Metodologia de formare la studenți a competenței de proiectare prin tehnologii informaționale Met... more Metodologia de formare la studenți a competenței de proiectare prin tehnologii informaționale Methodology a formation at students the design competence using information technologies
L'introduction descompétences dans l'éducation a entraîné des changements à la fois dans ... more L'introduction descompétences dans l'éducation a entraîné des changements à la fois dans lespolitiqueséducatives et dans lesprogrammes d'études. Ceschangementsontuneinfluence directe sur le processus de formation, sur l'élaboration du programmes, le matérieldidactique/méthodique, etc. Ainsi, le processus de formationprofessionnelle est devenu un sujet trèsdiscuté et étudié dans le milieu universitaire. Nous proposonsunesynthèse de plusieursmodèles de développement des compétences et un modèledédié à la formation de conceptionde vêtementspar le biais de situations d'apprentissage.
The computer has changed the practice of engineering forever. This is an industry that got its st... more The computer has changed the practice of engineering forever. This is an industry that got its start barely 60 years ago, shortly after the Second World War. The decade of the 1980s was perhaps the most significant period regarding the evolution of the CAD industry 2, p.1.
Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane = Journal of Social and Human Sciences
The purpose of this study is to elaboration of methodology of formation the design competence usi... more The purpose of this study is to elaboration of methodology of formation the design competence using information technologies and validation of the pedagogical model by: establishing the degree of preparation of the students (specialty Fashion Design), determining the level of interest of students in the activity of design and the level of formation of the design competence.
Metodologia de formare la studenți a competenței de proiectare prin tehnologii informaționale Met... more Metodologia de formare la studenți a competenței de proiectare prin tehnologii informaționale Methodology a formation at students the design competence using information technologies
L'introduction descompétences dans l'éducation a entraîné des changements à la fois dans ... more L'introduction descompétences dans l'éducation a entraîné des changements à la fois dans lespolitiqueséducatives et dans lesprogrammes d'études. Ceschangementsontuneinfluence directe sur le processus de formation, sur l'élaboration du programmes, le matérieldidactique/méthodique, etc. Ainsi, le processus de formationprofessionnelle est devenu un sujet trèsdiscuté et étudié dans le milieu universitaire. Nous proposonsunesynthèse de plusieursmodèles de développement des compétences et un modèledédié à la formation de conceptionde vêtementspar le biais de situations d'apprentissage.
The computer has changed the practice of engineering forever. This is an industry that got its st... more The computer has changed the practice of engineering forever. This is an industry that got its start barely 60 years ago, shortly after the Second World War. The decade of the 1980s was perhaps the most significant period regarding the evolution of the CAD industry 2, p.1.
Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane = Journal of Social and Human Sciences
The purpose of this study is to elaboration of methodology of formation the design competence usi... more The purpose of this study is to elaboration of methodology of formation the design competence using information technologies and validation of the pedagogical model by: establishing the degree of preparation of the students (specialty Fashion Design), determining the level of interest of students in the activity of design and the level of formation of the design competence.
Papers by Natalia Danila