TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management - RJSSM, 2018
As the globe is experiencing a rise in new technology of transportation so are customers’ expecta... more As the globe is experiencing a rise in new technology of transportation so are customers’ expectations from the new transportation modes. Indian auto industry is not different. Government of India have already asked automobile industry to abide by stringent pollution norms and work on offering future products which are environment friendly, mainly hybrid and electric vehicles. Auto manufacturers are experiencing towering demand from customers, competitors and government. Indian auto industry contributes 15 percent of GDP in 2016 is expected to inflate to 22 percent of GDP by 2022. The Indian auto industry which was of US$7 billion in 2016 is expected to reach US$17 billion by 2022 at 10-15 percent annually (IBEF). Meanwhile, Indian environment friendly technology is vey new when compared to other international market such as US, Europe & China. In 2016, Indian account very minimum global share of HEVs. China at the same time holds nearly 50 percent of global share in electric and en...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2019
The cause of climate change detection is very tedious and complex phenomenon. For the purpose, th... more The cause of climate change detection is very tedious and complex phenomenon. For the purpose, the behaviour identification of climatic variable using long term historical database is very important. In present study, highlights the climatic variability has been identified using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall, and Sen's slope estimators over northeastern region of India. In this study long term precipitation data has been considered during 1901-2015. The non-parametric tests have been tested at the 5% level of significance. The non-parametric tests were applied at eight northeastern states i.e.,
International Journal of Photoenergy, Apr 15, 2022
Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of... more Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of the PV-based cell/unit is ideal for conceptually examining the capabilities of alternative control approaches. Extraction of precise values for relevant unknown elements of solar photovoltaic models is crucial for modeling PV systems. Optimization strategies for this topic have been increasingly important and dynamic in recent history due to their efficiency in dealing with extremely nonlinear multidimensional optimization challenges. The strategy avoids stalling by deleting the best solution; this keeps the engine diverse and increases global search capacity. Pattern searching, on either side, is a multiobjective approach that has a high convergence speed as well as good stability, which can increase the whale optimization algorithm's traditional optimization ability. As a result, combining these two mechanisms can considerably improve the whale optimization algorithm capacity to find the optimal answer. The modified whale optimization algorithm may also be used to evaluate parameters in single-diode models, double-diode models, and photovoltaic panels, as well as to find independent variables in two distinct methods of PV modules under various light temperature and pressure circumstances. The analytical results show that the modified whale optimization algorithm is both valid and practical for predicting solar cell and photovoltaic unit characteristics. The study goes into great depth on a new optimization approach for changing the parameter unit of solar PV cells.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
A modified technique is introduced to understand the design of Integer order PID controller. Due ... more A modified technique is introduced to understand the design of Integer order PID controller. Due to simple tuning rules, conventional PID controller has the great success with the automatic tuning feature and tables that simplify their design. The Integer order PID controller show better robustness performance with the comparison of PID control's experimental to Heating control system (HIL). In Integer order control, design of simulation model of system can be designed straight forwardly with design specification based on frequency analysis which can be change continuously. The simulation analysis and real time results shows that Integer order PID controller is more effective way to enhance the system control performance.
Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively jo... more Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively joint configuration-specific welding process parameters have not yet been tuned. This work is concerned with the Taguchi orthogonal arrays to perform an analysis of variance. In this study, FSW joint configurations of AA6262-T6 Al alloy, such as butt, lap, and T joints, were studied for optimization. An orthogonal array of welds was selected using the Taguchi method. After the welds were constructed, the ultimate tensile strength of each joint was examined for statistical optimization. The lack of parameter optimization studies for butt, lap, and T joints prompted this research to fill the void. As a result, each joint arrangement must be optimised for mechanical properties and a set of parameters must be developed.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Solar energy has been a basic need since aware of the energy crises throughout the world. Now the... more Solar energy has been a basic need since aware of the energy crises throughout the world. Now the researchers are turning toward solar photovoltaic (PV) power system for future energy needs. However, some drawbacks of the field testing are existing with photovoltaic modules such as cost and heavy dependence on the weather conditions. The problems associated with photovoltaic system are the non-linear supply of power and it leads to complexity in matching the load. The PV solar module produce the nonlinear that changes with the variation in solar irradiance during entire day. Research work is on improving the performance, quality and reducing its cost. Researchers face the challenges in fabrication and materials used and due to this fact its performance decreases. In this paper, a method has been introduced to locate shunts using thermal images. IR inspection is used to observe the location of such shunts. After the electrical testing and measurements of the characteristics, the effe...
Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of... more Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of the PV-based cell/unit is ideal for conceptually examining the capabilities of alternative control approaches. Extraction of precise values for relevant unknown elements of solar photovoltaic models is crucial for modeling PV systems. Optimization strategies for this topic have been increasingly important and dynamic in recent history due to their efficiency in dealing with extremely nonlinear multidimensional optimization challenges. The strategy avoids stalling by deleting the best solution; this keeps the engine diverse and increases global search capacity. Pattern searching, on either side, is a multiobjective approach that has a high convergence speed as well as good stability, which can increase the whale optimization algorithm’s traditional optimization ability. As a result, combining these two mechanisms can considerably improve the whale optimization algorithm capacity to find ...
Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively jo... more Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively joint configuration-specific welding process parameters have not yet been tuned. This work is concerned with the Taguchi orthogonal arrays to perform an analysis of variance. In this study, FSW joint configurations of AA6262-T6 Al alloy, such as butt, lap, and T joints, were studied for optimization. An orthogonal array of welds was selected using the Taguchi method. After the welds were constructed, the ultimate tensile strength of each joint was examined for statistical optimization. The lack of parameter optimization studies for butt, lap, and T joints prompted this research to fill the void. As a result, each joint arrangement must be optimised for mechanical properties and a set of parameters must be developed.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Due to surging oil prices and environmental concern the interest in solar energy has risen. It is... more Due to surging oil prices and environmental concern the interest in solar energy has risen. It is renewable, inexhaustible, and nonpolluting. In many remote or underdeveloped areas, direct access to an electric grid is impossible and a photovoltaic inverter system would make life much simpler and more convenient. Solar radiant energy accounts for most of the usable renewable energy on earth. Photovoltaic (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. The main encumbrance for the reach of Photovoltaic systems is their low efficiency and high capital cost. Here we intend to examine a schematic to draw out maximum obtainable solar power from a PV module for use in a DC application. The concept of Maximum Power Point Tracking is to be implemented which results in appreciable increase in the efficiency of the Photovoltaic System. Different schemes of MPPT algorithms s...
Molecular engineering has contributed immensely to the clinical success of antibodies in recent y... more Molecular engineering has contributed immensely to the clinical success of antibodies in recent years. The modular structure of antibodies has permitted their modification in numerous ways, to meet various clinical requirements. With the help of antibody engineering, it has been possible to modify the molecular size, pharmacokinetics, immunogenicity, binding affinity, specificity and effector function of antibodies. In addition, fusion proteins of antibodies with various proteins and peptides have yielded targeted biological modifiers, toxins and imaging agents. This review focuses on the recent trends in antibody engineering for improving their clinical utility. Review
samiento que encierran: "la vida seguia eslabonando sus dias y sus noches, sus soles y sus lunas,... more samiento que encierran: "la vida seguia eslabonando sus dias y sus noches, sus soles y sus lunas, seguia desplegando su largo ritmo, 16gica, continua, misteriosa." Carmen Gindara queda maravillada ante la hermosura del escenario de su libro, la regi6n del lago Nahuel Huapi en el sur de la Argentina. Su lirismo encuentra a menudo inspiraci6n en el silencio de los majestuosos bosques de Nahuel Huapi. Es una interprete tan sensible de la Naturaleza como lo es del alma humana: Es un silencio extraio... como hecho de pajaros ausentes, como si acabaran de volarse todos los pajaros del mundo y hubiera quedado esto, este vacio de alas y de vidas, esta quietud hueca que tiene voz de casa abandonada. ... este silencio hecho de luz debe parecerse al silencio 1timo, a ese que estar. rodeando a Dios. La Argentina de hoy cuenta con varias escritoras de talento, poetisas, cuentistas y novelistas. De las 6ltimas, Carmen Gindara es, sin duda, una de las de mas seiialadas dotes artisticas. Los espejos es un libro digno de compararse con los mejores libros argentinos de la 6poca.
