, practical, effective, the info source of this research is the academic community of Padang State University, techniques of knowledge collection are validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The results of this study were found from the validity test of three aspects, namely aspects of media, material, and language. Furthermore, the practicality test of the lecturer's response and therefore the student's response. The results of the typical product validity got a value of 90.97% within the very valid category, the typical practicality of student responses was 80.31% within the practical category. The typical practicality of the lecturer's response is 88.46% within the practical category. Consistent with the data above, it are often summed up that the Model Development of Training Model for Increasing Managerial Competence of Administrative Leaders in Higher Education Based on Action Based Learning is valid, practical, and effectively utilized in higher education.

Journal of physics, Nov 1, 2019
This research was based on the preliminary studies in Economic Department of University in studin... more This research was based on the preliminary studies in Economic Department of University in studing English. From this preliminary studies, the researcher want to find out the analysis, the effectivity, and the practicality of her products in designing and implementing PBL Model at Economic of Islamic University of Riau. The design of this research is R & D approach by using ADDIE Model. The sample was selected from one institutions in Pekanbaru namely Islamic University of Riau. The quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire and statistically analyzed by using SPSS program. Based on the reearch findings that there was the high association between Problem Solving Ability, Self Confidence, and student performed positive opinion in English speaking toward PBL Model. This conclusion is in line with educational policy to continually improve the quality especially for Economic students. For further researchers, this research suggests to conduct similar studies to develop PBL model in other program of education.

International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Aug 3, 2022
This paper aimed to explore the preparation of community-based education of socio-cultural orient... more This paper aimed to explore the preparation of community-based education of socio-cultural oriented for children in the Industrial Revolution Era of 4.0 as a new model in Pariaman City. This study reveals the importance of a positive correlation between education and the people's behavior to remain the socio-cultural norms. This model can be constructed through cooperative and collaborative education strategy based online learning. Preparation of this educational model built through cooperation with society as a stakeholder of education. This model allows the role of society and technology synergy gave birth to quality education without neglecting the social and local cultural values of the nation. Implementation of this idea can give the two sides to be achieved that is shaping the noble personality of the Indonesian children especially based cultured supreme divinity is one, civilized humanity and smart in technology to the advanced Indonesian community in the field of science and culture by nine steps are, character education, student-oriented learning system, teachers' learning skill improvement, collaborate with community organizations, social process-oriented education system, support from local government policy and community, build social and cultural coherence and set up diverse teaching materials from a variety of perspectives studies.

Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator, Dec 29, 2022
This study aims to explain the policies and curriculum in elementary schools that focus on provis... more This study aims to explain the policies and curriculum in elementary schools that focus on provisions in curriculum management, curriculum scope, functions and implementation in elementary schools. Policies on the curriculum are related to the provisions or rules that will be set against the wishes of national education. Management of the curriculum is the same as strategies, efforts or efforts designed jointly by leaders in their fields to improve the quality of education. Besides that, it can also produce a learning productivity for children, there is a reciprocal relationship between individuals and groups. The management/management of the 2013 curriculum aims to improve the competence of students and find out the problems of implementing the 2013 curriculum. This activity is carried out through 3 stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation/evaluation. The third stage affects children's education, what is planned will have an impact on children as subjects who will implement the curriculum. This research uses a case study or literature study approach. This article was written by reviewing 25 journals related to curriculum management policies. Researchers describe the findings of the phenomena that occur in the field using observation techniques. The results of the study indicate that curriculum management must be carried out as well as possible so that the resulting output has a good impact. Each school gives different results in this management. This can be seen from all aspects of what is done at school.

Jurnal muara pendidikan, Jun 22, 2022
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami berbagai tahapan pembuatan kebijakan publik sehi... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami berbagai tahapan pembuatan kebijakan publik sehingga mempermudah untuk menganalisis masalah-masalah yang kompleks sehingga dapat dirumuskan ke dalam suatu kebijaksanaan bagi seoran pemimpin publik. Studi kebijakan publik berusaha untuk meninjau berbagi teori dan proses yang terjadi dalam kebijakan publik. Dapat dikatakan bahwa kebijakan publik tidak lepas dari proses pembentukan kebijaksanaan itu sendiri, dengan demikian, salah satu tujuan studi kebijakan publik adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana tahapan demi tahapan proses pembentukan kebijakan publik tersebut sehingga terwujudlah suatu kebijakan tertentu. Tahapan demi tahapan tersebut terangkum sebagai suatu proses siklus pembuatan kebijakan publik. Setiap tahapan dalam proses pembentukan kebijakan publik mengandung berbagai langkah dan metode yang lebih rinci lagi. Tahapan yang terdapat dalam pembuatan suatu kebijakan publik memiliki berbagai manfaat serta konsekuensi dari adanya proses tersebut, khususnya bagi para aktor pembuat kebijakan publik.

