Papers by Muzaffar Olimov

Известно, что траектория жизни, система ценностей, поведение лю-дей зависят от того, как и в каки... more Известно, что траектория жизни, система ценностей, поведение лю-дей зависят от того, как и в каких условиях они взрослели, социализирова-лись, переходили от детства к взрослой жизни. Поэтому, изучая взгляды и ориентации молодежи сегодня, можно представить, каким будет мир через двадцать лет.
За прошедшую со времени распада СССР четверть века выросло по-коление молодых граждан суверенного Таджикистана. Эта группа в возрасте от 15 до 34 лет составляет 38% населения Республики Таджикистан (РТ).1 Так же, как их сверстники во всем мире, они принадлежат к поколению Y, известному как миллениалы (родившиеся между 1981 по 1999 год) и поко-лению Z (родившиеся после 1995 г. или «цифровые люди»).
Считается, что молодежь этих генераций имеет уникальный набор ценностей, характеристик и предпочтений, поскольку она взрослеет в пери-од технологических инноваций, является свидетелями и участниками мно-гих социально-экономических преобразований. Кроме того, молодежь Та-джикистана является военным и послевоенным поколением. После разру-шения СССР Таджикистан столкнулся с крупными политическими, соци-альными и экономическими потрясениями, включая гражданскую войну.

State Borders and Border Conflicts the Isfara Valley, 2023
At the end of April 2021, another bloody clash took place on the border between the Republic of T... more At the end of April 2021, another bloody clash took place on the border between the Republic of Tajikistan ( RT) and the Kyrgyz Republic ( KR). It began on 28 April at the Golovnoi water distribution point on the upper reaches of the Isfara River in the western part of the Fergana Valley.1 The installation of video cameras to monitor the distribution of water ignited the clash. At first, citizens of Kyrgyzstan threw rocks at citizens of Tajikistan, and then a shootout began in which the head of administration of the Isfara region in RT was seriously wounded. On
29 April, the conflict between local residents turned into an armed confrontation between the military forces of both countries with the deployment of heavy military equipment. After a six- hour battle, the authorities of both countries were able to stabilise the situation and end the bloodshed by 1 May ( Reuters, 1 May 2021).
Following government- level negotiations, both parties agreed on a ceasefire and on the withdrawal of armed forces from the border. They also decided to preserve the territorial distribution that existed prior to this conflict and to continue work on delimiting and demarcating the common border ( Hovar, 29 June 2021).
The April clash on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border was one of the largest border incidents in Central Asia and the first interstate armed conflict in the region. A total of 55 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured on both sides.
During the conflict, many residential buildings, petrol stations, shops, and other buildings burned down in disputed sections of the border. Kyrgyzstan closed its land and air borders and cut off transport links with Tajikistan, even for transit.
A month after the incident, the regional authorities of both countries concluded that the status of the Golovnoi and Khojabakirgan water distribution systems will remain the same, as agreed during the Soviet era, and Kyrgyzstan will comply with a schedule for water supply to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan ( Dzhuraev 2021).
There is a long history of conflicts on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border. The closely linked Tajik, Kyrgyz, and Uzbek communities, which share common settlements, roads, markets, pastures, rivers, and canals, are all involved in border disputes. The main waterway here is the Isfara River. It originates in the glaciers of the TurkestanRange near the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, then winds through territories alternately belonging to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and ends in Uzbekistan.
Papers by Muzaffar Olimov
За прошедшую со времени распада СССР четверть века выросло по-коление молодых граждан суверенного Таджикистана. Эта группа в возрасте от 15 до 34 лет составляет 38% населения Республики Таджикистан (РТ).1 Так же, как их сверстники во всем мире, они принадлежат к поколению Y, известному как миллениалы (родившиеся между 1981 по 1999 год) и поко-лению Z (родившиеся после 1995 г. или «цифровые люди»).