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology, 2009
MUC4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein more highly expressed in cervical dysplasia than benign cerv... more MUC4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein more highly expressed in cervical dysplasia than benign cervical epithelium. We sought to determine whether MUC4 expression differs between benign and malignant cervical tissue. Fifty-eight patients with benign, dysplastic, or malignant cervical pathology were identified retrospectively, and representative sections were stained with a mouse monoclonal anti-MUC4 antibody. Semiquantitative analysis was performed on benign, dysplastic, and malignant regions by scoring staining intensity (0: negative, 1: weak, 2: moderate, and 3: strong) and distribution (focal o10%, multifocal ¼ 10%-60%, diffuse Z60%). In samples with benign glycogenated squamous epithelium, only the parabasal cells had MUC4 staining, and 48.5% had an intensity of 2 or 3. All samples with immature squamous metaplasia were positive through the entire epithelial thickness. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 samples had variable staining with an intensity similar to glycogenated squamous epithelium but distribution similar to squamous metaplasia. All CIN 3 (n ¼ 21) and invasive squamous cell carcinomas (n ¼ 17) had increased MUC4 staining intensity (Po0.001 and Po0.001) and increased diffuse staining (Po0.001 and Po0.001) compared with the limited staining in glycogenated squamous epithelium. In contrast, no differences in staining were observed between benign endocervical glands, adenocarcinoma in situ, and invasive adenocarcinoma. These expression patterns suggest that MUC4 is a lineage marker in benign cervical tissue that may have aberrant expression in squamous dysplasia and carcinoma. Further studies may elucidate the role of MUC4 in the development of squamous cell cervical cancer.
1 Specifically, LISWIN32.EXE interfaces with the 32-bit applications LISREL85.EXE, PRELIS25.EXE, ... more 1 Specifically, LISWIN32.EXE interfaces with the 32-bit applications LISREL85.EXE, PRELIS25.EXE, MULTI-LEV5.EXE, CATFIRM.EXE and CONFIRM.EXE. These are modules designed for specific statistical procedures such as estimation of multilevel structural equation models.
This paper presents an intelligent prediction about the soiling of solar panels that helps in des... more This paper presents an intelligent prediction about the soiling of solar panels that helps in designing an automatic cleaning system utilizing fuzzy logic controller. Cleaning mechanism activates based on the output voltage and current of the solar panel. Weather station data, combined with fuzzy controller developed using MATLAB R2014a, sends the control signal to the stepper motor which controls the washing process. Water sprayer is also mounted on the panel to reduce the ambient heat of the solar cells and enable maximum competancy of the panel.
Water is a basic need of human beings along with food and air. There is a large escalation of dem... more Water is a basic need of human beings along with food and air. There is a large escalation of demand for fresh water because of the rapid industrial growth and explosion of population all over the world. Thus, it has become pertinent to do further research in this field to improve the sea water desalination process. The separation of salts from seawater requires significant amounts of energy. When the energy is produced from fossil fuels, this approach can harm the environment, and as desalination requires significant energy, this in turn is costly. Therefore, there is a need to employ environmentally-friendly and affordable energy sources, specifically renewable energy, in order to desalinate seawater. Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are naturally replenished. Renewable energy can be used for seawater desalination. Photovoltaic water pumping applications are one of the most common uses of PV power through...
Precise forecast of municipal strong waste era has a critical part in future arranging and squand... more Precise forecast of municipal strong waste era has a critical part in future arranging and squander management framework. The attributes of the created strong waste are distinctive at better places (region to district or nation to nation). The precise forecast of municipal solid waste (MSW) era turns into an essential errand in present day period. Its prediction requires accurate MSW data. The point of the present review is to outline the time series model for foreseeing month to month based strong waste production in Greater Noida city of Uttar Pradesh State (India) utilizing artificial neural network (ANN) with time series autoregressive method. The gathered municipal waste perceptions have been organized month to month from 2012 to 2016. The 60 months data set has been classified into 42 training data sets, 9 testing data sets and 9 validating data sets. An assortment of models of ANN has been examined by altering the number of hidden layer neurons. Ultimately, paramount enhanced architecture of neural network is established. The least value of performance parameters is validated in the proposed model as mean square error 0.0004, root mean square error 0.0203 and the high value of the coefficient of regression 0.8123. On the premise of these execution parameters it is reasoned that the ANN model provides precise prescient outcomes.
TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management - RJSSM, 2018
As the globe is experiencing a rise in new technology of transportation so are customers’ expecta... more As the globe is experiencing a rise in new technology of transportation so are customers’ expectations from the new transportation modes. Indian auto industry is not different. Government of India have already asked automobile industry to abide by stringent pollution norms and work on offering future products which are environment friendly, mainly hybrid and electric vehicles. Auto manufacturers are experiencing towering demand from customers, competitors and government. Indian auto industry contributes 15 percent of GDP in 2016 is expected to inflate to 22 percent of GDP by 2022. The Indian auto industry which was of US$7 billion in 2016 is expected to reach US$17 billion by 2022 at 10-15 percent annually (IBEF). Meanwhile, Indian environment friendly technology is vey new when compared to other international market such as US, Europe & China. In 2016, Indian account very minimum global share of HEVs. China at the same time holds nearly 50 percent of global share in electric and en...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2019
The cause of climate change detection is very tedious and complex phenomenon. For the purpose, th... more The cause of climate change detection is very tedious and complex phenomenon. For the purpose, the behaviour identification of climatic variable using long term historical database is very important. In present study, highlights the climatic variability has been identified using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall, and Sen's slope estimators over northeastern region of India. In this study long term precipitation data has been considered during 1901-2015. The non-parametric tests have been tested at the 5% level of significance. The non-parametric tests were applied at eight northeastern states i.e.,
International Journal of Photoenergy, Apr 15, 2022
Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of... more Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of the PV-based cell/unit is ideal for conceptually examining the capabilities of alternative control approaches. Extraction of precise values for relevant unknown elements of solar photovoltaic models is crucial for modeling PV systems. Optimization strategies for this topic have been increasingly important and dynamic in recent history due to their efficiency in dealing with extremely nonlinear multidimensional optimization challenges. The strategy avoids stalling by deleting the best solution; this keeps the engine diverse and increases global search capacity. Pattern searching, on either side, is a multiobjective approach that has a high convergence speed as well as good stability, which can increase the whale optimization algorithm's traditional optimization ability. As a result, combining these two mechanisms can considerably improve the whale optimization algorithm capacity to find the optimal answer. The modified whale optimization algorithm may also be used to evaluate parameters in single-diode models, double-diode models, and photovoltaic panels, as well as to find independent variables in two distinct methods of PV modules under various light temperature and pressure circumstances. The analytical results show that the modified whale optimization algorithm is both valid and practical for predicting solar cell and photovoltaic unit characteristics. The study goes into great depth on a new optimization approach for changing the parameter unit of solar PV cells.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
A modified technique is introduced to understand the design of Integer order PID controller. Due ... more A modified technique is introduced to understand the design of Integer order PID controller. Due to simple tuning rules, conventional PID controller has the great success with the automatic tuning feature and tables that simplify their design. The Integer order PID controller show better robustness performance with the comparison of PID control's experimental to Heating control system (HIL). In Integer order control, design of simulation model of system can be designed straight forwardly with design specification based on frequency analysis which can be change continuously. The simulation analysis and real time results shows that Integer order PID controller is more effective way to enhance the system control performance.
Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively jo... more Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively joint configuration-specific welding process parameters have not yet been tuned. This work is concerned with the Taguchi orthogonal arrays to perform an analysis of variance. In this study, FSW joint configurations of AA6262-T6 Al alloy, such as butt, lap, and T joints, were studied for optimization. An orthogonal array of welds was selected using the Taguchi method. After the welds were constructed, the ultimate tensile strength of each joint was examined for statistical optimization. The lack of parameter optimization studies for butt, lap, and T joints prompted this research to fill the void. As a result, each joint arrangement must be optimised for mechanical properties and a set of parameters must be developed.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Solar energy has been a basic need since aware of the energy crises throughout the world. Now the... more Solar energy has been a basic need since aware of the energy crises throughout the world. Now the researchers are turning toward solar photovoltaic (PV) power system for future energy needs. However, some drawbacks of the field testing are existing with photovoltaic modules such as cost and heavy dependence on the weather conditions. The problems associated with photovoltaic system are the non-linear supply of power and it leads to complexity in matching the load. The PV solar module produce the nonlinear that changes with the variation in solar irradiance during entire day. Research work is on improving the performance, quality and reducing its cost. Researchers face the challenges in fabrication and materials used and due to this fact its performance decreases. In this paper, a method has been introduced to locate shunts using thermal images. IR inspection is used to observe the location of such shunts. After the electrical testing and measurements of the characteristics, the effe...
Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of... more Because of the rise in solar electricity, photovoltaic research has increased. A precise model of the PV-based cell/unit is ideal for conceptually examining the capabilities of alternative control approaches. Extraction of precise values for relevant unknown elements of solar photovoltaic models is crucial for modeling PV systems. Optimization strategies for this topic have been increasingly important and dynamic in recent history due to their efficiency in dealing with extremely nonlinear multidimensional optimization challenges. The strategy avoids stalling by deleting the best solution; this keeps the engine diverse and increases global search capacity. Pattern searching, on either side, is a multiobjective approach that has a high convergence speed as well as good stability, which can increase the whale optimization algorithm’s traditional optimization ability. As a result, combining these two mechanisms can considerably improve the whale optimization algorithm capacity to find ...
Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively jo... more Friction stir welding is a dependable method of joining metals and other materials. Relatively joint configuration-specific welding process parameters have not yet been tuned. This work is concerned with the Taguchi orthogonal arrays to perform an analysis of variance. In this study, FSW joint configurations of AA6262-T6 Al alloy, such as butt, lap, and T joints, were studied for optimization. An orthogonal array of welds was selected using the Taguchi method. After the welds were constructed, the ultimate tensile strength of each joint was examined for statistical optimization. The lack of parameter optimization studies for butt, lap, and T joints prompted this research to fill the void. As a result, each joint arrangement must be optimised for mechanical properties and a set of parameters must be developed.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Due to surging oil prices and environmental concern the interest in solar energy has risen. It is... more Due to surging oil prices and environmental concern the interest in solar energy has risen. It is renewable, inexhaustible, and nonpolluting. In many remote or underdeveloped areas, direct access to an electric grid is impossible and a photovoltaic inverter system would make life much simpler and more convenient. Solar radiant energy accounts for most of the usable renewable energy on earth. Photovoltaic (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. The main encumbrance for the reach of Photovoltaic systems is their low efficiency and high capital cost. Here we intend to examine a schematic to draw out maximum obtainable solar power from a PV module for use in a DC application. The concept of Maximum Power Point Tracking is to be implemented which results in appreciable increase in the efficiency of the Photovoltaic System. Different schemes of MPPT algorithms s...
Molecular engineering has contributed immensely to the clinical success of antibodies in recent y... more Molecular engineering has contributed immensely to the clinical success of antibodies in recent years. The modular structure of antibodies has permitted their modification in numerous ways, to meet various clinical requirements. With the help of antibody engineering, it has been possible to modify the molecular size, pharmacokinetics, immunogenicity, binding affinity, specificity and effector function of antibodies. In addition, fusion proteins of antibodies with various proteins and peptides have yielded targeted biological modifiers, toxins and imaging agents. This review focuses on the recent trends in antibody engineering for improving their clinical utility. Review
samiento que encierran: "la vida seguia eslabonando sus dias y sus noches, sus soles y sus lunas,... more samiento que encierran: "la vida seguia eslabonando sus dias y sus noches, sus soles y sus lunas, seguia desplegando su largo ritmo, 16gica, continua, misteriosa." Carmen Gindara queda maravillada ante la hermosura del escenario de su libro, la regi6n del lago Nahuel Huapi en el sur de la Argentina. Su lirismo encuentra a menudo inspiraci6n en el silencio de los majestuosos bosques de Nahuel Huapi. Es una interprete tan sensible de la Naturaleza como lo es del alma humana: Es un silencio extraio... como hecho de pajaros ausentes, como si acabaran de volarse todos los pajaros del mundo y hubiera quedado esto, este vacio de alas y de vidas, esta quietud hueca que tiene voz de casa abandonada. ... este silencio hecho de luz debe parecerse al silencio 1timo, a ese que estar. rodeando a Dios. La Argentina de hoy cuenta con varias escritoras de talento, poetisas, cuentistas y novelistas. De las 6ltimas, Carmen Gindara es, sin duda, una de las de mas seiialadas dotes artisticas. Los espejos es un libro digno de compararse con los mejores libros argentinos de la 6poca.
