Jurnal Smart (Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung)/Jurnal Smart, Jan 28, 2024

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 30, 2023
EFL Students commonly make errors in expressing English Telling Time. This current study revealed... more EFL Students commonly make errors in expressing English Telling Time. This current study revealed frequent error phenomena of beginner learners in Indonesia: telling time in English. This study revealed the types of errors made by students in grade 7 related to telling time. In addition, it also revealed the factors that caused the error. The approach of this current study is descriptive qualitative. The data of this current research are phrases/clauses/sentences containing 'telling time' erroneous constructions collected through a test. The results show that the respondents still needed help in expressing time in English. Two problems that arose were related to writing and word order. The first problem arose due to the respondents' limited knowledge of the target language, while the second problem was caused by the interference of the first language (Indonesian). This confirms that errors in English are very likely to occur, especially when there are differences between the source language system and the target language.

Formosa Journal of Science and Technology
The ability to communicate nonverbally is a skill that prospective teachers must master. This cur... more The ability to communicate nonverbally is a skill that prospective teachers must master. This current study was to explore the the usage of non-verbal communication by teachers in the highly popular YouTube video titled "How to teach Kids | from a Prague kindergarten, part 2 | English for Children. Based on the non-verbal communication classification by Marcinowicz et al. (2010), which includes Eye contact, Facial expressions, Touch, Interpersonal distance, Gesture, Posture, Tone of voice, and Dress, this study adopts a qualitative approach to analyze the teacher's communication strategies. The results showed that, overall, using nonverbal communication strategies such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, and dress by the teachers in the video can enhance the quality of learning and build a good relationship between teachers and students. These strategies can create a fun learning atmosphere, motivate students, and strengthen their understanding of t...
World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Jan 30, 2023

Academic Journal Perspective : Education, Language, and Literature
The use of media in teaching speaking is important. Lack of teaching media may make the students ... more The use of media in teaching speaking is important. Lack of teaching media may make the students face some difficulties such as uttering their idea, referring their minds, and getting the confidence to speak. Thus, creating new media, methods, strategies, or approaches will influence the students to enjoy the learning process. This current research was conducted to design a teaching medium for speaking skills in narrative texts. By implementing three phases in the designing process of the medium, the EPUGA (English Puppet Game) was created. Based on the result of interviewing the teacher, the needs could be identified to design and develop the first prototype of EPUGA. After its prototype was created, then, it was validated by the expert. Generally, the expert suggested to make larger the size and the fonts of the card and adding the instruction on its usage. The final stage was done through an assessment conducted by the teacher’s observation and students’ responses. Accordingly, t...

Educate, Nov 1, 2012
Abstract English is, in context, as the first foreign language taught in Indonesia. This has beco... more Abstract English is, in context, as the first foreign language taught in Indonesia. This has become one of a major subject in our national academic curriculum for every grade. Hence, English has been taught in all kind of disciplines and professions. And English is being taught from the early learners as pre-school students till university learners. In English foreign language teaching, reading comprehension is one of the most important factors in assessing a learner’s linguistic competence. Where the ability to read in EFL learners is acknowledged to be the most stable and durable of the second language modalities. In other words, reading plays a vital role in second language acquisition. Indeed, it is a common problem for some English teachers to understand what happens when EFL read ? And what classroom activities can promote successful reading in a foreign/second language ? Then, self-questioning is the ongoing process of asking questions before, during, and after reading that are used by a reader to understand text. The questions posed are based on clues that are found in the text and are generated to spark curiosity that focuses the reader's attention on investigating, understanding, and connecting to the text. A Self-Questioning Strategy is a set of steps that a student follows to generate, think about, predict, investigate, and answer questions that satisfy curiosity about what is being read. Thus, its strategy guides the EFL learners to achieve a successful reading of English text. Key words : Self-Questioning, Task-Based Reading Instruction.