Kolokium, Apr 19, 2022
The magnitude of the Covid-19 impacts outbreak on the scope of education encourages changes in th... more The magnitude of the Covid-19 impacts outbreak on the scope of education encourages changes in the learning process to be able to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 by applying online learning activities for all levels of education. It is quite possible for students to find difficulties during online learning and make students' learning motivation decrease. So, to deal with these difficulties, intelligence is needed that can help students stay afloat or called Adversity Quotient (AQ) which can ultimately increase students' learning motivation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Adversity Quotient and find out its effect on learning motivation. This research approach was carried out with quantitative research, there were 108 respondents based on cluster random sampling techniques. As for the data collection of this study using a 5-point likert scale questionnaire, it is then analyzed with a simple linear regression analysis technique. The results of this study that Adversity Quotient reviewed from the aspects of control, origin and ownership, reach, and endurance are in the category quite well. There is the influence of Adversity Quotient and student learning motivation positively and significantly with the contribution of influence to be in the high category.

Jurnal Bahana Manajemen Pendidikan, Aug 30, 2022
The purpose of this study is to find out how the leadership strategy of a school principal implem... more The purpose of this study is to find out how the leadership strategy of a school principal implements decisionmaking regarding disciplinary violations at SMP Negeri 40 Padang. This research includes qualitative research, in the form of case studies. In this study the principal, educators and students became the resource persons. In this study, data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The method used is source triangulation. The findings from the study state 1) The principal's decision-making process is based on identifying problems regarding violations of teacher and student discipline, where the results show that the principal applies a strategy by grouping the violations made from mild, moderate to severe categories and then determines the sanctions that will be imposed. will be given. Then the next strategy, 2) In the decision-making process based on the cause of occurrence, in which the principal sees what caused the violation to occur. And finally 3) The decision-making process is based on its impact on students and teachers, in which the strategy applied by the principal is to establish communication and socialization so that teachers and students are more disciplined.

Bisma The Journal of Counseling, Sep 19, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's perception of the leadership of the prin... more The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's perception of the leadership of the principal of the State Elementary School 13 Surau Gadang seen from influencing, moving and motivating. This research includes descriptive research, the population is 16 people who teach at SDN 13 Surau Gadang. The sampling technique used is total sampling. The instrument uses a questionnaire/questionnaire. Research results In general, the teacher's perception of the leadership of the Principal of the State Elementary School 13 Surau Gadang is on an average score of 4.5 with a good category. This means that the leadership at the State Senior High School 1 Lembah Melintang has been going well. That the principal's leadership must be able to encourage the performance of teachers by showing a sense of friendship, closeness, and consideration for teachers, both as individuals and as groups.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 22, 2022
This paper discusses the role of silek in the development of dance in Minangkabau. Silek became t... more This paper discusses the role of silek in the development of dance in Minangkabau. Silek became the root in the creation of dance movements. Starting from traditional dances such as pasambahan dance, galombang dance, piriang dance, to modern dance with a contemporary style. Every aspect of the initial movement to the final movement, Minangkabau dance is inseparable from the silek element that dominates and becomes a characteristic. Although the pattern of modernity affects the social life of the community, it does not change the belief in shifting the existence of silek in the creation of Minangkabau dance works. This study examines how important silek is in dance in Minangkabau. Through qualitative research methods, it will be seen from every aspect of silek and its development by observation, observation and interview. The development of dance in Minangkabau is seen from the intensity of society which always develops silek on dance and makes dance a medium to express meaning in the order of life.

Journal of Educational Administration and Leadership, Jan 10, 2022
This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining information and describing the managerial c... more This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining information and describing the managerial competence of principals in managing teachers. Technical analysis of this research data is processed with quantitative descriptive statistics. The population in this study were teachers of SMK N 1 Painan totaling 96 people, with a sample size of 49 people determined by using the slovin formula. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. The instrument of this research is a questionnaire with a Likert Scale model. The questionnaire has been tested for validity and reability before being distributed with the SPSS 25.0 application. The collected material is processed by finding the average value. The result of the study illustrate that the principal's managerial competence is seen from (1) Planning the needs of theachers to get an average score of 4,2 with a very capable classification. (2) Managing the coaching and professional development of teachers getting an average score 4,0 in the capable classification. (3) Managing the provision of teacher welfare gets an average score of 3,4 in the capable classification. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh informasi dan menggambarkan tentang kompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah dalam mengelola guru. Teknis analisis data penelitian ini diolah dengan statistik deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu guru SMK N 1 Painan yang berjumlah 96 orang, dengan besar sampel 49 orang yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus slovin. Pengambilan sampel yaitu dengan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen dari penelitian ini ialah angket dengan model Skala Likert. Angket telah uji validitas dan reliabilitas sebelum disebarkan dengan aplikasi SPSS 25.0. Bahan yang terkumpul diolah dengan mencari skor rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa kompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah dilihat dari (1) Merencanakan kebutuhan guru memperoleh junlah nilai rata-rata 4,2 dengan klasifikasi sangat mampu. (2) Mengelola pembinaan dan pengembangan profesional guru mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 4,0 berada di klasifikasi mampu. (3) Mengelola pemberian kesejahteraan guru mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 3,4 berada pada klasifikasi mampu.
Papers by Nurhizrah Gistituati