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology, 2009
MUC4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein more highly expressed in cervical dysplasia than benign cerv... more MUC4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein more highly expressed in cervical dysplasia than benign cervical epithelium. We sought to determine whether MUC4 expression differs between benign and malignant cervical tissue. Fifty-eight patients with benign, dysplastic, or malignant cervical pathology were identified retrospectively, and representative sections were stained with a mouse monoclonal anti-MUC4 antibody. Semiquantitative analysis was performed on benign, dysplastic, and malignant regions by scoring staining intensity (0: negative, 1: weak, 2: moderate, and 3: strong) and distribution (focal o10%, multifocal ¼ 10%-60%, diffuse Z60%). In samples with benign glycogenated squamous epithelium, only the parabasal cells had MUC4 staining, and 48.5% had an intensity of 2 or 3. All samples with immature squamous metaplasia were positive through the entire epithelial thickness. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 samples had variable staining with an intensity similar to glycogenated squamous epithelium but distribution similar to squamous metaplasia. All CIN 3 (n ¼ 21) and invasive squamous cell carcinomas (n ¼ 17) had increased MUC4 staining intensity (Po0.001 and Po0.001) and increased diffuse staining (Po0.001 and Po0.001) compared with the limited staining in glycogenated squamous epithelium. In contrast, no differences in staining were observed between benign endocervical glands, adenocarcinoma in situ, and invasive adenocarcinoma. These expression patterns suggest that MUC4 is a lineage marker in benign cervical tissue that may have aberrant expression in squamous dysplasia and carcinoma. Further studies may elucidate the role of MUC4 in the development of squamous cell cervical cancer.
1 Specifically, LISWIN32.EXE interfaces with the 32-bit applications LISREL85.EXE, PRELIS25.EXE, ... more 1 Specifically, LISWIN32.EXE interfaces with the 32-bit applications LISREL85.EXE, PRELIS25.EXE, MULTI-LEV5.EXE, CATFIRM.EXE and CONFIRM.EXE. These are modules designed for specific statistical procedures such as estimation of multilevel structural equation models.
This paper presents an intelligent prediction about the soiling of solar panels that helps in des... more This paper presents an intelligent prediction about the soiling of solar panels that helps in designing an automatic cleaning system utilizing fuzzy logic controller. Cleaning mechanism activates based on the output voltage and current of the solar panel. Weather station data, combined with fuzzy controller developed using MATLAB R2014a, sends the control signal to the stepper motor which controls the washing process. Water sprayer is also mounted on the panel to reduce the ambient heat of the solar cells and enable maximum competancy of the panel.
Water is a basic need of human beings along with food and air. There is a large escalation of dem... more Water is a basic need of human beings along with food and air. There is a large escalation of demand for fresh water because of the rapid industrial growth and explosion of population all over the world. Thus, it has become pertinent to do further research in this field to improve the sea water desalination process. The separation of salts from seawater requires significant amounts of energy. When the energy is produced from fossil fuels, this approach can harm the environment, and as desalination requires significant energy, this in turn is costly. Therefore, there is a need to employ environmentally-friendly and affordable energy sources, specifically renewable energy, in order to desalinate seawater. Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are naturally replenished. Renewable energy can be used for seawater desalination. Photovoltaic water pumping applications are one of the most common uses of PV power through...
Precise forecast of municipal strong waste era has a critical part in future arranging and squand... more Precise forecast of municipal strong waste era has a critical part in future arranging and squander management framework. The attributes of the created strong waste are distinctive at better places (region to district or nation to nation). The precise forecast of municipal solid waste (MSW) era turns into an essential errand in present day period. Its prediction requires accurate MSW data. The point of the present review is to outline the time series model for foreseeing month to month based strong waste production in Greater Noida city of Uttar Pradesh State (India) utilizing artificial neural network (ANN) with time series autoregressive method. The gathered municipal waste perceptions have been organized month to month from 2012 to 2016. The 60 months data set has been classified into 42 training data sets, 9 testing data sets and 9 validating data sets. An assortment of models of ANN has been examined by altering the number of hidden layer neurons. Ultimately, paramount enhanced architecture of neural network is established. The least value of performance parameters is validated in the proposed model as mean square error 0.0004, root mean square error 0.0203 and the high value of the coefficient of regression 0.8123. On the premise of these execution parameters it is reasoned that the ANN model provides precise prescient outcomes.
Papers by NEEL KAMAL