Abstract: Understanding how human beings feel, respond, believe and value is as an exceedingly im... more Abstract: Understanding how human beings feel, respond, believe and value is as an exceedingly important aspect of a theory of second language acquisition. The consideration of specific personality factors in second language learning and how it is influenced the EFL students are needed to discuss intensively. Whereas, personality factors – self-esteem, extroversion-introversion, anxiety, risk-taking, empathy, inhibition, and tolerance of ambiguity- are the intrinsic side of affectivity within a person that can contribute in some way to the success of language learning. Some factors will contribute the success or failure in learning language such as; the external and internal factors, the stable and unstable , and the controllable and uncontrollable of language learners. Obviously, the language learning context which one acquires a language within instructed setting or natural, input-poor or input-rich, a favorite or professional teacher or not, it will also highly impact on how succ...
This research attempted at knowing the implementation of peer-editing technique in learners’ Engl... more This research attempted at knowing the implementation of peer-editing technique in learners’ English writing skill and their perceptions to peer-editing for teaching and learning writing. The method used in this research is qualitative study. The subjects of this research were 22 learners of the second semester of English Department of University of Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang of 2015/2016 academic year. The instrument for collecting data was students’ descriptive texts and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results of the research showed that, in general, peer-editing technique made the learners’ progress on their writing achievement and good perceptions for teaching and learning writing skill of English. This implied that the implementation of peer-editing is significantly improving learners’ writing skill

Nurul Laili Nailul Fauziyah Jurusan Bahasa Jepang, Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, Unipdu Jombang (de... more Nurul Laili Nailul Fauziyah Jurusan Bahasa Jepang, Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, Unipdu Jombang ([email protected]) Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap kelas ekstrakurikuler bahasa Jepang di SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT CIC (Cambridge International Centre) Jombang yang berjumlah 20 orang. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk mengetahui kemampuan daya ingat siswa dalam menulis kanji dengan menggunakan buku saku metode mnemonik sehingga hasil belajar yang dilakukan pada setiap kegiatan belajar dapat meningkat dan efektif terutama dalam penguasaan kanji. Metode penelitian R&D (Research & Development) digunakan karena penelitian ini merupakan mengembangkan media pembelajaran dalam hal ini pengembangan buku saku dengan metode mnemonik dan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari penggunaan buku saku. Pengembangan buku saku tersebut berasal dari buku ajar yang berupa lembaran-lembaran kertas yang memuat seluruh materi dalam pengajaran bahasa Jepang dengan mengembangkan fokus pada ...

Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research
This study concerned with the teacher�s strategies in learning speaking English. This research is... more This study concerned with the teacher�s strategies in learning speaking English. This research is focused on how the teacher overcomes the students� weaknesses in learning speaking English when implementing Time Token Arends method. By using a descriptive qualitative research within a teacher of MA Al-Bairuny as a subject of its research found that: (1) the student had difficulty in inhibition such as: difficulty in starting to speak because of being worried of making mistakes, difficulty in answering the question from the teacher, and they felt nervous and shy to speak in front of the class. (1) The teacher used �Look in the Face� strategy to overcome the difficulties; (2) the teacher used �Communication� strategies to overcome the students� difficulties in nothing to say, such as: students had no idea to speak, student got difficulty to express what he wanted to speak, and student had no bravery to express their thought; (3) the teacher used �Interdependence� strategies to overcom...
This research attempted at knowing the implementation of peer-editing technique in learners’ Engl... more This research attempted at knowing the implementation of peer-editing technique in learners’ English writing skill and their perceptions to peerediting for teaching and learning writing. The method used in this research is qualitative study. The subjects of this research were 22 learners of the second semester of English Department of University of Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang of 2015/2016 academic year. The instrument for collecting data was students’ descriptive texts and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results of the research showed that, in general, peer-editing technique made the learners’ progress on their writing achievement and good perceptions for teaching and learning writing skill of English. This implied that the implementation of peer-editing is significantly improving learners’ writing skill.