Считается, что молодежь этих генераций имеет уникальный набор ценностей, характеристик и предпочтений, поскольку она взрослеет в пери-од технологических инноваций, является свидетелями и участниками мно-гих социально-экономических преобразований. Кроме того, молодежь Та-джикистана является военным и послевоенным поколением. После разру-шения СССР Таджикистан столкнулся с крупными политическими, соци-альными и экономическими потрясениями, включая гражданскую войну.
29 April, the conflict between local residents turned into an armed confrontation between the military forces of both countries with the deployment of heavy military equipment. After a six- hour battle, the authorities of both countries were able to stabilise the situation and end the bloodshed by 1 May ( Reuters, 1 May 2021).
Following government- level negotiations, both parties agreed on a ceasefire and on the withdrawal of armed forces from the border. They also decided to preserve the territorial distribution that existed prior to this conflict and to continue work on delimiting and demarcating the common border ( Hovar, 29 June 2021).
The April clash on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border was one of the largest border incidents in Central Asia and the first interstate armed conflict in the region. A total of 55 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured on both sides.
During the conflict, many residential buildings, petrol stations, shops, and other buildings burned down in disputed sections of the border. Kyrgyzstan closed its land and air borders and cut off transport links with Tajikistan, even for transit.
A month after the incident, the regional authorities of both countries concluded that the status of the Golovnoi and Khojabakirgan water distribution systems will remain the same, as agreed during the Soviet era, and Kyrgyzstan will comply with a schedule for water supply to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan ( Dzhuraev 2021).
There is a long history of conflicts on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border. The closely linked Tajik, Kyrgyz, and Uzbek communities, which share common settlements, roads, markets, pastures, rivers, and canals, are all involved in border disputes. The main waterway here is the Isfara River. It originates in the glaciers of the TurkestanRange near the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, then winds through territories alternately belonging to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and ends in Uzbekistan.
За прошедшую со времени распада СССР четверть века выросло по-коление молодых граждан суверенного Таджикистана. Эта группа в возрасте от 15 до 34 лет составляет 38% населения Республики Таджикистан (РТ).1 Так же, как их сверстники во всем мире, они принадлежат к поколению Y, известному как миллениалы (родившиеся между 1981 по 1999 год) и поко-лению Z (родившиеся после 1995 г. или «цифровые люди»).
Считается, что молодежь этих генераций имеет уникальный набор ценностей, характеристик и предпочтений, поскольку она взрослеет в пери-од технологических инноваций, является свидетелями и участниками мно-гих социально-экономических преобразований. Кроме того, молодежь Та-джикистана является военным и послевоенным поколением. После разру-шения СССР Таджикистан столкнулся с крупными политическими, соци-альными и экономическими потрясениями, включая гражданскую войну.
29 April, the conflict between local residents turned into an armed confrontation between the military forces of both countries with the deployment of heavy military equipment. After a six- hour battle, the authorities of both countries were able to stabilise the situation and end the bloodshed by 1 May ( Reuters, 1 May 2021).
Following government- level negotiations, both parties agreed on a ceasefire and on the withdrawal of armed forces from the border. They also decided to preserve the territorial distribution that existed prior to this conflict and to continue work on delimiting and demarcating the common border ( Hovar, 29 June 2021).
The April clash on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border was one of the largest border incidents in Central Asia and the first interstate armed conflict in the region. A total of 55 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured on both sides.
During the conflict, many residential buildings, petrol stations, shops, and other buildings burned down in disputed sections of the border. Kyrgyzstan closed its land and air borders and cut off transport links with Tajikistan, even for transit.
A month after the incident, the regional authorities of both countries concluded that the status of the Golovnoi and Khojabakirgan water distribution systems will remain the same, as agreed during the Soviet era, and Kyrgyzstan will comply with a schedule for water supply to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan ( Dzhuraev 2021).
There is a long history of conflicts on the Tajik- Kyrgyz border. The closely linked Tajik, Kyrgyz, and Uzbek communities, which share common settlements, roads, markets, pastures, rivers, and canals, are all involved in border disputes. The main waterway here is the Isfara River. It originates in the glaciers of the TurkestanRange near the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, then winds through territories alternately belonging to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and ends in Uzbekistan.